At the moment when Asia's treatment was over.

Lei Wei'er clearly saw the lock of the sky that had been hanging down beside her just now.

It moved suddenly!

Moreover, that range, that speed, not familiar!

Her eyes widened in an instant, Huang Wei'er's scalp was about to explode.

No way!

Do you want to come again!

I was thinking that in the next second, the Sky Lock had already rolled up Xiao Wei'er.

The familiar feeling of falling came in bursts.

Huang Wei'er's face suddenly became extremely pale.

Looking at the eyes of the lock of the sky, he also became very frightened.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Decent punishment, no, isn't it over already!"

When the words fell, Nangong Yu's calm eyes suddenly looked over.

"Where did you hear the ending word?"

"However, you can rest assured.

"I have a great deal of action, and Asia is also here."

Absolutely "There will be no life-threatening situation."

How serious is it to start?

There will never be a life-threatening situation?

Upon hearing this, Huang Wei'er's heart stagnated and she almost passed out.

She remembered the pain just now!

Does she have to endure that kind of behavior several times?


787 Although Huang Weier's heart is a hundred reluctance.

But the lock of the sky still waved down without hesitation.

In the lounge, there was soon a feeble whine again.

It's just that, under the influence of layers of magic circles, they won't be heard.

At the same time, the activity room of the Occult Research Society.

"Leville disappeared with two family members?"

Looking at the communication magic circle in front of her, Rias's brows wrinkled slightly.

Gurefia, who was beside him, also showed an unhappy look.

The voice said in a cold voice.

"I've already said it."

"On this matter, Your Majesty Lucifer will personally negotiate with Lord Nangong.

"Do you not understand enough?"

Although the use of magic power was temporarily deprived by Nangong Yu.

But the fierce momentum of Gurefia's body has not been weakened.

A few words fell, and the other party was afraid to speak in an instant.

After several seconds, he said slowly under the pressure.

"In short, the next successor of the Phoenix family, Leval Phoenix."

"I have already gone to the human world."

As soon as the voice fell, a red magic circle appeared in the activity room.

The communication magic in front of him also disappeared.

Only the last sentence is left.

"You guys get along well and stop the conflict."

"Hello everyone."

Unlike Rissel, Leval still looks quite normal.

"As expected, my sister should have come to Nangong.

"Do you know where he is?"

"Sorry, I can't get out of the activity room, so I don't know.

Shook his head, Gurefia said lightly.

Lias on the side hesitated for a moment, and then spoke.

"Zhu Nai said, didn't see her in the class.

"Maybe still on duty at the door.

"Then can I trouble you to take me there?"

"It can be."

Taking a look at Leval, Lias said implicitly.

"However, I suggest you change your clothes.

"Try not to wear so flamboyantly."

"The discipline punishment in this school is very serious."

A few minutes later, Lias took Leval to the gate of the Royal College.


With a call, the two came to the Tacheng kitten.

"Did you see your Nangong-jun?"

"Senior Nangong?"

Suspicious for a moment, the silver-haired girl replied faintly.

"I haven't seen it all the time." (ccaf)

"Perhaps something is wrong, did you ask for leave?"

As she was talking, the school girl behind seemed to have heard something, and quickly interrupted.

"Senior Nangong?"

"He's here long ago!"

"It looks like it's a girl with blond hair

"There are also two little green-haired Loli, heading in the direction of the lounge."

"Maybe to register as a visitor!

Upon hearing the words of this school girl, an unknown feeling flashed in Lias's heart.

After a word of thanks, she took Leval and Tacheng kittens and flew to the door of the lounge.

For humans, this is just subconsciously not wanting to approach it.

But for the devil, the concentration of magic power here is already abnormally high!

There were even magic circles around it.

Silence, isolate the space, close the entrance...

After so many magic circles go down, even if there is an earthquake inside!

People outside may not feel it!

Realizing this, Lias didn't hesitate at all and walked to the door.

"My sister should be in there, right?"

Leval's voice was deeply concerned.

"Lias, can you ask him to open the protective cover?"

"Just tell him, the Phoenix family doesn't need to pursue the matter about Rissel."

"As long as there is nothing wrong with Huang Weier!"

If the Phoenix family doesn't pursue it, this person probably doesn't care at all.

Thinking in her heart, Lias didn't say directly.

After a vague answer, she asked.

"I'll communicate with him, but, Leval, don't talk yet.

"Don't make any drastic actions, understand?"

After seeing Leval nodding in agreement, she turned to the door.

Taking a deep breath, Rias stretched out her small hand and tapped gently on the door in the next second.

"Mr Nangong?"

"Are you in there?"


"Some people say that Huang Weier seems to be coming with you."

"Is she in there now?

The voice fell, but there was no movement in the room for a long time.

Rias became nervous a little bit.

Just when she couldn't help it and wanted to say something again.

The door in front of him slowly opened.

"Student Lias, why are you here?"

The first thing that came out was Nangong Yu's voice.

"Huang Weier is indeed with me.

"Do you need her for anything?

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