Compared to the shock of Tonggu and the others, Violet was a little dumbfounded at this time.

She looked at the leopard that suddenly appeared beside her, wondering where it came from.


Seeing that Violet just looked at it stupidly, she forgot about the mutant spider on the opposite side, and also called out to her.

"Violet, she's a melon, you two have to cooperate well.

Gito shouted at this moment.


Although there are some doubts, it is too late to think too much, because at this time the mutant spider is already rushing over again.


The mutant spider screamed, and although it was a little puzzled by this new thing, it did not prevent it from killing the other party.


After the melon heard the scream of the mutant spider, it also roared.

Then he rushed directly at the mutant spider.


The melon's claws slapped directly on the mutant spider's head.

Compared to Violet, the melon's power is much stronger.

The mutant spider was directly taken two steps back by the body that was hit.

Although Violet was a little surprised by the strength and change of Gua, it was too late to think so much.

Better to kill this monster first.

His hand slid across the skirt, and when he raised his hand again, a flying knife appeared in his hand.

After this period of battle, she also gained a deeper understanding of the flame of death.

She can now only attach Death Flame to weapons in her hands, such as daggers and guns.

However, the bullet couldn't stick to it, because the deadly flames penetrated into the inside of the gun.

This was discovered after she emptied all the magazines on her body.

There is no gun, but she still has other weapons, and the throwing knife she is now pulling out is one of them.

In fact, the equipment she has now is not at all the equipment she had when she was fighting.

She used to have a giant battle axe with chains and scythes custom-made during her military service, but she didn't bring it with her after she left the army.

The equipment on her body now is just that when she goes out, she is afraid of encountering danger and will repel the offenders.

Attach the flame of death energy to the flying knife, and then throw it at the eye of the mutant spider that was injured before.


The flying knife instantly appeared on the mutant spider's head, accurately stabbing the wound where the dagger was used before.

She wanted to continue attacking this wound before, but the mutant spider was well protected, so she had no chance at all.

At this time, with the paw of the melon, she also seized the opportunity.

Violet's figure also appeared beside the mutant spider at this time, she jumped up high, and stepped on the hilt of the flying knife fiercely, allowing the flying knife to pierce deeper.

Then, with the help of strength, the body came together again and fell on the back of the mutant spider.

The dagger in his hand stabbed fiercely towards the other eye.


Violet's flying knife really hurt the mutant spider.

"Crack! 39

The mutant spider just screamed, and the melon slapped it down with another claw.


"Crack! 99


"Crack! 35

The mutant spider stopped screaming, endured the pain in his eyes, closed the other eye, and prevented Violet from causing harm again.

Dancing his chelicerae, he clipped towards the melon's position.

At this time, one of its eyes was injured, the other was closed, and the position of the melon could not be seen at all.

The melon jumped away lightly, and then raised his claws.


Another paw.

The poor mutant spider was slapped several times by the melon.

And the melon, seems to have found his own pleasure, and only slaps with his claws.


Seeing that its chelicerae did not work, the mutant spider bent its four legs and jumped into the air.

At the same time, he opened his mouth and spit venom downwards.

After spitting in a circle, he turned his body in the air again, and fell toward the ground with his belly facing the sky.

It seemed that it wanted to directly smash Violet to death on its back.

It's just that Violet is not a puppet, she can move.

Violet already knew what she wanted to do when it turned over.

He pulled out the dagger, stomped heavily on its back with both feet, and shot towards the ground like a bullet.

"Roar! 99

Just when she was about to fall to the ground, a red figure appeared directly below her.

It's melon.


Gua received Violet precisely, and then quickly ran towards the distance.


The mutant spider's body fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground into a big hole.

"Melon, go back."

Violet said to the melon under her.


Gua Tiao turned around and ran towards the place where the mutant spider landed.

The mutant spider was lying in the pit with its belly turned upside down.


Violet stood up on the melon's back, then jumped up high, and the dagger stabbed down fiercely.

And the melon, after Violet took off, jumped towards the pit.

Violet and the others rushed over from the tail of the mutant spider, and the mutant spider that fell into the pit didn't notice them at first.

When Violet and the others fell, it only found them, but it was too late.

When Violet took off, she wanted to use another throwing knife, attached to the flame of death, and shot it towards its other eye.

The dagger in his hand is also close behind.


The flying knife precisely pierced the mutant spider's closed eyes.

At this time, it was blind in both eyes.

And the dagger that followed, also stabbed the edge of the flying knife, further expanding the wound.


The mutant spider opened its mouth and wanted to spit venom at Violet on her body.

When Violet saw it open its mouth, she directly pulled out her dagger, then lifted her foot and kicked it heavily on its chin.

"Bang! 35


The mouth of the mutant spider closed, and the venom in the mouth was swallowed again before it was spit out.

"Humph! 35

The venom burst in its mouth, destroying its entire mouth.

It wanted to scream, but Violet kicked it again, and at the same time, the dagger in her hand pierced its eyes again.

The flame of the death energy of the Lan attribute poured into the head of the mutant spider along the dagger.


The mutant spider struggled violently in pain, and the cheliceras were also waving, trying to knock Violet out of its body.

But the melon landed on top of Violet at this time, the flame of death was burning on the claws, and then the two claws pressed against the root of the chelicera, preventing the chelicera from continuing to dance.

In less than a minute, the inside of the mutant spider's brain was completely decomposed under the decomposition of the flame of death energy of the Lan attribute.

There is no change in appearance, but if you open your mind, even the zombies will shake their heads in disappointment and leave.

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