"how do you feel?"

Gito looked at Violet and asked.

"No weapons.

Violet said simply.

As long as her weapons are stronger, she will not be able to use melons to help her.

"The issue of weapons will be resolved later.""

As for weapons, Gito can't do anything for the time being.

"What about the melon? How do you feel about the melon?

"not bad."

Violet looked at the melon at her feet, and at this moment it once again changed into a cat-like appearance.

"If you bring melons from the beginning, although you have the disadvantage of weapons, you will not make your battle so difficult."5

Gito crouched down, touched the melon and said.

"That, senior, can all our box weapons become like that?"

Tong Gu asked aloud at this time.

Hearing Kiritani's words, the others also looked at Gito, and they also wanted to know.

"This, but you need to study it yourself. If it weren't for the problem of weapons this time, I wouldn't tell you that the melon has this form."

Gito had told them before that they should get along well with their box weapons.

The process of getting along is a process of mutual understanding between them.

Several thousand people heard Gito's words and watched the box soldiers beside them fall into contemplation, will it change?

As for the guy from Kuroba Kuito, he hugged Wu Xiao and walked towards Han Wo Liu.

"Saiyu, if you dare to speak with me, let me Wuxiao also go in and stay for a while." 39

Kuroba Kaito thought of Gito's previous actions, and thought of trying it out himself.

There is a saying that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Whether it is possible or not, you will know if you practice it.

"Um... don't you think that all the box weapons are the same as before, and they can change when they are put in Han Iliu's ear pocket?"

Gito was speechless when he heard Kuroba Kaito's words.

"Is not it?"

Kuroba Kaito asked back.

"Um...not all scabbard weapons can be like that, and there is not only one way to transform a melon.

I came this way because Violet wasn't around just now.

Gito saw that they still didn't understand, so he planned to show them for himself.

"Forget it, let's demonstrate it to you.

Gito looked around and saw a monster not far away.

"Just that one, let's go first."

The monster that Gito found was a monster that looked like an earthworm.

It is very long, about four or five meters in length, and its whole body is white. There are countless barbs on its body, and its open mouth is also full of sharp teeth.

"Okay, I'll demonstrate this time and let you see the real use of the Vongola box."

Gito said, igniting the flames of death in himself, and then took out his box.


An orange light flashed, and a cute little lion appeared beside Gito.

"Is this your box weapon?

Saitama and the others saw Gito's box weapon for the first time.

"Well, it's called Natsu. 35

Gito introduced, then squatted down and put his hand on top of Natsu's head.

Gito's own flames of death kept rushing towards Natsu's body.

Natsu's body also started to grow from a small one.

The original cute appearance has gradually become dignified.


Natsu, who turned into a lion, roared loudly.

And this sound also made the earthworm monster over there noticed Gito and the others.

"Hey! Hiss!

The worm monster made a snake-like sound, then twisted and swam towards Gito and the others.

"Looking good!"

Gito said a word, and then the flame of death erupted and flew straight up.

And Natsu followed closely behind and ran towards the monster.

(cfdf) "His!"

The earthworm monster stood up, then opened its mouth and spit out something like silk threads.

Gito didn't know what it was spitting out, and didn't dare to let it touch him, so he kept dodging in the air.


The worm monster is attacking Gito, and Natsu has a chance to attack.

Came to the side of the earthworm monster and photographed it directly.

The earthworm monster looked at the claws that Natsu slapped, and also stopped spewing silk threads, and the upper body shrank back directly.


The current Natsu is majestic, inviolable and domineering.

It saw that this earthworm even dared to dodge, after roaring.

Originally, the flames of death energy surrounding his neck spread to his entire body in an instant.

After that, several flames of death energy shot towards the location of the earthworm monster.


The earthworm monster looked at Natsu's attack, and spit out silk threads again, trying to resist.


The flame of death energy on Natsu's body became more vigorous. He stepped on the ground heavily with his limbs, and the whole body directly or made a huge flame of death energy, rushing towards the position of the earthworm monster.

The flame of death was like a fire dragon, burning all the threads that were sprayed over.

The head of the fire beam also formed the appearance of a male lion composed of flames, biting directly under the head of the earthworm monster.


The bitten worm monster twisted violently, trying to break free from Natsu's mouth.

It's just a pity, no matter how hard it struggles, it's useless.

After tens of seconds, the earthworm monster slowly stopped struggling, and then gradually lost its life.

The entire battle lasted less than five minutes, and it started quickly and ended quickly.

Gito, the owner of the box weapon, did nothing but fly in the air to watch the battle.

The rest is done by Natsu.

During Natsu's battle, Gin and several people looked stupid.

"Is this... a box weapon? 99

The undocumented knight said in a daze.

"The box weapon is like the flame of death, each attribute, each box, has a different effect.

Because Natsu is a lion, he is different from ordinary Dakong's gentleness. In this state, he is domineering.

As for yours, it has a different role in particular.

You can think about the attributes of the flame of death, and then think about how to cooperate with the box weapon.

The box in your hands is a unique Vongola box. In terms of power, it is actually the same, but you have not yet exerted it.

Reborn stood on the brim of Gin's hat and said to several people.

Well, I don't know how Gin agreed to let him stand there.

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