Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 133 Preparations before the battle

On Gin's side, he discovered the characteristics of his own Death Qi flame and how to use Komaki, and the battle will no longer be one-sided.

However, several other people, like before, fell into the situation of "passive beating".

Especially here in Tonggu.

Move time forward by a certain amount of time.

Just as everyone was facing Gito's selection of monsters for himself, Kiritani also came not far from the monster he was about to fight.

Kiritani looked at this grasshopper that Gito called, but in fact he had the shape of a hippo, six legs like the mutant spiders that Violet fought against before, and two swords on his back that were as sharp as the swords in his hands. Bone spur.

He didn't know how to fight the opponent when he started alone, with a sword, a swallow, and a dog.

After this period of training, and Thor cast a weight-reducing spell on the sword, Kiritani finally picked up the sword with his own strength.

And you can also carry it to complete daily training.

Speaking of the current strength of the six guardians, he is undoubtedly the weakest among the six, even lower than Kuroba Kuito.

No way, before he became a guardian, he was just an otaku who was addicted to computers and computers, and had no interest in sports at all.

To say that the sport that he had been exposed to recently, it should have been a few days ago when he accompanied his sister to do the kendo training called training, which was actually beaten.

It was such an otaku who had to face a powerful and vicious monster in training for only two or three weeks.

If it wasn't for Tonggu's mental age being relatively mature and strong in his heart, I'm afraid he would no longer be here at this time, but ran outside the cordon, just like those ordinary people who were protected.

"I want to get stronger, I don't want to watch my family get hurt, I don't want to be weak like that."

Tong Gu cheered himself up in his heart, then raised his sword, looked at the monster not far away, and walked towards the other side.

By his side, Swift and Rain Dog, one in the sky and the other on the ground, followed him together.


Tong Gu is now very close to the monster, but because of the darkness and the building blocks, the monster has not found him at this time.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Tong Gu couldn't help swallowing.

"No, don't be afraid, think about what the senior said, think of this as the world of the game, and it is just a monster in the game world, just the boss I want to defeat. 99

Tong Gu hypnotized himself in his heart so that he would not have too much fear.

"According to the game, such a huge monster should have high defense and high defense, but its speed is slow, but looking at its yellow back and some small holes, there should be other means of attack."

After getting closer, Tonggu saw the monster more clearly.

"And the bone spurs on the back are also important means of attack, so be careful in a while."

After observing the monsters, Kiritani began to observe the terrain and used the terrain card BUG reasonably, which is a common operation in the game.

"My current position is not good, the building has been destroyed, but the position on my left is very suitable, and the flower beds and gravel on this road can also be used.

After thinking for a while, Tong Gu also decided to launch an attack.

He didn't know whether his guesses about monsters were accurate, or whether some of the things he had just imagined could be used.

Because, only after playing, will you know.

Tong Gu picked up a fist-sized stone from the ground and threw it hard towards the monster.

"Crack! 39

Should I say it or not, Tong Gu threw it quite accurately, the stone smashed directly into the hippo monster's mouth,

"Hmm! 95

Feeling that something was touching my mouth, I looked around and found that there was nothing, so I continued to walk forward slowly.


Tonggu was a little speechless, was he being ignored?

Tong Gu once again picked a stone from the ground, which was a little bigger than the previous one.


The stone hit the monster's head.

The monster couldn't help but look around again. At this time, he also found the man and the dog standing not far from it.

That swallow flying in the air, it doesn't think they are together.


If you don't find it, it's fine, but if you find this little thing at this time, it's better to run over it at will.

This monster was indeed as slow as Kiritani had guessed.

Of course, that's relative.

Compared with ordinary people, its speed is still very fast. After all, it is tall and can catch up with people's five or six steps in one step.

The location of one person and one monster is actually very close. The monster took two steps and came to Tonggu's side.


He raised one of his feet and stepped on it thinking of Tonggu's position. It felt that the opponent would die under this foot.

Tong Gu held the sword in both hands and watched the monster's movements.

When the legs were about to fall, Kiritani quickly jumped to the left.


The monster's leg fell on Kiritani's side.

After seeing the legs fall, Tong Gu did not retreat but advanced, clenched the sword in his hand and slashed.


"Clang! 39

There was a close encounter between the sword and the monster's legs.

Needless to say, the material of this sword is really good, and it even cut a crack directly on the monster's leg.

"No!" 5

Feeling that his legs were hurt, the hippo monster also let out a roar.

I was actually injured by a little bug.

After cutting the sword, Kiritani quickly retreated back.

During the retreat, he also saw the monster's next move.

I saw that a bone spur on its back actually danced like its leg, and then stabbed fiercely towards the (good) position of Tonggu below.

Seeing that quick and ruthless stab, Tong Gu didn't have time to escape at all, so he could only raise the sword in his hand to resist.


The bone spur and the sword ridge collided, making a collision sound, and the two were separated at a touch.

Tong Gu was directly beaten and flew out.


The monster looked at Tonggu who flew out, opened his legs, took two steps forward, and the bone spur stabbed out again, it wanted to stab Tonggu directly to death.

And the swift flying in the air, seeing that his master was about to be injured, also flew directly to the eye position of the monster below.

The monster saw the figure of Swift, and one bone spur continued to stab forward, while the other bone spur stabbed at Swift.

However, Swift's speed was very fast, directly avoiding the attack of the bone spur.

At this moment, the monster's eyes were attracted by Swift, but he didn't realize that there was a dog on the ground, running towards Tonggu's position.

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