Tong Gu slowly ran up from the ground, rubbing his aching back and arms.

Although he successfully resisted the attack just now, the opponent's strength was simply too strong.

Under such a powerful force, his body was a little overwhelmed.

Tong Gu, who stood up, looked at Swift who was entangled with the monster at this time, and the rain dog standing at his feet.

He was thinking about how he would use them.

Just then, Swift flew back.

It can only temporarily entangle the monster for a while, and the real battle still needs to be completed by Tonggu himself.

"Thank you, Jiro, Kojiro.

Gito told them their names when he gave them their box weapons.

The two box weapons did not speak, but as before, one stood beside Tonggu and the other hovered above his head.

"Hmm! 35

The monster looked at the annoying swallow, and it was actually with the little bug that he had just knocked out. He also stepped forward with his "small" legs again and walked towards Tonggu.

Kiritani clenched the sword in his hand again, and then charged towards the monster.

He remembered that Reborn had told him that some things were learned in battle.

So, now he wants to fight.

"Hmm! 35

Seeing that the little bug still dared to charge at him, the monster danced its own bone spurs again and stabbed it.

In the process of rushing forward, Tong Gu jumped up with the help of a stone in front of him, and turned sideways in the air to avoid the bone spur that came over.

At the same time, the sword in his hand looked at the bone spur that passed him by.


The sword and the bone spur collided.

Kirito pressed down hard, then took advantage of his body, turned once in the air, and hid behind him.

Just as he left the bone spur 003, another bone spur of the monster also stabbed over.


Tong Gu fell to the ground, and then ran forward again quickly.


The Swift who heard the voice also flew towards Tonggu.

Kiritani holds a sword in one hand, and transmits the flame of death to Kojiro in the other.

It's not just gin who has learned this operation.

He also didn't know what Swift's role was, but he was done with the flame of death energy first.

As for what will happen, that is the problem of the box weapon itself.

They are already a mature box weapon, they need to learn to fight by themselves, and they can't trouble their masters.

After absorbing the death energy flame of the rain attribute, Swift's body did not become larger, but the blue light on its body became brighter.

There was even some water vapor around it.

You know, it's not raining tonight.


After Swift had the flame of death, she also cried out.

Then, it flew towards the top of the monster again at an extremely fast speed.

And Tong Gu, also rushed towards the monster's position.


Tong Gu took a sword and looked at the left leg of the monster.

He didn't dare to stay, after reading it, he quickly dodged, and then took advantage of the wall around him, jumped directly, and the sword in his hand also stabbed towards the monster's chin.

"Hmm! 35

The monster looked at the Swift that appeared again in front of him, and was about to bite it with its mouth open.

However, at the speed of a swift, it can only bite into the air.

At this time, (cfdf) Kiritani's sword pierced its chin.

"Hmm! 35

The sharp sword pierced directly through its thick skin.

Although not very painful, but very uncomfortable.


The monster screamed again.

From the small hole on the back, a black mist appeared unexpectedly at this time.

Under the monster, Kirigu was blocked by a huge figure, so he didn't find it at the first time.

Due to the deep penetration of the sword, Tong Gu did not pull it out immediately.

He can only stand upside down on the monster's chin, step on the monster's chin with both feet, and then pull it out.


The sword was pulled out, and Tong Gu's body also fell downward.

"Crack! 35

Tonggu's body fell heavily on the ground, causing his feet to hurt a little.

But he didn't dare to stop, he was afraid that the monster that had just stabbed with a sword would directly trample him to death.

He was forced to run backwards.


This is, Rain Dog Jiro ran over, looking at the monster's back and screaming.

With Jiro's reminder, Kiritani also saw the black mist emanating from the monster's back.


The monster roared again, and more black mist appeared.

Moreover, the mist seemed to be able to be controlled by monsters. Instead of dissipating in the air, it condensed and floated towards Kiritani.

Tonggu didn't know what would happen if he touched the black mist. He didn't dare to try, so he could only call Swift back and run towards the route he was optimistic about before.


The monster also opened his slender legs and started chasing, and the two bone spurs on his body also stabbed down from time to time.

And the black mist above the monsters gathered more and more.

"Although Gito chose a monster, he chose it at random, but in fact, your luck is very good. This monster should be restrained by you."

Lal appeared on Kiritani's shoulder at some point.

"Lal? How did you come here? And, you say restrained by me? What does that mean?

Tong Gu glanced at Lal on his shoulder and asked while running.

"You are the guardian of rain, your death qi flame is also rain, and your box weapon Swift also has a special effect. Under such circumstances, it should be the most powerful attack against that monster. 99

Lal turned his head and looked at the black mist on the monster's back.

"Also, although you just simply sent some flames of death to Swift just now, it did stimulate some of its strength.

But their strength is far more than that, and they also have changes in other forms.

Of the few of you, you should be the first to inspire another form.

The reason why Lal said this was not because of Tonggu's strength, but because of the personalities of Swift and Rain Dog.

Box weapons also have personalities, and their personalities are influenced by their own animal archetypes.

Dogs and swallows are relatively gentle, friendly and loyal to people.

That's why Lal said that.

Otherwise, if you replace these two with rain sharks, you will see whether Lal will say so.

"There are other forms of change? How to stimulate it?"

Tong Gu asked.

"It's up to you to do your own research. I'm only here because Gito has something to tell you."5


"Don't treat people and weapons as two individuals, you can actually be regarded as a whole.

This is the first sentence, and the second sentence.

Sao Nian, do you want to send out the sword qi in the game! Try it, try it with your box weapon and the flame of death qi, you will find a different world.

Lal told Kiritani what Gito said truthfully.

"Okay, that's all I have to say, the rest is up to you."

After Lal finished speaking, he jumped off Tonggu's shoulder, not knowing where he went.

"Overall? Sword Qi? What is this all about?

Tonggu, who was running, was a little unclear for a while.

"Hmm! 39

The hippo monster growled, and two bone spurs stabbed down together.

"Wow! 99

Kiritani didn't have time to look behind, but Jiro Raininu did find it.

Hearing the size of the rain dog, Kiritani also felt that there might be danger behind him, so he rushed forward with all his might.


Two bone spurs stabbed to the ground fiercely.

"Cough cough!"

Tong Gu got up from the ground, picked up the sword, and faced the monster again.

No need to run, here is his chosen position.

There are some low buildings on all sides, which are not high, but can limit the movement of monsters.

And there are some flower beds or something that can let Tonggu hide or use them to launch an attack.


Tong Gu called out the Swift that was hovering above his head again, and after the fall just now, he felt that he understood something that Gito had said.

"Overall? Sword Qi?"

Tong Gu stretched out his sword and let his own flame of death qi attach to the sword, and at the same time let Swift stand on the sword, and the sword was wrapped by the flame of death qi together.

With the transmission of the flame of death, Tong Gu felt that he felt Swift through the sword in his hand.

As for Swift, at this time there was also a change, and there was a faint feeling of being one with the sword.

"Is that so?"

Tong Gu felt the change, and then looked up at the monster in front of him and the bone spur that it pierced again.

"Let me try it."

Tong Gu clenched the sword in his hand and rushed towards the monster.

"Hmm! 35

The bone spur stabbed, Tong Gu deftly dodged, then raised the sword in his hand high, and swung it forward with force.

"Huh! 99

Swift flew out from the sword, like a sharp sword energy, slashing straight to the monster's chin.


The sword energy that Swift transformed into slashed at the monster's chin, creating a huge wound on it.

"Hmm! 35

This blow also completely injured the monster, and it cried out in pain.


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