Just when Feng was educating the hungry wolf, Gito and the others were also fighting hotly.

It was naturally impossible for the three of Gito to watch Bang-gu fight the monster alone.

After getting up, he hurried over.

Since the monster is now in a state of madness, its strength and speed have been greatly improved.

And this guy now belongs to the kind of existence that doesn't hurt, whether it's Gito's flame of death, or Tong Di's electric shock, or Banggu's fist or metal bat's bat.

After this guy was injured, he either took two steps back, or he didn't even retreat, and went forward and continued to fight.

Facing such a vicious monster, Gito and the four of them had no choice but to drag them first.

I hope that after a while, the other party's state can decrease.

However, this monster also has a good point, that is, it does not run around blindly, and it actually fights head-on with four people like this.

Also appears to be a militant.

This kind of monster is also my favorite metal bat.

Among the four, he was the most seriously injured, but he was also the most enthusiastic.

It was knocked flying again and again, and rushed up to fight again and again.

Now he is covered with blood 030, but the unique momentum on his body is getting stronger and stronger.

The bat that was swung out also became heavier and heavier.


The metal bat roared loudly, and the bat again smashed the monster with momentum and power.


The monster was also reflexive, raised his left arm and hit it.


The punch and the bat struck countless times, each time creating a shock wave, and this time was no exception.

However, after a hit with the metal bat, the monster changed at this time.

It did not stay on the ground, but flew directly.

"What is it doing? Why did it run away? Come down and continue to fight? 35

The metal bat stood on the ground and looked up at the monster. He was having a blast playing, why did the opponent run away?

After the monster flew into the air, it looked around the entire battlefield.

At this time, with the help of the heroes and the police, the Yokai Department, and some others, the monsters have been eliminated a lot.

Even the twenty-two high-level ghost-level monsters before that were only seven left at this time.

The buildings and the streets are full of monster corpses.


The monster suddenly let out a long roar in the air.

The monsters on the ground were stunned for a moment after hearing the roar, and then rushed to the center circle.

Some monsters have been seriously injured by the heroes, but after hearing this roar, they still moved towards the center circle.

"Don't let them pass! Stop them!"

Some heroes suddenly shouted loudly.

The other heroes also came back to their senses one after another, and then began to stop those monsters.

Although I don't know what the monsters want to do, as long as they don't do what they want, it must be right.

And those monsters that were blocked became even more vicious.

At this time, it was completely in a life-for-life state, and a hero punched and wanted to intercept the monster.

But the monster continued to walk toward the center circle, as if it didn't see the punch.

However, when it gets close to the hero, it will become like crazy, attacking with all its strength.

If the hero escapes the path blocking it, it will immediately turn back and continue towards the center circle.

The changes of the monsters were also watched by Gito and the others.

They don't know what the dragon-level monster wants to call those monsters to do, but still, as long as you don't let what you want to do, it will be a success for us.


Gito stretched out his hand and aimed at the dragon-level monster in the sky, and hit X·BURNER directly.

(cfdf) "Billion Volt Shock!"

Tong Di also aimed an electric shock at the monster in the air.


Looking at the electric shock and flame pillars that came from below, this monster also fluttered its wings and avoided it, no longer looking like it was facing the attack before.

"It seems that this monster's maddening state has passed.

Gito saw this movement of the monster and said to the other three people.

"However, if it only dodges now, it is not easy for us to attack it. Its speed in the air far exceeds us."

Tong Di was driving the mecha and calculated the flying speed of the monster.

The mecha he was driving could also fly, but it couldn't match the speed of the opponent.

"I can catch up, but the attack may drop after a while."

Gito thought for a while and said.

"As long as you can let it stay for a while, we're sure to shoot it down.

When Emperor Tong heard Gito's words, he was overjoyed and said quickly.

"Okay, then I'll try it. 99

Gito said a word, then looked up at the monster howling again in the air at this time.

Pressing down with both hands, the flame of death gas erupted.


A violent flame burst out from Gito's hand.

"call out!

Gito flew towards the monster in the air like a rocket.

This move, in fact, is also a variant of X·BURNER's move.


Gito made a loud noise, and the dragon-level monster in the air naturally noticed it.

So he quickly flapped his wings, trying to get out of Gito's pursuit.

"Super X-Jet Cyclone!"

Gito looked at the monster flying away in the air, and could only increase the eruption of the flame of death again.


The flame pressure increased again, and at this time it had reached 200,000 FV, and the power was the same level as the X・BURNER・Super Burst that Gito saw displayed.

"call out!"

Under the urging of the huge flame pressure, Gito turned into an orange light directly, and from the other side, it appeared on the other side in the blink of an eye.

Gito's speed now far exceeds the speed of the monster, and it is explosive.

In less than two seconds, Gito was directly above the monster.


Gito looked at the monster flying below him and stepped on it.

Driven by the huge flame pressure, one person and one monster descended quickly like a meteorite.


The monster roared, trying to break free from under Gito's feet.

However, Gito fell too fast and with too much force for it to escape at all.


One person and one monster fell directly to the ground, making a huge roar.

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