Just as Gito stepped on the monster and landed, Tong Di, Bang Gu and the metal bat also quickly rushed to the falling position.


The three of them did just that, watching Gito smash down with the monster.


A fan was assembled on Tong Di's mecha, which also blew all the smoke away.

They also saw clearly the situation inside the big pit.

At this time, the flames of the Death Qi flame on Gito's body have become very weak, and it may be extinguished at any time.

Natsu couldn't maintain his cape, and turned into a majestic lion guarding Gito's side.

As for the dragon-level monster, he was also coughing blood and standing face to face with Gito.

However, at this time, its chest was a little collapsed, and it should have been dropped just now.

Seeing this situation, Tong Di and the three even took advantage of his illness to kill him.

"Flowing Water - Shattering Rock Fist!

"Momentum · Nu Luo Yan Crit!

"Giant Punch Strike!"

Three attacks, almost indiscriminately, hit the monster.


Looking at the three attacks, the monster raised his left arm regardless of his injuries.

The magma in the arm flows, from one arm, slowly spreading to the whole body.

At this time, the original appearance of the monster could no longer be seen, and only a monster covered with lava was seen.


The monster threw a powerful blow against the three of them.

The hot lava collided with the attack of the three.

"Bang! 99


There was a loud noise.

The aftermath of the battle directly destroyed all the nearby buildings that were still standing.



The attack of the three and one monster was deadlocked for nearly ten seconds.


With the sound of an explosion, the aftermath of the explosion enveloped all four people and one monster.

"What's the matter? Is the monster dead?

This is what everyone cares about, and the heroes on the battlefield pay attention here.

Through satellite broadcasting, people watching TV pay attention to this place.

The monsters on the battlefield are also paying attention here.


A breeze came, blowing the dust scattered all over the sky, and also blowing away the smoke that enveloped the center.

"I see!"

Then a hero suddenly shouted.

He had already seen a figure, but he didn't know who it was.


At this time, the monsters moved, and they continued to gather towards the center.

"Could it be that the dragon-level monster didn't die?"

The heroes who watched the monsters in action not only guessed it.


Another gust of wind blew through, and at this time, people also completely saw the scene under the smoke.

Dragon-level monsters are indeed not dead.

It's just that it looks like it's not far from death.

The left arm is completely gone, not only the left arm, but also the left half of the body, and most of it is gone.

The lower body has also been replaced by magma.

That pair of wings was also tattered at this time, and I didn't know if it could still fly.

In addition to monsters, people also saw the situation of the four heroes at this time.

The mecha that Tong Di was driving was in tatters at this time. Compared with the body of the monster, it was not much better.

The metal bat was now leaning against a collapsed wall, eyes closed, but still breathing.

Banggu knelt in place on one knee, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth, as if he had not been seriously injured.

But looking at the two long ravines in front of Bang Gu, he knew what a powerful shock he had just endured.

However, compared with the other two, it is still good.

As for Gito, he was covered in dust, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and the flames on his forehead still looked like they could be extinguished at any time.

However, the majestic lion beside him disappeared.

Gito looked at the monster, then at himself and Banggu, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Not only did I recall the situation just now:

When the three and the monster were at a stalemate, Gito saw the monster in such a situation and still did not lose.

So he pushed the flame of death in his body again, and then his palms overlapped, stretched forward, and aimed at the monster's position.

The flame of death condensed in his hand.

Natsu also changed his form again, but this time instead of a cape, he became two things similar to armguards, extending from Gito's gloves and spreading to his elbows.

...for flowers ·

Then, the flames of flexible death energy erupted from the elbows to support the next moves.


XXBURNER (DOUBLEXBURNER): A move used after the form of "Natsu" has changed. XBURNER with crossed hands. Add parts to each of the elbows so that they can emit flexible flames to support the rigid flames emitted by both hands without being knocked off by the reaction force.

An ultra-explosive column of flames with smaller momentum emanated from Gito's palm and sprayed towards the monster's location.


After seeing the attack from Gito, the monster waved its right arm that was originally blue, but now it has also turned into lava.

The magma in the whole body slowly condensed to the right fist. At this time, the monster's right arm was no longer a fist, but a highly concentrated magma ball.

When Gito's attack is issued, the monster's attack is also issued.

When these two attacks were added, the middle, which was originally condensed with huge energy, exploded directly like a dynamite barrel encountered a ignited lead.

The aftermath of the explosion was huge, and the four people who were closest to the explosion, one monster, also suffered a huge energy shock.

In order to protect Tong Di and the metal bat, Bang Gu launched a flowing water formation.

However, the energy impact of the explosion was too powerful, and his flowing water formation only lasted for less than two seconds before it shattered.

The reason why Gito seems to be less injured is because when he exploded, he immediately controlled Natsu to transform into a cape style.

[The cloak of the first generation] acted as a huge energy shock for him.

But the consequence is that Natsu has no energy and can only go back to the box to recuperate.

And Gito, at this time, couldn't even activate the flame of death energy needed to open the box.

Although the four of them were seriously injured, the dragon-level monster was not all right.

Not only was the powerful left arm gone, but the lower body was also directly destroyed by the energy shock.

Otherwise, its lower body will be in the state of magma, and it is not the reason why the lower body is missing.

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