Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 211 Abnormalities around everyone

After throwing the opponent down, Gito did not stop, but made a fist, and then hit directly downward.


The place where Sonic just fell, made a sound again, and also splashed a lot of gravel.

Before everyone could see the specific situation over there, they saw Gito walking over with Sonic in one hand and an umbrella in the other.

"Okay, it's over, we can go home and sleep.

Gito said to several people with a smile.

"You guys are really strong."

Hungry Wolf looked at Sonic, who had passed out of a coma while being held around his waist as a waist drum.

Sonic's strength is actually not weak, although the time between the two of them fighting just now is very short.

But the speed displayed by the other side made Hungry Wolf feel difficult.

In terms of Sonic's strength, Hungry Wolf didn't dare to say that he could beat the opponent now.

However, Gito can easily defeat the opponent, which is enough to show his strength.

"Strong? It's actually okay.

Gito knows his own strength. Without Natsu's match, he would be a mid-low dragon-level strength.

With Natsu's and converted into a cape, he should be able to reach the upper middle class.

If it is combined with gloves and hits a full-strength blow, it should be at the top of the dragon level, but it will not exceed the dragon level.

Gito doesn't think that his current strength is very strong. In this world, there are still many people who can defeat him.

If nothing else, he doesn't dare to say now that he will definitely be able to beat Bang Gu.

When Gito and the others returned home, Thor was still surprised. She didn't expect Gito and the others to come back so soon.

Could it be that some ninja is weak?

"Saitama, look at them, don't worry about what they want to do, as long as they don't let them run away.

Gito returned to his room after handing Furou and Sonic to Saitama.

I'd better leave it to Saitama to look at people, I don't have the time.

At night, the hungry wolf and Sonic who woke up in the middle of the night were honest, and there was no escape incident.

Saitama also slept peacefully until the next morning.

However, the next day, Thursday morning, before Saitama woke up, he received a message from the Hero Association.

It is said that there have been several strange incidents in other places. Considering Saitama's strength and ranking, the Hero Association intends to let him go.

He also said that the association intends to promote him to become the next S-class hero, let him perform well, complete these tasks well, and do not live up to the trust of the association.

At breakfast, Saitama and Gito talk about the Hero Association's announcement.

"Not right". "9

After Gito listened to Saitama's words, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Yuni just predicted that the family would be in danger a few days ago. Today, the Heroes Association asked Saitama to go outside to complete the task, and chose him by name.

To say that there is no connection, Gito will certainly not believe it.

Then he thought of Yuni's previous prophecy.

Yuni's prophecy said that the mountain was full of monsters, and some people were injured.

At that time, Gito was thinking that even if there were so many monsters, if Saitama was there, it would be just a punch.

If Gito really wanted to, he could rely on Saitama's power to crush all conspiracies.

No way, who let Gito hold this trump card that can turn the table.

And besides Saitama, there are Thor and Kona.

He's not a pedantic person, and if they are in danger, Gito will let them shoot.

However, Yuni did not say Thor in the language, indicating that Thor was not there either.

Saitama wasn't there, and Thor wasn't there either, which meant that he should have noticed something at that time.

Gito looked up at Saitama after thinking for a while.

"Since the Hero Association has a task for you, you can go, but you must keep in touch at all times, don't be like gin, and you can't find anyone.


Saitama knew Yuni's prophecy.

"It's alright, it's not just you who is strong here."

Gito gestured to Thor with his eyes.

Saitama also reacted, yes, Thor is still there.

"Okay, I'll go when I'm ready."

Saitama was also relieved.

"Reborn, ask the undocumented knight to see if he has any assignments."

The family members in the Hero Association are not just Saitama.

If the undocumented knight did not receive the task, it means that some people in the Hero Association are just targeting Saitama, trying to transfer the strongest combat power of their family.


Ribone nodded.

"Gito, recently, the Kiritani family is being watched by strangers. 35

During the lunch break, before Gito had eaten, the wind found Gito.


Gito was also stunned when he heard Feng's words, then got up, left the five sisters, and walked to the other side to talk to Feng.

"You said that a stranger is watching the Tonggu family?"

"Yes, I've noticed it since the day before yesterday, but they are very conservative. The world they monitor will never last more than an hour, and the same face will never appear."5

Feng is not the kind of killer Li Baoen is, and he is not as keen as him in this regard. After two days of observation, he can be sure.

"Saitama was transferred away, and Tonggu was under surveillance, is this the other party has already started to do something?"

Gito thought in his heart after hearing this.

"I see, Feng, please go back and protect Tonggu's family, don't act rashly."

Gito doesn't want to do it now, he wants to see, and those people will show up later.

Gito also wanted to take this opportunity to recognize his own enemies, as well as the opponents who will be operated on in the family later.

"Then I'll go back first."

(of money)

The wind came quickly and left quickly.

"Saitama, Tong Gu, who is next? Or, you have already started, but I don't know?

Gito thought while returning to the five sisters.

On the other hand, Mamon also discovered that there were many strangers around Kuroba Kaito's school, his home, and Nakamori Aoko's home.

Similarly, there are many strangers around the undocumented knight.

However, as a hero, he needs to patrol every day and encounters too many strangers.

He didn't notice any difference.

At this time, at Gito's house, in Verdi's simple laboratory.

Verdi pushed his glasses and looked at the four things on the table, his face expressionless.

The stone god Qiankong and Miyano Shiho, who were beside him, showed smiles.

They finally succeeded.

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