Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 212 The ring representing the new beginning of the family

When Gito came home from a remedial class for the five sisters at night, he found that everyone was gathered in the living room again.

"What's wrong? Is this what happened again?"

Gito, who didn't know why, thought it was someone who brought someone back.

"Huh? Chiku, Shiho, you two finally came out of the laboratory, where's Verdi? 55'

Gito then also saw Ishigami Chiku and Miyano Shiho sitting on the sofa.

The two of them, together with the Emperor Weir, are truly the representatives of the Emperor of the Liver.

From Sunday night, they eat and sleep less than five hours a day.

The rest of the time was spent in research.

"This is···"

As Gito approached, he also saw Verdi and Ribon who were standing on the coffee table.

But it's not the people that matter, it's the things that are placed around them.

"Box, ring! Verdi, have you succeeded?"

Gito stepped forward quickly, and after careful observation, he found that it was indeed a box weapon and a ring.

"That's right, after our countless experiments, we finally made the animal box and ring."

Verdi looked at Gito and pushed his glasses habitually.

"The two 080 rings are mine and rain, respectively, and the box is also a matching animal box."

Verdi divided the box and the ring into two parts.

"Because of the material, the quality of the box is not very high, only B grade.

And these two rings, also because of the material, the grade is not very high, and it is only C grade.

Speaking of this, Verdi can't help but feel a little pity.

If it weren't for the limitation of materials, he could directly make A-level boxes and rings.

"It doesn't matter if the quality is not high, as long as it can be made, it's fine.

When we find good materials next time, we will make better ones. "

What Gito cares about at this time is not the grade of the box and the ring. When they appear, it means that Verdi and the others have succeeded.

"What materials are you made of? Otherworldly monsters? What about the rings?"

Gito played with the ring and the box in his hand.

"The animal box is indeed made of otherworldly monsters.

I extracted some energy from otherworld monsters, and then combined with the animal materials of this world, and then made these two animal boxes.

But, you heard (cfdf) what I said earlier.

The monster level obtained this time is not very high, not enough to support a better level, so these two animal boxes only reached the C level.

As for the ring, it was made by Miss Shiho Miyano, who found a metal and then matched it with the Yomon Stone. 99

"Metal? What metal? Can this metal be used in a box weapon?

Gito also wanted to ask if the metal was rare.

"Bismuth, metal bismuth, the element symbol is Bi, the atomic number is 83, and it is located in the VA group of the sixth cycle of the periodic table. The element is silver-white to pink metal, brittle and easy to crush, and the chemical properties of bismuth are relatively stable.

After being calcined by the flame of death, and then combined with the Demon Dream Stone, it is enough to make a ring.

As for whether it can be used in box weapons, we haven't tested it yet, but it should not be very suitable because it is too brittle.

However, after this research, I found that even ordinary metals will undergo special changes after being calcined by the flames of death energy and adding a little bit of Demonic Dream Stone.

Thinking about it like this, it should be enough to make a normal box. "

In fact, the idea of ​​calcining with the flame of death energy was proposed by Shishen Qiankong.

He felt that, like iron and steel, if you want to make all kinds of things, you need to quench and calcine.

So, why don't you calcinate the box weapon? If it is matched with a special flame such as the flame of death, will it have a different effect.

This idea of ​​Shishen Qiankong also opened up Verdi's thoughts.

Afterwards, the three of them started experiments and found that after being calcined by the flame of death, the material had indeed undergone a slight change.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, but inside, it can already react to the flame of death.

"Is that so? It seems that we need to pay attention to some of this bismuth metal in the future, and we also need to find some people to calcine the metal.

After Gito heard Verdi's words, he also thought about it. It seems that he still needs to set up a smelting department, which is specially responsible for smelting metals.

Gito thought while holding the rain-type ring in his hand.

"Because the quality of these two rings is too low, if you use them, it is best not to stimulate the flame too strongly, otherwise, the rings will be broken because they can't bear your strength."5

When Verdi saw Gito's action, he also reminded aloud.

"I see."

Gito nodded, indicating that he understood.

Afterwards, the flame of his own death qi was aroused.

"Hoo! Luo

A blue, weak flame burned from the ring.

Gito took a look and felt that it was good in all aspects except for the quality.

Afterwards, he also extinguished the flame of his own death energy, and then took it off.

"Mingmei, I remember you don't have a ring yet, so you should take this ring first.

Don't dislike its low quality, and after a higher quality one comes out, I'll give you a better one. 35

Gito handed the ring to Miyano Akemi.

As someone who has followed Gito for a long time, Akemi Miyano has never received any substantial rewards.

Therefore, Gito also made it directly, and gave the family's first ring to Miyano Akemi.

"Ah? This...I can't have it, you should give it to someone else.

Miyano Akemi looked at the ring that Gito handed over and quickly refused.

"Take it, I said before, when you have the ring, you will be the first to give it to you."

Gito handed it to her again.

"Mingmei, just take it.

Ral said aloud at this time.

Miyano Akemi, as Lal's direct subordinate, is also her nominal teacher. He has given her a lot of things, and he still listens to Lal's words.

"Well, thank you boss, I will work hard to contribute to the family in the future."5

Miyano Akemi tied the ring.

This ring may not be of high grade, but it has a different meaning.

Because this is the first ring made by the family itself, it also means a new beginning.

Gito gave it directly to Miyano Akemi, which was enough to see how much he valued her.

"This animal box comes with the ring, so you should take it too.

Gito gave the rain-type animal box to Miyano Akemi.


Having accepted a ring, there is no pressure on the box.

Miyano Akemi also took over directly.

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