"However, I have some doubts about Mr. Karasuma's arrangement."

The young man looked at the picture in the video and said to Karasuma.

"What doubt?"

After being silent for a while, Karasuma said to the young man.

"That is, why did only two people take it? And those two people didn't take it?

Also, I remember the green potion, a person can take the green potion up to five times.

Moreover, after taking the five medicines, their vitality, resilience, and strength will be three times that of the first one.

Another point, that is, the time of taking the five medicines is at intervals.

It will take a year to consume all of them.

Among them, if it is broken, it will directly die.

However, now, only two people have become "one six three" monsters, so what about the remaining two people?

Why haven't they taken medicine and haven't had anything yet.

It's not just the two of them, the gin and vodka over there, oh, and a woman, she should be fine too.

Excuse me, Mr. Karasuma, what is going on?"

The young man looked at Karasuma and asked his own question.

In fact, it is the words of the young people. When they are halfway through speaking, they already understand what the young people want to say.

And, also know, the rest of the people did not show any reason for the change.

"Don't worry, I think, after today, there will be no one who doesn't take it.'""

Karasuma didn't answer the young man's question, but said something irrelevant.

This kind of question, for which everyone knows the answer, sometimes cannot be answered.

At the very least, it cannot be said on the surface.

In fact, the hidden meaning of the young man's words is very simple, that is, apart from the two people who have turned into monsters now, I am afraid that other people will not listen to your orders for a long time.

In other words, they may all be undercover agents arranged by other forces.

If you have an undercover agent here, it is possible to expose our alliance.

Although they all have their own power, and the power is still very large.

However, this kind of thing can only be hidden in the dark.

If it is exposed, even if some people don't want to touch them, they have to do it.

As for the question the young man asked, why didn't gin and vodka and Belmode change, or die.

In fact, the reason is very simple, because they have been taking gin and vodka for less than a year, and they have not taken the fifth one, so there will be no change.

This is also the reason why the green medicine can now be developed to the fifth generation, because it does have a therapeutic effect.

The change in Chianti and Cohen now is because he gave them before the time to take the fifth potion, as did Bourbon and Keele.

And now, the two of them have not undergone any changes, it can only mean that they did not take the medicine they gave them.

Perhaps, it's not just the fifth that didn't take

As for the remaining woman, he did not give her any medicine.

Because, he still needs to keep her to test the medicine for himself, and he doesn't know how the Miyano and his wife did it back then. The drug "Silver Bullet" even requires genetic matching.

This kind of request gave him a headache back then, and this problem has been bothering him all the time.

Although, he took a semi-finished silver bullet that year, but after all, it is not a real silver bullet, and each person can only take it once.

Now, the lifespan extended by the silver bullet is about to come to an end, and he is very anxious, anxious to make a real silver bullet, and anxious about the time he has left.

'When this matter is over, I need to call her back. I heard from the research room that the silver bullet is likely to be made soon, but someone needs to test the medicine.

It was your parents back then, and it should be you now.

Karasuma thought silently in his heart.

"Hoo! Hoo!

Chianti and Cohen mutate quickly.

In just over ten seconds, Li Baoen and the others witnessed the two of them turn into a seven-meter tall monster with a green face and fangs.


Chianti and Cohen, who turned into monsters, roared at the people around them.

"leave here!

Seeing that their eyes were full of blood, Reborn knew that these two people, or monsters, were irrational.

Bourbon, Kiel, and Vodka, who heard Ribone's words, also reacted immediately, pulling their legs and running towards the distance.

Now, this valley is too dangerous.

In the middle is the members of the Vongola Family, and the battlefield with the ten monsters close to the dragon level.

In the woods, is the battlefield of Kuroba Kuito, Fubuki, Saizonji Yukyo and Yomeng.

On the edge of the woods, is the battlefield of Si and Misaka sisters.

And now, there are two mutated monsters here.

Bourbon and Kiel were thinking at this moment that after they go back this time, they must report to the people behind them and let them transfer them back by themselves.

They don't want to be this undercover anymore.

Before being an undercover agent, I just needed to inquire about information and sabotage some missions. It was dangerous, but it could still be dealt with.

But now it's different, no one told them that they still need to fight monsters to be undercover.

They are not heroes with extraordinary power, they are just a little undercover.

They really can't do this kind of thing.

What happened on Ribon's side was also noticed by others who were fighting monsters.

There's no way, two monsters that big, plus those roars, can't make people pay attention.

Others just feel that there are more monsters, and the pressure on them has increased since 3.5.

And Jinjiu was a little anxious.

Because, vodka is over there.

For this little brother who has been steadfast, he does not want to lose each other.

"Gito! Don't you want me to pull people! What do you think about vodka?"5

Gin suddenly yelled at Gito.

"Vodka? All right.

Gito was stunned when he heard Gin's words, and then thought about Vodka, who has no shortage of ability and loyalty.

However, the only downside is that the brain is a little difficult to use.

"Well, how about having vodka join us? I know, there's one place left for the Varian troops now, what do you think about vodka? 35

After escaping an attack from the monster, Gin shouted again at Gito in the air,


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