Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 270 Is it so coincidental?

"Vodka? Varian?

Gito didn't keep up with Gin's brain circuits for a second.

Didn't you say vodka? How did you get involved with Varian?

"That's right, Varian, I know, Varian's Assassination Force still lacks Guardians of Thunder.

What do you think of vodka?"

When Gito lets himself pull people, the first thing that comes to his mind is vodka.

However, what I thought at the time was to let vodka join a department like an outside consultant.

For his younger brother, he is still very clear and capable, but his ability is not high.

However, after more than 20 days of fleeing career, coupled with the persistence of the other party, Jin Jiu changed this idea.

After all, it is also his little brother. He trusts him so much, and he is responsible for him.

Not to mention making him a guardian or something, but, as the director of the security department, it should be okay.

However, in the introduction of the undocumented knight just now, he also learned that the family even has the WALL-E assassination unit, and he started thinking.

Assassination, he is vodka-cooked, he used to be a killer, and now he joins the assassination force, isn't it a professional counterpart?

However, after seeing Varian's Hungry Wolf, Sonic, and the Secretary later, he gave up his 25 thinking a bit.

No way, their strength is too strong, let vodka join in, isn't it a hindrance for others.

However, now, his little brother is in danger, and Jin Jiu wants to save him.

However, it can be saved for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Not to mention the first life, in the battlefield in this valley now, Jin Jiu doesn't think that he can really save him several times.

Since he can't save himself, then change his mind and let him have some life-saving strength.

What, you're saying he's underpowered and unsuitable for Varian's assassination force?

I have seen Jinjiu, that Saiyuan Temple Yujing is also the flame of death that he just stimulated, and I heard that there is another person in the family who did not participate in the war.

However, the family member belongs to a special talent, so there is no excuse for not coming, but Nishiyuan Temple Yujing is different.

Jin Jiu didn't think that he could beat his little brother before the other party didn't provoke the flame of death.

Perhaps, he has some other special talents, but now he hasn't shown it.

Before your talent is converted into the corresponding strength, then you are still a weak chicken.

In this comparison, Jin Jiu felt that his little brother was also okay.

Besides, in a team, not only the wolves who are good at fighting, the tigers in the mountains, the agile leopards, and the eagles with foresight are needed, but also honest cows and obedient dogs to help everyone.

Vodka has no other advantages, he is stupid and obedient.

So, Gin and Gito brought it up.

"this one?"

Gito was thinking, he really didn't think that he let Gin pull people, but Gin actually pulled his Hanhan younger brother, and also asked him to join Varian's assassination team.

However, after Gito heard Gin's proposal, he thought about it, and it seemed that it was not impossible.

"I know that the strength of vodka may not be worthy of Varian's assassination force, but he is obedient.

Besides, there is only one place left for the guardian of thunder, you can help him stimulate the flame of death.

If it is not the thunder attribute, then forget it.

If so, I would like to ask you to consider it.

When he said the last sentence, Jinjiu's tone was also very precious, and even used the word "please".

"Okay, I'll try, if it's not the thunder attribute, then I won't say anything.

If it is, then he is tentatively designated as Varian's man, but whether he is qualified for this position depends on his own.

Gito thought about it for a while, and decided to give Gin this face.

Moreover, if the opponent is really of the thunder attribute, he should be able to activate the flames of death very quickly in such a crisis-filled battlefield where life is in danger.

In this case, the Vongola Family can be regarded as another fighting force.

Gito has been watching the changes in the valley.

He found that even though he was alone against the four monsters, the others were still slowly falling behind.

Moreover, although the number of enemies is less, the quality is greatly improved.

Besides, Gito doesn't know if anyone will continue to join the fight in the future.

The sudden appearance of two hundred Misaka sisters had already frightened him.

If this continues, Vongola Family's loss will only be a matter of time.

"it is good!"

When Gin heard Gito's words, he immediately nodded in agreement.

"X-BURNER Super burst!"

After thinking about his own thoughts, Gito flew directly into the air, thinking that there was a super explosion under him.

"Boom! 35


The huge flame pillar instantly shrouded down, covering all four monsters during the period.



The four monsters also kept roaring in the flame pillar, and some tried to jump up and attack Gito in the air.

"Super gliding!

After suppressing the jumping monster, Gito immediately changed his move from an explosive technique to an acceleration technique.

"call out!

An arc was drawn in the air, and it flew straight towards the vodka.

At this time, the vodka was fleeing.

By his side, it was Bourbon and Kiel.

"call out!"

When they were fleeing, they heard a sound of breaking through the air, and before they could react, they saw a figure and stopped in front of them.

"Well, we didn't want to run away."

The three of Bourbon recognized it at a glance, and the person standing in front of them should be the strongest person in this valley.

And, this person is very likely to be the boss of Gin.

Afraid that the other party wanted to escape and then punched him, Bourbon quickly explained.

The monster resisted his punch, but he couldn't bear it.

"You are vodka.

Gito didn't have time to talk to Bourbon now, but asked Vodka directly.

"Vodka, whatever Gito says, listen to him!"

Gin shouted loudly at this time.

For his loyal little brother, he worked hard.


Vodka replied respectfully.

Compared with Bourbon, Vodka knows that the person in front of him is indeed the boss of his boss.

Moreover, in addition to what his eldest brother just said, he is very respectful.

"Do you want to join our Vongola Family?"

"Think. 99

Although vodka doesn't know what's going on, this kind of question only needs to be answered in the affirmative.

"Well, now, let me see your attributes."

Saying that, Gito directly approached the vodka, then reached out and tapped the other's forehead.

"Feel the power, remember the power, remember what it feels like, because it's the guarantee that you can get out of here alive. 99


As Gito's words fell, a green flame also burned on the other's head.

"Thunder attribute? Is that a coincidence? 35

Gito didn't expect that this guy vodka is actually mine.

Since it is, then let him be Varian's guardian of thunder first, which can be regarded as a face for Gin.

"Give you this, then, turn your head back to deal with those two monsters for me."

Gito took out the ring of the Guardian of the Varian Thunder from his pocket, handed it to the vodka, and pointed to the monster behind him.

"Just like what I said just now, remember how you feel now, and then ignite your consciousness, thereby igniting the flame of death.

If you can't, then you will die at the hands of monsters. "

After Gito finished speaking, he also flew away directly from here.

There are still four monsters on his side that have not been resolved.

"Nishiyuan Temple Yujing, those two new monsters will be handed over to you and vodka! Don't let me down.

During the flight, Gito shouted loudly to Nishizono Temple in the woods.

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