Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 62 The Core of the Family Attack - Arashi

"Mr. Vongola, can I talk about my problem now?"

Violet looked at Gito and asked.

She has been here for a long time, but her problems have never been solved.

"Violet, in fact, this question of yours is incomprehensible, and you need to feel it yourself.

Now Violet doesn't have any emotion, let's not say "love", she doesn't even know what is happy or sad.

Gito wants to change her, at least make her a "human" rather than a machine like she is now.

"Violet, actually, I found a tutor for you, and I think she might be more suitable to teach you.

"Tutor? Who?

Violet asked.


Gito looked at Yuni who was sitting on the sofa beside him.

In his opinion, to turn Violet into a "human", no one is more suitable than Yuni.

Yuni has "love" and "big love", she can let herself die in order to protect others.

"Do you want me to be her governess?"

Yuni was a little surprised because Gito hadn't told her about it before.

"Yes, Yuni, in my opinion, only you are the most suitable."

Gito nodded.

"Okay, I accept this assignment. 995

When he saw Gito give Violet the Ring of the Guardian of the Arashi, Yuni knew Gito's plan.

"Violet, just stay by Yuni's side for the time being, she will lead you to find the answer.

By the way, where do you live now?

Gito suddenly thought of a problem.

"I'm staying in a hotel temporarily."

She has only arrived in J City not long ago, and has not yet found a suitable place to live.

"A hotel? Well, there are still many rooms in the apartment building near me, why don't you just move here and live here, so you can be closer 々~.""

Gito thought about it for a while, and decided to let Violet move here. Anyway, the apartment building next to it was empty, so it would be better to let them live.


Violet agreed. She's not very picky about where she lives, as long as she's close to the mission goal.

I chose to stay in a hotel before because it was close to the Fude River Bunko.

"Then you can go to the hotel to pack up your belongings and move them here. Yuni, you can go with her.

Just when you come back, you can have lunch. 35

Gito suggested.


"Is she the guardian of the Arashi you chose?"5

Ribone sat on the coffee table and asked Gito.

At this time, there were only Gito, Ribone, Lal, and Colanilo left in the house, as well as a baby with phoenix eyes, black hair, a braid at the back, and a red Tang suit.

From the look of the man, and the red pacifier on his chest, he knew that he should be the same person as Ribone.

Yuni, Miyano Akemi and Thor went out with Violet, while Saitama and Kiritani went outside for training.

"That's right, she is the guardian of the Arashi that I chose."

Gito nodded.

"Is she a soldier? And has a hand injury."

When Lal came into the house, Violet knew that she was a soldier. As for the injury, she saw that her movements were slightly unnatural when she was drinking tea.

"It's a soldier, she was picked up when she was a child, and she has been active on the battlefield since then, and because of some things, she lost her hands.

Gito was not surprised that a few people could see the problem with Violet's hand.

"Wind, what do you think?"

Li Baoen asked the baby in a red Tang suit beside him at this time.

Feng, one of the six rainbow sons, represents Lan.

When Violet agreed to join the family before, Gito received a prompt from the system, and he was summoned only after everyone else had left.

"Always become the core of the family's attack, the endlessly angry Lan, Lan, represents the attack to the family. I haven't seen her skills, so I can't make a judgment. 35

Feng held a small teacup and said after taking a sip of tea.

"Her experience makes me think she can, and she can quickly stimulate the flame of death, which shows that she has this potential.

Perhaps because of his military background, Ral has a good impression of Violet.

"Her strength? Find a time and you can compare it with her."

Gito said that this matter is easy to solve.

"Feng, after that I hope you can help Reborn to train Kirito and Miyano Akemi, especially Kirito.

You don't teach him specific moves, just improve his physical fitness.

The rest, he will take care of himself. "

Kirito's future path requires him to walk out on his own.



Wind nodded.

"Koranilo, you will continue to take Saitama to find the monster tomorrow.

Cola Nello, what are you trying to say?"

When Colanilo spoke about Saitama in Gito, his expression was a little subtle.

"I've been following Saitama's side for the past few days. I can feel that his body is growing at a terrifying speed. Is this really okay? Coke"

Cola Niro is afraid that Saitama's body will have an accident.

"Saitama, you can regard him as the son of the plane of this world. He has a talent that ordinary people do not have, and his changes are also his own unique changes.

You don't need to worry about this.

You can pay attention to his emotional changes, I can feel that his emotions are gradually disappearing. 39

(Nuo good) The price of Saitama becoming stronger is his hair and his emotions.

"Emotional? I'll pay attention. Coke"

Koraniello took Gito's words to heart, and thought about observing Saitama's changes in this regard later.

"Now there are all the guardians of clear, rain, and haze, and there are candidates for the guardian of the cloud, only the guardian of fog and the guardian of thunder are left.

Ribon looked at the crowd and said yes.

"Yeah, there are still guardians of fog and guardians of thunder."

Gito also muttered something.

"For the time being, among the people I have come into contact with, none of them are suitable to be the guardians of fog and the guardians of thunder.

Well, if I have time in the future, I'll take a walk outside to see if I can find a suitable candidate. "

Gito thought about it for a while, only to be wandering outside more.

Talents need to be found by themselves, they will not come to the door by themselves.

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