Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 63 Finding Inspiration from Games

Today's lunch was made by Gito, because Thor went out with Violet and the others.

Coupled with the fact that Thor'e helped to refine the sword today, he was too tired.

Gito intends to cook himself, cook a feast, and treat himself.

Gito is not very familiar with the practice of Xiao Sakura dishes, he knows about oriental dishes, so today's lunch is mainly oriental dishes.

When Violet and the others came back, Gito had just finished cooking and was eating right.

After enjoying a big meal, everyone did what they were supposed to do. Kiritama practiced swordsmanship with Ren, while Saitama still practiced according to the previous method.

Lal trained Akemi Miyano.

Violet, on the other hand, followed Yuni out.

Yuni planned to take Violet out for a walk.

As for Gito, it's a matter of tutoring in the room towards tomorrow.

The level of the five sisters is somewhat beyond Gito's imagination, so he needs to make a good plan.

"I remember that Fuutaro in the original book asked them to be their own teachers and passed on the subjects they were good at to others.

From the results, this approach is correct.

I can try that too. "

Gito wrote this method down in his notebook.

"Then there is the issue of progress. I need to teach them from the first year of high school, not from the second year of high school. 937

Otherwise, there is a lot of knowledge they don't know.

Gito spent more than an hour in the room before sorting out his teaching plan.

"It's done, the next step is to teach them.

Gito looked at the teaching plan in his hand, and he believed that as long as the other party was not a fool, he had the confidence to let the other party learn it.

At that time, I won't say the full score of the test, but it can still be done with a few guarantees.

After finishing the plan, Gito walked downstairs. He planned to see how Kirito's training was going.

"Your strength and speed are not good now, so now you are mainly training these two aspects.

When Gito came down, he saw where Kirito was doing push-ups and Ribone was sitting on his back.

"All moves require a strong body as support, so good physical fitness is the foundation of all strength.

From now on, you will temporarily follow Saitama's exercise method for a week.

As for your swordsmanship, just swing the sword a hundred times a day, with no restrictions on movements, and do it in your own way. 99

"I see."

As an otaku, such a large amount of exercise made him a little unable to adapt for a while.

"Okay, you've reached 100 push-ups, you, rest for ten minutes before starting the next one.

Reborn jumped off Kiritani's back.

Tonggu, on the other hand, was lying on the ground directly. At this time, he just wanted to lie on his stomach like this, do nothing, and couldn't do anything.

"Tonggu, how do you feel?

Gito walked to Kiritani's side and sat down directly.

"Feeling... hoo hoo... not... hoo... good. 35

Kiritani gasped and answered Gito's question.

"So you still need to exercise.

Gito patted Tonggu,

"Strength is not something that can be obtained so easily.

What is easily gained is easily lost.

Tonggu didn't speak this time, he didn't want to waste the energy of speaking.

"As for your swordsmanship, as I said before, you can play it as a game, you can also bring the moves in the game to the world, and you can also create in reality based on some theories in the game. move.

All this is up to you. "

After Gito finished speaking, he also got up and left directly.

"A game?"

Tong Gu recalled the games he played and some game skills.

"Lian Slash, Sword Qi, Blade Storm."

After "educating" Grandpa Tong, Gito also returned to the room again, and he found that he had been idle.

(cfde) "Code words, just code when you have nothing to do, and finish the second volume early.

At nine o'clock in the morning on Sunday, Gito set off from home, heading for the address that May Nakano gave him.

The home of the Nakano sisters is in a high-end apartment.

"603, 603, ah, found.

Gito looked at the house numbers one by one.

"Ding dong! Ding dong! 99

The people inside didn't tell Gito to wait, and someone soon opened the door for him, it was May.

"Vongola, you are here, please come in.

Seeing Gito in May, he also opened the door, turned sideways, and let Gito come in.

"excuse me.

Gito walked in and found that it was a small second floor, with the living room and kitchen on the first floor, and five rooms on the second floor, one for each of the five sisters.

Although the living room was large, it seemed very empty, and Gito didn't see anyone else in the room except May.

"I'm sorry, Vongola classmates, they haven't woken up yet, I'll call them right now.

May was a little embarrassed, even she didn't expect Gito to come so early.

'He doesn't sleep in late on Saturday and Sunday?'

If Gito hadn't sent her a message to inform her, I'm afraid she would still be in the room right now.

"sorry to bother you."

Gito nodded, then walked over to the sofa and sat down.

May also hurried upstairs and knocked on the door.

There was no movement in the first room.

There was no movement in the second room.

In the third room, a voice came from inside, "I'll be right here!

In the fourth room, before May knocked on the door, the people inside came out by themselves.

"May, what's the matter?"

Yotsuba is still that energetic girl.

"Classmate Vongola is here."

May pointed to Gito who was sitting downstairs.

"Oh~~~ Did Vongola come so early?

Clover leaned on the fence and looked down.

"I'll go down after I wash up."

After Sanjiu said a word, he closed the door again.

"Vongola, why did you come so early? 35

Yotsuba ran downstairs, looked at Gito and said.

"Nakano-san, it's getting late, it's going to be lunch in a while."

Seeing Yotsuba, Gito felt that his mood had improved.

"I'm sorry, Vongola, they will come down after they wash up.

May also walked down at this time, she just called Yihua and Ernai again, and the two of them finally made a sound.

"Excuse me, Nakano-san. 35

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