Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 64 Gito's Class Career

After drinking three glasses of water in the living room, the five sisters finally all appeared in front of Gito.

"Today, we will officially start your tutoring. 35

Gito looked at the five sisters sitting around the table, um, a little dizzy.

I took out the schedule that I worked so hard to make yesterday, and let them pass it around and look at it.

"This is the schedule I made after testing your level that day, and the tutoring will follow this.

Nakano・・・Yoshiba-kun, please speak. "

Gito saw Yotsuba raise his hand, indicating that he had something to say.

"Vongola, I would like to ask, why is there a first-year course on this? We are now in the second year of high school.

Yotsuba expressed her doubts.

"Although your grade has risen to the second year of high school, you are only at the level, you are still the first year of high school, so we need to study again.

Is there anything else to ask?"

Gito looked at the remaining four and asked.

"I have!

Yihua raised her hand.


"Why is there so much filming in the course above? Also, is there too little rest time?"

For Yihua, she does not allow more time in class than time for rest.

"It's been a lot of rest time, does anyone else have anything to ask?

Gito is very aware of Yihua's lazy personality. If she followed her ideas, she would like to have a five-minute class and a two-hour break.


Nina said aloud at this time.

"I don't want to study.

After speaking, Er Nai got up and walked upstairs to his room.

She was originally opposed to tutoring, but May and Yotsuba insisted, Yihua and Sanjiu remained neutral, and she was a little weak by herself.

"Anyone else to go?"

Gito's expression didn't change, looking at the remaining four.

"No more." May said loudly.

"Okay, then let's get started. First, let's learn Mandarin."

Gito took out the high school Mandarin textbook and started his teaching career.

"Okay, let's rest for a while. 39

Gito looked at the time, an hour had passed.

"Ah~~~ I finally rested."

Hearing Gito say to rest, Yihua lay directly on the table.

She found Gito's class an ordeal because he wouldn't let himself sleep.

As for the remaining three people, I feel that Gito's class is very good.

Especially Yotsuba, she thinks Gito speaks better than the teachers at school.

"If you feel tired, you don't need to go on."

Ernai appeared in the living room at this time, looking at the cup in her hand, it should be down to collect water.

"I don't feel tired, and Gito speaks very well.

The vitality girl is still full of vitality even if she takes a class.

"That's just what you think."

Erna was very resistant to Yotsuba's praise of Gito.

"Erna, why don't you study with us too?

May said out loud that she has always been the most concerned about tutoring.

"don't want."

Ernai refused directly. After receiving the water, he went upstairs quickly, as if he didn't want to stay with Gito for one more second.

"I'm sorry, Vongola-kun, I will persuade Nino.

May felt a bit sorry for Gito.

"It's nothing, after all, I earn the same money for giving four classes to you, and the same money for giving five classes. It doesn't matter to me."5

Gito really didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, he was just a tutor.

"Sure enough, you came for money, so let's do it, in the future, I can give you double the money on time, but don't come here again.

Nino stood upstairs, looking down at Gito.

Erno was very disgusted by Gito's arrival, feeling that he had violated the territory belonging to the five of them.

"Student Erna, do you want to take care of me? If you take care of me, it's not the price.

Gito looked up at Nino.

"What? Support? How could I support someone like you!"

After hearing Gito's words, Nino was very angry. Although you are very handsome, how could she take care of someone who invaded her territory.

"I'm sorry for the behavior you said, but I can't think of any explanation other than support. 35

Gito spreads his hands.

"Ah~~~ Erno, do you want to take care of Gito? After you take care of him, can you ask him to tutor me?

Yotsuba is a good boy who loves to learn, even at this time, he does not forget to learn.

"Yoshiba, don't say it.

May stopped Yotsuba and told her to stop talking.

"You... hum! 35

Ernai stretched out his finger and pointed at Gito, you didn't say anything after a long time, and finally you can only snort coldly and turn back to the house.

"Gito-kun, by the way, I want to take care of you too."

...for flowers ·

A flower came together at this time.

At this point, the two were so close that Gito could even hear each other's breathing.

"Okay, otherwise, let's have a good chat about this topic."

Gito is not a shy boy, how could he retreat before Yihua's teasing.

"Um...forget it, sis, I don't have that much money, I'm afraid I'll disappoint Gito-kun.

When I saw that Gito was not shy, he could only find a step by himself.

"Okay, it's time for a break, and now we'll continue with tutoring."

Gito looked at the time and said to the four.

"Ah? So soon? I haven't rested yet, Gito-kun, can you give me a break?

A flower looked at Gito, and a wink came.

Unfortunately, Gito doesn't eat this set.

"No, take out the math book now, we'll tutor math.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell! 99

The sound of the phone suddenly came to mind.

"Sorry, it's mine.

Yotsuba took out her cell phone and connected the call.

"Yoba-san, I'm Rina Bushan from the basketball team. We are playing a game now, but one of the players is injured and can't play. Can you come and help us now?"

The girl on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a hurry, and her voice was a little loud, and Gito could hear it.

"Someone is injured and needs me to play, right? Okay, I'll be there.

Yotsuba didn't think about it, and immediately agreed.

"Thank you so much, Yotsuba-san, we are at the xx gymnasium.

After talking about the location, the other party hung up the phone directly.

As for Yotsuba, after hanging up the phone, she got up and walked upstairs.

"Yoshiba-san, what are you doing here?"

Gito looked at Yotsuba and asked.

"Gito, I'm going to help a friend play a basketball game. 55

"However, you are still in tutoring. 39


At this time, Yotsuba also remembered that she, it seemed, was still in tutoring.

"But, I have already promised the other party.

The missed appointment was not something she did with Yotsuba.

"Student Gito, I'm very sorry, they need me very much, and a basketball game will be played very quickly. I'll be back soon after the game is over."

After Yotsuba finished speaking, she ignored Gito, ran back to her room, quickly changed into her gym clothes, grabbed some supplies, and went out to leave her husband.

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