Comprehensive Manga: I Created The Vongola Family

Chapter 97 How to deal with monkeys

Not long after Gito went out, Kaitou Kid also left.

It's just that his face was a little ugly when he left, full of doubts and exhaustion.

When he returned to school, he did not adjust.

"Kaidou, what are you doing? Not only are you late, but you look like this.

Aoko Nakamori asked Kuroba Kuito's lost soul and asked aloud.

Originally, when she saw Kuroba Kuito being late, she wanted to scold him, but seeing him like this, she couldn't say anything to scold him.

"Quick fight? Quick fight? What's wrong with you?""

Nakamori Aoko saw that Kuroba Kaito didn't answer, but just lay on the table and couldn't help pushing him.

"Ah? It's Aoko~, what's the matter with you?"

Kuroba Kaito raised his head and found that the person who came was his - Aoki Bamboo Horse.

If it were normal, he would have already talked to the other party about what happened last night, but now, he has no energy to sell swords.

"Kaidou, what's the matter with you? Are you sick? I don't think your face is very good, why don't you take a leave and go home to rest. 55

Nakamori Aoko asked with concern.

Although the two of them are usually slapstick, they still care about each other.

"It's all right, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night. 39

Kuroba Kuito shook his head, then lay down on the table again.

He still didn't understand, how did Gito know his identity, who else but Gito knew?

In the future, will Kaitou Kidd's vest become unusable?

Nakamori Aoko saw Kuroba Kuito's appearance and wanted to continue to ask, but at this time the bell rang for the class, and she had to go back to her seat first.

Gito, who has already arrived at school, doesn't know about Kuroba's troubles, and even if he does, he won't care about each other, and may even laugh for a while.

This week, his campus life has not been as calm as last week, all because of the appearance of the monkey.

And Gito also knew, how did the monkey know his news.

Everything stems from, May this traitor.

Even though she knew she was a traitor, Gito still couldn't do anything. All she could do was to leave a lot of homework for May after the daily tutoring time.

Let him feel the beauty of his past life.

As for the monkey, Gito later came up with a solution, which was bananas.

Bananas are the monkey's favorite food.

He now goes to school and brings some bananas every day. Whenever he sees the monkey, Gito will throw the bananas out.

Of course, only bananas are not enough.

Although the monkey loves bananas, she will not accept it easily for unfamiliar people.

Gito found Akira Akutsu at this time.

If there is anyone in this world who can subdue that monkey, there is no one other than him.

After Gito found him, he discussed some plans with him, and then let the other party agree to help him control the monkey first, and then when there was a chance, the two would shoot together.

The monkey didn't know at this time, two people were already thinking about how to "murder" her, and one of them was her favorite Amin.

When the get out of class was over, Gito did not go home or go to the library, but went to their house with Nino, Sanju, Yotsuba, and May.

Maybe it's because she's been studying hard for the past week, and Yotsuba felt a little unhappy, so she invited Gito to their house this evening to make up her class, and then invited him to a big meal.

Ernai still rejected this proposal, but there was no way, this time, Yihua even supported it.

She was weak and weak, and could only be forced to accept it.

However, on the way home, Er Nao never gave him a good look.

Looking at Erno's expression, Gito was afraid, whether he could eat dinner for a while, and the other party wouldn't be poisoned.

You know, the head chef of the Nakano family has always been Nino.

In fact, he planned to refuse, but in the face of the warm invitation from the three, he could only be forced to accept it.

It's just that Gito can't understand one thing, and that is why Yihua agreed.

Four leaves and May will have this proposal, Gito is not surprised, but a flower will be different.

Gito thought about it for a long time and thought that the other party should just find it interesting.

When I arrived at Nakano's house, there were only four sisters, and Ichika was not there.

...... ask for flowers ......

According to May, she left the school on leave this afternoon, saying that she had something to deal with and would be back at dinner.

May asked her, but she didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's start tutoring first."

Gito went to Nakano's house, looked at the four people and said.


Ernai gave Gito a blank look, and then walked straight to his room.

The remaining three slowly took out their textbooks and made it to the table.

In these days of tutoring, although Sanjiu is reluctant, she still listens to it with May.

It's just that every time I go, I listen to music with headphones.

However, after Gito's observation, he found that every time he talked about history and some warring states generals, Sanjiu would quietly turn off the music and listen to Gito's lectures with headphones.

After discovering this, every time Gito uses this knowledge, he will mix some other things, such as knowledge of literature and mathematics.

And May, as the most diligent child, she is now the best student among several people.

If she were to take the test now, she would be able to get an average score of over 40 from an average of 20 before.

It has doubled.

As for Yotsuba, because she wants to train, she didn't have much class this week, so she didn't have any improvement.

However, according to Yotsuba, tomorrow is the competition, and after the competition is over, she can take part in Gito's tutoring.

Gito heard Yotsuba's words and said nothing.

He knows Yotsuba's character and is helpful.

The basketball game is gone, but there are other games, sprint, long distance, these are all.

According to the information provided by May, she used to help the school's team a lot.

Also, it's not helping a team.

During the time when Gito was tutoring for two and a half people, Gito never saw her again except for a glass of water.

As for Yihua, after his tutoring time ended, the other party did not come back.

It seemed that he really didn't come back until it was time to eat.

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