When Gito's remedial class was over, it was already six o'clock in the evening, it was already dark outside, and it was still raining.

"Yihua hasn't come back yet."

May looked out the window and said worriedly.


The door of a room on the second floor opened, and Er Nai walked out of the room.

"Yihua called me just now and said she would be back in a while."

Two said aloud.

"Do you have anything to eat?

Ernai asked Sanjiu, Yotsuba, and May that as for Gito, it would be nice to have some for him.

"Vongola, do you have anything to eat?"

May looked at Gito and asked.

"Yeah, Gito, let me tell you, Nino's food is delicious.

Yotsuba also turned her head and said.

"I can eat anything."

Gito is not really picky about food.

Ernai didn't pay attention to their words, but walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and looked at what was inside.

"Beep! Beep!"

At this moment, May's phone rang suddenly.

"Ah, it's a flower.

May picked up the phone and saw that it was a call from Yihua.

"Yihua, when will you be back?

"Ah! Monster!

Suddenly there was a cry of a flower on the other side of the phone.


At the same time, it was accompanied by an uncharacteristic cry.

"Yihua! What's wrong with you? Yihua, what happened to you?

May heard the voice and shouted loudly.

And several other people were also attracted by May's voice.

"What happened to Yihua? Did something happen? 35

Yotsuba asked with concern.

The other two also looked at her with worried eyes.



Ichika's cry came again, this time Erno, Sanjiu and the others were closer, so they all heard it.

"One flower! What's wrong with you?""

May continued to shout, but there was no answer on the other side of the phone.


"Beep! 55

With a cracking sound, the phone was also hung up, thinking that the phone should have fallen on the ground.

"There is no danger in a single flower, right? 99

Yotsuba said worriedly.

"Call the police.

Sanjiu quickly thought of calling the police and calling the police immediately in case of danger. This is something that many people know.

"But, listening to the voice just now, Yihua seems to have encountered a monster. Can the police organize monsters? Should we find a way to find the heroes of the Hero Association?

Ernai said aloud, the roar just now was not something a human could make at all.

"Do you know where Yihua went? Or, do you know where she is now?"

Gito asked aloud.

If this kind of thing happened, it wouldn't matter if he wasn't here tonight, but if he was, then he would definitely take action.

"do not know."

May shook his head, they didn't know where Yihua was at all, and Yihua didn't tell them.

"Yihua called you just now, how did she tell you? 99

Gito looked at Nino, among the four sisters, she was the only one on the phone with Ichika.

"She just said that she would be back in less than half an hour. Otherwise, she didn't say anything."

Ernai didn't have the mind to quarrel with Gito at this time, and now the main thing is Yihua.

"This is troublesome.

J City is so big, he doesn't know where to find a flower.

"There is."

Gito thought of a person.

He picked up his cell phone and dialed his home number.

"Hello, this is Vongola's house, what's the matter with you?

Thor's voice came out.

"Thor, it's me, is Mamon there? You let him answer the phone.

Gito said to Thor.

"Gito, Mamon, right? He's here, I'll call him here.""

After Thor heard Gito's voice, he also put down the phone and went to find Mamon.

"Boss, is there anything I need to do?

Mamon's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mamon, use your 'sticky writing' to find someone for me."

Afterwards, the news of Yihua was told to Mamon.

The person Gito thought of just now was Mamon.

As a powerful illusionist, Mamun has a special technique called "sticky writing", which can make a map with snot to determine the specific location of people or objects.

"BOSS, I gave it for free once before, but this time I have to pay for it.""

While talking, Mamon used his own special grade, "sticky writing".

"The money thing, we'll talk about it later.

Now that this leader has no money, how can he give him money, we can only wait and say...

"As my boss, you have the right to credit, but the money you owe will have interest.

Mamon said, even if you are my boss, you can't give me less money.

"Okay, I know, tell me the location quickly."

For Mamon's love of money, Gito can't do anything about it, it really just depends on the money.

"Okay, my beloved BOSS, her position is...

Gito hung up the phone immediately after knowing the location.

"How is it, do you know the location of Yihua?"

Seeing that Gito hung up the phone, the four sisters also quickly asked.


Gito nodded, how could he not be found if Mamon came out.

"Where is Yihua?"

The four sisters asked, Sanjiu even took out her mobile phone and was about to call the police.

"Okay, you already know Yihua's location and leave the rest to me.

Gito didn't tell them where Yihua was, but went to the window and opened it.

"Hoo! 35

The flame of death energy was aroused, and Gito's whole person's aura changed instantly.

"I will bring a flower back."

Gito glanced back at them and said indifferently.

Then the flame of death energy erupted, the whole person flew out directly, and then quickly disappeared in front of the four of them.

"This...this is Gito?"

Yotsuba looked at Fang 3.4 where Gito was leaving, and said dumbly.

"may be."

Ernai said uncertainly, she didn't know that this guy Gito actually had such a hand.

Gito flew over where Mamon gave him.

Gito's speed was very fast, and in less than five minutes, he flew to the position where Yihua was.

It is also a clear view of the situation at this time.

Yihua was running in a small alley at this time, and behind her was a monster chasing her.

A little further away, there was an overturned car with bloodstains nearby.

I think someone must have been killed.

Gito flew straight down after seeing the position of a flower.

At this time, Yi Hua was very embarrassed, with blood on her body and head, watching her clutching her left arm, thinking that her left hand was also injured.

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