
The monster roared loudly, then jumped up and rushed towards Yihua's position.

As Yihua ran, she looked back from time to time, and when she saw the monster rushing towards her, she immediately turned her direction and ran towards the alley on the left.

It had happened several times during the few minutes she had been on the run.

Fortunately, the alleys here extend in all directions, allowing Yihua to turn in time.

However, Yihua knew that no matter how much she ran, she would still die, just like the person before.

Moreover, he could no longer run, but the monster behind had no tendency to decline in physical strength at all.

"Am I going to die?

Yihua couldn't help thinking, and at the same time stopped her own footsteps.

It's not that she doesn't want to run anymore, it's that she can't run anymore.

After several turns, she turned herself into a dead end.

Yihua looked at the walls in front and left and right, looked at the monsters that had already climbed over at the back, and slumped on the ground.

She didn't want to struggle anymore.


The monster roared, and then slowly moved towards the position of Yihua, afraid of freezing.

Yihua looked at the monster that was close at hand, and the pictures she had experienced in her mind began to flash incessantly.

Even a lot of things she had forgotten, she remembered at this time.


The monster opened its mouth wide and was about to bite towards Yihua.

"Hey! 99

A cracking sound rang out.


A crash sounded.


The monster's roar sounded.

"You're not dead yet, you don't have to start the revolving light now.

An indifferent voice rang in Yihua's ear.

As soon as Hana opened his eyes, he saw a man in a school uniform standing in front of him.

Although he didn't see the person's face, through his iconic blonde hair, Ichika already knew who was standing in front of her.

"Gi... Gito-kun?

Yihua exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why are you here? There's danger here, go away 々~.

Yihua didn't know why Gito appeared here, but he appeared out of time.

"I'm here to save you."

Gito didn't look back, but looked at the monster in front of him.

It was a purple monster with sharp teeth and crawling on the ground.

The limbs are a bit like frog feet, with a few sarcomas on the back.

What caught Gito's attention the most was the broken chain tied to the monster's two forelimbs.


The monster looked at the man who had just punched it, roared loudly, then jumped high towards Gito's position and pounced.

Gito looked at the monster that rushed over, his expression unchanged.

The strength of this monster is not very strong, that is, the harm of wolf level.

At this point, as long as there is a C-level hero, it can be dealt with.

Just when the monster was about to fall, Gito stimulated his death energy, then kicked his feet on the ground, and his body shot upwards.

Then, a punch hit the monster's abdomen.

Yihua, who was slumped on the ground, just stared blankly at the monster that ate a person in front of her and chased her everywhere, and was directly killed by Gito's simple punch.

"Could it be that this monster is weak? An ordinary person can be killed?"

This thought popped up in Yihua's heart.

"How are you? Are you okay?"

Gito asked while looking at Ichika who was slumped on the ground.

"Gito... Jun, who are you?"

It took only this time to see Gito's appearance clearly: flames were burning in his hands and forehead, his expression was gentle, and his face was handsome.

Gito's appearance is very handsome in itself, and the other party suddenly appeared, saving himself and in danger.

Yihua looked at Gito in front of her, and she felt that she had fallen.

Although the story of the hero saving beauty is very old-fashioned, it has to be said that this is also the most attractive place for ordinary little girls.

Looking at Gito like that, he was a little stunned for a while.

"Are you OK?"

Gito looked at Yihua without speaking, and asked aloud again.

'This person, won't hurt his brain?

Gito couldn't help thinking in his mind.

"Huh? I... I'm fine. 35

Yihua shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

"If it's okay, let's go back, they are still waiting for you."

Gito said.

"Oh well.

Yihua replied obediently, and then stood up from the ground.

"Come up."

Gito walked to Yihua, turned around, and bent down slightly.

"Ah? Are you?"

Yihua looked at Gito, wondering what he was doing.

"I carry you, I will fly you back."

Gito said without looking back.

"Ah? Fly... fly back? Can you fly? 39

When Gito flew down just now, Yihua was closing his eyes and revolving around in his mind, so he didn't know that Gito could fly.

"Come up quickly.

Gito urged.

Yihua didn't speak, stepped forward, wrapped his hands around Gito's neck, held it in front of his chest, and pressed his entire body on Gito's back.

Gito stood up and was about to take off.

But as soon as it took off, the flower fell down with an "Ouch" sound.

Gito had no choice but to stop, then turned around and pulled up Yihua's arm to check.

It was only then that Gito discovered that her left arm was injured, with a large bruise on her arm.

"Forget it, let's do it this way."

Gito lowered Yihua's arms, then bent over, resting his shoulders on Yihua's belly, and stood up.

He went straight down and carried Yihua on his shoulders.

"Gi... Gito-kun, can we... change our poses?"

Said with a blushing face.

You know, she's wearing a short skirt in her school uniform, so she's going to be looked down upon.

"Don't worry, no one will look at you.

Gito didn't care whether Yihua's face was red or not, he just flew up.

Gito was fast when he came, and equally fast when he went back.

Also (Nuo Li Zhao) in five minutes, he flew back to Nakano's house with Yihua.

The window he opened when he left had not been closed, and the four sisters stood by the window, watching the rainy night outside.

When Gito's figure appeared in the air, the worried expressions on their faces relaxed a little.

But seeing the man who was being held by Gito on his shoulders, I was worried about whether Kiichihwa was injured.

"Yihua, are you alright?

Before Gito entered the room, the four sisters asked aloud.

"Just let it go."

Gito looked at the four sisters and said that they were blocking the window and he couldn't get in.

"Huh? Oh."

It was only at this time that the four sisters realized that Gito and Yihua had not come in yet.

"Yihua, are you alright?"

After the two entered the room, the four sisters gathered around again.

"I'm fine.

Yihua shook her head, looking at the worried expressions on the four people's faces, she knew that they were very concerned about what she was doing.

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