A flash of lightning and thunder roared across the night sky, and the thunder light illuminated Youhua's frightened face.

Just as Yuhua rushed back to the village, he saw the scene in front of him of Junko being crushed by the Dragon Bone Demon."Kasang……"Her pupils trembled, and she glanced aside in a blink of an eye, and saw Yamabuki Kazutake being knocked to the ground...

She couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately helped Yamabuki Kazutake up, and then her face darkened,"Ichimoku Nisan, Dosan, please is you"

"give it to me."Ichimoku, who was following Yuhua, said knowingly.

Then, Ichimoku stepped forward and helped Yamabuki Kazutake to rest under a big tree aside. Then Ichimoku used his hands to shine a blue demonic light at him, and decisively healed him. Ichimoku You know, at this moment, Youhua has a huge awareness! Even if he knew that she would be in danger, he couldn't stop her!

""You," Youhua walked towards Longgujing with heavy steps,"what have you done to my family?"! You beast!!!"She was furious!

"I can't bear it anymore!"Youhua escaped from her sleeves with a few white spells. The spells on the white paper were drawn with her own blood. They were extremely lethal to monsters and monsters. She could only hear the words in her mouth:"Heaven is my father, and the earth is me. Mother, in the domain, the south gate, the north gate, the three platforms, the jade girl, the green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right, the red bird in the front, the Xuanwu in the back, supporting the wings, rushing like a law!"

As soon as Youhua finished speaking, a red thunder flashed from the white talisman and struck at the dragon bone spirit. Seeing this, Chunhua raised the scepter in his hand toward the sky. The thunder he summoned merged with the red thunder sent out by Youhua, and they all flew together. Qi slashed at the back of the dragon bone spirit!

The dragon bone spirit trembled, and as soon as its hand loosened, Junko slipped from its demon claws. Immediately afterwards, Yuhua immediately rescued her to Yamabuki Kazutake,"Kasan! Are you OK?!"While Yuhua was worried about Junko's injury, she also had to marvel - her spell just now would only hurt the dragon bone spirit, but not Junko. However, the move she just made was already with her full strength, and with the addition of With the demonic power assisted by Chunhua and the others, the Dragon Bone Demon actually didn't fall down after being attacked! One can imagine how powerful the Dragon Bone Demon is!

At this time, Junko opened one eye with great difficulty and looked at Yuhua,"Otome-chan, run away...if he discovers your existence, he will definitely not let you go.……"The"he" that Junzi said refers to the White Tiger God, but Yuhua understood"him" to mean the dragon bone spirit.

Yuhua didn't listen to Junko's words,"Kasan, even if you have a good rest, I will definitely take care of it!"

"Don't do anything stupid! Otome-chan……"Junko wanted to explain it to her, but before she could finish her words, she coughed repeatedly.

"Kasang, don’t worry, you know, my camp is very big~!"Youhua confidently took out the"Monsters' Book of Friends" she had made before from her sleeves, and then she shouted loudly:"Monsters in the Friends' Book, listen, as long as you fulfill the three things I said, I will I will return all my names to you! First, help me eliminate the Dragon Bone Demon, second, help me save the villagers, and third, help me rebuild Kamijou Village." After she said that, the friend account in her hand gave out a dazzling sound. light.

King Douya, Fairy Lingyue, Spider Witch, One-eyed Monster... all the monsters from the last banquet held in Yaohe River came to help!

When Gingyamaru saw King Douga coming, he immediately said dissatisfied:"Yuka-chan, why do I have to hand them over to them when I'm here? I'm also a god in this area, and Kamijou Village is under my protection. Naturally, I won’t sit back and ignore it. Let’s go, Shiro!" Shiro responded:"Yes! Inugami-sama!" Gingamaru transformed into a huge white hound with a blue five-pointed star on his forehead. The pattern, Bai Lu, has transformed into a human form for a long time: long silver hair fluttering freely in the night sky, an extremely sharp sword in his hand, and four white fluffy fox tails swaying behind him. Just watching Yingyawan try his best to suppress the movements of Dragon Bone Demon with his huge body, Bai Lu also tied the legs of Dragon Bone Demon with his four longer tails. At this moment, Ying Yawan and Bai Lu shouted in unison:"Now! Yahara!"

"Here I am! Yahara changed back to his ninja appearance, raised a big colorful thunderball with both hands in the air,"Take the move!"!"

Seeing this scene, Douya King and Youhua smiled knowingly at each other. Youhua said:"I didn't expect that they are usually noisy, but they cooperate so well at critical moments. Gingyawan also learned to cooperate with others.……"King Douya grinned and said:"This is all your fault, Kawaii little miko~" The combined moves exploded, and the dragon bone spirit was finally injured,"Damn it……"The dragon bone spirit staggered and swayed,"I'm going to kill you all!"

The monsters in the friends' account also went to suppress it. Unexpectedly, the dragon bone spirit was so tenacious that it couldn't defeat it. Instead, the monsters injured it. few!

At this time, Ichimoku pulled out the demon sword that accompanied him at his waist,"Okay, Ichitake and Junko are almost done. Now... Dragon Bone Demon, I want you to see the strength of my demon sword master!" Ichimoku's move, Everyone looked at him, and Yuhua was also very curious,"Nani Nani, is Nissan's move very powerful?"

Chunhua flew behind Yuhua and said,"The reason why Ichimoku is famous is not just because he created His demon sword is very powerful, and that's because...his strength as a demon is very strong, especially his special move [Cang Yun Break], which shocked the entire demon world! This move has always been rumored, but I didn't expect that now I can see it with my own eyes. Move."

Just as Chunhua said, the one-eyed demon sword ignited white-blue demon flames, and he slashed in the direction of the Dragon Bone Demon. The demon flames on the knife instantly turned into a huge phoenix and pounced on the Dragon Bone Demon," Explode!!! Cang——Yun——Broken——!"

The dragon bone spirit roared, and white-blue demonic flames ignited all over its body. Although the villagers couldn't see a single sight of the demonic dragon, they saw that the demonic dragon was covered in fire and thought it was Youhua's doing.Okay,"Great! In this way, the Dragon Bone Demon should be defeated!"

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Bone Demon not only survived, but also swept the villagers with its tail burned by the demon flames. The villagers screamed and died, and the villagers were injured. injury

"Not yet? The villagers could no longer hold on."Yuhua held a feather fan in one hand and a [Shen Step Shaker] in the other, chanting incantations to the dragon bone, but it had no effect on the dragon bone spirit at all. Instead, she was blown down by the demonic wind it stirred up!

King Douya caught her," Little witch, take a rest and let me do it. To deal with it, you really need to rely on it.……"

"Eh?!"Youhua didn't understand what she heard. She saw King Douya pick up a red demonic sword. Her eyes lit up,"Could this be... Tie Suiya?"

"how do you know? King Douya was very surprised by Youhua's cheers,"This is the latest knife I made. I haven't introduced it to others yet. How do you know this? It's so strange... Why?"" He stared at Youhua. Youhua felt uncomfortable being stared at by her.

After a while, she giggled and said,"Don't forget that I am a witch. I can predict things by divination."

"Sigh~" King Douya smiled heartily, pressing a big hand on the top of Yuhua's head,"You little witch is so interesting!"

"OK! Deal with it quickly!"Youhua struggled restlessly.

"I can only help you with the first two of the three things you mentioned. I will use the natural teeth to save the villagers, but I will not participate in the reconstruction of Kamijou Village. If you need help with anything in the future, please call me at any time. No matter if my name is on your friend account or not, I will help you."

"Ah Li Ah Duo~"

King Dou Ya wielded his iron broken teeth and struck hard at Dragon Bone Demon. Dragon Bone Demon was very smart. He sensed King Dou Ya's powerful demonic power and actually took the opportunity to escape! When it escaped, it did not forget the classics He said:"Be careful! I will come back again!!"

"Well……"As Youhua listened, a few black lines drooped on her forehead,"Do you have any innovative closing words?"

She was answered by a group of crows flying above her head:"Acridine - acridine - acridine -"

On the Gaotian Plain, a white tiger The Lord Shen smashed the world-viewing mirror hard,"That bastard... actually failed!"

Qinglong said with a playful smile:"Well~ well~ don't be angry, I have another plan, which is to use the ghost clan……"

White Tiger looked at Qinglong arrogantly,"It's best to succeed this time, don't let me take action myself!"

"Don't worry, the chances of winning this time are……"Qinglong showed an evil smile with full confidence,"That's 90% of the 100%~"

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