Yuhua used the Friends Book to call on monsters to help rebuild Kamijou Village, and she also decided to resign from Reiko, leave the shrine, and return to the village to live in it so that she could personally protect the village.

That night, Yuhua suddenly felt sleepy and went to bed early. Junko slept with her, covering her with the quilt that had been thrown over due to her movements.

"Junko."At this time, Yamabuki Kazutake walked in with a somewhat solemn look. He walked to Yuhua's bed and sat down,"Anosa……"

He seemed to be about to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Junko interrupted:"Don't worry, the child's father, Otome-chan is very strong." Ichibu caressed Yuhua's bangs,"You're right, Unknowingly, our daughter has grown so old……"

"We must find ways to protect her before divine punishment comes! How can we……"Junko's tone was full of anxiety

"Do not worry. Yamabuki Kazutake looked at Junko firmly with his eyes,"It is undoubtedly difficult for you and me to save her. For her, it will be safer for her to be with those monster friends." Junko listened, smiled softly, and nodded,"You are right, then let Ichimoku and the others take care of her. Indeed, when she is with the monsters, she is happier than when she usually stays in the village. More, I can still see this."

"Okay, it's late at night, go to sleep."Yamabuki Kazutake said no more. He pulled out a quilt from the closet next door and said,"Tonight, let us sleep together as a family after a long time.~"

"The child’s father, you really are……"Junko and Yamabuki Kazutake laughed happily for a moment, and soon they lay on one side of Yuhua and fell asleep.

It was late at night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and everyone in Kamijou Village was fast asleep.

Three black figures were suspended in the sky above the village.

Yes, these three black figures are all monsters, and they are the strongest monster clan from Tobu Kingdom.——【Ghost Clan].

The monster on the left is a woman. She has a beautiful face and is dressed in a snow-white kimono. Her black hair reaches to her heels. At both ends of her head, a pair of exquisite white horns are hidden in her hair.

The monster in the middle is a man. He is wearing a blue kimono, with jade trees in the wind, long flowing hair behind him, and a pair of blue horns on his head.

The monster on the right is also a woman. She is wearing a bright red dancer's costume and holding a feather fan in her hand. She is very enchanting. She has thick and long black hair hanging down her back, and a pair of red sheep horns on both ends of her head.

The two women and one man are Yukiko the white ghost, Akari the red ghost, and Reishiro the green ghost.

Akari smiled seductively,"The time is coming soon."

Yukiko slightly covered her smiling mouth with her long sleeves,"Onitsuki Festival"……"

Lan Ling's palm flashed, and a demon sword was already in his hand,"We will definitely kill the [Fate-Resisting Witch]"】……Obliterate!!!"

A flash of lightning flashed across the night sky strangely, and the barrier protecting the village slowly weakened.……


"here it is……"

Somehow, Youhua was in a trance for a while. When she came to her senses, she found herself walking on a dark path with high walls made of black crystal on both sides. There was a long and high staircase in front of her. At the end of the staircase, there was a A beautifully crafted house, with melodious and melodious piano sounds coming from the room.

She stood there, listening to the sound of the piano, confused, but she felt that the sound was coming from the house in front of her.

Suddenly, a ethereal voice sounded in her ears

"Chrissy, Chrissy……"

"Chrissy? Youhua was stunned,"Who are you calling?""She was thinking, and suddenly, she got excited and suddenly shouted vigilantly around her:"Who is it? Come out! Don't play tricks!"

"Relax, I won't hurt you."The ethereal voice became extremely beautiful, but she couldn't figure out where it came from.

The tone of this voice was full of gentleness. Youhua felt confused and decided to find the person who called her,"Are you in that house?"She climbed up the stairs in a hurry but slowly, and walked to the door of the exquisite house above the stairs. The sound of the piano was extremely clear at this time.

She opened the door and walked into the house cautiously. She saw a young man sitting gracefully and quietly. In front of the piano, he played leisurely.

He was wearing a black brocade robe, with a face that was so handsome that it charmed all living beings. Under the dark bangs, a pair of blood-red pupils were clear and pure, as smart and shining as gems. Her long black gold hair was flying softly on her back, and her whole body exuded a fragrant and alluring fragrance, but it also carried an invisible sense of oppression. Her whole body exuded the aura of a king looking down on the world.

Youhua stared at him intently. , she didn’t know why, but she felt that she knew him. Subconsciously, she softly called out his name:"Hades...Hades"……"

At this time, he stopped playing the keys, smiled gently at her, and said in a orchid-like tone,"Yes, it's me, Chrissy."

Then! Suddenly - a burst of psychedelic light flashed across, the surrounding environment suddenly shook, and in the blink of an eye, Youhua was hanging over a dark palace out of thin air.

She looked down at the dark palace at her feet with a stern look in her eyes,"Pluto's...sanctuary?!"

Hades said to her in a magnetic voice:"Well, this is my castle, the place where everyone in the world knows it. He was talking about the sanctuary of Hades, Lord of Hades."

Youhua raised his eyes and looked across,"Why do you want to show me your sanctuary?"

He opened his arms, gently embraced her into his arms, and breathed at her like Lan,"Of course I will pick you up to live in my temple, my Chrissy~"

Yuhua felt her whole body soften when he hugged her. What was in her mind just now, now, her My mind became empty.

Her snow-white face blushed slightly, she shook her head, and after a while, she came back to her senses and struggled to break away from his arms,"Who... who wants to live in your temple? By the way, why did you suddenly appear? I remember that I was probably……"

But at the same time, Yuhua also understood in her heart: the real name of the goddess of hell in her previous life was [Clias]】

"I came to you because of the agreement we made in my previous life. As for what the agreement was, I can't tell you yet. He pressed her bangs with his forehead intimately, looking at her eyes as gentle as water,"It doesn't matter if you can't remember it now. When you wake up, you will naturally remember everything. Remember, I will always wait for you." Yes, just……"Suddenly, the eyes between him and Youhua flashed with inexplicable worry,"Cleas, your destiny will undergo a major change recently. This is the trial road that you must go through to awaken. You must pass it." Trial, remember, no matter what happens, you must never forget your original intention, don't get lost, and don't let yourself be swallowed up by negative emotions such as hatred and despair. You must always keep a smile, understand?" His tone was full of emotion. Hot affection and inexplicable worry.

She blinked at him confusedly,"What do you mean by what you said? My destiny...will there be any major changes?"

He did not answer her question, but just smiled with unfulfilled meaning. The environment of the sanctuary Gradually disappeared, the body slowly flew back, and then became disillusioned, leaving an ethereal confession to her:"My dear Chris, I look forward to the day when you wake up... I will always love you.……"

"etc! Hades! What did you just say...what do you mean?! Is it a prophecy or something? Wait a minute...Hades!!!"Youhua chased after him and called to stop him, but there was a flash of light around him - Youhua, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly sat up.

She was bleary-eyed and yawned sleepily,"Just now... Dream?"She didn't think too much. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked at the night outside the window. She wanted to continue sleeping with her head covered. Unexpectedly, suddenly, a thunder flashed past -

Youhua's eyes suddenly opened. Shrinking, as if she was strongly shocked by something, she trembled her lips and repeated two words:"Enchantment……"

At this time, Junko, who was sleeping with her, seemed to hear her cry and woke up,"Otome-chan, what's wrong?"

Yuhua's inspiration suddenly shook, and her pupils tightened,"No! Barrier......Broken!!!"

After hearing this, Junko was shocked,"Nani?!"

Junko and Youhua ran outside the house and took a look. Sure enough, thick evil spirit filled the entire night sky, and the original dark night turned into It became purple!

In the purple night... there are three monsters hidden!

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