Recently, the top and bottom of the National Security Bureau have been suffering, especially the low pressure from the leaders, which makes the staff at the bottom feel nervous when they go to work, and they don't even dare to breathe.

Of course, if the National Security Bureau of any place is the worst, it must be the one in the Imperial Capital.

Originally, as the National Security Bureau of the Imperial Capital, it was regarded as the leader, but this time it really lost a big one in front of the younger brothers, and almost apologized with death.

There is no way, although the person escaped with the help of the little nurse, but no matter what, he ran away under their eyes. Even if there are thousands of reasons, he cannot erase the responsibility of disappearing

It can be said that after that day, the Imperial Capital Headquarters wrote a review letter from top to bottom.

Of course, the boss is not feeling well, and the other younger brothers are also suffering, because now Xiao Nan is gone and cannot be found, and the national security bureaus all over the country have to get busy. If the brothers from other departments caught it, it would be a shame to throw it at grandma's house, and all of them can go back to their hometown to farm.

To be reasonable, in fact, Xiao Nan is just an international mercenary in the final analysis, and should not be under the management of national security. You must know that the scope of responsibility of national security is mainly engaged in anti-terrorism, anti-espionage and political security work.

The purpose is to maintain the "April 13" national political security.

It stands to reason that Xiao Nan is not worth their trouble, and he can even throw it to the Public Security Bureau.

But it happened that Xiao Nan was sick and made some gods come out.

Don't think it's nothing when you hear the name of the Temple of the Gods. To be honest, the Temple of the Gods is similar to the Akatsuki Organization in a certain Hokage World, or even surpassed.

The Temple of the Gods gathers all kinds of talents from all over the world. There is no shortage of criminals who are anti-social and anti-human. Of course, because of the fact that they started as mercenaries, they will also take on some spy work and help certain countries enter other countries to steal information. Or sabotage.

It can be said that the temples of the gods dare to do anything as long as they are given money, and they have indeed done it.

Naturally, Canglong Xiaonan, one of the founders of the Temple of Gods and its leader, was handed over to Guoan, even though the girl from the family came to call the police to arrest the police.

But the public security didn't lose them, and they lost them as soon as they arrived in Guoan. This is the biggest problem. If it weren't for the strict review of every member of Guoan, the 18th generation of ancestors and any comments on the Internet would be retrieved. After checking, if there is no problem, they can enter the second round of screening and selection. I am afraid that the people above will have to suspect whether there are bad guys mixed in within the national security.

You have to know that the proposal passed in the past few years, one person does the work and one person is responsible, the children of criminals can pass the public examination on the same day, and the national security side did not let them go, and now they are ashamed. "This is really unreasonable.

Because of this, at the moment, the Guoan office area on Yuncheng's side is also looking gloomy, and everyone is not motivated.

It's not easy to catch Xiao Nan, once he is lost, the whole country is so big, trying to find it again is like looking for a needle in a haystack, don't look at Xia Guo's recent Tiantian network system, but you must know that this does not mean that it is really foolproof Yes, I don’t know how many places can’t be controlled, there are not even cameras, and I don’t know how many places, the camera is just an erection, no one is watching after it is installed, and it is broken when something happens.

Not to mention that Xiao Nan was unable to be picked up by other countries before, and let him be free for so many years. It must not be possible for a mere street camera to find him. Before being able to arrest the other party, it was pure luck. The other party was injured and unconscious. The person who happened to be discovered I reported it to the police, and the police who came knew to check it out, otherwise it would be hard to say.

It can be said that there are too many coincidence elements, and it is impossible to replicate and implement at all.


"What are you making a fuss about!? Head is in a bad mood, be careful."

"No! You see, I don't know who sent an email to us. You must know that we use an internal network, which is not connected to the outside, and only our own people can use it.

Hearing Gao Wen's words, everyone became nervous, and hurried over to check, knowing that if their internal network of Guoan was compromised, something serious would happen.

"Hurry up and see what's going on, is it an intrusion or a virus, and what is the content of this email!?"

Hearing everyone chattering and chattering, Fang Liance, who was smoking a stuffy cigarette in the office, frowned, walked out with a dark face, and shouted, what are you doing together? Think of a way, don't when people are really here with us, but we don't find out... What's wrong!? Everyone suddenly looked at me


"That head! People may really be here with us, didn't you know something earlier!?"

Fang Liance glared at the person who spoke, "What nonsense are you talking about, I know what a ghost, and what do you mean by that!?"

The person pointed his hand and said: "It seems that someone from a brother company sent us an anonymous email just now, which gave us some information about Xiao Nan. It is speculated that Xiao Nan is probably really here in Yuncheng. Side, but it’s not too much, this brother’s unit is not simple, if it’s not for the internal network, it’s impossible to be invaded, I have to suspect that the internal has fallen, and the other party seems to have a way to prevent us from tracking its information.”

Fang Liance frowned upon hearing this, "Are you sure it's one of our own!?"

The man nodded, "Although the anonymity was made, I still applied for it. If you don't want to ask, the boss must know something. Without their nodding, the other party would not dare to send it. This is stamped." .”

It is said to be anonymous, in fact, it is equivalent to just not wanting names and surnames to appear in some credit books. It can be said that people do not want to be greedy for credit for sending information. Maybe it is because of the special unit and personal identity that it is not convenient to appear in more in view.

Fang Liance also thought of this, and then shook his head, "Forget it, as long as you are sure that you are one of us, don't be curious. If there is a need, the people above will tell us. Since they all choose to remain silent, it proves that we should not know. .

"Tell me about the information!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. After all, they were in Guoan, and they knew better than anyone that curiosity was not worthwhile here.

The big head replied: "Head, how to say this information, we discussed it just now, the possibility is only 30%, it is not clear whether it is really Xiao Nan, it may be other spies, or drone hobby By."

"Of course drone enthusiasts are the least likely. I have also seen the surveillance video provided by the other party. There is indeed a high probability that it is the latest military micro-drone CSH-1186 developed by the Lighthouse Country. However, because it is It was taken at night, and the distance is a bit far, so whether it is really the case remains to be verified.”

Fang Liance nodded, and asked again, "Then why is Xiao Nan so likely!?"

You must know that it is already a lot to give a 30% possibility without meeting anyone..0

The big head glanced at Wen Qian, the brain in charge of the team with the code name "Water Drop", and the other party also understood at this time, "It's like this, because the person who gave the information knew that the so-called location of the surveillance is Baixi High School in Baixixuan. The possibility of being some spies has been reduced, and the purpose of obtaining this kind of drone is not to steal important information from our country, but... um, how should I put it, to target an ordinary high school People, it is really likely to be that Xiao Nan!"

"It's important to mention that the surveillance camera is not located in the corner of the girls' dormitory."

Fang Liance nodded, there is indeed a high chance that it is Xiao Nan, after all, it is a dormitory for girls, and only the internationally famous Canglong Xiao Nan, who never refuses women, loves all women, and can risk himself for women, will do it. In doing so, Baixi High School is just an ordinary high school. It doesn't know that someone spends a lot of time to use this kind of difficult drone.

But then Fang Liance realized that he was able to use this kind of drone but failed, and was found to stop it instead. It seems that Baixi High School is not so ordinary.

However, Fang Liance quickly put away this curiosity and said, "Then quickly collect more information, we can't let people feed rice directly into their mouths.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

However, Wen Qian still reminded, "Although we judge that there is a high probability that Xiao Nan is here, there is another factor that Xiao Nan was discovered in Yuncheng before, which is also the reason for the increase to 30%." Song is.. ………………”

Wen Qian looked at Fang Liance, and then said, "Head, Xiao Nan will never want to revisit his hometown, simply go back to his hometown to relieve his homesickness, he must have a purpose, if he really finds out that he is now back Yuncheng’s words…………”

Wen Qian didn't continue talking, but Fang Liance understood her deep meaning.

This cloud city is very scary. After all, according to the information, Xiao Nan is the illegitimate son of the Xiao family in the imperial capital. It stands to reason that after he sneaks back to the country, he should go to the imperial capital. Going to deal with the Xiao family, not 3.8, is going back to Yuncheng after all the hardships.

One must know that the distance between Yuncheng and the Imperial Capital is not close at all. While Xiao Nan is still on the wanted list, many means of transportation may not be available, and he has to avoid all kinds of cameras and court eyeliners along the way. , how hard it is, I believe everyone knows, but Xiao Nan just faced the difficulties and went all the way back to Yuncheng.

Combined with the fact that Xiao Nan was seriously injured in Yuncheng and was discovered at the beginning, as long as he is not a brainless person, he can realize that Weicheng may be the key place.

But the terrible thing is that as a member of the local National Security Bureau, he doesn't even know that there is anything in Yuncheng that is worthy of such a person taking risks.

And is Baixi High School really just an ordinary high school!? Could it be that the high school is just a disguise, but it is actually an important unit of the country!?

Fang Liance made a mistake, if that's the case, but the boss at the top didn't know how to tell him the details, then it really feels like the less you talk, the bigger the trouble.

After thinking for a while, Fang Liance said, "Let me think of a way. You guys go ahead and do your work first. If there is anything, I will let you know. For now, search with Baixi High School as the center, and don't let any suspicious things go. Remember that safety is paramount, then Xiao Nan probably has a weapon in his hand, so be careful."

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