"The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

The full moon hangs high above the sky, quiet and elegant, letting the clouds below roll and relax, like a lonely goddess.

Zhang Qing was shaking the goblet in his hand, with the other hand behind his back, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the brightly lit city below.

This is the 20th floor of Lihua Hotel in Baixi County. In this small place of Baixi County, there are not many buildings that can be taller than it. The average house is only two to three floors, and the rest will not exceed 8 floors. So standing here and looking down, you can almost see most of Baixi County.

Of course, with the naked eye, this is obviously an exaggeration, and it can't be done at all, unless you use a high-power telescope or the like.

But Zhang Qing is not an ordinary person, he is really watching everything under the lights below.

What was swaying in the goblet without spilling it was not high-end red wine, nor the fat house happy water for pretense, but Wanglaoji herbal tea with the fragrance of herbs.

After Zhang Qing took a small sip of his drink, he let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the hunting action below with blurred eyes, he gave a slight thumbs up in his heart.

"I have to say that those who were able to enter the national security are not bastards, they all have real materials, and they have locked Xiao Nan's whereabouts so quickly."

Originally, Zhang Qing also thought that it would take a long time for Guoan to lock Xiao Nan's position, but Zhou Lian only provided a little inaccurate information, and Guoan's actions would be so effective.

If it hadn't been for the loss of not knowing more about the inside story, Xiao Nan might not be able to enjoy himself for so long.

But Xiao Nan deserves it, who would have thought that this guy is clearly a wanted fugitive, according to the 20 theory, at such a time, he should calm down and hide for a while

It's right to keep one's place.

However, I don't know if it's because I'm used to smooth sailing in foreign countries, or if I'm not in the right mind, and dare to kill an innocent fruit shop owner at this time, this is even Zhang Qing. Unexpectedly, this guy was too crazy and not rational enough.

How did such a character survive until now!? What other temples have been created!?

Compared with those tyrannical heroes, this one is just impulsive and irritable [a boy who is easily swayed by emotions], which is completely in line with the impression given by the headshot of the international super criminal organization.

While praising Guoan, Zhang Qing was also speechless about the local security level in Baixi County. The fruit shop is not far from the Yunjin Community where Xia Rou and others live. Surveillance, but there was a murder case under the nose, and no one found out for several days, until the state security intervened.

This level of embarrassment is no worse than being run away by Xiao Nan from the State Security Bureau.

It can be said that after Xiao Nan returned to the country, he continuously slapped various departments of the imperial court in the face, with crackling noises.

After this time, I am afraid that how to strengthen the professional quality of personnel will also have to be on the conference table of the bosses.

But these are not what Zhang Qing should worry about. He watched Xiao Nan, who snatched a motorcycle and drove wildly in the urban area, ran countless red lights along the way, and even caused many traffic accidents. .

Originally, Zhang Qing wanted to observe for a longer period of time. This might be some kind of "protagonist" experimental individual, but the other party dared to commit a sensitive crime, so Zhang Qing didn't intend to let the other party go on.

In the final analysis, the existence of Xiao Nan only made Zhang Qing doubt the reality of the world. After all, Xiao Nan's life was too bizarre, like the protagonist in a certain cool novel. .

It can be summed up in two words "magic".

Reality is not a novel, and there is no author who escorts the protagonist, so how did Xiao Nan’s legend come true!? Pure luck!?

Obviously impossible, Zhang Qing was wondering if the world he is currently in might be fake!?

In order to understand this point, he didn't let the other party be arrested immediately, but let the other party outside.

As scientific researchers, people like Zhang Qing are naturally very similar to a first green man named Otto in some way. When they discover interesting, novel and unknown things, they often have great enthusiasm and give to a certain extent. The "freedom" that the experiment target thinks.

It's a pity that Zhang Qing is not Otto after all, he will not observe his experimental subject all the time, control everything in his hands, and will not still not deal with the experimental subject after it touches the bottom line.

It was obvious that after the murder, Xiao Nan had touched Zhang Qing's bottom line, and he couldn't allow him to continue.

That's why Zhou Lian went to Guoan to provide information.

If Xiao Nan knew the truth, he didn't know if he would regret it!?

But think about it, probably not!

After all, with Xiao Nan's personality that is all about himself, he probably wouldn't regret killing someone at all, he would just think that if he knew that he would kill Zhang Qing together, it wouldn't be such a big deal.

"The world cannot be fake, so it can only be that there is something behind this so-called 'Child of Destiny' that seems to be able to affect the people around him through Xiao Nan, spiritually or spiritually polluted!?"

"Could it be some outer god, from Cthulhu!?"

Zhang Qing looked at the chasing battle below. Those national security personnel, who were alert and calm at the beginning, became a little "stupid". Being opened by the opponent, he was thrown away by the opponent several times.

But the Guoan people did not call for support, nor did they use some weapons and equipment.

You must know that Xiao Nan is a criminal who seriously endangers national security. When necessary, he is allowed to be killed without capturing him alive. However, these people in Guoan seem to be unaware of this, and instead played a game of chasing each other with the other party, making Bai The traffic in Xi County was almost paralyzed.

What's more terrible is that the people from the traffic and public security department, or the county government, didn't take any action. They didn't tell the people not to go out and stay at home behind closed doors. They just let this farce go on, making it more convenient for Xiao Nan Finding a hostage is obviously not normal.

At the same time, those common people didn't even know that there was danger to avoid, and each of them seemed to have not seen it. They thought it was a police film, because it was abnormal.

As if all observers were affected by their normal judgment, Zhang Qing even guessed that even if Xiao Nan lost his motorcycle and walked on two feet, the national security personnel behind him would probably get off the vehicle and follow him, and they would always be slower than the other party.

It's no wonder that Xiao Nan became famous in just a few years, surpassing many "big shots" with names and surnames, and became a legend in the mercenary world. The temple, this kind of organization that cannot appear in reality.

You must know that in the first sixteen years of his life, Xiao Nan had never touched guns, let alone received high-intensity physical exercise. It was almost impossible to live in that kind of place, but he did it and finished it. He has done a lot of tasks that are hailed as impossible. Unless he is taken away by some immortal cultivator and other world demon king, he will never be able to do it.

However, the reality is that he has done it, Xiao Nan is still the same Xiao Nan, his personality is almost the same as before except that he has become more arrogant and confident.

Zhang Qing deliberately observed Xiao Nan's state at this moment, trying to find more traces from the other party, but he couldn't find anything miraculous.

Zhang Qing couldn't help but put down his wine glass, and frowned tightly, "It shouldn't be, could it be that the other party can influence the surroundings through Xiao Nan without making a sound!?"

If it's really that scary, even if there's no reason not to do it before!?

Suddenly Zhang Qing felt like tying Xiao Nan to the experimental table for sliced ​​research, "It can't really be a self-awakened superpower!? Or a spiritual system!?"

"However, we can't let him continue to make trouble now, otherwise even if he catches the other party in the end, all the people on Guoan's side will not only do nothing but have done something.

This pursuit process caused a large number of casualties, including innocent people. I am afraid that many people who are self-sufficient will have to take the blame and resign. This is obviously not what Zhang Qing wants.

In Zhang Qing's eyes, the blue and white rings were spinning, and immediately the power engine of the motorcycle under Xiao Nan's crotch was frozen due to the extremely low temperature, and could not continue to operate. Out of control, Xiao Nanren was thrown out.

This sudden change made the Guoan members who were chasing desperately behind gritted their teeth somewhat unresponsive. After a brief moment of blank mind, they swarmed up and took down Xiao Nan who was about to fall apart and had a concussion.

At the same time, these national security members and other people realized that they had made so many mistakes in this operation, and their faces turned pale. They didn't know what they were thinking at the time, as if in a daze In general, he only cared about chasing Xiao Nan, and didn't want to ignore everything else.

"What did we do just now!?" Looking at the paralyzed traffic system around, everyone was at a loss.

Great achievements turned into great mistakes, this sense of gap made everyone suffocate.

The 910 people in the hospital were paralyzed, because they didn't send anyone to rescue the wounded, and they were all focused on watching the show.

"Have we been hypnotized just now!?" The leader of the action command, Fang Liance, was the first to react from the daze. He quickly realized that something was wrong with everyone before him.

Since when!?

As he recalled, Fang Liance found that it seemed that from the moment they found Xiao Nan, he and others seemed to have become "stupid".

This reminded him of the little nurse who let Xiao Nan go. None of them understood why the other party would do this before.


You have to know that it is not easy to be a nurse in a large hospital in the Imperial Capital in cooperation with the State Security Bureau, no matter how young you are, hard work and talent are indispensable. Has the honor, such a person, will be a love brain!?

So this Xiao Nan actually knows demon magic!?

"Head, what are you thinking!?"

Hearing Wen Qian's voice from the earphone, Fang Liance shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just send a message to the General Administration and say that someone has caught it.

After hanging up the connection, Fang Liance's face was still very solemn, especially when he looked at Xiao Nan who was tied up like a mummy by handcuffs, restraint belts and other tools.

It's like wanting to see clearly the inside of a person through the appearance.

"Let's go." In the end, he didn't find anything, and said sullenly.

Zhang Qing watched the ending of the farce from a distance, and didn't know what he was thinking. He looked up at the night and the bright moon, and said quietly, "Is that really the only way!?"

As a scientific researcher, as a smart person, he is suspicious, and he will have a little doubt about all the facts.

"Let's do this first."

he said finally.

[The author has something to say: The world of dog blood has come to an end for the time being. The next chapter is Honkai III. Friends who don’t like it can wait for a while. There may be a new world, or it may be a pit from before. Fill it in, it has not been decided yet. 】.

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