Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1014 The Stigmata Plan That I Came Up With With My Head Flooded! ?

The rescued Valkyrie stood up with difficulty, and suddenly retreated to the corner of the wall in fear as if seeing a god of death.

"Sky, the Herrscher of the Sky...! Don't come here!"

Qiyana looked at these Valkyries who looked like pussy cats, she only stretched out her hand halfway, and didn't continue, she watched these trembling legs with her golden and blue pupils, The Valkyrie, who seemed to have an unknown liquid seeping out, said in as calm a tone as possible:

"I won't hurt you."

However, the other party's face was full of distrust.

But human beings know how to understand the atmosphere best, and the Valkyrie named Alvette, who seemed to be in the best condition, said insincerely and forced a forced smile, "Really...that's really true. ...thank goodness.....

Even Qiyana could see that the other party's words were insincere, but Qiyana didn't pay too much attention to it. During this period of time, she also understood what kind of confusion the awakened Herrscher of Sky created when she occupied her body. Disaster, it can be said that the culprit that the world is almost facing doomsday is "her".

Even if "she" is temporarily sealed in his body at this moment, the aftermath of the disaster brought about by "her" is still enough to break countless people and families.

It is right for the other party to be afraid of herself, and sometimes Qiyana is also very afraid of herself, afraid that one day ~ after waking up, the nightmare will continue.

"What happened here!? Your injuries are not serious, why is the Valkyrie here being slaughtered on one side!?"

Kiyana asked the question in her heart. She knew that the person Rita brought to hunt her was definitely not a parallel importer. After all, she needed to face a Herrscher, and it was the Herrscher who brought near destruction to the headquarters of Destiny not long ago. The reason is slighted.

But now these so-called "elites" have suffered heavy casualties from some strange biological weapons and some mechas that she can get rid of in threes and fives. For a moment, Qiyana thought of Wendy. In fact, they all have a lot of water, thinking about Teresa, an S-rank Valkyrie, Kiyana couldn't help but remain silent.

Fu Hua seemed to sense what was going on in Kiyana's mind, and she explained, "Although Teresa's S-rank is largely based on Judah's oath, her strength is definitely far superior to that of ordinary A-rank Valkyries, and... ..."

Fu Hua didn't continue, because she felt that the real reason for Teresa's lack of strength was that Teresa seemed to be very resistant to killing, especially when the opponent was in human form, she would subconsciously hold back. As for the reason, Fu Hua I don't know, maybe only Teresa and Otto know.

Kiyana nodded, temporarily believing that Teresa did not go through the back door.

Yarvette didn't know that the Herrscher on the other side was suspecting that she and the others were gold-plated parallel import elites. When she heard Qiyana asking the reason, she didn't care about being afraid. Instead, she felt wronged and vomited bitterness. "Those scumbags.....they used some kind of special tear gas...."

The body..... suddenly lost strength..."

It seemed that the injured Valkyrie suddenly remembered something at this time. She suddenly clasped Qiyana's arm tightly, completely forgetting that she told her not to come close just now.

Qiyana didn't shake off the opponent's hand, she just looked at the opponent and said, "Don't talk, don't waste energy. Let your teammates lead you to retreat quickly."

"Miss Rita...the deputy captain is very dangerous down there..." Alvette said anxiously.

Kiyana was not surprised, after all, this was her plan, she had also watched the actions of these Valkyries before, and of course she knew that if all the Valkyries here were hit by vicious tricks, then Rita would definitely not be immune. hard.

"You... save your lives first."

"Please! must help her...."

"I see."

Fu Hua looked at Qiyana with some confusion, "You shouldn't agree to her, we are enemies with them, you should be clear, even if you save them, they will not let go of the task of bringing you back to the destiny. "

Leaving these Valkyries behind, under their pleading gazes, they walked slowly towards the elevator.

As the gunshots extinguished, Qiyana looked at the elevator leading to the depths of the ground and walked in. After hearing Fu Hua's advice, she remained silent for a long time before replying, "But... at least we have the same enemy."

In the process of digging clues before, she also tried to sneak into the Shencheng Pharmaceutical Industrial Zone, but she was unable to investigate deeply due to the short time.

And now, the opportunity is at hand.

If she missed this opportunity and wasted it on saving people, the person behind Shencheng Medicine's reaction would probably not give her a second chance.

As the elevator went down a little bit, Qiyana became more and more silent.

"According to what the Valkyrie just said, 'Rita is below, it's very dangerous', it should be referring to this place." Fu Hua broke the silence.

"Well, the distance is getting closer, and I can even feel the reaction of the Houkai energy below. Rita should still be fighting underneath!?" Qiyana also confirmed the authenticity of the news.

Fu Hua didn't give her much time to think about it, and said directly, "Qiana, time is precious. Whether to help Rita or dig out the secret is up to your own choice. No matter what you decide in the end, I will Support your choice."


Kiyana took a deep breath and continued, "I will both dig out the secret and help Rita, I don't want to make a choice, I don't want to give up either party.

Hearing this, Fu Hua looked at Qiyana in surprise, but did not object, "This is difficult, you have to be mentally prepared and pay attention to safety."

"I will."

The elevator door was opened on the upper floor from where Rita was. It seems that because of Rita, the defense here is very empty, and some facilities have been damaged to varying degrees, but there is one place that caused Qiyana Pay attention, there are quite a few wreckages of those strange biological weapons. They seem to be blocking a certain door to prevent intruders from entering, but obviously they are not good.

Qiyana walked over and found that the door did not show signs of violence being destroyed. It is estimated that Rita had to enter the next deeper place because she had not been able to enter in time for some reason.

Looking at the lock on the gate, it was obvious that Kiyana could not have a password or key to open it, but anyway, she came to destroy, and while Rita was attracting people, Kiyana went straight up and kicked , kicked out a big hole in the gate made of unknown metal, and then got in.

It has to be said that at this moment, Qiyana is indeed a monster in terms of strength.

"The stigmata experiment... Is this the reason why all the dead men have stigmata on their bodies!?" Qiyana found the required information and records, but it shocked her because it was too much. Crazy, if this is true.

"They plan to conduct experiments on the residents of the entire city to screen out human beings who can resist the collapse." Fu Hua couldn't help but frown, "The content in the document clearly mentions that in the pre-civilization era, Shencheng Medicine knew more secrets than I thought. Much more."

0 looking for flowers……………

"'The all-knowing and omnipotent snake'...snake!? That he still alive!? How is this possible!?"

Qiyana didn't hear Fu Hua's last words to herself, she was attracted by other materials in it, because she saw Fu Hua's figure on it, and the recorded year can be traced back to a long time ago, far away Beyond Qiyana's cognition.

At this time, Sirin, who was looking at the information through Qiyana's eyes, was not surprised by the part about Fu Hua. Instead, she thought about why the world snake wanted to conduct the stigmata experiment, even though it took a whole super-large city to do it. It's a bit crazy to do experiments, but in fact, it is essentially the same as what Tianming has always done, because the Valkyries also came here.

The Valkyries of Destiny are never born Valkyries. Every time a Valkyrie is born, maybe three to five women will die in the process. This is the result of improvement and progress after five hundred years, earlier Before, I was afraid that out of a hundred people, if two or three survived, it was good news.

This is a sacrifice that has to be made. Only improper people can fight against Honkai, but even if human beings voluntarily abandon their identity as human beings, it is not an easy task.

Of course, this is not what Sirin cares about, she just wonders if the so-called stigmata plan is just to create more stigmata owners!? If this is the case, then this is really a brain-dead and mentally retarded plan.

She doesn't think it is useful if the number of these stigmata owners increases. If Kevin thinks that the increase in the number of ants can defeat the Herrscher and the Honkai, Sirin thinks that the old Popsicle may have lost his mind for more than 50,000 years. It's freezing, otherwise how could it be possible to come up with such a stupid plan!?

The owner of the stigmata is actually the same as the person who has spiritual roots and can cultivate immortality in the world of immortality. Now there is a lunatic who thinks that in the crisis of world destruction, as long as there are enough people who can cultivate immortality, they can be saved. How much water does it take? Can you figure it out!?

Sirin used her toes to think that it was definitely not the case, but she couldn't figure it out, does the so-called "stigmata plan" need enough stigmata owners!?

However, Xilin read the information here, and the results of the experiment do not seem to be ideal. It seems that the entire Tianqiong City has been dragged to the experimental platform, and at most only a few thousand people can succeed. This is still a relatively ideal result. If the process is somewhat Unexpectedly, I am afraid that the number of people will be even smaller.

With such a one-in-a-million probability, even with the human beings all over the world, it is possible to create a number of stigmata owners more than the Valkyria of Destiny.

This is the end of the world, because most of the successful people are women. If you want to multiply and grow the human population, you may have to clone people, and because clones may not be able to have stigmata..... .

Sirin couldn't figure out what the other party was trying to do!?

"I didn't expect you, monitor, to be so unusual..." Qiyana put down the information about Fu Hua unexpectedly. She searched here for a while, and found no more useful information, Immediately turned the gun head and went to the lower level.

"It's time to help Miss Maid, I hope she's okay"

After Qiyana left, a spatial crack opened, and a pale, imaginary hand packed away all the materials here, and it could even be said that digging three feet into the ground was not too much, leaving only an empty room for a long time. .

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