Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1015 Jackal: Otto, That's A Coward!

In order to find out the final whereabouts of the Herrscher of the Sky, Rita Rossweisse stepped into Sky City again to start hunting.

But she didn't expect that the conspiracy of the world snake in this city is slowly showing its fangs, making it desperate.

At this critical moment, her target lends a helping hand, and the fates of the hunter and the prey are firmly tied together...

After rescuing Rita and using the crash of the Eos transport ship to fake her death, Kiyana returned to her secret stronghold with Rita who was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and discussed with Fu Hua. The action that came down, and after learning about the white-haired man who suddenly appeared in memory.

Qiyana left Rita and planned to return to the Shencheng Pharmaceutical Industrial Zone to further stop the World Snake's plan, but what she didn't realize was that Rita had already woken up and was just pretending to be in a coma.

After hearing Kiana's conversation with someone, Rita had to fall into self-doubt.

Rita has never encountered so many unreasonable situations in the process of carrying out missions in the past.

The Herrscher, who should have lost human minds and lived on destruction, tried to uncover the hidden conspiracy behind the city and save people who knew nothing about it.

As Rita's relentless prey, she did not sit back and watch the hunter fall into desperation, but extended a helping hand in times of crisis.

This made Rita doubt for a moment "September 47" whether everything she had done before was correct, but she quickly threw it out of her mind.

As a Valkyrie, she shouldn't question her mission.

Qiyana, who didn't know the inner conflict of the maid and Xiao Jiujiu, couldn't help covering her golden right eye with her hand after leaving the stronghold.

Seeing this, Fu Hua asked concerned, "What's the matter, Qiyana..."

Qiyana shook her head, "No, I'm fine, it's just that when I left the Shencheng Pharmaceutical Industrial Zone, I felt a little strange when I looked at things.

"Strange!?" Fu Hua asked puzzled.

"I don't know how to describe it. I feel that the world seen by my right eye is like a layer of glass. No, maybe it's just that when the spaceship exploded, the strong light and explosion made my eyes feel a little uncomfortable. It seems much better now..." Qiyana felt the condition of her right eye and found that it had returned to normal. She felt that she might have been overwhelmed before.

Fu Hua breathed a sigh of relief, but he still reminded, "You shouldn't take risks next time. At that time, it doesn't matter even if you force Rita to leave. I don't think that kind of fake death can fool the other party."

Qiyana also showed a wry smile when she heard the words, "I didn't know that the cold maid had such a violent and impulsive side. By the time I realized it, it was already 3,##....... "

Halfway through, Qiyana realized that at the last moment, she was struggling to open a space door that could only be passed by one person, but at the last moment, the space door suddenly expanded, opening enough for two people to pass side by side. the size of.

Always felt……………………

No, it's impossible, because it's because my potential has exploded at a critical moment, and it should be the Taixu sword energy of the squad leader during this period of time that played a role.

At the same time, Shencheng Pharmaceutical Industrial Zone. Raven picked up the communication from the Jackal.

"How's the progress!? The secret of Shencheng Medicine has been exposed, and there is not much time left for the experiment." The jackal asked straightforwardly as soon as he came up, not intending to beat around the bush.

Raven rolled his eyes and said, "I've put all my hands into action. I'm not a magician, so I can't change words. Valkyrie of Destiny left me a mess and delayed our rhythm. But it's not The essential"

"The most terrible problem is that the Herrscher of the Sky is also targeting us. That Herrscher girl completely ruined this plan."

Jackal said casually, "Just hold her back."

"Hold on...!? Hah." Raven chuckled as if hearing the biggest joke of the century, "Although I hate her, I'm not crazy. I understand that even if you can create more Ten times as many monsters, filling them with life, still can't hold the Herrscher of the Void for even a second."

"Think about the second Honkai, and think about what she has done. You know better than me that fighting Herrscher is not a matter of adding numbers at all."

Hearing the raven's barbed words, Jackal still didn't take it seriously. She said relaxedly, "I checked the on-site records an hour ago, and the girl didn't show the destructive power of the Herrscher in the records."

"Maybe she's just awakened and hasn't been able to fully control her power. Your fear of her is just a brand of childhood experience.

"According to the information I obtained before, the new Herrscher of the Sky lost control and wreaked havoc in the headquarters of Destiny, but was quickly defeated after only a few hours. I heard that there were three S-rank Valkyries present at the time. One of them, Rita Rossweisse, I just fought against you."

"What's the result!? It's not defeated by our careful arrangements. It can be seen that the power of the new Herrscher is not as unattainable as you think."

"Perhaps!? It is said!?......There are too many assumptions in your words. Maybe the Catholic Church has a trick that we don't know!?" Raven felt that the Jackal was standing up and talking without back pain. , It didn't feel that the other party wasn't there before, but just seeing the Herrscher of the Sky from a distance, her whole body tensed up, and a voice kept urging herself to leave, to escape far away, and it felt difficult to close the door and get close. Breathing monster, this guy let himself go!?

Raven wondered if this guy didn't like him, and planned to take the opportunity to get rid of him reasonably.

The Herrscher must have pretended to be very weak, waiting for him to come to his door. Raven maliciously speculated about the sinister intentions of the Herrscher of the Sky.

The jackal had no idea how Raven was slandering himself and the Herrscher of the Sky at the moment, and even suspected that he and the Herrscher of the Sky had colluded secretly.

She let out a disdainful laugh, "Otto!? As we all know, Otto is just a coward who hides behind the Valkyrie. Instead of believing that he can solve the problem, why don't you tell me that Otto invented an amazing armor, find Put on a Valkyrie who is about to retire, and wipe out the Herrscher of the Sky with one blow."

Raven was not amused by the other party's joke, she rolled her eyes again and said, "Your sense of humor is really reassuring..."

Apparently Raven didn't believe that the truth was so outrageous, even though it was the truth.

"Raven, the organization has been preparing for the Stigmata Project for many years. A huge densely populated city entered a state of martial law under the disaster, and it was impossible to evacuate the crowd in time. There is no more ideal experimental condition than now, and there will be no future also."

"More importantly, Zunjing's eyes are always watching here. He hopes to see the future of mankind here. Neither of us has a way out."

Hearing this, under the gray hood, Raven's face tensed up.

She understood the threat hidden in Jackal's words, and she was telling Raven, if you don't solve the Herrscher of the Sky now, even if the experiment in Sky City fails, the children you take in in Sky City may have to use up.

Raven suppressed the fear and anger in his heart and said coldly, "Everything is as the snake wishes..0"

The Jackal seemed very satisfied with her answer, and left a sentence, "I hope that the next communication will be when you bring good news."

After speaking, he took the initiative to disconnect the communication, leaving Raven with an ugly face.

The night covered the buildings in the industrial area with darkness, and they were hidden in it, which made the girl feel a bit of peace of mind unexpectedly.

Kiyana stared at the distant square with bated breath. In front of a train, the hooded woman who assassinated Rita was giving orders to her subordinates.

"It's a coincidence that we caught up with the action just after we arrived." Fu Hua reminded upon seeing this.

Qiyana also felt that something was wrong, but the team was about to leave, and it was impossible for her to miss this good opportunity.

She jumped down directly and ran after the starting motorcade.

It was raining lightly at the moment, but it made Qiyana's figure not stand out.

In the dark night, the lights of the expressway are like flying stars. Qiyana followed closely, always looking down at the convoy below.

In the end, she jumped lightly and landed on the top of one of the trucks without making a sound.

She squatted on it to hide her figure, and planned to do it directly after staying away from the industrial area.

Fu Hua was not as relaxed as Qiyana, she reminded again, "Qiana, always beware of that woman in the cloak. Judging from the situation of Rita and her professor, she is very good at using insidious means."

Qiyana put away the relief in her heart when she heard the words, "I understand that those Valkyries also lost their fighting ability under the gas they threw."

Fu Hua thought it was not that simple, "The gas can knock down the Immortal Blade... The World Snake may have prepared some kind of chemical weapon that will make the human body lose its energy. If you underestimate it, it is likely to Follow in their footsteps."

"However, this kind of weapon has two weaknesses. First, if the opponent also uses Houkai to fight, in order to prevent yourself from losing power, you must hide far away. Second, these gases can be better used in a closed environment. It works. As long as you don’t follow the other party’s rhythm, try to find opportunities, one-on-one with the other party in an open environment, and at the same time, be prepared to miscalculate.”

Qi 0.5 Yana expressed understanding, having seen the situation where the other party didn't fight Rita in person, Kiyana understood that Fu Hua's analysis was correct, as long as she didn't give the other party a chance.

But at this time, she thought of a better plan, "Squad leader, I have a bold plan, but the first step is to fight her first."

As she said that, Qiyana leaned down, pulled the trigger, and was ready to go, because at this time the convoy had completely left the industrial area, and the distance was far enough to start.

However, when Qiyana came out in a surprise attack, she found that the truck she destroyed was filled with electronic waste, not important items.

Before she could show a startled expression, the rest of the big trucks flew up and rushed towards her position. Obviously this was a trap. The other party had already expected that she would come, and even prepared a big truck for this surprise.

Raven looked at it from a distance, and didn't intend to get close. She didn't want to fight melee with her even more than Qiyana, and she always felt that the Herrscher girl's strange golden eyes were staring at her with malicious intentions.

But soon Raven discovered that the other party's eyes were not actually looking at her, and that was probably just scaring herself.

"Jackal, I hope what you say is right, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

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