Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1016 The Biggest Scam——Tinder Project!

"Yu Duchen..."

"It's really interesting stuff."

Seeing the twins who suddenly appeared in front of her, Sirin was surprised, but not so surprised.

As Qiyana practiced in the [Void Illusion] created by Fu Hua for a long time every day, the consciousness of Qiyana and Fu Hua were naturally intertwined and blended together. It can be said that except for not doing anything harsh The two can be said to be soul mates on a certain level.

As the dream progressed, not only some of Kiyana's memories inevitably flowed to Fu Hua, allowing Fu Hua to browse Kiyana's memories for free, even without actively using Yu Duchen. At the same time, because of the gradual loss of strength and weakness, Fu Hua, the master of Yu Duchen, could not be exempted, and part of his memory flowed to Qiyana.

Especially those memories that she forgot because of burning memory, she herself may not be able to realize that these actually belong to her at the first time, and naturally she did not stop it, which allowed Qiyana to replace "Hua" in person. Something experienced in a certain memory.

And the relationship between Kiyana and Sirin is even closer than the so-called twins, but Sirin is much stronger than Kiyana, so it has become the current "yours is mine, mine is mine" "The unequal relationship.

In fact, Fu Hua's defense against Sirin is useless as long as it does not affect Kiyana. Of course, even if Fu Hua realizes this, it is useless. Even in Fu Hua's heyday, there may not be the current Sirin It is almost impossible for a strong and weak party to defeat the strong with the weak and overcome the superior with the inferior.

So Sirin naturally also saw Fu Hua's past memories, and even because she was stronger, she saw more than Kiyana's 20. Before Fu Hua realized the problem, she accepted more of her. Memorized and browsed.

It's a pity that Fu Hua was an honest person or a worker when she was in pre-civilization. She was only responsible for performing tasks, and many things were not explained to her by others, nor would they let her know too much.

To be honest, after reading it, Sirin couldn’t help but want to denounce the people of the former civilization. Is this how you treat the soldiers and companions who go through life and death for you!? Even if Fu Hua himself doesn’t want to know any secrets, he just wants to follow orders and do things, but anyway Take care of your life more!? The quality of life with no food and clothing subsidies at all.

Seeing that Sirin wanted to wipe away the tears of the crocodile, it was so pitiful, she was not trusted, she was doing the most tiring and dangerous work, but the welfare was not that good, it was not as good as the workers working in the factory, how could there be such a cheap and unhealthy job? A fool who knows how to resist and fight for interests.

"Eh...Actually, Chi Yuan is not as pitiful as you said, probably." The younger sister Dan Zhu among the twins wanted to save the impression of the former organization, but after careful reflection, she found that she seemed to be There is nothing worthy of praise, and the high-level inside did not forget to engage in internal fighting even when facing the survival of the world.

In particular, the two sisters have been with Dr. Mebius for a period of time, and they are more aware of how the high-level executives of the Moth need Mebius' abilities on the one hand, and how to prevent and minimize the impact of Mebius on the other hand. power and prestige in the organization.

For a period of time, many of the rumors about Mobius in Moth Chasing Fire were deliberately released by the higher-ups and did not stop them. In fact, the last thirteen Yingjies almost had this kind of treatment, but everyone’s To varying degrees.

It can even be said that if the former civilization was not destroyed by the Herrscher of the End, if Kevin and the others won, then as the brave who defeated the Demon King, Kevin and the others would not be far from being forced to commit suicide or be judged, especially May A scientist like Bius must have done a lot of human experiments.

Compared with Danzhu who is big-hearted, Cangxuan, the elder sister, looks lazy, doesn't seem to want to move, and doesn't speak, but she has been looking at Xilin and everything around her, and doesn't care about it. I don't want to let go of my guard like it looks like.

That's right, these are exactly the twins in Fu Hua's memory who died in the battle of Chi You, the seal trial level Honkai Beast.

It's just that although they did die at the price of their own lives and turned into the two Houkai energy cores in their bodies, but because Fu Hua at that time also caught up with them to see them for the last time before they died, The consciousness of these two people was received and protected by 【Yu Duchen】.

So in Chi You's body at that time, Xilin didn't find these two other than Ji Lin. It was for this reason, and Fu Hua was not the lawr of knowledge. Her use of the eighth god's key [Yu Duchen] It's just used, just like a person uses a lighter.

As for why the Herrscher of Consciousness who was born later didn't find the twins inside!?

Don't forget, the herrscher of feathers where Fu Hua was located has never been taken back.

Sirin didn't care about the Flaming Moth. She gave a perfunctory "Oh" and then looked at the pair of sisters without turning a corner and asked, "How much do you know about [The Stigmata Project]!?"

As she said that, Xilin dumped all the information files that had been collected from within Shencheng Medicine in front of Cangxuan and Danzhu, hoping that the two could provide some useful information.

Cangxuan and Danzhu looked at each other, and didn't intend to hide it.

Dan Zhu said, "We are responsible for assisting Chi Yuan, that is, Fu Hua in your mouth, to successfully complete the [Fire Seed Project] that Dr. MEI explained. As for the other plans, we only know the names, and as far as we know, we are responsible The executor of [Project Stigmata] was none other than Kevin Kaslana, the strongest human warrior at the time, that guy was too cold to approach, so..."

Fearing that Xilin would not believe it, Danzhu raised three fingers to swear that he would never lie or deceive anyone.

In fact, rather than keeping secret the content of the plan that had already failed and abandoned, the two sisters Danzhu and Cangxuan were more surprised that the Herrscher of this civilization was rational and able to talk to people. They only know how to destroy and cannot communicate.

As for the fact that Alysia is also a Herrscher, they didn't know, and they even met Fu Hua after 50,000 years, Gemini and other Ying Jie, except for Mebius, the former boss and teacher, basically had no contact with each other. At that time, the high-level executives of Moth Chasing Fire didn't want anyone to have too much contact with these heroes, so the twins rarely even saw Mebius' face.

Until they were suddenly recalled in the end, and they were required to sleep in the new generation to assist Chi Yuan to carry out the "Fire Project".

Unfortunately, the so-called [Fire Seed Project] was a scam from the beginning. After imparting too much advanced knowledge to the ancients, resulting in a large number of Honkai disasters and giving birth to the trial-level Honkai Beast Chiyou, the two sisters actually more or less We all found the problem.

They and Fu Hua seem to have been deceived.

Why do you say that!?

First of all, we need to understand what Fu Hua and Gemini know about [Tinder Project]!?

That was after the destruction of the last era of civilization, Dr. Mei, the human leader at the time, formulated several plans in order to give an era of civilization a chance to defeat Honkai. Among them are the Gene Project and the Tinder Project. The method of the Tinder Project is to spread the knowledge of the previous civilization era to the people of the new civilization era, that is, to let them obtain knowledge far beyond the technology at that time. Through this, it may be possible to make people This generation got stronger.

Both Fu Hua and Gemini are so convinced of the feasibility of this plan.

It is a pity that the essence of the Tinder Project is not simply to spread knowledge, but to let the collapse come quickly. And why do you say that? Because I said a very, very heart-wrenching reason, because according to the calculations of the previous civilization, it is the time when they want the collapse to appear. According to the normal principles of developing this civilization, its technological level is too low So much so that it can't make the Herrscher born at all.

It can be said that the existence of the Tinder Project is to make way for other plans, such as the Shelter Project, as a stepping stone. Of course, there is also a very close to zero success rate that can defeat Honkai. The Herrscher also has an influence, allowing humans to defeat the Houkai.

As for the refuge plan, it was a plan proposed by the high-level executives of the flame moth to provide a space for some important people to survive their end. As for who is an important person, many people must have the answer in their hearts. Whether they survived or not is unknown, at least the civilization did not see them, so it may have failed.

Maybe Fu Hua, a warrior, didn't understand, but the moment Chi You was born, the twins realized that they had been tricked and became abandoned, and Fu Hua's state at that time was simply unable to defeat this overly powerful judge-level There is no doubt that Chi You, the Honkai Beast, would die in battle if Fu Hua faced him without a helper.

Of course, with Fu Hua's super recovery ability and immortality, he might not die, but Gemini didn't dare to gamble, and didn't want Fu Hua to take the responsibility alone, so he died and sacrificed.

Otherwise, although they and Ji Lin's ability may not be able to defeat Chi You, they can definitely delay until Fu Hua arrives.

So the Gemini who survived at this moment, if they say how loyal they are to Flame Chasing Moth and Dr. M350EI, they may not be at all. If they can sell each other to destroy their plan, they are absolutely willing. After all, as victims, they were betrayed It is certain that the other side has resentment.

Sirin frowned, thinking that she could get two insiders in advance, but she didn't expect to get nothing, and immediately showed a disgusted expression, "Then you stay here."

After Xi Lin left, the two sisters couldn't help but look at each other, and finally it was Dan Zhu who broke the silence first, "Cang Xuan, did the Herrscher dislike us just now!?"

Cang Xuan said blankly, "That's right."

"Woo~~~~~!" Danzhu couldn't help puffing up his cheeks, and said angrily, "Damn it, we are genius girls, why did she dislike her, I thought that if the other party sincerely invites us, it's not impossible to join It doesn’t matter who the other party works for, anyway.”

Join if you can't beat it, since the current Lawrence can communicate, there is nothing wrong with joining the other party, isn't it!?

Although the two of them are not as good as Dr. Mebius and Dr. MEI, they were also the top scientific researchers at that time, and their combat effectiveness is not weak, and the twins are not bad, both of which are bonus points. Now it is despised.

Then even Danzhu couldn't maintain a normal mind, it was too irritating.

Cang Xuan looked at his younger sister speechlessly, "You didn't even understand the basic situation, and you just wanted to join the other party! And this is considered surrender!"

Danzhu didn't think so, "I feel that Miss Herrscher is not a bad person."

"You..." Cangxuan was a little helpless, but he still believed in Danzhu's feelings, because it was Danzhu who took the initiative to make friends with Chiyuan after waking up. People can't get close to rejecting people thousands of miles away.

But Dan Zhu said that Chi Yuan is a very gentle person, and in fact it proved to be true. After the two sisters gradually got acquainted with Fu Hua, they also found that Fu Hua was just a person who was not good at expressing and didn't know how to get along with others. .

"But the other party is gone now, let's take a look at what this place is first, it shouldn't be just us two living people."


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