Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1021 Sirin: Bella, I Can Only Do So Much!

After the experiment to stimulate the power of Kiana's Herrscher of the Sky ended, the base was attacked by the World Snake Mech Troops.

Qiyana took advantage of the chaos and fled. After losing Youlandal's stop, the people in the entire North African Vimul Experimental Base couldn't stop Qiyana who wanted to escape. Of course, no one would be lazy.

After all, the purpose of bringing Kiyana here has basically been completed, and Otto has also seen Kiyana's current situation. In fact, even if Kevin didn't bring the World Snake, Otto would find a way to make Kiyana escape successfully. , On the territory of destiny, it was too easy for Otto to do something.

On the contrary, the sudden appearance of Kevin now makes Otto a little distressed. Otto is not sure whether Kevin, the ancestor of the Kaslana family, will kill Qiyana directly. He dare not bet on this possibility, so He has to play.

Otto also doesn't want anything to happen to Ulandelle. In his plan, Ulandelle is as important as Kiana, and he will leave Teresa with the greatest support in the future. If Kevin kills here, but The loss is too great.

Moreover, Youlandelle, who has black abyss and white flowers, is indeed one of the most suitable candidates to kill false gods in the future.

Sirin sensed Kevin's appearance, and her consciousness returned to reality, observing the strongest fusion warrior in the former civilization through Kiana's eyes.

I just don't know if it was Sirin's illusion. She always felt that Kevin who appeared at this time didn't bring her a great sense of crisis. Is it because the other party didn't have any murderous intentions in the first place!?

Kiyana, who met Kevin for the first time, might have misunderstood that the other party was here to kill her. After all, the Herrscher of the Sky is indeed the most vicious and dangerous Herrscher in the current generation, causing the greatest damage to the entire world. Who is the greatest enemy of mankind, I am afraid that most people will say it is Kiana Kaslana, or K-20423.

There are many people who hold the idea that killing her can make human beings safe, but most people don't have the ability to kill her, but this does not include Kevin Kaslana.

So Qiyana looked at Kevin, who was approaching menacingly and swung his sword without saying anything, and felt that the other party was here to kill her, and it was not a strange thing.

It's just that Sirin, who has seen the plot, knows that Kevin is planning to get back the feather that resides in Fu Hua's consciousness from Kiyana, and wants to revive Fu Hua. After all, he is really the only one left in the former civilization. And Fu Hua, Lian Su also passed away not long ago.

As for whether Qiyana's existence is a threat, he doesn't care at all. After all, there are too many Herrschers who died in his hands, and there are no Herrschers in the previous civilization who were stronger than the Herrscher of the Sky when it collapsed for the second time. No, so he didn't care whether Qiyana was Herrscher at all.

More importantly, if anyone is more threatening to the human beings of today's generation, it is undoubtedly Kevin who is dedicated to implementing the [Stigmata Project]. At that time, there were probably only a very small number of people who were really alive.

The owner of the stigmata will exist as a new human being, while others will live forever in Adam's body and spend their lives in dreams.

Obviously, Sirin's judgment was right, after Fu Hua appeared with feathers, Wen really didn't chase after Qiyana anymore.

"Hua... Long time no see."

On the other side, Qiyana, who gritted her teeth and tried her best to go back to die meaninglessly, tore apart the space and opened up an ultra-long-distance space channel. The destination was the place where fate started——Changkong City.

However, when she came here, she could no longer resist the erosion of the core, and fell beside the long empty wall.

Without Fu Hua's surveillance, Xilin caught Qiyana who closed her eyes and lost consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Because Fu Hua's sudden departure was too sudden, the [Void Illusion] she created did not disappear immediately. When Qiyana was in a coma, her consciousness would drift there habitually, but without Fu Hua The connection with Yu Duchen, [Taixu Illusion] is also rapidly disintegrating and dissipating.

If Qiyana's consciousness really fell into it, the consequences would not be so wonderful.

Unlike the physical body in the sentence outside, Kiyana's consciousness or soul has not been nourished by Sirin, it is very fragile, and a slight collision can cause serious damage to it, which is why she has the talisman of Yu Duchen The reason why Hua is so invincible when facing an opponent, even when it is a Herrscher.

Compared with the powerful physical body, the consciousness or soul of the Herrscher is actually not much stronger than the defense of human beings. After all, not all Herrschers are called Herrschers of Consciousness.

In order to prevent Kiyana's consciousness from being involved in the torrent caused by the collapsing and disintegrating illusion, "Sirin had no choice but to come forward and catch the other party's body in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a princess hug came.

After the illusory realm completely disappeared and the sea of ​​consciousness returned to calm again, Sirin put Qiyana down, and then returned to the afterlife world she created to continue her retreat.

She doesn't have much time to waste, and with Kevin coming out of Quantum Sea, there is not much time left for her.

Just when Sirin was about to enter the hidden black sphere of the afterlife, she suddenly looked up at a certain location, "Bella..."

She sensed that Benares was approaching this way, and it seems that this time Kiyana's ultra-distance space movement was sensed by the dependents of the Herrscher of the Sky, as it lived wholeheartedly for the master "Sirin" , Sirin's mood is very complicated.

Benares is different from others, it is a Houkai beast, although in the second Houkai, because of the core of the pseudo-herrscher shaped by Zimao Xilin, it has the thinking ability and body of a human being, and is given the "Benares" pull" name.

But she is still a Houkai beast, Benares is naturally from the Houkai camp, this has nothing to do with her will, her entire body including the current consciousness is the product of Houkai.

Even though Xilin knew that she was sincere to Xilin, and could even die for Xilin, but Xilin still couldn't fully trust each other.

It's not that Benares will betray her, but that the Houkai behind Benares may discover Sirin's abnormality through Benares, so Sirin has never known how to treat this loyal family member.

Now that Qiyana has come to Changkong City, it is not far from Benares' death.

Sirin even wanted to show up for a moment to let the other party go, run as far as she can, and never come to her, but she couldn't do it. Since she was reincarnated into this world, she has endured for so long in order to survive, and after planning so long, Xilin was unwilling to give up just like that.

But thinking that Benares was finally transformed into a beast that obeyed the Herrscher of Thunder by Raiden Mei with the power of the Herrscher of Thunder: Kurigara.

Sirin also couldn't accept it.

"Bella, you are really giving me a big problem, what should I do with you..."

Just when Sirin was distressed by this, her eyes fell on Qiyana who was floating in the sea of ​​consciousness and knew nothing about it. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she successfully caught it before disappearing .

A red feather suddenly appeared on Sirin's hand. After the feather appeared, it left Sirin's open palm and slowly flew towards Qiyana's direction.

In the end it fell on Kiyana and fell into Kiyana's body.

If someone lifts up Kiyana's clothes outside at this time, the other party will definitely find that besides the original stigmata of Nasirin Sublimation on Qiyana's chest, there seems to be something being conceived behind her at this moment .

The orange flame was burning, and a new stigmata was being formed at an extremely slow speed.

Sirin sensed the changes in the physical body outside, and nodded with satisfaction, hoping that Kiyana would not feel uncomfortable because of too many tattoos on her body.

At present, Sirin can only let Bella's consciousness be pulled onto Kiyana after her physical death. As long as Kiyana's consciousness itself does not discover the afterlife world created by Sirin and enter it, it should be impossible to take her with her. Bella discovered that Sirin was abnormal, which was already the safest solution that Sirin could think of.

To be honest, in fact, she should not even take this risk.

Sure enough, the memory of the real Sirin also has a deep influence on the current Sirin, making Sirin have an inseparable affection for Benares.

The current Sirin is actually no longer Zhang Qing from her previous life. She is a brand new individual combined with Herrscher of the Sky and Zhang Qing. She is both Zhang Qing and Sirin.

It can be said that among all the individuals in the foggy space, Sirin is the one who has changed the most after reincarnation.

"I'll leave Bella to you... 130. Kiana Kaslana."

Said that Sirin's figure completely disappeared into the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness, the place that ordinary people can't get close to for a lifetime, where there is a black sphere at this moment, in this dark world without light, it is so inconspicuous, because it is inconspicuous with the surrounding Blended into one, all the same pitch black.

The deeper the sea of ​​consciousness goes, the darker the color becomes, and the deepest part is directly black.

The surface layer where Kiyana is now is a pure white world, and it is also the easiest place for ordinary people to touch. As the space where the surface consciousness resides, it is often the most active place, and all kinds of personal whims and emotions will be revealed. Presenting tumbling here.

Generally, if a person with the ability to read minds reads the minds of others, they can also read the minds at this level.

And once someone really has the courage to dive deep, it is very likely that they will be completely lost in it. The deeper they go, the more chaotic and disorderly they will be. Even Fu Hua, if he didn't have Yu Duchen, He didn't dare to chase Sirin over there.

Once she loses the protection of Yu Duchen, and loses her physical body and only her consciousness, Fu Hua will be completely assimilated into a part of Qiyana and Sirin in the deep space. At that time, she will completely forget that she is Fu Hua. , lose yourself.

This is the scariest thing.

"Squad leader...I'm sorry...."

I don't know how long it has passed, but in reality, Qiyana's closed eyes were filled with tears, and she didn't wake up. This experience of running away in embarrassment once again gave her the confidence and strength that she had finally picked up from Tianqiong City There is a faint crack.

Wuliangta Jizi died to save her.

Now Fu Hua also stays to block the powerful Kevin in order to save her, Qiyana understands that Fu Hua will never survive.

The two would rather sacrifice their lives to let Qiyana survive, which made Qiyana's psychological burden continue to increase, and she was very afraid that she would betray their trust.

She is also afraid that she will run away in embarrassment again in the future, who will die for her next time, Teresa, Mei, or Bronya!?

Kiyana didn't want to wake up, she was afraid. .

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