Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1022 Kiyana Was Beaten Up, And The Wife Ran Away With The Man!

"I only know in my heart...compared to this world..."

"—————You are more important!!!"

"If saving you is a sin..."

"Then let me be the sinner!"

"Goodbye, Kiyana."

"Qiana, what happened to her!?"

"How else...Mei's joining the World Snake is a big blow to her. Doctor, how is Kiyana's health!?"

After Teresa came out of the room where Kiyana was staying, she never let go every day. She defected to the destiny and raised the banner of rebellion. She lost the support of Otto and had to treat the other party as an enemy. Theresa is very stressed.

At the same time, everyone around me had a problem, so Teresa, a petite forty-year-old legal loli, had to become a pillar, even if she was panicked to death, even if she didn't know what to do next, even if she... …

But now she has to put on a confident look in front of other people, and she has to pretend that everything she presents is under control and can be resolved.

" left like this, it's too cruel..."

Teresa, who is habitually relying on Wuliangta Himeko, feels empty. In the past, when she was at St. Freya Academy, because of Himeko, she could safely hide in the principal's office and watch Houmu comics. Now She hasn't been lazy for a long time.

And because the Fifth Great Crash is still spreading, the Homu manga has not been updated for a long time. Teresa even suspects that the author of "The Great Adventure of Homu" also died in this unprecedented collapse. Hid in the shelter and died.

"Jizi, I'm afraid you don't know it yet. After you left, Bronya also inherited the Herrscher of Law, Mei also became the Herrscher of Thunder again, plus Kiana... woo Hey, I am now called the Lord of the Far Eastern Devil's Nest by everyone, you must find it very funny..."

Dr. Liesel Albert Einstein, who had no idea that Delisa was having so many inner dramas at the moment, was so complicated, picked up the test report on Qiyana's current physical condition, and said, "Compared to the previous When Anti-Entropy was at the Baffin Bay base near the Arctic Ocean, Qiyana's current physical condition has already exceeded the red line of the danger threshold, but she is not completely out of danger."

"Don't worry, Ms. Teresa, Qiyana's current lifespan problem has been solved, and the erosion of Herrscher's core has been stopped. As long as she no longer absorbs the Houkai energy that exceeds the limit of her body's tolerance, the previous situation will not be the same. Appear.

Teresa still couldn't laugh when she heard the words, "But you and I both understand that as long as Qiyana still has the core of the Herrscher of the Sky in her body, she will never be able to truly escape from danger."

Liesel did not deny Teresa's words, everyone knew the truth, words of comfort did not have any effect.

"However, because Raiden Mei has once again become the Herrscher of Thunder, there will be two Herrschers competing for the Honkai on Earth. With Mei's character, I am afraid that she will not want Qiyana to absorb more Honkai endlessly. Bad energy, as long as there is no new big collapse, if there is a new Herrscher who will come and bring more collapses to this world for a short time..."

"Wait! Besides, isn't Bronya the three Herrschers!?" Teresa interrupted Dr. Jiwotou and pointed out the other party's loopholes. Don't ignore Bronya just because she has a low sense of existence, anyway. It is also the lawer of the third agent.

Liesel Albert Einstein was a little speechless when Teresa stared at her with her arms akimbo. She explained, "In fact, neither Yang nor Bronya were born Herrschers. Their situation is different from Qiyana and the others, have you ever seen a law-abiding person destroy their body by using their own power!*?"

"They are at most half Herrschers, not complete Herrschers."

Teresa half understands, but she also understands that Bronya is not the real Herrscher, "Is this really okay!? It won't have a bad influence on Bronya, right?

"Don't worry, Ms. Teresa, the core of the Herrscher of Reason is very special, and there is currently no Herrscher's personality. You don't have to worry about the situation of Kiana and Raiden Mei, but your worries are not superfluous. , as an ordinary person, it is very difficult to control the power of the Herrscher. If you can obtain the cultivation method of "Taixu Sword Qi" in Qiyana's mouth, it may make Qiyana and Bronya a lot easier. It has been confirmed by Na.

Teresa was worried, "What is the talisman rate already...... Could it be that Qiyana alone can't collect skills!? Didn't she learn it!?"

Liesel sighed and looked at Teresa, "Then do you understand!?"

Teresa remembered what Kiyana had recounted before, that is, beating, beating, and then meditating, and so on. Suddenly, she was the first two elders. Her eldest niece was not very smart when she was in school. Let her teach others. It's really difficult.

At this point, Teresa could only shake her head in embarrassment.

Liesel was not surprised, after all, she had never met the Kaslana family before, don't forget, Siegfried had worked with them before.

Most of the people in this family like to use their muscles more than their brains. Kaslana, who has never become a scientist in the history of Destiny, can imagine how difficult it is for them to rely on their meager vocabulary. Teaching and educating people.

"Also, you may not have noticed that at that time, because of Ms. Fu Hua's special situation, we couldn't copy the way she taught Qiyana at all, and because of the short time, we didn't fully teach all the content, so... ...."

"I understand what you mean. But Fu Hua is no longer there. Kiyana has said it before. Fu Hua's last consciousness is in the North African Vimul Experimental Base in Destiny North Africa. In order to resist Kevin Kaslana, give her The time to escape has already been sacrificed. To be honest, there are so many old monsters that have lived for tens of thousands of years, and this world does not know why.

Teresa smiled wryly. If someone had told her before that she was from a civilization that had been at least 50,000 years old, she would not have believed it.

"No, according to the information I have collected, Ms. Fu Hua may still have an inheritance in China." Liesel said.

"Shenzhou...but can we go there now!?" Teresa asked worriedly. They are traitors wanted by Tianming. Now Tianming is the largest salvation organization in the world. It will also sell the other side, plus the Tianqiong City incident two or three months ago [I am afraid that all the temple-type cities in China are rejecting outsiders like them.

Especially Anti-Entropy and their St. Freya Academy Alliance, Teresa believes that Shenzhou must also know that they are protecting Qiyana, the culprit of the Fifth Great Collapse, at the moment, and Anti-Entropy exists as Herrscher The matter of the greatest enemy of mankind is also known to many high-level forces. After all, the leader of Anti-Entropy is the First Herrscher, and many people do not believe that the other party is really fighting for mankind.

Liesel was not so worried, "What you said is very reasonable, but Ms. Teresa, you have also forgotten one thing. The fate and the world snake are also not welcomed in Shenzhou at the moment. One is massacring the city in Tianqiong City, and the other is sending it away. Do you think that with the personality of a Chinese person, you really don’t mind the Honkai Engine? In the end, it was a Herrscher who saved the crisis in Tianqiong City, and this is what everyone has seen.”

"All countries in the world, especially the top leaders of the five major countries, are not really ignorant of many secrets, including the farce that Otto directed and acted at the headquarters of Destiny, who released the Herrscher of the Sky, they all know it well, It’s just that due to the strength of Destiny, we have to keep silent, no one is a fool, not to mention that the maintenance of Destiny also needs the support of these big countries, otherwise Destiny alone would not be able to achieve the current size.”

"In fact, before the imperial court of Shenzhou contacted us to deepen cooperation, so you don't need to worry about being stabbed in the back. People in Shenzhou are more willing to trust us than destiny and world snakes. Ms. Fu Hua's information is also What they collected for me, although many are rumors or myths, but with Ms. Fu Hua's true identity, she is indeed a real existence living in myths."

Teresa was silent for a while, and then nodded, "Okay, but China is so big, and now many places are full of Honkai beasts and dead soldiers because of the Honkai, how do we find them!? Maybe in Does Hua still have any disciples and grandchildren!?"

"Taixu Mountain." Liesel said directly, "It is the famous tourist attraction in China, the famous mountain where the immortals stayed in the legend.

"Ah!? But haven't they been open for decades!? I remember that there are many tourists going there every year!? What kind of inheritance really exists!?" Teresa was dumbfounded, and she wasn't really She is ignorant, and she still knows some common sense about the countries of the world, especially her St. Freya College was established on the high sea between Sakura Country and Shenzhou, and it is not far from Shenzhou. It is also natural for neighbors. Learned a little bit.

Don't forget that many students and Valkyries of St. Freya Academy are actually from these surrounding countries.

`Yes, it is here, and recently we have also observed some abnormalities in that place. It may be because of the appearance of the Great Crash that Taixu Mountain showed its magic. Liesel guessed, in fact, it was not that she hadn't thought about asking the Shenzhou court to find out if there was any inheritance secrets or successors of "Taixu Sword Qi", but it was a pity that it was not ideal.

The Taixu faction has declined hundreds of years ago, and martial arts and the like only exist in novels and movies now. If there is really a legacy left, even if it is not as good as the Valkyrie, Shenzhou does not need it every year. If you provide the amount of funds to Tianming, they will be able to train a group of excellent fighters to defend their families and the country.

To be honest, this is something that Lisel still can't figure out. Since Fu Hua was still alive before, why did Shenzhou cut off the inheritance!? It is obvious that the cultivation of "Taixu Sword Qi" can indeed make people With the power that does not belong to the Valkyrie, and compared with the survival rate of the Valkyrie, there is no doubt that the Houkai martial arts on the Shenzhou side are better. The only disadvantage is that it takes more time to cultivate.

Of course, because most people are not very adaptable and confrontable to the Houkai energy, it is difficult to become stronger, but according to Lieser's observation, the process of practicing "Taixu Sword Qi" is indeed a little bit difficult. The body of a cultivator is improving in all aspects at a relatively slow and gentle speed. If he can live for hundreds of years and practice uninterruptedly during this period, maybe an ordinary person can not lose to the owner of the stigmata, at least for Honkai can erode resistance like this.

However, it is not easy to extend people's lifespan. In fact, the reason why Einstein and Tesla lived so long is also because they themselves have a resistance to Houkai that is much higher than ordinary people, and the Houkai energy It is also a kind of special energy (Qian Zhao) that is omnipotent and omnipotent. It can do many things, including immortality, but it is also a double-edged sword.

Of course, their own resistance to Houkai is high, and it is not higher than that of the members of the Kaslana family. The main reason is that they have done some body modification on themselves, in a certain sense, the ageless surgery.

However, this is not for everyone, otherwise it would not be the case today

None were promoted.

In fact, it has been mentioned before that the more adaptable a person is, the better she will be in all aspects, and the reverse is also true, the more excellent a person is, the more adaptable she will be

Qiang, Liesel and Tesla are rare geniuses in human history, so naturally they are also special, there is no doubt about that.

"What doctor are you thinking about!?" Teresa couldn't help asking when she saw that Lissel suddenly became dazed.

After recovering, Liesel shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I just can't understand some things, but it's not important. Ms. Teresa, what I mentioned earlier

How are you thinking about it!?"

Teresa nodded, "I'll let Qiyana and the others think about it, after all, there are great risks and uncertainties in this matter, and it's impossible for us to send too many people there.

It has to attract the attention of the Destiny and the World Snake, so we must let Kiana and Bronya go secretly..."

"Doctor, am I a failure? I feel that I can't help anything, and I need them to take risks. Obviously I..."

"Be more confident, Ms. Teresa, because of you, they can do this with confidence. You don't need to belittle yourself, you just need to be yourself.

"Well, I will."


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