Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1023 The Herrscher Of Knowledge Is Born!

In the boundless darkness, the dead immortal became conscious...

There are lively voices shouting.

"Hey, wake up, you slept too long."


"Don't come here, it's different now, your brain hasn't been damaged at all.

"Hurry up and look through the memory bank to find out that you are Hui!"

"We still have a lot to do."

The voice seemed very impatient and helpless.

"Why are you still in doubt!?"

In the next moment, many more people were talking, and it seemed that the voices were all the same but different.

"Isn't it very simple!? I am your true self, the most original true you!"

"I'm the superego, don't worry, you're not schizophrenic, you're not crazy, we are you.

The ego has not yet been born, because you still don't know who you are, so hurry up and remember, without any of them, you can't be the real you. "

As the sound fell, the Sleeping Beauty in the treatment cabin couldn't help but frowned, and a large amount of memory flooded in, making her already weak as a spark like a balloon that was about to burst. The originally colorless flame, because With a lot of fuel added, it also has a new color.

She seems to have found herself again, she already understands who she is.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the treatment cabin that bound her, without thinking about it, she clenched her fists, smashed it, and walked out.

She stretched her waist, feeling unprecedented comfort.

When was the last time "my" body was this healthy!?

It's been too long to remember!

However, just when she felt the unprecedented power in her body, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"my old friend…………."

"You're finally awake!"

Not far away, a blond man with a normal smile appeared at the door. 930 at the same time.

The three "I" voices sounded again in my mind.

Self: "He is Otto Apocalypse.

Self: "The relationship between you and him is hard to describe..."

Superego: "He lied to you by claiming to be your friend."

"Shouldn't you say hello!?"

"Okay, that's fine."

"After all, you just woke up, and you still need continuous observation and treatment.

"Although the results of the examination show that you have fully recovered, you still haven't regained consciousness. I'm always worried that something might go wrong."

A man named Otto Apocalypse approached, with a hypocritical smile growing brighter on his face.

"You're not still blaming me!?"

"Oh, old friend, do you still recognize me!?"

Otto seemed unable to see the more dangerous eyes of the "Fu Hua" in front of him. He approached a little bit, provoking the other's reason a little bit, with a disgusting smile on his face.

He didn't stop until a fist fell on his hypocritical face, drowning his shocked expression that he hadn't had time to put away, punch after punch, and finally smashed the soul steel's face completely.

After finishing the matter, "Fu Hua" took back the feathers on the other party's body and left the "corpse" that had lost its head, and walked out of the treatment room with cold eyes, looking at the Valkyrie who came outside, she showed an evil spirit smile.

"Hehe, Destiny Headquarters... What a good place."

Searching through the memory bank, I found a lot of memories of the inhuman experiments in the headquarters of Tianming. The words of the dog man.

Just when this "Fu Hua" wreaked havoc on the headquarters of Destiny's Destiny, Ulandell also just rushed back from Destiny's North Africa Vimul experimental base (caf).

When she saw Otto's headless body, her face twitched a bit, because this was the second time, no, the third time, the Herrscher of the Void had headshot him twice before, and now.

Youlandal looked at the figure on the screen that was still being destroyed, and looked at the familiar face of Fu Hua, but the other person looked very much like the herrscher of the sky when he just recovered, Youlandale Her intuition told her that this was probably also a lawyer.

So, during the time she was away from the headquarters, did her beloved Archbishop Otto create another Herrscher at the headquarters of Destiny!?

And it seems that every Herrscher who comes out of here will express his gratitude to Archbishop Otto for his selfless dedication with a headshot.

Heart tired.

For a moment, Youlandelle wanted to leave everything behind and leave this nonsense. She felt that the Bishop should learn a lesson, otherwise, after this time, the other party sneaked up on the third Herrscher again!?

And Ulandale really wants to ask, why every time the Herrscher is made in the headquarters of the destiny, can't it be changed to another place!?

She thinks the headquarters of World Snake is very good.

Although I felt very sad, seeing that the Herrscher of Knowledge was still wrecking havoc, and many of the Valkyrie Genshi who came to stop them were knocked down and killed, Youlan Dale said to Amber who followed, "Let everyone not Continue to die." Then he ran to the place where the Herrscher of Knowledge was.

Amber nodded, looking at Otto's headless soul steel body, she sighed, "Master Bishop, Lord Youlandell seems very angry."

Of course, the corpse couldn't respond to Amber, but Otto, who didn't know what was suitable, came to the door. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will comfort her later, you can follow Bianca's wishes now." , Let the others evacuate.

"Yes." Amber replied.

Otto didn't look at his soul steel body that had been headshot. At this moment, his eyes fell on the treatment chamber that had been blown away, and he raised his eyebrows, "Is it occupied by the Herrscher...

In fact, Otto is not in a bad mood at the moment. Although Fu Hua's body has turned into a hotbed for a new Herrscher, which is somewhat beyond his expectations, but after so long, this body has not given birth to a Herrscher. A new consciousness beyond consciousness.

Otto was actually a little happy about this, but it's a pity that the Herrscher of Knowledge made it impossible to continue observing.

And he lacks a rare observation subject like Fu Hua, so he has no choice if he wants to continue.

It is useless to kill the newly born Herrscher. Fu Hua's body has been polluted by the Herrscher, and has lost its experimental value. The second time, it would be meaningless to observe Fu Hua's body in a completely closed environment.

"Heh, this is God, is your purpose!?"

The so-called "Honkai God" did it on purpose, just to prevent him from studying the soul. ,

So now he only has the method that the other party told him more than ten years ago when he collapsed for the second time.

It turns out that God also needs him to do something, and this is probably the price.

On the other side, Youlandal, who went to face the Herrscher of Knowledge alone, was paralyzed, and so again, the scene where the Herrscher of Space seemed to be playing with a child reappeared again.

No matter how he attacks, the other party seems to anticipate it first and respond early.

The final result is that, in the eyes of outsiders, Ulandal seems to send his body to the opponent's fist without defense, which is very funny.

"Heh, the strongest S-rank Valkyrie Youlandale, I have to say that Lijie is really good at boasting..."

The Herrscher of Knowledge laughed when he saw Ulandal who was knocked out by her.

From her point of view, this is indeed the case. Youlandal's strength is good, but it's just good strength. In terms of skills, it is almost like a child, without any technical content.

However, it is still quite durable. Being able to stand up after being hit by her so many times made the Herrscher of Knowledge a little interested. After all, when the Destiny Headquarters was destroyed before, everyone else was too vulnerable, leaving her empty. Martial arts and strength can't be displayed to the fullest, and now that Ulandal, a durable sandbag, has come, the Herrscher of Knowledge has also temporarily put down the action of continuing to destroy the headquarters of destiny.

She wanted to stretch her bones first.

"Sure enough..." Youlandelle stood up holding the black abyss and white flowers again. She looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge in front of her and was completely convinced that the other party was not the senior Fu Hua she knew. The other party was too aggressive.

If you want to defeat the opponent, you may have to use the holy sword, Yolandell secretly thought.

The Herrscher of Knowledge, however, watched Youlandell with interest, as if wanting to see what cards the other party had.

However, Youlandal suddenly put away his weapon, turned and left.

This made the Herrscher of Knowledge a little puzzled, "Hello..."

Youlan Dell left without looking back, the Herrscher of Knowledge was a little upset, "You"

Before she could continue to say something, Otto's figure appeared in front of her again, with the same unlikable smile as before, "I made her leave, we shouldn't be enemies, shouldn't we!?"

"Bianca has always respected you very much, old friend, you won't forget it!?"

"You and I are enemies. The Herrscher of Consciousness raised his fist and went up, but soon found that the fist passed through Otto's head and did not hit the entity, "Tsk, mimic Yu Duchen!"

"But do you think I won't be able to find you if you don't come here as a body!? Do you want me to pull out your soul steel bodies one by one!?"

Facing the threat of the Herrscher of Knowledge, Otto felt helpless, "Old friend, you don't have to be so hostile to me. Although I killed you once, I also brought you back to life."

Now that you have killed me once, I think we have settled, don't we!?"

"Hearing the words, the Herrscher of Knowledge didn't continue to yell and kill, and seemed to think that what Otto said was very reasonable.

And I'm a little embarrassed, she seems to have destroyed the headquarters of the destiny.

Seeing this, Otto showed a meaningful smile, "By the way, if you really don't want to see me and have no place to go, I have a suggestion. You still have a feather with a friend you know well. I can ask you for it."

"Who!? Kiyana!? You want me to help you deal with her!? Oh, sorry, my answer is No.

"I like to say no to a self-righteous guy like you."

Otto shook his head, "No, the feather you left on K-423 is gone, and now it belongs to Kevin Kaslana, I think you know who it is!"

"Kevin!?" The Herrscher of Knowledge was taken aback for a moment, and then she recalled who the owner of the name was. She was a little skeptical, "You mean Kevin is still alive, that's right, he shouldn't die so easily. "

"Yeah, he is still alive, and he established the World Snake, do you need me to tell him a little about his current information!? How about taking it as an apology for my previous mistakes!?"

"Not so good!? Don't think that with a small favor, I will be like before, whether you like to talk or not.

"Haha, well, it seems that we still need a little time for everyone to calm down, but I will tell you anyway..."

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