Swish, swish, swish.

The air was filled with noise.

The sound of hard objects colliding, the sound of mechanism opening and closing, the sound of joint twisting... the sound of wooden blocks hitting wooden blocks occupies this small space.

There is no light, no temperature, no life, and no consciousness.

This noise, like a drop of water dripping into a dark spring, caused endless ripples.

Yiya——————— Countless voices followed.

The sound of hard objects colliding, the sound of mechanism opening and closing, the sound of joint twisting...

Babbling, hundreds of thousands, loud and noisy, the sound of wooden blocks hitting wooden blocks.

Resounding in the qualified and empty space——

"Silence! Silence!" A puppet on the referee's seat slammed the wooden table with a mallet and shouted loudly.

However, the other puppets who made circles around her didn't buy it, and instead made more trouble.

"Hey! Why are you sitting so high!?"

"That's right! Get down!"

The puppets in the auditorium shouted one after another, and stood up with righteous indignation and raised their fisted right hands, opposing the existence of the dictator.

The puppet on the referee's bench seemed to be blind and deaf. She scanned her surroundings and nodded in satisfaction. She stopped hitting the table with the mallet. She cleared her throat and said in a low and serious voice.

"First of all, as usual, today is the day to synchronize the current situation and formulate the next course of action.

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the puppets in the audience pursed their lips and said in dissatisfaction: "What is there to synchronize!? Isn't it the same every time!? It's just a little bit of destruction here."

Another puppet also echoed: "That's right, it's all about small troubles, we are Herrschers! Aren't we going to destroy the ugly ant civilization!?"

At the same time, a puppet sighed and said: "Oh, it's starting to quarrel again. I have something to do at night, so I'm leaving first. If you have any problems, please tell me later."

The puppet next to him looked at each other with a surprised expression, "Ah!? Who are you, I don't know you!?"

No one was listening to the people in the referee box at all.

Everyone here is immersed in the role they play, in this dominant theater, on this stage of thousands of people.

——Perhaps, this is indeed much more interesting than their previous identities.

"This week, we destroyed a total of 32 power plants, causing power supply and traffic chaos in more than 20 cities. The puppet in the referee's seat didn't care about the messy auditorium, maybe she was as immersed in acting as those guys In the role at the moment, she said happily, then suddenly turned her head to look in a certain direction of the auditorium, and showed a look of universal joy to a certain puppet.

"Mr. Langdon, there is your hometown in it. You must be very happy. I remember that you didn't like that building when you were a child."

However, the puppet she was looking at waved his hand impatiently and said, "You misunderstood the person, Langdon is not here, he is sitting opposite.

The puppet on the opposite side also denied, "You're wrong too! Langdon never came, he was killed by the Valkyrie long ago!"

These dolls that look exactly the same, it seems that it is difficult for them to easily recognize their respective identities, which is quite confusing.

The idols on the referee seat still didn't hear it, she continued on her own: "With our efforts, another 11 big companies have filed for bankruptcy, including Arthur's father's company, thank you Arthur Contribute to us!"

A puppet in the audience seemed to remember who Arthur was, and she exclaimed: "Oh! Didn't he always hate that his dad didn't have time for his family!? Now this gentleman doesn't have to go to work anymore, haha! "

Then many puppets laughed, as if they were really happy for Arthur. (cada) After the laughter subsided, the puppet on the referee's seat continued, "I would like to point out that armed conflicts have already occurred in two countries because the security chaos caused by us cannot be resolved."

Regarding this topic, puppet A in the auditorium echoed: "It will be a matter of time before civil strife continues like this.

Doll B disagreed, she said: "Blind, do these things really have anything to do with us!? I always feel that even if we don't get involved, that place will become like this."

But doll C said indifferently: "Forget it, he said so, you can take it as our credit."

The puppet on the referee seat seemed to really not care about the reactions of these people. She was immersed in her own world and couldn't help but say, "Although, I encountered a lot of obstacles during the action. Shout out, those hateful Valkyrie! We Lost many companions, they were recycled, disassembled, and... well, I don't want to say..."

"But their efforts will not be in vain! We are still moving towards our goal!"

"I hope everyone will continue to maintain the status quo and make persistent efforts. Soon, the world will change for us!"

Finally, there was intense applause from the audience, but there were some voices in it, which showed that the audience was not inspired and applauded enthusiastically.


"It's finally over!"

However, the meeting did not really end, the puppet on the referee's seat knocked the gavel and said loudly: "Now, let's formulate the next strategy

Before she could finish speaking, a puppet in the auditorium stood up and interrupted loudly, "I propose!"

"We have seized the power of the Herrscher of Reason, we should take advantage of the victory and continue to seize the power of other Herrschers, and teach these traitors a lesson!"

"Then, when the time is right, we will concentrate our firepower on the Anti-Entropy, Destiny, and World Snakes who are our enemies!"

The words of this excited puppet immediately won the support of many puppet: "Yes! Let those guys see how powerful we are!"

However, some people voiced doubts, "World Snake!? Another organization popped up out of nowhere. This is the first time I've heard of this name."

It doesn't pay attention to whether to go to war or not, but is baffled by the fact that there is another enemy among them.

Soon someone answered its question, but the tone was not very good, "Idiot, even the world snake doesn't know!? Open your brain and look it up."

Compared with these people, at this moment there are also ten dolls with very calm personalities who stood up and said loudly: "I object!"

"We have not yet adapted to the power of the Herrscher of Reason. We should continue to fight guerrillas all over the world as before, retreat as we advance, and gradually become familiar with the usage of power!"

Her rational remarks quickly won the support of many people, including those who supported the radicals before, "Yes! We can't even build armored vehicles now, and we can't win a frontal battle!"

But these words angered the excited puppet standing opposite. She waved her hands and scolded angrily: "Coward! This will only be defeated one by one by them, and the number of companions will be reduced bit by bit!"

The calm puppet who was glared at also stared at it, "Blindly attacking will only lead to death!"

"Are you saying we can't beat them!?"

The excited puppet rushed to the calm puppet after speaking, and the two wrestled together like this.

The other puppets didn't say anything to stop it, but looked at it with relish, and those who couldn't get enough of it even participated in it directly, upgrading the fight to a group fight.

In the end, he even beat his own faction with the name of his own faction, and even lost his position.

"Oh oh oh!? Fight! Fight!"

"Hey! It really hurts to look at it!"

"Who do you think will win this time!?"

"Take me one! Take me one!"

"Boom-boom-! Boom-boom--!"

Finally, the puppet on the referee's seat could no longer be regarded as invisible, she slammed the wooden mallet on the table, "Kang Jingjing!"

"What everyone said has its own reasons——but we must make a clear opinion. Therefore, according to the usual practice, we will enter the voting stage——!"

After finishing speaking, all the people present stopped their movements in unison.

The puppet on the referee seat nodded in satisfaction, then raised his left hand and said, "Those who agree to launch a general attack, raise your hand—!"

Some raised their hands.

Then the puppet in the referee's seat glanced at it, and it seemed that after counting the number of people with just one glance, she signaled to put down her hands, then retracted her left hand, then raised her right hand high, and said

"Next, in favor of continuing to disrupt the social order of the "hand!"

Instantly others raised their hands.

The puppets on the referee's seat also counted the number of people with their eyes, but what puzzled her was that many of the people who raised their hands this time seemed to be in favor of launching a general attack before, but she was only slightly puzzled, after counting the number of people She didn't care anymore, and after signaling that she could withdraw her hand, she cleared her throat and said:

"The result is out, so our next plan is to continue to disrupt the social order!"

"Huh———I'm so nervous." The calm puppet seemed relieved when he heard this.

The excited puppet stood up and seemed very dissatisfied with the result and said angrily: "Coward!!!"

"Quiet! Quiet!"

The puppet on the judge's bench tapped the gavel.

"Please rest assured that no matter what the process is, the final result will not change."

"Because we are only debunking the essence of the world - tearing off the hypocritical surface and showing its purest part to more people."

"Our victory will not be rewritten, because the world cannot be changed."

"As for Anti-Entropy, Destiny, World Snake... When human beings realize that the so-called beauty is just a scam, then without our help, someone will make these hypocrites pay the price."

"The meeting is over—!"

With the sound of rustling.

The sound of hard objects colliding, the sound of mechanism opening and closing, the sound of joint twisting... the sound of wooden blocks hitting wooden blocks once again occupied this small space.

After regaining consciousness, the dolls were gone, and the anti-match theater became empty.

What followed was that countless incidents related to them continued to be added all over the world, making anti-entropy, destiny and the world, and even the official staff of various countries in the world exhausted.

A more bad news also appeared at the same time.

No one can guarantee that someone around him is not one of these dolls, or a believer of the Honkai Sect. Perhaps the owner of the Herrscher Crystal can be detected through the Honkai, but the human heart cannot be seen through by the machine.

The dolls are right. As the truth is revealed bit by bit, the beautiful coat that was packaged for their own good was torn away. Many people were not defeated by life, but they were driven crazy by the truth. For the doomsday crisis, even they are eliminated.

This has led to the birth of many Honkai Sects around the world. People don't need puppets to initiate, people just do it spontaneously, and join if they can't beat it. This principle is applicable at any time.

Moreover, many people are tired of the mediocre and mechanical life, and there is nothing they can do about it. Now that the world is in such a horrible state, it must be completely crazy.

It is precisely because most people in the world are like this that Sirin believes that although the Herrscher is a rabble, it is also the most difficult to destroy. You can defeat it once or twice, but human beings cannot completely eradicate their own dark side. It is impossible to destroy the opponent at all, if a piece of crystal is missed, it will return soon. .

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