With Anti-Entropy, Destiny and World Snake's vigorous pursuit and hunting actions, the dolls that appear all over the world will face a fatal blow once they are exposed.

However, when everyone thought that this Herrscher crisis could be solved as long as it continued like this, something unexpected or reasonable happened. When the number of Herrschers with a thousand people suddenly reached half, When there were 500 people left, their endless actions of destroying social order and creating chaos stopped.

For two whole days, the puppet did not appear, as if he gave up his plan, or the plan entered the next stage and made changes.

Obviously, it is impossible for everyone to let the remaining 500 dolls go, and it is impossible to turn them from bright to dark and plan even more insane plots.

Therefore, Qiyana, who had been locked up in a small black room on her own initiative to prevent her Herrscher's power from being taken away by the other party, took this opportunity to propose an action using herself as a bait, and released the news, no, she did not hide the information and went to the Arctic base, intending to use that radius The uninhabited land within 100 kilometers blocks the conditions for the birth of dolls, so as to further eliminate the remaining individuals of the other party.

This is a conspiracy, even the most stupid people know that it is a naked trap.

However, the Herrscher of a Thousand People is indeed unable to discard the meat in his hands, especially the power of the Herrscher of the Sky is too delicious for them, and they have gained the right to control the space, no matter how weak they are, even ordinary Valkyrie They can kill their weak bodies, but as long as they have the power of space, they will be invincible, and they can even do more and more...

So the puppets reached a consensus this time, and moths rushed to the flame to play a trick of who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Yes, the dolls are coming. According to the anti-entropy script, they attacked the team on the way to the Arctic base, and took advantage of the chaos to pull Qiyana into the domination theater, intending to reproduce the way they treated Bronya before. , Seeking the power of the Herrscher from Kiyana~.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Kiyana, who had been prepared for a long time, did not use the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to attack the surrounding dolls. Instead, she fully activated her power and pulled the Hyperion into the different space of the domination theater using her own coordinates. In the process, the combined efforts of the people finally wiped out the remaining -500 dolls.

However, they thought they were victorious, but they didn't realize that this was also part of the plan of the Thousand Herrschers. They sacrificed everything in exchange for a chance to wrap the [thread] around Kiyana's cracked heart, and in exchange for a The last puppet's resurgence.

Herrschers are the disasters or periodic tests that have been imagined, feared, faced or pursued in the process of human civilization progress.

Just like the Herrscher of the Sky, she was born based on human's fantasy or fear of the sky or beyond the sky, and she lives forever because of her vain pursuit of conquest.

The Herrscher of Reason is the madness and fear brought about by the germination of industry. The birth of the giant industrial machinery has completely changed the farming and burning life of the human race. Every step is a surprise and a terror.

At that time, many absurd and thought-provoking black-and-white movies were born. If you have watched them, you will find that people in that era had fantasies about the future and also felt at a loss about the future.

As for the Herrscher of Thunder, it is the proof that the era of electricity has entered. Human civilization has really stepped out of backwardness. It is from the popularization of electricity that more and more electronic machines have entered the lives of the general public, making everyone completely inseparable from them.

But also because of this, the more I feel that I have conquered the thunder and lightning, the more human beings are afraid of losing it one day. The first background setting in the doomsday works that have appeared more than once in contemporary times is that there is a problem with the global power supply in the city. All equipment gradually becomes garbage due to loss of energy.

The following Herrschers are basically the same, they are all inevitable stages of progress of human civilization, but what is interesting is that the order from the first Herrscher to the last thirteenth Herrscher

If you look closely, you will find that this is actually a process from external contradictions (pursuit) to internal contradictions (pursuit).

As the convenience and welfare brought by science and technology become more and more out of control, human society has also entered the stage from material pursuit to spiritual pursuit.

And the existence of the gap between the rich and the poor in all aspects of human civilization has also caused an increasing number of internal problems, which may disintegrate from the inside at any time.

It is also based on the existence of the gap between the rich and the poor that the Ruler was born. Some people think that in order to eliminate this mutual distrust and understanding, it is necessary to establish a society that shares thoughts and emotions, and everyone is connected together. Then Naturally, there is no need for a gap between rich and poor, all people are equal, because all people can be regarded as one person.

This is actually similar to Kevin's bewildered [Stigmata Project]. After all, all the plans that humans can think of have never left Honkai and Herrscher.

The Dominator is not only the manifestation of human beings' internal problems that have gradually become prominent since the birth of human civilization, but also a kind of imagination and attempt of human beings for a utopian world of great harmony.

Qiyana and the others don't understand what a Herrscher is and what it is based on. That's why they underestimate the Herrscher. It cannot be destroyed unless there is only one human being left.

In fact, it is true. In the game plot, Qiyana, who transformed into the Fire Herrscher, did not destroy the opponent. She just killed the opponent's body. Otherwise, there would be no Herrscher's core scattered and captured by Otto. Condition.

If Otto hadn't been eyeing him for a long time, and when the praying mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole, the Herrscher would appear again every so often.

So when watching Kiyana and the others hold a celebration banquet in the Salt Lake base, Sirin felt ridiculous. She noticed the invisible thread on Kiyana's body, prying open her unhealed scars little by little, letting her body Herrsrscher's core is no longer unable to contact Qiyana because of her resistance.

The invisible thread turned into an invisible channel, flowing the memory of the real Sirin that remained in the Herrscher's core bit by bit, and turned it into a nightmare every night in the future.

As long as Kiyana sinks, assimilates, or collapses during this process, then the cage that seals the Herrscher of the Sky will also crack, or it will dissipate directly. must also be free.

This is the plan of those puppets. They probably also understand that as long as Sirin, the real Herrscher of the Void, exists for a day, the power they want to take away the space from Kiyana is simply whimsical. The proof failed, so in the end, he really put all his hopes on releasing his colleagues.

Facts have proved that not every doll wants to be a dog for other Herrschers.

They only reached a consensus on a certain aspect and united together, but there are also disagreements in some places. For example, everyone is a Herrscher. It stands to reason that there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates. Why should one be defeated by humans? Twice the loser becomes a dog!?

Could it be that the Herrscher of the Void is the only one who didn't defect, but also happened to be strong, this ridiculous reason!?

0 looking for flowers......

So some of them are planning to rescue Sirin, and some of them want to take the opportunity to try to deceive Sirin's trust to gain the power of the Herrscher of the Sky. They think that if they don't say anything, Sirin doesn't know, but in fact, both Sirin at the moment and Herrscher of the Sky in the original game plot are just performing hard with these puppets as clowns.

When they joked that Sirin was defeated twice by humans, they didn't think that they were just a mob gathered by the losers among humans.

At the celebration banquet, many anti-entropy employees seemed to have changed their attitude towards Qiyana, and they took the initiative to express their goodwill, which made Qiyana, who didn't want to drink, drink unconsciously

This time, acting as a bait and successfully attacking the Herrscher, many people who had doubts about Qiyana realized that Qiyana was Kiyana, and she was different from the Herrscher of the Sky.

Of course, some people approached on purpose, maybe not everyone is chosen by the Herrscher, but Ni 3 has never lacked undercover agents sent by other organizational forces.

But Qiyana didn't pay much attention to these things, she was really happy tonight and seemed to be infected by the atmosphere of the crowd.


Even if she didn't think she didn't mind the feeling of being rejected by the whole world and not being able to blend in, it didn't mean she would like it, and she wouldn't feel uncomfortable by chance.

Especially when she heard that many high-ranking members of the Congress suggested that Anti-Entropy should put her under stricter supervision, and finally locked her in a cage, restricting all actions or directly disposing of her, she was not without a little bit of grievance and confusion.

Seeing Kiyana like this, Bronya and the others didn't stop them, and they were happy to see this happen. They went to talk and joke with Kiyana one after another. No one mentioned why the Herrscher was eliminated. It is a trivial matter that Lonia's Herrscher of Reason power has not returned.

With laughter and laughter, everyone relieved the pressure of the past few months. The crowd gradually dispersed, [everyone enjoys the banquet in their own way.

Finally, Qiyana returned to her room with a slightly drunken smell.

"Hoo--sleep, sleep!"

She walked to the edge of the bed, and there were a few laughter from the end of the party outside the door. Outside the base, a round of silver moon hangs in the sky, gently shining the moonlight on the salt lake.

Kiyana knew that under the same moonlight, she once fell asleep alone with the cold neon lights of Sky City, and woke up rubbing her sleepy eyes on the soft bed of St. Freya College.

In a trance, she couldn't remember which were dreams [and which were real.

Only this bright moon has never changed.

Kiyana wiped her fist silently, "Mei... Teacher Jizi... I will definitely bring you back."

After firming her faith, Qiyana fell down on the bed. She didn't change her clothes, she just pulled the thin blanket over her body, closed her eyes, and prepared to fall asleep.

But at the end, she softly said "waist" to the air.

No one knew who she was speaking to or herself, but Qiyana seemed to hear another voice of the same "good night" faintly.

But she couldn't tell whether it was an auditory hallucination or whose voice it was. Her consciousness sank into darkness, and then she seemed to be drawn into another world.

"It hurts!!!"

"it hurts!!!"

Mom, I'm in so much pain...so much pain!!!"

"Bella Bella... woo woo woo...

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