Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1035 The Herrscher's Core Has Become Refined!

Grunt, grunt, grunt.

In the endless darkness, I have false dreams.

In the dream, I was thinking about the woman who was not my mother.

Missing the warmth she once gave me, that kind of warmth, made me feel at ease.

I have thought more than once, if I become an ordinary person... can I live happily with her!?

If... if you give me another chance... I... want to hear her voice again.


"Huha, haha..."

Qiyana gasped and opened her eyes, she rubbed her head, trying to wake up her brain, "It's this dream again...the second collapse, the Babylon base.

Although I had witnessed the second collapse process when I was at St. Freya College, and participated in the process with Cecilia in the phantom at that time, but this time the perspective of the second law in the dream When Xilin was in charge, Qiyana had another insight.

She seemed to begin to understand Sirin's hatred, loathing and vengeance.

This made her very uneasy.

"I'm a little thirsty, go get some water to drink."

She wanted to restore her restless heart by drinking water, but the spell stayed in her mind for a long time.


The fish tank in the corner of the room glowed with a cold light, which was specially prepared by Anti-Entropy to allow employees to relax in the underground base.

The cold light from the fish tank illuminated the mirror beside the bed, and the inverted "067" reflected the figure of the person in front of the mirror.

When Qiyana's eyes glanced over indifferently, she was suddenly taken aback, couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, and even choked on the water in her mouth.

"Cough cough..."

But she didn't care, all her mind fell on the mirror, and what was reflected there was not her appearance at the moment, nor the Herrscher of the Sky with golden eyes, but the purple-haired one when it collapsed for the second time. child Sirin.

Qiyana was staring at him in surprise, and the other party was also looking at Qiyana with a sad face, with unresolved sadness in his brows and eyes, which made people want to reach out to soothe her.

"Sirin..." Kiyana called out the other party's name.

The other party didn't respond, she just stared at Kiyana simply, just as Kiyana stared at her.

Kiyana seemed to have noticed this too, but she still asked to herself, "At that time, what did you dream about!?"


"The words that have echoed in your heart countless times... What does it really mean to you?"

..." The purple figure in the mirror was still silent, she didn't even close her lips because Kiyana opened her mouth to speak.

"Hey..." Qiyana sat back on the bed, she lowered her head and stopped looking at the mirror, "Can't the shadow of memory give you an answer!?"

"Tomorrow... let's talk to everyone again..." Qiyana, who was in an unspeakable mood, put the water glass on the bedside cabinet, then lay down, staring at the ceiling without blinking , I don't know what I was thinking, after a long, long time, maybe she was really tired, so she fell asleep again.

Sirin controlled the opened eyes of Kiyana who had fallen asleep. At this moment, they were no longer Kiyana's azure blue eyes, but the indifferent, majestic and inviolable gold. She stared at the mirror and looked at the same Then came the figure of the little girl with purple hair.

"Are you so eager for that woman to come back to life!?"

Sirin asked in the mirror. The purple-haired girl who didn't respond to Kiana's words at this moment suddenly seemed to have light in her dead eyes. Her golden eyes like Sirin looked at Sirin.

She didn't speak, but Sirin seemed to hear that ridiculous spell sounding again.


Sirin understood what the other party wanted to express, but she still shook her head. She likes to say "NO" to self-righteous people the most.

Of course the reason is not so ridiculous.

Just when the purple-haired girl was slightly disappointed, Sirin said, "Now is not the time, at least not now..."

The little purple-haired girl raised her eyes to look at Sirin again when she heard the words, she suddenly understood something and nodded, showing a smile, her figure slowly disappeared, and then the figure in the mirror turned into the white-haired girl of Kiyana again figure.

In fact, Sirin has long discovered that the core of the Herrscher of the Sky still retains part of Cecilia's consciousness. This is what Sirin tried her best to protect during the nuclear explosion.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to die in the nuclear explosion without any struggle at all.

Cecilia gave the other party her last "love" and "warmth" at the last moment of her life, while that Sirin held on tightly and never let go.

It's a pity that Sirin didn't resurrect Cecilia because she kept part of Cecilia's consciousness in the Herrscher's core.

She didn't even put other Herrschers into her body like the Herrscher of the Sky in the game, just to prevent being collapsed and found her own abnormality through the core of the Herrscher, how could she liberate Cecilia inside!?

That's why she said not now.

It's just that what Sirin didn't expect was that the consciousness of the purple-haired little sister Sirin still seemed to remain in the core of the Herrscher, and it had not completely dissipated. It has not disappeared yet, and it has been hidden from Sirin for so many years because of its special nature, this is what Sirin did not expect.

If she hadn't been sober and paying attention to Qiyana's situation today, she might not have realized that it was not as simple as a phantom.

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Qing's sudden appearance and fusion with the Herrscher of Space that the other party was partially retained! Sirin guessed this way because this unreasonable situation can only be explained with this kind of explanation.

It has to be said that people in the collapsed world seem to have mastered the skills of sit-ups, dead and alive and dead as long as they are strong.

Sirin suddenly felt that she didn't have such a strong ability, and she didn't fit in with the group. Should she also prepare some life-saving measures, such as golden cicadas shedding their shells, geckos cutting their tails...

After thinking about it, Sirin also gave back the control of her body to Qiyana. To be honest, she was disgusted by the appearance of being drunk and wearing clothes that she had worn all day.

He also doesn't like Siegfried, a guy who doesn't set a good example.

At this time, the core of the Herrscher lying quietly in Qiyana's body is slightly emitting a soft light, and it seems to release an emotion called "joy", if the core of the Herrscher has feelings.

The next day, in the early morning, Qiyana opened her eyes to the sound of the alarm clock, and after a brief wash, she went out directly.

To be honest, it is right for Sirin to despise her for being too rough. As a girl, no matter what the reason is, she does not take a bath and change clothes at night, and she is still so sloppy after waking up.

Kiyana probably didn't know that because she was so sloppy, Siegfried was once again hated by a certain Miss Herrscher and recorded in a small notebook.

I'm afraid that if Cecilia really comes back to life one day, Siegfried may also kneel down on the durian every day.

In this situation, Bronya ran into Qiyana, who was in a hurry and looked dazed, and stopped her and asked, "What's the matter, Kiyana!? Woke up suddenly absent-minded.

"Ah!?...Ah, nothing, I'm fine."

Bronya just stared at Qiyana without saying a word:......

Qiyana sighed, and said awkwardly, "Look at that look, I've made you worry again."

"Actually, I didn't intend to hide it from you. After all, I promised you that you wouldn't take care of everything by yourself. It's just that... it's a bit complicated, and I haven't organized the language yet.

Bronya didn't know whether she believed it or not, she said, "Bronya doesn't mind. According to Kiyana's own way, just tell it bit by bit.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Qiyana also gave up struggling, "Then... Bronya, it may be a little sudden, what kind of person do you think Sirin... is!?"

Bronya frowned, but still asked: "Sirin!? Do you mean Sirin the Herrscher of Space who caused the second collapse!?"

"Well. In the dream, I experienced her past memories over and over again. Sirin is the Herrscher and the enemy of mankind, but there are more regrets in the dream. 0"

"The world gave her pain, and she treated others with hatred and hatred; but there were also people who gave her love, which made her show a little bit of kindness..."

"Sorry, it feels like I'm defending her. Maybe I'm too deeply influenced by those memories. It seems that I have to work harder."

Looking at Qiyana who suddenly apologized while talking, Bronya shook her head and said: "Qiana doesn't need to apologize for this. Bronya is very glad that you are willing to share your troubles. Sirin triggered Bronya’s parents died in that disaster because of the second collapse.”

...Do you hate her!?" Kiyana was a little afraid to look at Bronya.

But Bronya came to her, raised her head and looked at Qiyana, "If you say you don't hate at all, it should be a lie. But those disasters were all before Bronya was sensible, to be honest , nothing real."

"The second Honkai ended with the death of Sirin the Herrscher of the Sky, and she has already paid the price that should be paid. Therefore, Bronya's hatred is over."

"Bronya thinks that what Kiyana said is right. Everyone is a mirror, reflecting the world in her eyes. When Bronya was still a mercenary, she was like a mercenary with no feelings. Weapons have only a cold killing intent towards the world."

"Later, it was Cocolia's mother who brought Bronya back to the orphanage, and it was Xier who told Bronya what home is. There are many possibilities in life. The people a person comes into contact with while growing up , will affect her, change her, make her take a different path."

"Whether it's Sirin or Bronya, everyone, it's the same."

"Didn't the Herrscher of Dominance take advantage of this to arouse the negative emotions in people's hearts, and use them to harm the world!?"

Regarding Qiyana, she deeply agrees, "You can't succumb to negative emotions."

How the Herrscher brought chaos and destroyed the original order of the world before, and how many people's normal lives were affected, Qiyana still vividly remembers. This is what the other party said in the Domination Theater before, and Kiyana didn't hold back s reason.

"That's right. This is the strength of the human heart." Bronya said with a smile, but soon she put away her smile and said instead, "If you mean that it is hidden in your body, it is hidden by Otto The awakened [Sirin]——Bronya hates her because she brings pain to Kiana.

"...Thank you." Wen Yan Qiyana thanked sincerely.

"Speaking frankly what I think in my heart like this, and thanking frankly, I always feel like I have changed back to the previous Qiyana." After accepting the words of thanks, Bronya looked at Qiyana softly. 0.1 She also misses the time when she was in St.

The two years of life at Leya Academy, perhaps not only her, but many people miss that carefree day, even when they knew there was a collapse, but they could still laugh easily.

"Haha, I also think this is more suitable for me." Qiyana also misses, but there is more sadness hidden in her eyes, she covers up the sadness and pretends to be the same as before

The child said with a smile.

"Hmm! I feel much happier. It seems a bit wasteful to stand in the training room and talk all the time. Bronya, do you want to come to a game after a long time!?"

"Okay. Is it a time-limited challenge, or the total number of kills, or a one-on-one fight!? It was agreed in advance that even if it is a simulated catenary, Bronya will not release water.

"Just what I want."

Blocking the sound from outside, Sirin snorted dissatisfiedly, curled her lips when Bronya said she hated her.

Thinking about giving this little melon a special "surprise" at any time, making the other party "happy" and "happy", knowing how "good" she is, no, lil



The last time I was at the headquarters of Destiny, I was only focused on "playing" with Leiden Mei, but I forgot to take care of this little guy with a bit of a poisonous mouth, which made Sirin feel a little bit regretful.

Should not take care of the other party was a sick person, this mouth is so annoying, maybe the health is very good.

After retracting her gaze, Sirin set her sights on the core of the Herrscher of Space that was glowing from time to time, and couldn't help muttering, "Is this thing too refined!?".

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