Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1037 Herrscher: Her Lady Queen... What Are You Doing! ?

Just when Qiyana was pulled into the domination theater, her heart was bit by bit broken by the dolls' mouths, and the unhealed wound was torn open, trying to make Qiyana's spiritual defense completely fall.

The Salt Lake base at night was also full of riots, and the alarm was loud.

The mecha lost control again, and Tesla and Dr. Einstein were trapped near the vault. Teresa and Walter Young had to seal off the hangar, Xier, Arlene and others were helping to evacuate the crowd, and Bronya and Fu Hua were too busy dealing with the out-of-control mechs .

Problems arose one after another, and puppet cores were found from destroyed mechs.

The puppet host who returned to normal life suddenly lost control and became dangerous.

To make matters worse, Kiana Kaslana disappeared from the Salt Lake base.

All of this seems to indicate an absurdity, but the most likely truth is that the Herrscher of Dominance has not been eliminated, and the other party has deceived everyone by feigning death, so that when she is destroyed, when they have no choice but to Not to mention lying to appease the world when you still have doubts, and taking away Qiyana, the herrscher of the void, when you are too busy.

Even these puppets boldly gave out the crime notice letter, although everyone thought it was the previous notice of the attack on the Salt Lake base, but in fact the other party predicted the crime this time, everyone was played by these puppets After one pass, they are different from all the Herrschers in the past.

In order to rescue Qiyana, in order to thwart the conspiracy of the Herrscher of Domination, they must take the initiative to enter the Herrscher of Domination, before those core crystals disappear, yes, Destiny, Anti-Entropy and World Snake are all discovered at the same time from the puppet. The recycled core shrinks a little bit.

Fu Hua, who is in anti-entropy, Bronya, and Leiden Mei, who is in the world snake, all chose to enter the domination theater.

But this time is different from before, the dolls have become more aggressive, they seem to be deliberately delaying time, for this reason "even if they are knocked down by the master again and again.

This also proves that a puppet is a puppet, and killing a puppet is not the same as killing the Herrscher of Domination.

On the other side, the puppet took out a red gemstone in front of Kiyana, who was pretending to be reticent, and sent it to Kiyana.

"How, how, looks familiar!?"

"Remember who held it!? Know why it's here!?"

Qiyana's eyes widened and she couldn't move away from the gem in front of her eyes. Her body began to tremble slightly, and her voice was trembling, "Plague Gem... !?"

"Yes, yes, tell the answer in your heart! —— Wuliangta Jizi, is dead!"

"Hey, are you deaf or can't understand human words!? Or, because of excessive despair, you refuse to think!?" Seeing that Qiyana closed her eyes and remained still, the dolls started Turn around her, bend down and turn your head to look at her face.

"Wuliangta Jizi is dead. Dead, dead, dead! Did you hear that!?"

"No reaction at all!? Hey, you are too cold-blooded!"

Listening to the constant croaking and questioning like hundreds of flies, Qiyana finally opened her eyes. She glanced at these funny dolls circling her, and asked, "Then what do you imagine?" In, what should I look like! 々[?"

"Kneeling and howling, falling to the ground, crying [this is not true] over and over again!?"

"Or fall into madness, insanity, and hurt yourself desperately to make up for yourself!?"

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed."

Seeing this, the puppet seemed a little unbelievable, "This... shouldn't be!?"

But they soon figured it out, and said to themselves, "...ah, I understand. You are still holding on, and you still refuse to accept the reality."

"You think we're lying!? Think this gem is fake!? Trying to act calm as if nothing happened!?"

"Okay, then let you have a good experience, it's a real calendar!"

Speaking of which, many Honkai beasts suddenly appeared around them. These Honkai beasts possessed the power of flames, which belonged to the power endowed by the Plague Gem. They were hot, domineering and dangerous.

Qiyana avoided the approach of these Houkai beasts with a cold face. She felt the scorching temperature, and her face was swaying and difficult to distinguish under the light of the fire.

"Hahaha, don't hide, don't hide, this is the power used by your beloved teacher!"

"Do you know!? When we found it, this jewel was drifting alone in the imaginary space.

"It's so strange, shouldn't it be inlaid on the real red armor!? Shouldn't it be worn on her body!? Where did the person with it go!?"

"——Who knows! Hahahahaha!"

"Actually, you have always understood that on that day, she would have died a long time ago! She was killed by your own hands! But even without that battle, she would have been dying of illness long ago, and her time is numbered! She is just a mortal, and it is impossible for her to escape In imaginary space, you can’t even maintain your own existence!”

"But you refuse to accept all of this! You are still imagining that someone can save her, imagining impossible miracles, imagining that you can make up for your unforgivable sin!"

Relying on the strong defensiveness of the Valkyrie armor, Qiyana endured the high temperature and gradually wiped out these Honkai Beasts infected with the power of the Plague Gem. The endless dolls of Bala gradually became speechless, and they were a little strange. Looking at the destroyed Honkai Beast and the plague gem in his hand in disbelief, he suspected it was a fake for a moment.

"Why... It's so strange, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this. This gem should have played a bigger role..."

However, Qiyana seized this momentary opportunity, raised her gun to aim at the opponent when the opponent's attention was away from her, and pulled the trigger to kill him and take away the plague gem in the opponent's hand.

Looking at the fallen and destroyed puppet, Qiyana said indifferently, "I don't know what kind of reaction you want to see, but I know what Teacher Jizi wants me to do."

The other puppets were shocked, "Flag justice and take people's things! Thief! Robber! Death penalty!"

After a burst of hysterical yelling, the dolls quickly gave up and said, "Forget it, since you want that gem so badly, I'll give it to you. No 2+one comes at a price! "

"!!!" Seeing this, Qiyana seemed to realize that she had been tricked. Thinking that the other party sent the plague gem to her before, she was not worried about the strange behavior of snatching it away. At first, she thought it was just the other party playing her It was a trick, but at this moment Kiyana realized that the other party had been seducing herself to touch this gem.

Just when Qiyana wanted to let go, she suddenly felt her consciousness began to sink, the world was spinning, and everything around her became blurred. She was very familiar with this feeling.

"After all, you have refused to be our companion. Although it is a pity, we have to invite another guest."

"Although our initial target was her, the process of liberating her has not been smooth! It's all because of you, it's all because of you, Kiyana!"

"Although your words are strong and your performance is very tough, you can't lie to yourself. The moment we took out that gem, your heart, your soul, really cried Of course she won't let go of this momentary opportunity, will she!?"

Listening to the sneering words of puppets that are getting more and more distant and do not know where they come from, Qiyana wants to resist the dive of consciousness, wants to shut up these puppets, and wants to open their gradually heavy eyelids, but she can't do it, She could only hold on, but she couldn't stop her consciousness from being pulled.

"Let me think about it, did that Catholic Bishop named Otto do the same thing to you back then!? Awakened her consciousness, and then gave you a gem. We all know the result! Just take it as it is, how about a re-screening of that incident!?"

"Okay, okay, the actors who have finished their performances should leave the stage honestly."

"Next, let's welcome the protagonist of the next performance, grand debut!"

"Welcome—the Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin!"

Kiyana bit her lower lip tightly and stared in the direction of the speaking puppet, but she didn't see her eyes turning golden little by little at the moment, and then completely still, like a sculpture.

The dolls happily looked at Kiyana's unconscious and motionless body, and began to sing and dance, but on the other side, the big noise made by Bronya and the others ruined their good mood, and they all showed ugly expressions.

Just when they were about to transfer Kiyana's body, something happened that made their good mood even worse. They couldn't get close to Kiyana's body, and there was an invisible air wall around her block them out.

The puppets really want to call out to a certain Queen, what are you going to do!? But thinking of Sirin's cruelty, they dare not speak out.

Don't look at the way they have been talking non-stop to Kiana Barabara before, you think they are very brave, but when facing Sirin, these dolls dare not even breathe, because their The manifestation of the host's dark emotions, that's why he is more in awe of Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky, who is as powerful as a god.

Even if you become a Herrscher, the seeds of fear have long been buried in your heart.

"Forget it, protect Her Lady Queen's Advent Vessel..."

After the puppets were silent for a while, they still didn't dare to use their strength to try to break through the barrier. After leaving one or two puppets here to take care of them, they all rushed to stop Bronya and the others from advancing.

Unlike Bronya and Fu Hua who are struggling, the Herald of Thousands of People cannot seize the power of Raiden Mei, conquering and defeating dominance, which disrupts their own dominance

At the cost of leaving the theater, Raiden Mei slashed with all his strength, greatly reducing the power of the dolls, and the powers taken away slowly flowed back to their owners.

She chose to trust Qiyana and Bronya.

This indeed made the faces of the puppets even more ugly (Zhao De's), because they were weak and could only use inferior means to delay time, it became more and more difficult for them to face the urgency of Bronya and Fu Hua.

The puppets staying near Qiyana's body looked at Qiyana's body one after another, but they didn't dare to urge them, they could only pray for Sirin to move faster.

They are well aware of how rare this opportunity is. If they fail this time, they will be greeted with a violent blow. So far, they have exposed a lot of information about themselves. It is difficult to continue to feign death or create chaos to escape. .

Destiny, Anti-Entropy and World Snake won't give them a chance.

And compared to anti-entropy, the World Snake and the people of Destiny don't take their hosts seriously, maybe they kill the hosts directly for the sake of efficiency.

It can be said that this is a gamble in itself. The dominant Herrscher itself is too weak, and there are too few weak Herrschers who have not emerged. It is impossible for them to seize more powers of Herrschers from the beginning. This is just a scam to confuse the three major organizations cold.

Now that the real purpose has been discovered, there is no possibility of a comeback.

Of course, it can't be said that they didn't really have the idea of ​​seizing more Herrscher's power, but the existence of Raiden Mei proved that they couldn't do it, so they could only give up this tempting idea. Knowing that Sirin was dangerous, Knowing that Sirin may enslave or take away their herrscher core and power after she comes out, they have to do so.

Weakness is the original sin! Animals are covering up, people are like this, and so are Herrschers.

When they talk about Qiyana, isn't it a kind of emotional catharsis!?.

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