"Am I still in the Dominion Theater!? But...the dolls are nowhere to be seen!?"

"I remember, before losing consciousness, I..."

"The Herrscher of the Void..."

Standing in the empty and lonely Domination Theater, Qiyana was a little confused. She could only think hard about her memories while looking for something. Finally, she slowly came to a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror and stood in front of the mirror.

"Eh!? There seems to be something in the mirror..."

She couldn't help reaching out to touch it, because there was a purple-haired girl reflected there, and the other party kept looking at her with a sad expression, but before her hand really touched it, the mirror shattered Now, the two largest fragments, on which appeared the self and the empty armor wearing white armor.

Looking at the fragments scattered on the ground, Qiyana was silent for a while, then accepted the facts resignedly, "...It really is like this."

"It seems that you understand." The Herrscher of the Sky stood behind Qiyana at some point, standing back to back with her.

This sudden feeling of sticking to her back startled Qiyana, she jumped forward and looked back, and saw the Herrsrscher of Void appearing at some time, and the other party was also slowly turning back at this moment to use the pair of golden The eyes looked at the flustered self jokingly.

"The Herrscher of the Void..."

"Long time no see, my container

"I'm not your container." Kiyana retorted angrily, but the Herrscher of the Void didn't take it seriously. Her figure slowly rose into the air, and then sat with her feet up in the void, condescending Looking at Qiyana, who was looking up and glaring at herself, but couldn't hide the uneasiness and fear in her heart, she smiled lightly and said:

"The last time we met was in Tianqiong City!? It's been so long, and your dying look really hasn't changed at all."

"Qiana, you run and run, where can you run to 693!? In the end, you succumbed to the pain and knelt before the crack in your heart—in front of me."

Hearing the other party's mocking words, Qiyana took a deep breath, and no longer avoided looking directly into Sirin's eyes, "I am no longer who I was then, and I will not surrender to you.

These words made the queen above laugh, "Haha, I dare to say it. But if you didn't waver, how could I appear here and stand in front of you and "dominate this body!?"

"You are afraid to face me and refuse to face me. This is the reason why you buried me deep in your heart. But now, you have lost."

"My shackles have been untied, and no one else will disturb us. Your long-term efforts, everything you have done so far, the whole text is *waste* wasted*."

Qiyana didn't pay attention to the other party's words, because compared to those puppets, it was obvious that the verbal offensive of the Herrscher of the Sky in front of her was a bit too childish, which made Qiyana's heart not too turbulent.

On the contrary, Qiyana was a little curious. She stared at the other party and asked, "...Why did you help the Herrscher of Domination!?"

"Help!?" Kiyana's question seemed to make the other party laugh again, and Herrscher of the Sky let out a mocking laugh, "Hahaha! Don't compare those puppets with me. They are hopeless losers, Sad ants; mumbling incomprehensible words in their mouths, their gestures are full of the weak breath that is similar to yours.

"These guys came to the door on their own, and said that they wanted to rescue me out of their own strength. It was very funny."

"However, I'm still willing to give them a chance, so that I can appreciate a clown's farce - I really didn't expect that they really brought you to me. To be honest, I am only disappointed now. You are not as good as them , I don’t want to be called the half body of [Container] by me☆”

Kiyana was silent about this, and she didn't want to argue with the other party whether she was really inferior to a group of puppets.

The Herrscher of the Sky seemed to feel that this was the end of it, and she didn't want to waste time and tongue anymore. She yawned and said, "Okay, I've said enough of the opening remarks. I hope you will cherish this time and reflect on yourself The last life."

"Come on, Kiyana. This is a theater just for you and me, a stage for the winner. Obediently let me dominate..."

"This is your fate—you cannot escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, without giving Qiyana more time to prepare, the surrounding atmosphere became solemn and solemn, and it seemed that there were battle songs around her ears, making people's blood boil.

The Herrscher of the Sky starts with three Yakong spears that spin and project towards Qiyana. The potential energy added by that speed may easily pierce through Kiyana's body.

However, Qiyana is not the kind of person who gives up resistance and waits for death. She dodges the menacing three archon spears at the very last moment with a neat roll. The price is that she looks a little embarrassed.

The Herrscher of the Sky, who was understated above the sky, formed a sharp contrast.

And all of this was seen by a pair of huge golden eyes in the void. She was holding a huge apple-sized sphere in one hand. Inside was the domination theater where the Herrscher of the Sky fought with Qiyana. You can see the one-sided battle between the two inside.

Seeing Qiyana's embarrassed figure inside, Sirin was slightly disgusted.

Of course, although Kiyana's performance is indeed unsatisfactory, it is not her that Sirin dislikes, and the teachers in Kiyana's life are too poor, otherwise Kiyana will not be able to do it anyway. The Herrscher of the Sky, who was created by Sirin and was comparable in strength to Qiyana, was completely crushed.

Yes, the Herrsrscher of Nakon is just a clone created by Sirin, and she doesn't plan to play in person, because no matter how she restrains herself, the gap between her and Kiyana is too big, so she can't It would be too fake to kill Qiyana with one move, and I'm afraid that no matter how big-hearted Qiyana is, she will be aware of the problem.

Of course, if it was in the past, even if Sirin created a clone, she would have to think for a long time, considering this and that, whether there is something that is not safe enough, but after untie the knot, Sirin also does not intend to change herself halfway plan, but he no longer cares too much about things and plans.

She will accept all risks frankly, but it does not mean that dementia becomes reckless and impulsive regardless of the consequences.

This avatar has 50% ownership of the core of Herrscher of the Sky, and shares all the ownership of the Herrscher's core equally like Qiyana, just like the two heirs of a company, they respectively control Half, and no other shareholders and shareholders.

It's ridiculous to say that the reason why Kiyana looks like a minority shareholder with fewer shares is just because Kiyana rejects the power of the Herrscher of the Sky (caff), and she also refuses to admit that she is the heir identity.

And now Sirin has completely lost the ownership of the core of Herrscher of the Sky, and she has transferred all her own authority to the clone. Once the clone is defeated, then Kiyana will have the absolute ownership of the core .

However, this does not mean that Sirin is no longer a Herrscher. In the end, the core of the Herrscher is just an auxiliary tool for newborn babies who do not know how to exert their own power. It is not that they have the core of the Herrscher. Instead, the one who no longer relies on the core of the Herrscher is the real and complete Herrscher, which means that she has graduated from infancy.

It's a pity that there are only two Herrschers who have lived for a long time. One is Alicia, the Herrscher of Human Beings of the pre-civilization, and the other is Walter Young, the second agent of the current civilization. lawyer. The former lived for more than ten or twenty years, but he didn't know that he was a Herrscher before, and when he realized it later, the final battle was coming; the latter had nothing to say, because at most he could only It can be regarded as a magician who picked up the core of the Herrscher and used the core of the Herrscher to cast spells.

I'm afraid it's only Xilin who has clearly understood that she is a Herrscher since she was born, and is nothing else, and has stayed in a safe enough body to grow steadily for enough years, and is born knowing that she will not learn from outsiders. The incompetent Qiyana influenced the Herrscher with her own thoughts, and was able to walk ahead of all Herrschers in just a few years, passing through the childhood stage and directly entering the mature stage.

For her at the moment, Herrscher's core is really just a beautiful gem, and it is also a gem that has been GPS and monitored by Honkai.

So giving up is nothing to her.

Going back to Kiyana's combat skills, to be honest, any martial arts from the world of martial arts or generals in the ordinary world will not look down on them. They are too spicy, have too many redundant movements, and incorporate too many other people's things. , turning into a strange sewing monster, every moment is full of flaws.

Of course, it’s not Qiyana’s fault. Her actual age is only a little over nine years old, and she didn’t grow up on the battlefield. It’s actually reasonable for her to be able to reach her current level. Of course, this is for ordinary people. , for her who was destined to be extraordinary since she was born, unless she relies on the strength of Herrscher to crush her opponent at this level, she will suffer a disastrous defeat if she fights alone.

Not to mention that as a human being, she is also very immature in using the power of the Herrscher, basically doing miracles with all her strength.

During the two years at St. Freya Academy, she was basically just laying the foundations. Teresa and the others didn't know these basic learnings that are useful for ordinary Valkyries. For Qiyana, it was a waste of time. If she followed the steps, she If you stay at St. Freya Academy, you may not be able to become an S-level Valkyrie for the rest of your life. Even if you reach A-level, you will probably be similar to an S-level like Teresa, and they are all parallel imports.

Unless you pick up a God's Key later on [Otherwise, if you have a good aptitude, you won't be able to qualify as an S-rank Valkyrie.

During the wandering in Tianqiong City, Fu Hua did teach her something, but the time was too short, and the situation Qiyana was in at that time did not allow her to devote herself to learning. It can be learned that Fu Hua is more about tempering Qiyana's mind, even after arriving at the Salt Lake base.

Shenzhou martial arts are accumulated over time, and Qiyana simply doesn't have so much time to hone them.

Not to mention that Fu Hua's character itself is a bit rigid and doesn't know how to adapt, and she teaches quite a few apprentices, but none of them can compare with Li Sushang, which shows that she is not good at teaching others, which is also related to her Her taciturn personality is related to her experience. She is used to being alone and doesn't know how to get along with others. Not everyone can endure loneliness and have a long life like her.

Therefore, among all the mentors in Qiyana's life, Fu Hua can only be regarded as above-average at best.

In the end, it was Siegfried. To be honest, Sirin hated him the most, because Siegfried himself was half a bucket of gun fighting skills in his own Kaslana family. , he can't even compare to a $-level Valkyrie.

When teaching Qiyana's gun fighting skills, she only taught a little bit of superficiality. Later, Qiyana figured out and perfected it herself in the process of wandering, but a little girl's life experience is so small, what can she figure out? The moves!? Basically relying on his superhuman physical fitness to do things.

So at this moment, Sirin's avatar, the Herrscher of the Sky, is actually teaching Qiyana how to fight and how to use the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

Clean all the impurities on Qiyana's body, but the process is of course very painful, because the battle is real, the injury is real, and the pain is even more real.

For Kiyana's teaching, Sirin chose the least gentle way, and only in this way can Kiyana have no time to think, to hesitate whether to abandon those unimportant things, if even the Kaslana family's It would be ideal to discard the gun fighting technique as well. .

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