Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1047 The Last Madness! We Don't Love Anymore!

The puppets really feel like they've become a dog at the moment.

They tried every means, exhausted all means, spent countless efforts, and did not hesitate to send most of their real information to humans through various methods, so they set up the ecstasy array, allowing themselves to continuously switch between light and dark.

For what is it, for the Herrscher of the Void!

But they never thought that when they win over Kiyana, the individual who should have been hurt the most by humans and should be blackened the most, they will suffer from Waterloo, and they will be treated unfairly by humans in this way, and they are still willing to stand by humans One side, is this being dropped!?

Fortunately, they still have plan B, which is the best plan not to choose if they can, and that is to awaken the personality of the Herrscher who claims to be Sirin, and let the other party replace Qiyana as the real Herrscher of the Sky.

But ah...

The reason why it is clear that everyone is the only true Herrscher who has not betrayed Honkai, but to be honest, the Herrscher of Dominance really doesn't want to have any trouble with this colleague.

Regardless of the opponent's brilliant record, it is of course a good thing that teammates have strong strength. They can make up for the lack of combat power on their own side. Even the wild dogs passing by can bully at will, and it is aggravating to think about it. However, the Herrscher of Kong is too domineering to say one thing, and the core of the Herrscher who devours other Herrschers is not once or twice. The Herrscher of Thunder has long since betrayed.

Cannibalism, for the Herrscher of Domination, Sirin of the Sky is the same as that of humans facing cannibals, why do you think they don't want to implement Plan B so much!?

Not to mention the huge disparity in strength, the power of the Herrscher of the Sky is very restrained, and he will not even have the ability to resist. Do you think it will be afraid of harm!?

Although they are Herrschers, they still want to live.

However, Qiyana's brains shattered their hopes, and they had to pin their last hopes on Sirin, hoping that for their merits, after Sirin came out, she would not just cross the bridge and take revenge Bar.

However, they never expected that Qiyana would actually defeat the mighty Herrscher of the Sky, Sirin.

It's not scientific at all, and it's not magical.

Kiyana won't win because they stuffed the wrong gems!?

Is it necessary to snatch the core of the Herrscher of Ice!?

The mentality of the puppets is broken at the moment.

"Qiana, I didn't expect you to really defeat that Herrscher of the Void." The dolls gritted their teeth and looked at Kiyana, ignoring Bronya and Fu Hua, and suddenly laughed wildly again, " Hahaha, okay, strong, I really have you...!"

"The despair of losing your teacher won't overwhelm you, the Herrscher of the Sky won't overwhelm you, and even those cores won't be able to trap you..."

"Okay, okay, Kiyana. I admit, you might really be a hero."

Bronya and Fu Hua looked a little weird. They looked at Qiyana, who was still bruised and swollen, and looked at the puppets surrounding them. Why do they always feel that these puppets are crying at this moment!? Like being bullied Poor kid!?

What did Kiyana do to them before!? Neither they nor Mei seemed to hurt them as much as Kiyana.

Qiyana didn't care how much she couldn't bear to look directly at her image at the moment, she said righteously: "I am not a hero. Those who lead me and guide me are the real heroes. I just follow the path left by them Go forward and remember that...they existed."

"Really!? Maybe it is true." The dolls felt more and more wronged. They were defeated by such illusory things. They were not reconciled, so unwilling.

——but we are different!"

Looking at the completely angry dolls, Fu Hua reminded, "Be careful, that strange feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"We're not heroes, and these people you're trying to save—they're not either!"

"They are [dolls] like us, they are losers who have given up struggling and live without knowing why. They hate their own powerlessness and weakness, and turn them into resentment towards the world."

Facing the roar of the puppets, Qiyana said indifferently, "You can't represent humanity."

The puppets sneered, "But we are the shadows that really exist in the hearts of human beings, unspeakably ugly—— what controls a thousand people is the unity of the will of a thousand people

"A thousand kinds of sorrow, a thousand kinds of despair, a thousand kinds of madness, a thousand kinds of curses, wanting to be destroyed, wanting to be imprisoned, wanting to be dominated

"Countless malicious distortions and combinations jointly built this 【Theatre of Dominion】and created the 【Herserscher of Domination】!!"

"Let you see, here we are the real Herrschers of Domination!!! Congratulations, you guessed it right, the annoying Herrscher of Reason, the annoying Bronya! Hahaha, go to hell, Destroy, don't love anymore!!!"

After venting all the grievances and despair in my heart, a huge sphere wrapped by many arms appeared in front of the three of them. This is a huge sphere composed of a thousand dolls.

This is exactly what the Herrscher of Domination really looks like, twisted and weird, like a twisted thing with countless limbs put together.

due to human malice.

It is formed by the gathering of the hatred of thousands of people.

A brand-new individual named, The Crowd! It gradually took on a human form, becoming a huge humanoid individual.

I make up the head, and you make up the limbs... Well, it's time to cross the stage.

The countless silk threads guided from the hands of the mob controlled many mindless dolls, and launched an attack on Kiyana and the others. It is a real doll manipulated by silk thread.

However, these puppets controlled by the mob have not only strengthened a lot.

The cooperation between each other is also better, often knocking down one, there are three around to make up, and it just happens when Qiyana and the others have exhausted their old strength and new strength, making the three of Qiyana very uncomfortable.

If the dolls before were stragglers, they are now real troops.

If that's the case, it's actually pretty good. The puppet has become stronger, but it hasn't become too strong, and it's still within a reasonable range. It used to be one sword second, but now it's only two or three swords. It's too strong.

But the giant Gundams of the mob combined with the release of long-range attacks not far away, which made Qiyana and the others very uncomfortable. Not only do they have to deal with endless dolls, but they also have to be on guard against the cold guns of the mob.

What's worse, because this is the Theater of Domination, the power of the Herrscher of Domination can be said to be endless, and they will definitely suffer more from a protracted war. In addition to this, this guy can also do something similar to space transfer. The principle of this kind of thing is probably the same as the previous Infinity Staircase, that is, by rebuilding the Domination Theater, it makes others look like it is teleporting, but in fact it is Kiana and the ground under her feet that are moving.

After several consecutive energy shells attracted Qiyana's attention.

The mob appeared directly behind Kiyana, and Kiyana was about to turn around to fight back, but Fu Hua blocked her one step ahead of her, and came up directly to greet her with a punch.

As a result, under the surprised gazes of Bronya and Kiyana, they were in a stalemate with each other for a few seconds and were thrown out. Then they were grabbed by the arms of the mob, hung in the sky, and became the first person to be eliminated.

Such a change made Qiyana and Bronya a little unresponsive. It stands to reason that the strongest Fuhua among them was the first to be defeated and captured. It is ridiculous no matter how you look at it. It was as if sending it up on purpose, which made the two of them, including Xilin, who was peeking at the screen, puzzled.

Only Fu Hua smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't expect that the Herrscher of Domination still had a small part of the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness. Just now, he was caught in the trap because he didn't realize it for a moment, but it's too late to say anything now. He didn't expect to lose Yu Duchen In the end, I was able to be deceived even by this illusion.

With apologies to Qiyana and the others, Fu Hua finally passed out, her consciousness came to the core of Herrscher, and saw Xiao Shi who was also looking at her speechlessly.

"Old Antique, you are the one sent by Honkai..." The other party shouted at Fu Hua as soon as they met.

Fu Hua: "...Sorry, I can explain."

"I won't listen, you can tell Qiyana and the others if you have the ability."

Of course, Qiyana and Bronya wanted to rescue Fu Hua outside, but they couldn't take care of themselves. Without Fu Hua, the biggest thug who attracted firepower, they would soon fall into a disadvantage and become dangerous.

In the end, under the grapple-like attack launched by the mob, Bronya was also captured like a puppet caught by a claw machine.

Bronya felt deep malice, because she remembered a sentence said by those dolls before, "Since she became the Herrscher of Reason, she has not won a battle

It's so aggrieved, she refuses to accept it.

However, the mob didn't give her a chance to fight back, and she fainted directly, not because they didn't want to kill her and Fu Hua, but because they wanted to control the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the Herrscher of Knowledge, and it had to ensure that these two were alive , Otherwise, it really wants the power of other Herrschers, and eventually becomes Little End Yan, so why is it so troublesome, just steal the God's Key.

So far, only Qiyana is left in the three-person team!

Qiyana wanted to save Bronya and Fu Hua, but the mob manipulated the whole field to turn it over, making Qiyana fall into the bottom field.

It has to be said that Sirin was right to weaken Kiyana in advance. As time went by, Kiyana's superman version of her body was recovering a little bit, and her strength was also returning a little bit. After several rounds of fighting with the mob Finally, Qiyana tried her best to break up the opponent's entire body.

This was something the three of them hadn't done together before.

However, when Qiyana wanted to make up the knife, a puppet in the shape of Fu Hua appeared in front of her!

Qiyana was taken aback, and abruptly withdrew the great sword she was about to swing.

She had chatted with Bronya and Fu Hua before, so she knew that this doll was connected with Fu Hua, once she attacked the doll, Fu Hua would also be hurt.

"Isn't it nice to see your companion's face!? Kiana."

"In this way, you can't do anything, can you!?"

The Herrscher of Domination doesn't let go of any opportunity to ridicule the disgusting Qiyana. It can be said that if anyone in this world makes them hate the most, then Qiyana must be ranked tenth.

With a sneer, it also dropped Bronya's puppet from the sky and landed next to the Fuhua puppet, and was controlled by the mob's puppet line to walk towards Qiyana step by step.


"You're alone again."

"it was all your fault!"

"Let them all be buried with you."

"Your existence is destined to only bring misfortune to people."

The Herrscher of Domination summoned countless black balls.

Launched an attack on Qiyana with fire coverage.

Qiyana can only keep jumping and dodging these artillery fires.


She took a chance.

Raise the great sword of Godfall

Fiercely slashing at the mob, speaking of it, the Great Sword of God's Meteor was left behind when the other party gave her the Plague Gem.

As the main weapon of the True Red Armor, the great sword that can exert the power of the Plague Gem is naturally extraordinary. Even if it is not comparable to the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, it is by no means comparable to ordinary weapons

, under this blow, the mob was once again fragmented and scattered all over the ground.

However, in this theater it is immortal.

They floated up again and joined together to form a new shape.

The dolls were laughing triumphantly, their voices echoing throughout the Domination Theater.

"This is the theater of domination."

"This is a stage for thousands of people!"

"We are the will of a thousand, the despair of a thousand."

"Despair will not disappear, we will not be wiped out. You can't change the malice in people's hearts, you can't, change this ugly world."

"Qiana, give up struggling."

Under the bewitching voice of the Herrscher of Domination, the originally dark stage suddenly lit up with lights.

Only then did Kiyana realize that Bronya and Fu Hua were being tied and hung above her head by puppets' silk threads.

"Without the power of a Herrscher, you are just an ordinary... weak person!"

The mob stood on the high platform, looking down at Qiyana who was like a trapped beast.

It pointed at one table, and the silk thread binding Bronya and the two of them tightened instantly, and the two of them suddenly groaned in pain.

"Give it to me, let them go!"

Kiyana desperately wanted to save Bronya (got it) and Fu Hua, but there were too many puppets in the way around her, and the Dominant Herrscher tortured Fu Hua from time to time.

People, so that Qiyana can't get her heart.

She was very angry, obviously she could defeat the opponent, but at this moment, she was not healthy enough, and suffered too serious injuries when fighting against the Herrscher of the Sky.

Anger, on the other hand, often represents a loss of calm.

At the moment of a mistake, Qiyana was directly hugged by the doll, and then more and more dolls rushed forward, burying her underneath.

"You can't even protect them." The mob continued to sneer, but the moment it finished speaking, the buried place was easily torn apart by the spear.

But it was in vain, because the gap was quickly filled by more and more puppets. Amid Qiyana's unwilling roar, the bodies of Bronya and Fu Hua were squeezed together

The crowd's big hands were slightly deformed and twisted, and blood spilled from the sky.


"Hahaha, we don't need the Herrscher of the Sky at all. Sure enough, we thought too much, and she is also vulnerable, hahaha."

The puppets are laughing, and there is nothing more satisfying for them than making and witnessing this scene with their own hands.

It's so embarrassing. I've been making every step of the way, but ended up going bankrupt. How can they not hate, how can they not be wronged, how can they not collapse and go crazy! Ren?

"It's obviously not as strong as others. Destiny, Anti-Entropy and World Snake are all idiots and garbage. Have you seen it!? The Herrscher of the Sky you were afraid of was defeated by Qiyana

And we beat Kiyana, hahahahahaha!"

Falling into ecstasy, they didn't even realize that sparks were flying in the place buried by the dolls, and a little red light appeared under the pile of dolls.

And there is a Herrscher's cold snort and unkind eyes looking at them.

The clown is dancing on the stage, but he doesn't know that he is about to step down.

The stage is reserved for the hero, and the audience is not there for its farce. .

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