Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1048 The Herrscher Of Fire-With This Flame, There Will Be No End!

In a dark world.

Kiyana, who was covered in bruises, was wrapped in silk threads around her limbs.

The harder she struggled, the more she suffered pain. Her skin, which had already subsided from swelling, was strangled bloody by the thread.

A pair of big puppet hands held her directly, vowing to drag her into the dark abyss completely.

"We're all losers."

The Herrscher's voice rang in Kiana's ears.

"Human beings are all losers."


"I won't surrender to you!"

Kiyana is still struggling, she doesn't know how to give up, doesn't want to give up, and doesn't want to give up, just like Wuliang Tajiko said, Kiyana never gives up, she doesn't know what giving up is

But this is powerless in the face of the power of the dominant Herrscher.

She struggled less and less.

Those azure blue eyes seemed to lose their brilliance.

Just when Kiyana was about to fall into the abyss.

In front of her eyes, the bright red figure appeared again, making her eyes chase after it involuntarily, and she wanted to reach out to touch it.

That was her salvation...

It is also her undying faith!


"Never give up! Don't be a loser!"

There was a divine light in Qiyana's eyes again, and that bright red figure also turned into a broken sword, illuminating the road ahead of her. Kiyana broke free from the silk thread, stretched out her hand from the big hand, Hold the hilt of the sword.

"Now it's my turn to do what I have to do!"

In the already depleted body, there seems to be a steady stream of power emerging, and the scarred body is also healing and dissipating the wounds at a speed like a spark.

Qiyana's body is like a big burning fireball, and the flames are as high and vigorous as the morning sun.

She tore the shackles of the Herrscher of Domination.

Burn the threads it has wrapped around itself.

With the belief of never admitting defeat, grasp the hilt of the big sword! Let the fire approach you, and don't care until you are ignited like a new firewood.

next moment!

The space is broken like a mirror!

All the burdens placed on Qiyana will dissipate at this moment!

"Go and tell everyone."

"Their choice..."


957 Purple brilliance explodes instantly!

All the puppets on Qiyana's body were blown away!

Under the dazzling light, Qiyana slowly got up.

A little orange Guanghua shone on the grid of the big sword in her hand, turning into a dazzling orange gem.

"Is your attack over!?"

"Now it's my turn, okay!?"

Deja vu words came out of Qiyana's mouth, and the tip of the big sword in her hand pointed directly at the rabble who laughed madly and suddenly felt unbelievable because of her appearance again.

at this moment.

All can see.

Something seemed to be changing in Kiyana's body.

Like a butterfly reborn from its cocoon.

The moment when it blooms is also its most beautiful moment.

Great sword swung.

Kiyana's azure blue eyes also seemed to light up with a different brilliance at this moment, and there seemed to be music and singing around her to accompany her.

She leaped high among the puppets, and a sword fell fiercely!

While destroying a large number of dolls, it also cut off the silk thread bound on Bronya and Fu Hua.

"Why, you still stand up!?"

The voice of the Herrscher of Domination is full of doubts and panic. It seems that every time he faces Qiyana, no matter how much he prepares and how much he does, he will fail.

It can't convince the opponent, nor can it defeat the opponent. Even the Herrscher of the Sky, who had high hopes, lost to the opponent.

Now it will also be killed by the opponent!?

It doesn't understand.

Why didn't Kiyana fall down yet!?

She could die like that, why does she still have the strength to continue struggling!?

Smoke and dust filled the air.

The insidious hook and lock shot out from the smoke, binding Qiyana's hands and feet.

Since you don't understand, then knock it down again.

"No matter how hard you struggle...your result will not change!"

The Herrscher of Domination is made up of the evil thoughts of thousands of people.

Its birth and existence are the darkness and despair of human beings.

And the light and hope of mankind is what it hates most.

so now!

It will completely extinguish this flame of hope!

Several puppets leaped high and rushed towards Qiyana, who was temporarily unable to resist,


A blue light beam roared, shooting down several dolls attacking Qiyana.


"Never mind what you say, because she's an idiot."

The light beam scattered the smoke and dust, and Bronya lay quietly on the ground, as if she was still in a coma, but the core of Herrscher seemed to respond to her desire to help Qiyana.

"Idiot, you won't give up!"

The lingering blue light on Bronya's body gradually converged on Kiana's great sword, and finally turned into an azure blue precious color.

This moment.

Kiyana seemed to understand something, her expression became firm, and then slowly stretched out her hand.

The power of the Herrscher of Reason emerged on her body, and the iconic pattern of the gears of the Herrscher of Reason also appeared in her eyes.

Numerous keys of truth were constructed on the heads of the dolls. Obviously, Qiyana didn't know the principle of these weapons, but she did it easily, "just like Bronya was helping her by her side.

No, maybe Bronya was really helping.

Kiyana's loose long hair was gently tied into a ponytail by Bronya.


Accompanied by Qiyana and Bronya's unanimous instructions, the azure blue gunfire output crazily.

Under the endless artillery fire, the puppets were defeated, and even if they could be resurrected, it was useless. Whenever they appeared, they would be swallowed by the ruthless blue light.

There are more than ten dolls, but the blue gunfire is more and more intensive, as if it wants to wash the entire domination theater.

Of course, the mob wouldn't sit still, it directly mobilized the boulder in the domination theater, and slammed it down on Qiyana!

With so many cannons, even if two people are really operating them, there is no time to be distracted, so Qiyana has no time to dodge.

In an instant, it was submerged by the many boulders.

It can be next second.

A glowing feather slowly fell in front of the mob, but it didn't notice it.

"She changed me and changed a lot of people."

"In the future, she will change more people.

Fu Hua's gentle voice echoed in the space.

The mob seemed to have finally realized something, and looked up quickly.

I saw, above the sky.

A group of feathers appeared on it at some point, and then the brilliance bloomed.

Qiyana's figure suddenly appeared above, but there was no sound at the place where the boulder fell, not even blood flowed out.

"I want to see that day come.


"We won't stop here!"

The gentle voice gradually turned into a firm belief.

A phantom of Fu Hua also appeared beside Qiyana.

She puts on the hero's bracer for Kiana.


Kiyana has the power of Fu Hua.

With the power of Bronya.

With the power of other companions.

With their faith, turned into a shooting star.

The flame of Taixu Divine Sword illuminated the entire domination theater, and that hot flame was like Qiyana's will at this moment.

Invincible, invincible!

The many arms that the Herrscher of Domination used to stop Kiyana were destroyed the moment they touched Kiyana.

It uses the power of consciousness.

A huge (cacb) arm was constructed.

Wanting to stop Qiyana's offensive.

"Your ideal can't be realized, this world is never beautiful!!!"

The Herrscher of Domination shouted hysterically, trying to shake Qiyana's will, but it didn't realize that its voice was trembling at the moment, it was the first to feel Qiyana's will and was shaken first.

Kiyana's never give up.

The mutual trust between her and her companions, the fetters between each other.

All made the Dominating Herrscher, an individual made up of malice, feel unacceptable and fearful.

Because of such feelings.

It's what they've been avoiding and can't believe.

"certainly not!"

The light of the gem gradually dimmed.

Those azure blue eyes shone like stars.

her will.

Once again, the fire of the fire is lit!


Flame erupted.

Unyielding warriors are born in flames at this moment!!!

She held up the great sword in her hand.

Four radiant gemstones shone with dazzling light.

But not as good as one ten-thousandth of her eyes!

The scorching flames lingered around her, the cloak on her back was blowing, and Qiyana, who was wearing the armor, felt the power of her companions, and they all turned into every part of her new Valkyrie armor. parts.

Bronya puts a crown on her, Fu Hua casts armor for her, and Ji Zi puts on a cloak for her.

This is the strength her companions gave her.

It is also a perfect answer to everything she has experienced so far.

With this flame, cut endlessly!

This is the Herrscher of Humanity, the Herrscher of Fire Flame!

"Of course the world is not harmless, but some people tell me not to give up."

"They guided me and showed me that the world wasn't that bad."

The flame-wrapped figure fell in mid-air, like a meteor with an orange-red flame tail, heading towards the mob who were still struggling to die.

The indestructible sword cuts through all thorns that dare to stand in her way.

"I love them and everything they love!"

Spiral metal blocks converged into a shield blocking the way forward for the warrior.

"This sword is connected to us, it will burn the dark sky, and let the light shine farther!"

Fierce flames erupted from the red sword.

With a single slash of the sword, the entire space seems to be cut apart, as if recreating the feat of Pangu in the past.

The huge shield was shattered into pieces and then vaporized.

The Herrscher of Domination is also roaring, it will turn unwillingness, anger and fear into an energy that can destroy everything at the speed of light!

However, such a terrifying attack did not scare Qiyana, and she didn't even have the thought of avoiding it.

Because she is not fighting alone.

behind her.

The figures of Teresa, Mei, Bronya and Fu Hua appeared in sequence.

They reached out their hands at the same time, put them on Qiyana's back, and passed on their strength to her without reservation.

And Wuliangta Jizi's figure also appeared in the flames, she pressed her hand on the back of Kiyana's sword-holding hand, and smiled, as if she also transmitted a power to Kiyana.


Na was stunned for a moment, then smiled and accepted the encouragement and strength.

"This is, me and everyone.....the way home——!!!!"

The huge beam of destruction was torn apart, and Qiyana, who was holding the big sword tightly in both hands, was like a broken bamboo all the way. The tail flame behind her became more and more dazzling, and she seemed to have turned into a

The brilliance is average, a little unreal.

The Herrscher of Dominance still doesn't give up, and wants to use the last bit of strength to build layers of defensive barriers.

Trying to block Kiyana's unstoppable blow.

But, what's the use!?

Everything it does is like using paper to block the flames, and it is easily burned and pierced. In the end, Gangan watched the comet fall, and the figure of the girl holding the sword crossed its huge body.

Everything in front of me was quickly replaced by flames.

The theater of domination is falling apart, the whole different space is illuminated red, the space is shattered, revealing the real sunlight outside the world of this card...


The Herrscher of Domination has no extravagance at this moment.

The huge body of the mob also collapsed little by little and scattered countless fragments. A puppet slowly lay on the ground and looked up at Qi Qi whose ponytail and robe and cloak were rolled up by the flames.


"Why...why!? I don't know, Kiyana, is it because you are righteous and we are evil...!?"

"Because Herrscher is a villain, so we and that she will lose to you!?"

The different space was destroyed, and the wreckage was falling to the outside world. Qiyana picked up Bronya and Fu Hua, and looked at the puppet who was questioning her. The limbs of the other party had been damaged.

Bad, unable to stand up, can only turn his head and look at her.

At the same time, the puppet's body was stained with flames, eating away at her torso little by little, but it didn't seem to care at the moment.

Kiyana glanced at it quietly, and after confirming that it would be swallowed by the flames soon, she hugged Bronya and Fu Hua and prepared to leave.

"The reason why you lost to me was because you looked at the people who got together, but what actually connects you is not ideals, understanding, nor beliefs and people who trust each other.

"Those things that you don't want to believe and think are hypocritical, in fact, they have always existed, but you don't want to believe it, you hate it, and you don't want to look at it directly, so

You seem to be together, but it's just a group of rabble who vent their dissatisfaction with the world. You are not companions at all. "

After finishing speaking, Qiyana's figure disappeared directly in front of the other party.

"Really...... But I still don't understand, companion, I really envy you, Kiyana......" Its voice gradually weakened, and finally the whole body

The body was devoured by the flames. .

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