Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1050 Sirin: Compared With The Funeral, You Should Care More About The Psychological State Of Your Co

In fact, Sirin shouldn't have continued to keep an eye on Qiyana like this.

After she finished training and training Kiyana, so that Kiyana had at least enough ability to survive, she completely feigned death and asked Wuliang Tajizi to give Kiyana a farewell.

Whether she, Sirin, or Wuliangta Jizi should have completely faded out of Kiyana's life before the final battle, and at most kept a little attention, so as to prevent Qiyana from really inexplicably dying and implicating her.

She does have more important things to do than spy on Kiyana's daily life.

Before the final battle comes, she must at least have the qualifications to enter the arena, no, it should be to the extent that she must have crossed the end, and at the same time have spare energy to face the possible final boss.

How to obtain this level of power in a short time, to be honest, at the beginning, Sirin wanted to rely on the mist space, who would want to go to the liver!?

It's a pity that unless she tries her best to be assimilated and completely loses the risk of self, otherwise in the current foggy space, there is only one other power of her own that can really make her feel at ease.

It's a pity that no one dared to gamble, so most of them pretended that they didn't notice the existence of the huge phantom of "One Zero Zero". As a Herrscher, it represents the existence of a certain way. When facing each other, they still feel a sense of crisis, which is enough to explain the problem, not to mention that there is still a foggy space, which has long been proven to be a safe space that cannot harm each other. A particular individual is indeed very different from them.

It is precisely because she has faced such an existence from afar that Sirin has lost her sense of security. She does not know how powerful the enemy she will face in the final battle, so she can only imagine as high as possible, so the target can only be a certain I am a saint, how can I get close to that level, Sirin thought for a long time but couldn't come up with the answer!

What's worse is that even if she takes the risk to kill Kevin early, it's useless. Even if there is no stigmata plan, the final arrival will only be a little later, and the time left for her is too short. If she is given tens of thousands of years , No, just give it a few hundred years, and Sirin doesn't have to be so anxious.

She is a Herrscher, even if there is no foggy space, allowing her to penetrate the power of space, she will definitely not only have this level of strength in hundreds of years, the reason why she is weak is simply the world, no, it should be said that the mother of birth is the earth , is limited, but that is only the lower limit.

However, when she was just born, there were a bunch of guys shouting, beating, killing, and killing gods. It can be said that the living environment is really terrible, and there is no time to develop. That is, she can still count on the fate of the protagonist, and survive for a few years. If you change to another Herrscher, I'm afraid it will be over if you appear on the stage.

Just when Sirin was in distress, an accidental and unintentional act made her discover a chance to escape from a desperate situation-creation.

Yes, it was just when she unintentionally wanted to create a space to temporarily place the dead, she suddenly found that she seemed to have signs of breaking free from all the shackles at the moment, and she felt that she was about to step into a higher level.

And as she acquired more powers of the Herrscher, and further perfected the consciousness space she called the "afterlife world", she found that the breakthrough was not an illusion, but it was obvious that it was not easy to really break through to a higher level , It is not really enough to fill up the power of other lawyers.

Up to now, there are basically only three powers left: restraint, finality and origin.

The problem is, Sirin had a hunch that even if she really got these three powers, she would not be able to make the [afterlife world] a real world, and it seemed to lack something more important, so she wanted to find a The Herald came to test whether there was any imperfection, so that she could have a goal and know how to proceed to the next step.

It's a pity that Qiyana's abnormalities these days have made Sirin a little bit unable to carry out the plan --- [Let Chen Tianwu blacken the plan].

Compared with Chen Tianwu's side, Qiyana is obviously more important. If there is a problem with Qiyana's side, it will be meaningless for her to feign death and completely turn from light to darkness.

"This guy..." Sirin saw Kiyana again sitting in front of the mirror with loose long hair, whispering "Are you there!?" The reflection stared at each other for a long time, and Sirin felt goose bumps.

It's not because it feels like a ghost scene, but because Qiyana imitated her expression again.

Sirin even wondered if her avatar hit her too hard before, causing Qiyana to suffer from psychological problems and Stockholm Syndrome.

To put it simply, it is an abnormal "love" for another self.

Could it be that because Mei is a snake in the world, this guy has been single for a long time and finally became abnormal!?

Don't look at Xilin's plan to play the role of little yellow hair and cuckold Chen Tianwu, but she really has no problem with Lily's whereabouts, and of course she is not interested in men either. The reason why I have to play in person is because whether Chen Tianwu or Anna, the two protagonists are Herrschers. Even if the world becomes weaker after death due to the loss of Houkai power, it is not something ordinary people can coerce by force. .

I really thought it was easy to be a little yellow-haired man. It was in the ordinary everyday world. In the extraordinary world, ordinary people have no chance unless they grow up to break the sky. But in a world like this, if you ask anyone, they will tell you Women are better at fighting, how can I find a man who can suppress Anna and let her cooperate!?

Besides, Xilin didn't have that kind of interest in giving away girls, so in the end, after much deliberation, she could only do it by herself, and it seemed that it would draw more hatred, which made Chen Tianwu explode with greater power. It looks normal!? So no one should doubt the authenticity!?

If Chen Tianwu was still a little bit bloody as a man, in terms of common sense, he should raise his sword of resistance to her.

Sirin, who doesn't know how much trouble she has caused someone, is even more unaware when she is troubled by Qiyana's problem. Cecilia, who was resurrected, was also worried about how to appease Anna, the younger generation of the family. It was not that Cecilia had never thought about meeting Sirin, but she couldn't get to the principal's office where the other party was.

That place seems to be between existence and non-existence, and no one can get there unless Sirin allows it.

And she also has a child who needs more care, that's right, the purple-haired little Sirin. Although the other party has been resurrected, she has been falling into a deep sleep and does not appear to wake up. She is like a Sleeping Beauty, which makes Cecilia feel at ease. .

Of course, Cecilia felt pity for the purple-haired little Sirin. She also thought countless times that if there was no collapse, they might be able to live happily together. Unfortunately, in the real world, this is just a wish..0

She didn't expect to be able to come back to life now, which she never dreamed of.

On the other hand, Cecilia felt sorry for Kiyana and Siegfried after learning about her death from Wuliangta Jizi and the others. As for the other cloned Kiyana, she also had I want to say a lot, seems that it will take time.

As for Anna Shaniat's question, the opinion of Wuliangta Jizi and others is that if you can't beat it, just let it go, it's all girls and there is no loss.

It made Anna almost resigned to her fate [planning to dedicate herself to the Great Demon King.

Sirin didn't notice this, after all, she was researching whether Qiyana really had a mental problem at the moment!?

When she was in front of people during the day, Qiyana was very normal and became more and more mature and capable. She was completely like a leading Valkyrie, but at night, when no one was around, this guy became a little abnormal. The mirror talked to itself, and always imitated Sirin's demeanor, which made Sirin feel suspicious.

Several times, Sirin planned to ask Einstein and Teresa to take Kiyana to see a psychiatrist, but unfortunately she couldn't do so. Xilin can only complain that other people can't find out, but Fu Hua, a master who has been playing with consciousness for thousands of years, has no clue.

To be honest, Sirin is really afraid that Kiyana will continue to pervert. You must know that this guy is a pervert who has shamelessly expressed that he wants to drink Mei's sister juice. Who knows what weird things the other party will do in the future!?

"I made a mistake, I wouldn't have changed the script if I knew it..." Sirin regretted that she didn't follow the script completely.

On the other side, Qiyana, who didn't even know that her actions made a certain famous Herrscher go crazy, apart from doing a proper amount of training these days and familiarizing herself with the power of the newly acquired form of the Fire-flame Herrscher, she will The process of dominating the theater was told to everyone over and over again 1.5 times.

Because Bronya and Fu Hua had been in a coma for five days, she had to repeat it to them who were interested five days later, and at the same time passed the words that Ji Zi asked them to pass to their ears.

Regarding the situation that Kiyana saw Wuliangta Jizi, no one doubted it, maybe they were unwilling to suspect that it was just Kiyana's hallucination, and everyone wanted to believe that she was real, and Jizi really left her consciousness in the sickness. Inside the Epidemic Gem, there was a farewell and farewell with Kiana.

In fact, everyone knew long ago that it was impossible for Jizi to survive the Wuliang Tower. Apart from her physical condition at the time, there was also a place like imaginary space that no stranger could survive, unless Jizi really turned into a Herrscher. , there may still be a glimmer of life, but unfortunately, the appearance of the plague gem has completely wiped out this luck.

Unlike the Quantum Sea, which can still become a drifter, there have been no survivors in the imaginary number space, and it is even more mysterious and dangerous there.

"It's time to prepare a funeral for Himeko..."

Not sure who came up with it first, but everyone acquiesced to the funeral proposal because it was really too late. .

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