Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1051 Ji Zi: Watching My Own Funeral With My Own Eyes, I Can't Describe It In Words!

Wuliangta Jizi's funeral, of course, couldn't be sloppy. It took a week just to discuss how to satisfy everyone, and there was also time to deal with the aftermath of the Qianren Lawer incident, let alone make preparations.

A few weeks after the Herrscher of Domination incident ended——

Finally, the funeral matters belonging to Wuliangta Himeko have been completely completed.

On the day of the funeral.

There are a few faint clouds floating in the sky, motionless, as if they are casting a solemn salute to this side.

The wind blew gently across the grass, and there was a rustle, as if a prayer was whispered in their ears.

"We are here today to honor a mutual friend and an eternal hero."

Teresa stood in front, solemnly watching everyone present.

On the marble platform behind her, there was a broken sword. It was the last sword used by Jizi Wuliangta. Its appearance seemed to narrate the end of a hero.

"I'm not going to give a biography of her, or list her contributions."

"Because of these, Yin's family is obvious to all."

"I just want to share with you a time spent with her."

"When I first met her, she was an ordinary member of the Valkyrie stormtroopers.

"At that time, her eyes were full of youthfulness, just like ours once."

"But after a mission, that look changed."

When Teresa said this, her eyes could not help falling on Kiyana and Bronya, who had faded from their greenness, especially Kiyana, who had changed the most. The life of Freya Academy is more than ten years ago.

In a blink of an eye, the other party has grown from a chick to a falcon flying with wings.

The smile is also much less.

After reorganizing her mood, Teresa continued what she said just now, 20 "At that time, she still had many ways to go.

"I just provided her with one more item—I sent her an invitation letter from St. Freya College."

"But it didn't take long for me to regret it." Teresa seemed to recall something, she couldn't help but whispered, slightly dispelling some heavy sadness, "As a teacher, she is sometimes late for class, and sometimes stays late at night. Homecoming, hangovers sometimes. I confiscated a bunch of stuff from her that filled a whole storage room."

"As much as the students liked her, I silently sighed that no one was less of a teacher than her."

No one spoke, Teresa also closed her eyes, that time can still pass before her eyes.

"But it was such a teacher who saved his students."

"It is such a teacher who taught us the meaning of companions, the meaning of fighting, and the meaning of ideals."

"It also taught us -- the meaning of beauty."

"There is no better teacher than her."

Teresa turned to face the marble table.

"Jizi, this is a good bottle of wine."

"When I took it away, you were sad for a long time."

"Now, it's time for it to return to its original owner.

After pouring out a small glass of the half bottle of red wine that had been prepared earlier, he placed the glass and wine bottle on the white cloth with the big sword. After doing this, Teresa stepped aside to make room for others.

What Teresa didn't know was that the funeral was being broadcast live over the St. Freya Academy in the afterlife, which made Wuliang Tajizi feel very uncomfortable, especially the way other people were covering their mouths and giggling. Let her panic.

This is the same as when she suddenly came to life during the banquet, seeing her relatives and friends happily eating the banquet, she didn't know how to react.

However, when Teresa took out the half bottle of red wine, Wuliangta Jizi still sighed. She shouldn't have taken it from Sirin so early before, and now she can't help but want to drink it.

In reality, when Teresa backed away, no one stepped forward immediately.

Only Qingfeng was still whispering his confession, and some young grasses bowed their heads in silence.

After waiting for a while, it was still Qiyana who walked forward slowly and stared at the broken sword for a long time.

The sword brushed past her side, and she could still vaguely hear the cracking sound.

She gripped the container tightly.

"I have made mistakes because of confusion, I have lost myself because of fear..."

"In the dark, it was you who lit the sky for me, and illuminated the way forward for me in the most silent night.'

"You showed me how to move forward."

"Teacher Ji Zi."

"The sky you left behind is still clear. We will follow the path you opened and continue to move forward.

As she said that, Qiyana put down the container that originally contained the serum and placed it next to the red wine. It was the life-saving medicine for Ji Zi and her, but in the end Ji Zi chose to keep it for her.

The wind has stopped praying, and the surroundings are silent.

After Kiyana stepped aside, everyone stepped forward one after another, laying down their memories on the white cloth on the marble.

People are immersed in the lost past and rarely speak until the end.

Those few clouds disappeared at some point, and the sky remained clear and blue until the night sky was filled with stars.

Cecilia came to Wuliangta Himeko at some point, and said to Wuliangta Himeko with a smile, "Thank you, Teacher Jizi, it's really great that Kiana has such a good teacher like you."

Wuliang Tajizi scratched the back of his head, looked away from the embarrassing picture above, and fell on the face of the student's parent, and asked with some hesitation, "That... the Qiyana you are talking about is not you Your own child, don't you mind!?"

In fact, Tian Jizi really wanted to ask earlier, but she didn't know how to ask. It wasn't Qiyana's fault, but it happened to be another unsolvable problem.

So, it's all Otto's fault!

Cecilia smiled and nodded and shook her head again, "Since Siegfried gave her the name of Kiana, then she is my daughter, and I believe that Bishop Otto

My daughter must not be dead. "

Wuliangta Himeko looked at Cecilia who said such words in confusion, "You... trust Otto!?"

It can be said that the destruction of Cecilia's family is inseparable from Otto. The biggest victim, Wuliangta Himeko, feels that Cecilia would never say such a thing if it were possible. Otto can only relieve his hatred with a few swords.

Could it be that the saint really has the heart of a virgin, and will forgive others no matter how they hurt herself!?

Seemingly seeing Wuliang Tajizi's confusion, Cecilia didn't answer her immediately, she looked at the sad and strong Theresa and Kiyana in the picture with a smile, and said with a smile, "I know you guys I hate the Bishop very much, even my husband Siegfried, to be honest, when I know what happened to them in the years after my death, I am not completely devoid of emotions."

"and you……………"

Before Wuliangta Jizi finished speaking, Cecilia interrupted, "It's not so much that I believe in Archbishop Otto, but that I believe that my child with Siegfried will not die so easily. And put aside the identity of the mother , In my opinion, the child of Siegfried and I is definitely the most precious body, otherwise her genes would not be used to create a clone containing the Herrscher of the Void."

"In order to prevent accidents from happening to my purpose, there is a fault tolerance rate, Mr. Ji Zi, what do you think is the chance that Bishop will kill my own daughter!?"

You must know that only K-423, the current Kiyana, survived the clone.

As the former strongest S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny, and also the saint of the Shaniat family at that time, Cecilia dare not say that she fully understands Otto, but she can also predict twelve times about his choice.

"That way, I'd have four daughters, so I'm happy, really."

"You..." Wuliangta Jizi was somewhat defeated by the opponent, and she has four daughters. It is not known whether the real daughter is really safe and sound, and it is not certain whether the Herrscher is willing to be your daughter Woolen cloth.

But when the time comes, who is the elder sister and who is the younger sister seems to be an interesting thing.

Let's just look forward to it.

"But when I see my husband, I still want to have a good chat with him about how to protect our daughter."

"Haha, I don't know where he is!?" Wuliangta Jizi saw Cecilia suddenly showing a "nuclear" smile, and couldn't help mourning for Siegfried who didn't know where he was. The young lady seemed to have more resentment against him than Otto, wish she could.

The husband is unreliable, and in the end, the daughter still needs good girlfriends and enemies to support her. I really don't know how to describe it.

To be honest, if Siegfried analyzed it calmly like Cecilia at the moment, he would not think that his daughter is dead, and no matter how you look at it, giving the name Kiyana to the clone is a bit brain-dead , even if you just get a "green flower", "lotus flower", "chrysanthemum" or something, it's better than this.

If it weren't for Siegfried's coquettish manipulation, there wouldn't be so many things in the future. It is estimated that even if Qiyana knew the truth, she wouldn't be so broken at that time.

Wuliangta Jizi was a little worried about Kiyana outside, if the real Kiyana really appeared suddenly later, then Kiyana, who had finally cheered up, "I am afraid that her heart will usher in another heavy blow." hit.

So, not only Cecilia, Wuliangta Jizi actually complained a lot to Ziegfeld, how did he become a father, and didn't he have any thoughts about the future of his children!?

Moreover, the Herrscher of the Sky woke up and made such a big commotion, and he didn't even show up. This father really didn't take any responsibility at all. I really hope that when Teresa sees him, she can use Judas to wake him up brain.

But when the stars and the moon were hanging high in the night sky, Leiden Mei secretly came to Wuliangta Jizi's tombstone and stopped for a long time.

Look up to the night sky.

The stars tonight are shining like never before, and the sky is like a hailstorm under the reflection.

After confirming that there was no one around, she walked towards the cracked sword.

There are many flowers beside the marble, and people's memories intertwine and embrace each other.

Mei bowed slightly and walked to the front of the stage.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Himeko.

"Sorry, I came to see you alone at this time." 850

Mei stood silently for a while, seeming to consider the words in her mouth.

She has a lot to say, but feels that once some words are spoken, they lose their original meaning.

"I have always kept your teachings in mind, and this has made my choice more firm."

"You told me how to protect a person and how to carry out my own life."

"And I did."

Mei took a deep breath, and she didn't want to say some words at this time.

"It's better to prove to you with actions than words.

After finishing speaking, she presented a bouquet of flowers to Shitai.

"Thank you, Teacher Jizi."

"It is an honor to be your student."

She bowed at last, and the words shook the night air and the marble table lightly.

Then, it disappeared into the starry night.

Because the light curtain has not disappeared, many people have not slept, so they will look at the light curtain in the sky

At a glance, even Wuliangta Himeko, who was at the funeral herself, didn't sleep all night.

When she saw Leiden Mei's figure appear, she also understood why the picture didn't disappear even though the funeral was over long ago.

That Herrscher seemed to be more humane than he looked on the outside.

But at this moment, Jizi's attention fell on Leiden Mei, "Oh, although I heard Kiyana said it a long time ago, Mei has changed a lot...

"These kids have grown up."

Ragnar Rodbrok came to sit down beside Ji Zi at some time, and put down a jar of wine between her and Ji Zi, she also looked at the picture in the sky, and said with a smile, "That's great

Ah, you have so many good students.

Jizi glanced sideways at Captain Ragnar who was teasing her, and shook her head with a wry smile, "I would rather they were as naughty as before."

Ji Zi didn't linger on this topic, her eyes fell on the jar of wine, and she asked, "Where did this come from!?"

In this world now, alcohol is definitely a scarce commodity, so drink less.

Ragnar shrugged and said, "The two ancestors brewed it in their spare time. I secretly dug out a jar. Do you want to taste the ancient wine of China!?"

Ji Zi sniffed his nose, opened his mouth and smiled, "Of course."

"Hahaha, sure enough your student is right, you are an alcoholic.

"I'll just take it as a compliment."



This night, Qiyana had no dreams. .

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