Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1059 Otto: Is It Too Late For Me To Regret It Now! ?

After explaining and discussing with Einstein on the Hyperion and Chang Guang who suddenly expressed his friendship, Teresa and the others brought this Otto from the 15th century to St. 537 Church after some twists and turns. In front of the statue of the Virgin Kallen.

.......Well. Does it replace the statue of the gallows here. "

"It's a pity that the saint herself will not be brought back to life because of people's commemoration.

Otto (?) stared at the statue of the saint sitting on the ground praying, his face was full of bitterness and sadness.

"The gallows!?" Teresa looked at the location of the statue in surprise. She couldn't imagine that there would be a gallows before this place.

Ulandal seemed to know something and explained, "...It is said that this is the place where Kallen Kaslana was hanged."

Otto (?) bent down, took out a handkerchief and wiped the face of the statue of the saint, and said in a low voice, "Yes. The saint who was betrayed by everyone was willing to use her own death to enlighten those ignorant people."

"I met her the night before the execution. She's not a fool..."

"It's just... when a person really wants to change the world, she will realize how small her power is. In the days after her second arrest, she was desperate."

"She rejected all plans to escape from the prison and wanted to die. She even deliberately made a fierce statement on the trial bench so that she could be sentenced to the death penalty.

"Perhaps in her view...this is her finally fight against this unfair and unreasonable world."

When everyone was indulging in that period of the past, a man stood behind them at some point.

"Perhaps so. But the reason why the saint is a saint is because the spiritual power she represents is actually much stronger than she imagined."

Teresa was taken aback, and when she turned around, she found that it was Otto who came, no, or this is the Otto she knew, "...Grandpa!?"

"Ah, Teresa. You've had a hard time these days. I know you have a lot to say to me—but let me get the important stuff in order first."

"I have captured 99.9% of the core of the Herrscher of Domination; and the remaining 0.1%, the last piece of the puzzle is about to fall into place at this moment.

"Come on, folks: let's celebrate this iconic moment together inside the ruins of this church.

Speaking of which, Otto passed Teresa and they pushed open the closed church door and walked in.

At this time, Amber, who had always been in the background, also made a gesture of invitation and said, "Everyone, please come in, I will stay outside the church as a security guard.

After hesitating for a while, Teresa, Ulandal and Otto (?) finally decided to follow in.

However, the scene inside was still beyond their expectations. The interior of the church, which should have been dark, seemed to have imprisoned the night sky and stars at this moment. This strange spectacle surprised Teresa and the others very much.

And they vaguely felt that those stars looked familiar.

#999 distributed herrscher cores. I used the space manipulation technique of the Second God's Key to re-split their aggregates into what they are now. "

...The purpose, of course, is to lock the position of the last piece of the puzzle.

After they came in, Otto explained to them what these things were, and he didn't seem to intend to hide them at all.

Ulandal frowned and said, "Dr. Tesla, who is anti-entropic, said that she will soon be able to use her test data to deduce the location of the Herrscher's core.

She felt that there was no need for Otto to do anything extra, and Ulandal always felt that Otto was weird at the moment, or that he was a little different when he suddenly returned before, and at this moment he seemed to be extremely eager to perform.

"Haha. I'm sure she can do it. It's just..."

"I, Otto Apocalypse, have a more convenient method. And I don't need to get her hands dirty for no reason."

"———It's time, Rita. Recycle our [experimental props]."

At this time, Teresa and Urandale couldn't help but sound the alarm. Looking at Otto who suddenly sneered and changed his face, they couldn't help being vigilant. Even Urandale was the same, she always felt that Otto Since returning, looking at her eyes made her hairy.

Thinking that the other party killed Fu Hua simply and neatly when he said to kill before, Ulandal didn't doubt that if Otto thought it was possible, he would kill him without hesitation.

However, Ulandal is confident that although she was a little embarrassed when facing Herrscher twice, there are reasons for it. She can be called the strongest S-rank Valkyrie, and she is very confident that Otto has the ability to resist her. time can't kill her.

But because of this, she wondered why Otto still planned to make a move at this time, plus Teresa, Ulandal didn't think Otto and Kober who were guarding outside could deal with their two S-rank Valkyrie,

However, the cruel sickle passed through the shadows, leaving behind a sound that could not be said to be dull or crisp.

The attack did not fall on the two of them, but...

When the unsuspecting two Valkyries came back to their senses——the [guest] they had brought before had turned into a lifeless and heterogeneous shell.

"...Rita! What did you do!?" Ulandal looked at Rita who had withdrawn her knife, her expression a little ugly.

"Calm down, Lord Yolandelle. It's just another soul steel body of the bishop." Rita signaled the excited Yolandelle and Teresa to look at the liquid flowing out of the wound first, it's not blood , but a purple unknown liquid.

At this time, Otto also took a Herrscher core that Rita took out from Soul Steel's body, and said with a smile: "That's right. This is the [more convenient way]. You see—— ——I have collected the last piece of the puzzle for you.”

Although Teresa and the others also understood that this was indeed a soul steel body, they still found it very difficult to accept Ao Hu's approach.

.......What the hell did you do!?"

Faced with his granddaughter's questioning, Otto shook off the disgusting liquid on the core, "It's a bit of a long story, so——Before that, you shouldn't mind if I wipe my hands clean, Right!?"

Speaking of the handkerchief he really took out, Teresa and the others wondered if all Otto's soul steel bodies had the same handkerchief,

"Let's put the whole thing back together."

"A few months ago, the experimental subject K-423—the character named [Qiana Kaslana], defeated the Herrscher of Domination and saved his companion.

"Although the Herrscher of Dominion died, its core was missing. Fortunately, with the power of the Second God's Key, I managed to enter the remnants of [Theatre of Domination] and found a key clue."

"Due to its special structure, the core of the Herrscher of Domination is partially hidden in the imaginary space, looking for new objects of possession and new opportunities to take advantage of."

"As we all know, the Herrscher of Domination is most interested in those who are desperate and willing to make the world a failure....And my [Complete Recycling] plan was launched from this.

Just when Otto was indulging in his own script and describing his bad deeds to Teresa and the others, Karen Kaslana on the other side of the Yae Village was also killed by a wicked Herrscher Witnessed this scene.

She looked at the strange yet familiar Otto, speechless for a long time.

Although she had heard from other people a long time ago that Otto had done many wrong things in the past five hundred years, seeing Otto who was so strange at this moment still made her somewhat unacceptable.

She put down the rice balls made by Sakura, and started talking to the air.

"I remember you said before that Otto's obsession is to resurrect me, is that so!?"

0 looking for flowers......

Sirin's figure didn't appear, but her voice came over, "That's right, but to be precise, it's not you who he wanted to resurrect, as I said, you are just Kallen Kaslana's [Shadow], To the living, you and you were never that [her].”

Unless Sirin is the only god in this world, the creator of the world, and all the laws are formulated by her, otherwise her resurrection is not authoritative, and it is destined to be questioned by [The Fool].

However, no matter whether it was Walter Yang who was doing sit-ups or Fu Hua, if Sirin's resurrection wasn't true, then the two who came back to life after death were undoubtedly not the same as they were at the beginning.

"I don't understand what [shadow] you are talking about, but as a dead person with the memory and feelings of Kallen Kaslana, I don't think I want to be resurrected like this, and.

"At that time, I had no regrets other than feeling sorry for Sakura. As for whether I was desperate, maybe there was, because no one understood me at that time, and everything I did seemed meaningless, which made me really desperate. But, my Death is meaningful, that is my last resistance, the last time I want to wake up the people..."

Karen's words were a little confusing, maybe she didn't know how to express it with her poor vocabulary.

Although Honkai can indeed allow qualified people to evolve in an all-round way and their brains become smarter, Karen grew up not to mention how backward and ignorant she is, just like Qiyana before her, she doesn't like reading and studying. She is more interested in wielding knives and guns, so it is not wrong to say that she is semi-literate.

"As I said, there is no so-called [resurrection] in this world." Sirin interrupted what Karen was about to say, "And I won't let you see him, and you can't convince him either."


"Karen..." Yae Sakura looked at Kallen worriedly, and even Higokumaru, who was a little scared to hide, poked his head out and looked at her with concern. "

Karen sorted out her mood, patted Sakura's hand on the back of her hand, and said with a smile, "I'm fine, Sakura, I'm just a little sad.

"So, since you're not going to let me out, why did you let me watch this!?"

Sirin let out a burst of laughter, "Oh, do you need a reason!?"

"If I really want to say it, I just want you to see how that man ended the curtain!? He is going to die, do you think I did it!? No, he ended himself

"Watch, my poor sister will let her go in peace"

With Qiyana's current strength, the mere false god Otto would have a hard time even if he didn't release the water. If he didn't exceed the performance of the game too much, he would definitely be beaten badly. Just because he wanted to see this scene, Sirin It was only before that I specially tuned and taught Qiyana.

For Otto's disgust, she doesn't belong to anyone.

Why let Karen see that Sirin's purpose is to simply disgust Otto, haha, you want to resurrect Karen, but with me, you have done so much, and you have to bet everything on yourself to go back to the past and read the file. It's useless, it's not like I can't see Kallen!?

In fact, if it is possible, Sirin really wants Otto to see the scene of Karen and Yae Sakura's love with his own eyes, even if Otto may not believe it.

It was his Kallen as well.

Nkalian didn't know what to say.

"Well, it's been five hundred years, and he really needs to be freed. It's me who has bound his life..."

"Hmph! Even without you, it's the same, the nature of that man is like this, it's just because of you that he hides the darkness in his heart."

"Haha, I suddenly wanted to pull him in, but he made a deal with the tree of imaginary numbers, so forget it."

After finishing speaking, Sirin directly disconnected the connection, and no matter how much Karen called her, she would not respond.

Sirin is waiting for a chance to enter Eternal Paradise.

Otto let him die, Xi. .

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