"It's terrible."

As soon as the little girl entered the door, she looked irritable, her hair still had a little rainwater, and her originally fluffy hair was now like kelp.

Qing Zhang, who had been in the carriage for a long time, took the suitcase from the other party's hand, placed it on top of his head, and then waved his wand to dry Hermione's hair.

"Thank you." Hermione touched her hair and saw that the edges were dry, and she felt a little better, "I have also cast a spell just now, but the effect is not very good, I can only dry the clothes, and the hair is still there Part of it didn't work out."

"I should have practiced more when I was in school." In the end, she seemed to regret that she didn't cherish the time last semester.

Qing Zhang didn't take the little girl's words seriously at all, and he didn't forget what happened last semester.

Not to mention the incident between the dementors and Sirius Black, just Hermione's ability to fill up her time and fill in a lot of unnecessary courses is enough to make this silly girl have no time to do other things up.

If it wasn't for being a wizard and having to eat, drink, and sleep, Hermione might not want to let go of this time.

Still Qing Zhang and the professors played a final scene to deceive Hermione, and let the other party have a profound lesson to scare them, otherwise the sky "790" will know how long the other party will show off!?

Just like that, I still regret that I didn't practice magic well, where did I find the time to practice!?

Luwa took the empty seat beside her so that Hermione could sit down. This time she came earlier than Hermione. Because of the heavy rain, Hermione's father had to drive slowly on the way here, and the road was a bit congested , so I was almost late.

Fortunately, they caught up in the end, which made Hermione heave a sigh of relief.

"By the way, why does it rain on the first day of school every year? This year is still so early." Hermione thanked Luna and sat down, looking at the dark sky outside the field, and the crackling on the windowpane. It was raining heavily, and I couldn't help complaining.

"Probably to prevent the Muggles from finding out. After all, when it rains, most Muggles will hide in the house." After Luna and Hermione got acquainted, they talked more, and not every time They all said some crazy and crazy things.

"It's really possible, I just forgot."

Hermione was very annoyed, she was always like this, sometimes the answer was right in front of her eyes, but she would ignore it, and then look for the answer far away. Maybe this is Gryffindor.

But the little witch didn't feel annoyed for too long, she took out the "Standard Spells, Level 4" and spread it on her legs before talking about another thing.

"Did you read last week's Daily Prophet!?"

"Oh my god. My dad and they are very thankful that I don't like Quidditch and didn't join in the fun. It said that several corpses were carried out of the woods. Is the security of the wizarding World Cup game so poor!?"

Both Qing Zhang and Luna subscribed to the Daily Prophet. Of course, Qing Zhang subscribed personally, while Luna subscribed to his father for work. The two of them had obviously seen the report.

"Harry and the others seemed to be there that day." Qing Zhang nodded and said.

At that time, the newspapers mentioned the "Little Boy Who Lived" in a certain space. Some people seemed to think that this was a black wizard imitating the evil deeds of Death Eaters in order to divert Auror's attention.

......Why. There is Harry everywhere!?" Hermione muttered in a low voice, and said, "I really don't know how Harry survived before!? There are too many disasters! ?"

Qing Zhang and Luna have nothing to say about this, because the fact is true. Almost every year, Harry’s life is very exciting. Obviously everyone goes to Hogwarts, but he is extraordinarily colorful colorful.

"I'll let Crookshanks out for some air, he's suffocated."

"By the way, Qing, where's your Dabai!? Why didn't I see it!?"

After Qing Zhang smoothed Crookshanks, he said with a smile, "I left it at home, little Jasmine likes it very much.

Dabai is a pet that Young Zhang and Hermione bought at the Magic Pet Shop last year. It is a long-haired white cat. She is a little fat and doesn't like to move very much. She is a very quiet little girl.

As for Jasmine, she is Qing Zhang's younger sister, whose full name is Jasmine Zhang. With unremitting efforts in the past three years, Qing Zhang has finally let the other party accept him. Of course, the relationship is better this year, because Dabai acts as a bridge.

The only price is that Dabai loses weight, one of the children and the pet cat will always be injured, right!?

Qing Zhang wanted to laugh when he thought of Dabai's sad eyes before he went out.

On the contrary, Hermione's Crookshanks has not seen for a holiday and is heavy again. I don't know if Hermione's family also raised pigs!?

How did he remember that Hermione's family owned a dentist's office!?

When Qing Zhang was ravaging Hermione's ugly fat cat, Hermione put down the book suddenly, pressed a finger to her lips and let out a "shh!"

Seeing Qing Zhang and the others looking over, she pointed to the box next to her.

After Crookshanks also quieted down, everyone listened carefully, and a familiar drawling voice floated in through the crack of the open door.

Because of the rain, there are many water stains on the aisle outside, and the Hotz Express train, although it has the word "Express", is itself an antique, so many facilities on it often appear a little Small problems, not to mention being attacked by dementors last year.

This train has been able to persist until now and has not fallen apart, thanks to the magic above.

However, the wizards obviously don't know how to repair some Muggle machines, so the technological content is not high, and the machines that have been eliminated are the same. Obviously, this door was related when Hermione came in just now, but at this moment, I still have to open it myself. There was a crack and some water flowed in.

Of course, the sound from outside also flowed in.

...Did you know that Dad really thought about sending me to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts. He knew the principal of that school. Well, you know what he thinks of Dumbledore - he likes Mudbloods too much - and Durmstrang doesn't even allow those scumbags to go to school. Dad said that Durmstrang had a much more reasonable attitude towards the Dark Dish than Hogwarts. The students of Durmstrang are really learning the dark arts, not like us, learning some shitty defense...  

Hermione stood up, stomped to the box door, and gently closed the door to keep Malfoy's voice out.

"So he thinks Durmstrang is more suitable for him!?" Hermione sat back in her seat angrily. "I wish he went to school there sooner, so we don't have to put up with him."

Obviously, Hermione was very angry when she heard the impolite address of being a mudblood again.

It has been the fourth year in the wizarding world, and Hermione is no longer the little girl who didn't know anything, especially since Draco Malfoy mentioned the insulting word "Mudblood" more than once , as long as Hermione is not an idiot, she will know that this is not a good word, and she will take the initiative to investigate..0

"Hmph, what's so good about Durmstrang, it has a terrible reputation. According to the "European Evaluation of Magical Education", this school attaches great importance to the dark arts. And in order to hide it, it seems to outsiders , is a pile of ruins."

"The students there are living in the ruins."

Listening to Hermione telling the situation of Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and other schools like a treasure, and finally puffed out her chest proudly and said that Hogwarts is the best school, Qing Zhang was a little skeptical Is Hermione really a Muggle-born wizard?

Even many non-Muggle-born wizards don't know as much as she does.

During the rest of the journey, Hermione was in a bad mood, perhaps not all because of Malfoy's words, but also because of the continuous heavy rain outside. When the Hogwarts Express finally slowed down and stopped at the pitch-black Hogsmeade Station, her expression was at its worst.

Seeing her, Qing Zhang unconsciously covered her stomach all the time. After thinking about it, she decided to prepare some brown sugar water for her later. After all, Hermione has indeed reached this age.

It's no wonder that she has a particularly bad temper today, she has been in a bad mood, and it's not like she hasn't encountered rainy days before.

Qing Zhang also observed Luna's words. The little girl was as pale as ever, her face was as pale as after a serious illness, but she has always been like this, probably because she was born with it, and it is only when she is rosy that she looks unhealthy. .

The car door opened, and there was a rumble of thunder in the air. Hermione wrapped Crookshanks in her cloak, Qing Zhang wanted to help, but Hermione insisted on coming by herself, it seemed that the temperature from the cat's abdomen made her feel a lot better.

The little girl Luna followed behind the two of them, pulling her cloak tight to keep the wind from blowing away, lowering her head and squinting her eyes in the pouring rain, like everyone else.

The rain was fast and fierce, as if buckets of cold water were constantly pouring on everyone's heads, it was bitingly cold.

Qing Zhang caught up with Hermione and held her hand, then turned around and held Luna who was walking 2.7 with her eyes down and her head down, and passed some warmth through her hands, dispelling the coldness of the two little witches.

"Be careful, you don't have to go in such a hurry." He said.

At this time, Hermione also realized that something was wrong with her emotions, "Sorry, I don't know why, I always feel a little cold and uncomfortable today, especially after the rain.

Luna whispered, "Didn't you notice yours coming!? Hermione."

She had figured it out a long time ago, and she thought Hermione knew it all by herself.

Hermione was taken aback, and it took a long time to realize what Luna said. She blushed and shook her head, "Impossible, mine is not today..."

"Perhaps, you need to check with Madam Pomfrey." Qing Zhang kindly suggested.

"Well, maybe I really have to go." Hermione didn't hold back at this time, she hesitated for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.

At this time, they just moved along with the flow of people and walked across the dark platform.

Outside the station, hundreds of horseless carriages were waiting for them.

After getting into the car, following a violent bump, the long carriage set off along the path leading to Hogwarts Castle, splashing water all the way. .

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