Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1031 Harry: The New Broom I Prepared...

After getting out of the car and entering the castle, Qing Zhang had not had time to dry her hair and clothes for Hermione, Luna, and Hannah who had found them. Had to be pushed away by the dodging crowd.

Fortunately, Professor McGonagall came to stop it in the end, so that the good opening ceremony did not turn into a joke.

"Granger, are you okay!?"

"I'm fine, I just have some discomfort in my throat, I think I may have a cold."

At this time, Hermione was indeed very concerned that her body temperature had risen inexplicably, and then her throat was sore. She also changed from doubting her menstruation ahead of time to realizing that she had a cold and a fever.

Maybe it's because of the half-baked drying spell that she cast when she got in the car. Obviously, Hermione's kung fu is not well practiced. After all, the principle of this magic spell invented by Qing Zhang is to evaporate the attached water by high temperature. It requires a more delicate operation. At first, Hermione thought that she had done a good enough job, but she didn't expect that it was much worse.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well just dry it off with a towel, or simply ask Qing Zhang for help.

Professor McGonagall also breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll get you a bottle of medicine from Madam Pomfrey later."

After saying this to Hermione, Professor McGonagall turned his head and said sternly to the other drenched students: "Okay, let's go into the auditorium, hurry up!"

With this speed of face-changing and double-standard attitude, I have to say that Professor McGonagall is also a "wonderful person".

The auditorium was still so splendid, and it was specially decorated for the banquet of the new semester. Gold plates and goblets shone brightly from hundreds of candles floating above the table. The four long college tables were already full of chattering students.

At the top of the auditorium there is also the Chapter 5 20 table, and the faculty members sit one by one on one side of the table, facing their students.

It's much warmer here, and the students who have suffered from the cold are no longer so tight-faced, and even Hermione feels that her nose is not so congested. At this time, she also drank the potion that Professor McGonagall just gave her, except that the taste was not as good as before. In addition, my body has indeed improved a lot, and I don't feel dull pain in my abdomen anymore.

After feeling her physical condition, Hermione sat at the long table in Gryffindor and blinked at Qing Zhang, who had been looking this way, to reassure him.

Justin and Ernie smiled and made fun of Qing Zhang's excessive nervousness, and also talked about how his parents treated him when he had a cold and a fever, all in one sentence, you should eat and sleep, and a small illness can't kill you .

Obviously, this kind of words caused the two little girls, Hannah and Susan, to roll their eyes wildly. Please, can girls be the same as boys!?

"By the way, have you noticed that you haven't seen a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year!?" Hannah looked at the teacher's desk at this time, but she didn't find any new faces. She was a little puzzled. In Grandpa Old Tom's Leaky Cauldron, I heard many customers speculate about who will be unlucky this year, and they even opened a bet on it.

In fact, it is like this every year, and some people even guess how long the new professor can last!?

After all, none of their Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers stayed for more than three semesters. And the quality is not good. So far, Professor Lu Ping is probably the best teacher, but he resigned last year.

After the exam, ordinary students like Hannah had never seen Lupine. Many people speculated that he might have died unfortunately, and they were a little sad. They obviously didn't end up like Quirrell and Lockhart in school. , but I couldn't get rid of it after leaving school. I have to say that this position is really a bit evil.

"Maybe they can't find anyone!" Ernie secretly glanced at the sitting Snape with some unease, hoping it wasn't this substitute this year, otherwise it would be a disaster.

There was no hope of seeing each other in classes other than Potions.

The little badgers nodded frantically when they heard the words, hoping that Principal Dumbledore would be more confident and show the power of the strongest white wizard, so that they would also tie one of them.

At this time, it is obvious that not only Hufflepuff is a little uneasy, but also the young wizards of the other three major colleges have also discovered the unusual situation at the long table of the faculty. up.

Before everyone waited too long, Professor McGonagall led a long row of first-year students into the auditorium. They looked very pitiful, as if they had just swam from the lake

The school uniform and hair are attached to the skin, leaving a stream along the way.

"Uh, didn't McGonagall dry their clothes for them!?" Susan murmured in confusion.

In fact, this is wronging Professor McGonagall, she has done this a long time ago, but when she left to let these little guys tidy up, that guy Peeves took the opportunity to make trouble again and threw the water polo on these little guys On the children, when Professor McGonagall came back to lead the people, he realized that the first-year freshmen were drowned again, but the time was up, and there was no time for her to come one by one.

I can only bring people to the auditorium first, and plan to wait until the sorting ceremony is over before coming back!

At this moment, Professor Mike kept a cold face the whole time, wishing he could find Peeves and beat him up.

The sorting ceremony was as usual, and there was nothing new about it, and no freshman could make the sorting hat shout "Azkaban".

The heavy rain was still pounding heavily on the tall, dark windows. Another burst of thunder exploded, rattling the glass, and a flash of lightning flashed across the gloomy ceiling, illuminating the faces of all the teachers and students in the auditorium.

The buzzing of voices in the hall stopped, and only the whistling of the wind and the beating of the heavy rain could be heard.

After everyone enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, Dumbledore stood up and said with a smile, "Okay! Now that we've all eaten and drank enough, I must ask everyone's attention again, and I have to announce a few announcements."

"Mr. Filch, the Administrator, would like me to tell you that this year, a few more items have been added to the list of prohibited items in the castle. They are Screamer Balls, Mace Frisbees, and Combo Boomerangs. The entire list consists of about four hundred and three Seventeen items can be seen in Mr. Filch's office, and those who are interested can check them out."

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times before continuing: "Also, as before, I want to remind everyone that students are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue, and Hogsmeade Village, where third-year The following students are not allowed to patronize."

"It is with great regret that I would like to inform everyone that the College Lin Quidditch Tournament will be held this year."

As soon as the words fell, many people in front of the four long tables exclaimed, including Harry Potter. I heard him say that Sirius Black bought him a new broom for this year, Gryffindor. Many Quidditch players were excited, thinking that they would definitely win the championship this year, but they didn't expect that the competition would be cancelled, so how can we not let them feel ashamed!?

After Dumbledore motioned them all to be quiet, he explained: "This is because a large-scale event will start in October and last for the entire school year, taking up a lot of time and energy of the teachers - but I believe that you can learn from it." Had a lot of fun. It's my great pleasure to announce that this year at Hogwarts —

Just then, there was a deafening thunder, and the door of the auditorium was slammed open.

A man stood in the doorway, hanging from a long walking stick and wrapped in a black traveling cloak. Everyone in the auditorium turned their heads to look at the stranger, and suddenly a forked lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating him.

He took off his hood, shook out his long gray hair, and started walking toward the staff desk without anyone else watching.

Boom, thump, every step he took, a hollow voice echoed in the auditorium. He went straight to the end of the guest table, turned to the right, and limped towards Dumbledore. Another flash of lightning flashed across the ceiling, everyone gasped, and the freshmen trembled even more with their lips trembling.

The lightning illuminated the other party's face extremely vividly, it was a face that seemed to be carved out of a piece of decayed wood, and the carving technique was extremely poor, not qualified.

Every inch of skin on the face seemed to be scarred, the mouth was like a big crooked opening, and the place where the nose should be protruding was missing. Standing next to Dumbledore with the crooked nose, it looked even weirder.

And the most impressive thing about this man is his eyes, one of his eyes is small, black and shiny; the other eye is big, round like a coin, and is a kind of Vibrant bright blue. The blue eye kept moving without blinking, turning up and down, left and right, completely irrelevant to the normal eye—then, the blue eye rolled over and got into the man's head, and everyone Only one big white eyeball can be seen.

Qing Zhang can't help but lament that the wizards in the wizarding world are really worse than each other. It's okay to open a bar that's dirty and messy. They dress in non-mainstream beggar outfits. To be honest, Tu Zhang doesn't want to become a wizard in the future. Be part of it.

After the other party shook hands with Dumbledore and whispered something in a low voice, they sat down on the empty seat on the right. At this time, everyone in 247 understood that this person was probably the new teacher this year.

In fact, it was true, and then Dumbledore happily broke the silence, "Please allow me to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody."

Under normal circumstances, when a new teacher meets everyone, everyone will applaud and welcome, not to mention that if there is a new professor, you don't have to worry about Snape taking over again. But now, apart from Dumbledore and Hagrid, not a single teacher or student applauded.

Dumbledore and Hagrid clapped their hands a few times, and found that the applause echoed lonely in the silent auditorium, so they put down their hands knowingly.

Professor Moody was also indifferent to the silence at the scene. He was always eating on his own, and he didn't care whether he was welcomed or not.

Dumbledore cleared his throat now.

"Just as I didn't finish before." He looked at the many students in front of him with a smile, as if he didn't feel any embarrassment at all, and brought the topic back to where he was interrupted before, "In the next few months , we will be honored to host a fantastic event that has not been held in over a century. It is with great pleasure that I report that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year."

When this news came out, it was like a thunderbolt. Many students who knew what the Triwizard Tournament was all stood up in shock. This was even more unacceptable than Moody, a fierce old man being a professor.

"It seems that everyone is very happy, hahaha..."

Dumbledore, who was talking nonsense with his eyes open, laughed to himself, not caring that the students below were whispering.

Moody put down the knife and fork, and his face trembled a bit, and the other professors who had known about it for a long time were also full of black lines, please don't do this, principal, can you please!?

Professor McGonagall covered his forehead and said tiredly: "I hope the Gryffindor students will not be too noisy, especially the little ones in the lower grades..."

She had a premonition that the lion cubs would not be obedient, and the more dangerous they were, the more they would find ways to participate. Professor McGonagall really hoped that every lion cub would at least learn from it, if not as reassuring as Qing Zhang. Listen to the teacher as much as Miss Granger did.

Unfortunately, if this is the case, it is not Gryffindor. .

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