Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1062 Cedric: Brother, You Are Too Ruthless, You Won!

The Triwizard Tournament was founded about 700 years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest magic schools in Europe.

The three schools are: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Each school selects a warrior, and then three warriors compete in three magic items. The Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns to host it. Everyone agrees that this is an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to build friendships—but later, the number of deaths is too high, and the Triwizard Tournament It was interrupted.

Over the centuries, there have been several attempts to revive the Tournament, but none have been successful.

"I don't understand why it suddenly came back this year!?"

Early the next morning, Hermione vomited to her friends in Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, "You don't know how excited those boys were after the meeting last night, obviously Dumbledore Lido said they were only allowed to be 17, but the Weasley twins, not even Ron and Harry, seemed to be trying to get away with it."

"My God, what on earth were they thinking!? Think they can fool the greatest white wizard of this century!?"

Hannah and Susan were a little embarrassed when they heard the words, " fact, the same is true in our college. Everyone is discussing how to become a warrior. It's an honor, isn't it...

Justin also interjected at this time, "If it weren't for the age limit, Zhang would definitely be a warrior in our college, but Senior Diggory is also good, and he and Zhang are one of the twin stars of our Hufflepuff."

Hermione glared at Justin angrily, "I've said so much about feelings, don't you realize the danger at all!? I'm so mad, you are Hufflepuff, not Gryffindor!

Being pointed at by a little lioness and saying that she looks like a lion, the little badgers looked at each other in dismay, which was quite novel.

Hermione suddenly turned her head to look at Qing Zhang, "You don't want to drink the aging potion too, try to fool the judge!?"

Facing Hermione's distrustful gaze, Qing Zhang felt a little helpless, "Please, it seems that I haven't said a word so far!?"

He is also quite innocent. Even though he didn't express his opinion, all the classmates thought he could do it!? Even the seniors and sisters were like this, and even the first-year freshmen who joined last night all heard his glorious deeds Afterwards, Manmu became adored, which made Qing Zhang very embarrassed last night, tired of dealing with the overly enthusiastic little badgers.

Now it’s the second day, and it seems that the enthusiasm has not declined. Instead, everyone thinks that it’s okay for the other three colleges to set age restrictions, but Hufflepuff shouldn’t be like this. It’s special and deserves special treatment.

Well, Qing Zhang also admitted that if he wanted to, the restrictions would not be able to hold him back.

"There is no best, I really don't understand why such a brutal and bloody match can be said to be the best way to build friendship." After Hermione let Qing Zhang go, she was still a little angrily, feeling that Dumbledore was really confused, How can this kind of event be allowed to be held? It has been abolished for so many years. It is not as good as the rude, barbaric and boring Quidditch!

At this time, Miss Chocobo changed her attitude towards Quidditch. Compared with those Quidditch players who were depressed because of the cancellation of Quidditch this year, they still hope that the news of the Triwizard Tournament is an April Fool's joke. I will tell everyone with a smile that the Quidditch Academy Cup will still be held today as usual.

Luna yawned, she looked like she didn't sleep well last night, it was worrying to see, Hermione supported the elementary school girl, afraid that she would trip over the annoying stairs.

She was also a little curious, what did Luna do last night!? She was more confused than usual neurotic.

As a student of Lakvenlaw, it is rare to have the problem of nocturnal excursions like Gryffindor. Although not all members of Lakwanlaw are good girls, they know how to stop and stop. They are the most sensible of the four colleges. of.

Luna yawned again, rubbed her eyes and said, "I received a letter from Dad last night."

"Mr. Lovegood! w"?" Others were also a little curious, why Luna's father would suddenly send a letter to Luna, and it was so late, didn't they just say goodbye yesterday!?

"Did something happen at home!?" Lian Qing Zhang became a little suspicious, as this did not appear in the original book.

Facing other people's questioning and concerned gazes, Luna shook her head, "Father thinks that the Triwizard Tournament is a conspiracy by the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports of the Ministry of Magic, and they seem to want to do something bad by resuming this event." matter.

"I did a little research on the Triwizard Tournament in Ravenclaw's library last night..."

Hermione was fascinated when she heard that, seeing Luna suddenly stopped talking, she couldn't help urging: "What about the back!?"

Luna blinked, and there seemed to be some cunning in her eyes, "Then I fell asleep because I was too sleepy."

Hermione: "…………

The storm outside stopped without knowing when it started, but the dome of the auditorium is still gloomy and gloomy, indicating that there will be no sunshine today

When a few people were studying their class schedule for this semester while eating breakfast, there were big groups of blue-gray thick clouds rolling over their heads.

Over the Gryffindor table, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were talking loudly about some magical way to age themselves so they could get away with it and enter the Triwizard Tournament.

People from other colleges were much more reserved, at most they were just communicating in a low voice.

Hermione curled her lips, as if to say, seeing those idiots are not covering up at all, doing bad things so aboveboard, don't you know that professors will also come here to eat!?

Gryffindor, Hannah and the others were not surprised, but Hermione's expression made them cover their mouths and giggle.

I remember when I was so helpless and speechless before, when Hermione was looking for college points, whenever she saw Gryffindor being deducted points, she always had a look of gnashing her teeth and wanting to cry, but now she has learned to In order to lie flat and rotten, although he will still grab points in class, he will no longer stare at the gemstone sand in the hourglass every day.

"They won't succeed." Qing Zhang said with certainty.

"Dude, is this your divination!?" Ernie McMillan asked curiously.

"No, it's just that I believe this little trick can't fool our professors. The professors you know are also from our age. What we play now is what they left. Believe me, when you play tricks , They must have noticed it a long time ago." Qing Zhang shrugged.

"You should really come to our Ravenclaw." At this time, Qiu Zhang, who had just come to the auditorium with a smile and said to Cedric, was a little surprised by Qing Zhang, who was a student of a family hundreds of years ago. The speech is simply too reasonable.

"You don't know that many times, the professors just turn a blind eye and close one eye tacitly, "Song wants everyone not to go too far."

In fact, the administrator let Filch be such a squib, and it also proved that because of this, if a wizard with magic skills was the administrator, I am afraid that the little lions would not be able to go out at night, and they would be caught as soon as they walked out. up.

In fact, let alone a wizard, it would be the same if Hagrid were to be the one. This half-giant may have a bit of a brain, but his kind of magical animal is very capable, definitely not like Mrs. Norris like Filch. Was easily thrown off by the little wizard.

Cedric Diggory also came up to say hello to Qing Zhang and the others at this time, and introduced Qiu Zhang to everyone. This big man was obviously in a good mood, "Student, thank you very much."

It has to be said that Qing Zhang's suggestion saved him a lot of detours and he embraced the beauty back home.

"If you weren't interested in Quidditch, I would have invited you to watch the World Cup together. You know, it was exciting at that time, and it would be a pity to miss it.'

Qing Zhang shrugged, "Indeed, unfortunately, I heard that there were many Veela girls performing at that time! I haven't seen it yet."

"Hiss—!" X2.

Both Cedric and Qing Zhang were immediately grabbed by their respective girls. Cedric was in real pain, and Qing Zhang was faking it.

Cedric looked at Qiu Zhang, who still had a smile on his face, without tears, and then at Qing Zhang, who seemed innocent and didn't realize what he said wrong, and felt bitter all of a sudden.

If I had known earlier, I would not have mentioned the Quidditch World Cup.

What's the matter!? He didn't invite those veela girls to dance!?

Hermione and Luna withdrew their hands after a little punishment, but they were still a little emotional. I'm afraid there is no one in the wizarding world who doesn't know that Veela and vixen are equated.

These men are really...

Both Justin and Ernie admired Qing Zhang's fearless spirit, and dared to say anything.

The episode passed quickly.

This year's fourth grade morning class is herbalism, with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor together.

However, Hermione was still angry just now, ignored Zhang Qing, and huddled with the girls, and Qing Zhang, who was abandoned, had no choice but to keep company with Justin and the others, who made Cedric always He was so determined that he wanted to lure him into the Quidditch school team, otherwise he didn't want to use this method of hurting the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

He is too difficult.

"Guys, you are so brave, remember to coax more later, my dad is like that, but you are much luckier than him, at least Hermione won't turn you into a panda." Ernie patted Qing Zhang on the shoulder to express his sympathy.

In this herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout asked everyone to collect the pus of the babo tuber. The appearance of Babo tubers is not so good-looking. They don’t look like plants at all. Instead, they look more like black, slimy slugs. They come out straight from the soil and wriggle slightly. It is covered with many shiny big bulges that make people suffer from intensive phobia, and the inside seems to be full of liquid.

In this case, even with dragon leather gloves to prevent skin damage, the students panicked, not to mention the girls, and even the boys were a little bit reluctant to do it themselves.

Hermione regretted the awkwardness with Qing Zhang at this time. If she formed a team together, she might not have to bear such a heavy burden, but now she couldn't bear the shame to go back, so she could only suppress the discomfort in her heart and squeeze those big boys. Drums, collecting the viscous yellow-green liquid with a pungent gasoline smell into the bottle.

She felt that her hands were dirty, the kind that couldn't be washed clean.

Feeling a little resentful in her heart, Qing Zhang was so dull that she stopped coaxing her a few more times, maybe she would forgive her.

The process of squeezing tubers is disgusting, but it also gives people a strange sense of satisfaction. Some students seem to be addicted to squeezing. If Professor Sprout hadn't stopped in time, I'm afraid they would all have eaten the Babo tubers here. Tossing to become a sage's stone, was drained of all the essence.

Madam Pomfrey should be happy now. said Professor Sprout, stoppering the last bottle, "the pus of the balbo tuber is the best remedy for intractable acne." This will prevent students from using drastic means to remove their pimples. "

"Like poor Heloise Midgen." Hufflepuff student Hannah Abbott said in a low voice to other unsuspecting friends, "She wants to use a spell to get rid of her pimples."

The little badgers who always like to eat melons seem to be very clear about what Professor Sprout is referring to just now. In fact, everyone present (well) knows that she

They all looked at the blushing little girl in Gryffindor. This incident was still vivid in everyone's memory, and there was a lot of commotion at that time.

"Stupid girl." Professor Sprout shook his head and said, "But Ms. Pomfrey finally pushed her nose up again."

Heloise Midgend, the Gryffindor girl, is a girl with a lot of acne on her face, in fact, she looks very beautiful without these things, maybe because of

For this reason, she made such an irrational move last semester, trying to get rid of pimples through spells, but in the end, her nose was removed.

Almost became the female version of Tom without a nose.

In fact, this girl is also very careful about her diet, which should not be the case in theory, but her physique seems to be a little different from ordinary people, even a simple meal can't change it,

When the time comes, the pimples come.

It ruined the original beautiful face, and because of this good Gryffindor student, he became a little inferior and introverted.

A deep and deep bell sounded across the damp field and came from the castle, get out of class was over, and the students dispersed one after another. Heloise Midgen, who was stared at, was relieved, no

Before she left, she was stopped by Professor Sprout, telling her to go to Madam Pomfrey when she was free, and there would be a surprise.

The Hufflepuff students in the back walked up the stone steps to the transfiguration class; the Gryffindor students went in the other direction, and they walked down the gently descending lawn to the garden on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Hagrid's cabin.

Qing Zhang looked at Hermione who walked away without looking back, feeling a little helpless, he didn't really go to see the Veela dance, is there any need to be so angry!?

Professor Sprout shook his head, but he didn't intervene, who hasn't been young!?.

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