Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1063 Good Words Are Hard To Persuade, Damn It!

In the afternoon is the Divination class. Although it is an elective class, there are still many students filling it up.

Of course, not everyone took this course because they liked it, and most of them got a good score because of this course.

Classes were held in the north tower, at the top of a narrow spiral staircase, with a silver stepladder leading to a trapdoor in the ceiling, where Professor Trelawney lived.

As soon as I got there, there was a familiar sweet smell from the fire. Everything here is the same as before, the curtains are drawn tightly, many lamps are lit in the circular room, and the lamps are covered with scarves and shawls, so that the whole room is shrouded in a hazy red light. .

They passed through the mess of calico seats and poufs in the room, and sat down at the little round table that had been there.

"Hi there."

Professor Trelawney was a very thin woman, wearing a pair of enormous spectacles which made her eyes startlingly large in her thin face. She appeared suddenly and spoke with an ethereal and ethereal voice, which shocked many people, and also made some little fans feel that she was unfathomable.

At the moment she came to Harry Potter and was staring down at Harry with a tragic expression on her face--in fact, she always looked like this every time she saw Harry, That's why Harry didn't want to like the subject.

But he is different from Hermione, there is no way to withdraw from the class, Professor McGonagall will not allow it.

"You have something on your mind, my dear," she said sadly to Harry. "My third eye has penetrated your brave face and seen your restless soul. I regret to tell you that your worries are not Unfounded. I see that the days ahead of you are full of hardships.....very difficult.....I fear that what you fear will really come.....perhaps sooner than you think ..."

Her voice gradually dropped, until it became a whisper.

Ron rolled his eyes at Harry, who looked at him blankly. They are obviously used to it. Look! It's not such a beautiful blessing every time.

Professor Trelawney flitted past them and sat facing the class in a large winged armchair in front of the fire.

Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, who adore Professor Trelawney, both sit on futons very close to her, unlike Ron and Harry, who are far away.

Qing Zhang and her friends sat in the middle. Of course, as Hufflepuff students with no talent, they followed Qing Zhang to eat melons, because they could always hear some interesting "rumors" in the divination class. And every time it proved that Professor Trelawney's prophecy was a liar, but every time it was finally proved to be accurate.

This is first-hand information, and it is a topic of conversation after dinner. Naturally, it is very popular with the little badgers, and they will come if they don't understand it.

Professor Trelawney didn't say anything about being recognized by so many students, but she was very satisfied in her heart. This is the best class she has ever taught, especially Qing Zhang. Professor Trelawney couldn't bear it. I really want to accept the other party as a closed disciple, but because of her curse, her family has almost completely declined.

After her death, maybe there will be no more famous fortune teller Cassandra Trelawney and her descendants.

Because of the curse, it was clear that what she said was true, but in the end, everyone believed her, and even suspected that what she taught was just some gods and gods talking about fooling people.

However, since the appearance of Qing Zhang, this situation seems to have changed a little bit, making Professor Trelawney's long-term gloomy mood much better.

As for Harry Potter, she has said enough, but the other party is very stubborn and ignorant. For some reason, he always resists her every reminder. Does she have to let him know the solution? !?

(cacj) She can't do it. The only one who can save herself is herself. It's just the opening sentence in divination. Their fortune tellers can only serve as a warning.

If it weren't for Dumbledore's shelter and shelter, she didn't want to be cold-faced every time.

It's not like she didn't hear some people say behind her back that she predicts that a person will die every year, such stupid things, as long as a normal person knows that it is impossible for a person to die, and she didn't say when you will die, how can you say that this is her little trick! ?

You must know that every accurate divination needs to pay a price, she can't do it once for every student, it can't be done, but in order for these students to at least have a little awe of divination, she has to say that.

"Honey, it's time for us to study the stars." Professor Trelawney said after looking away from Qing Zhang. "The movement of the planets and the mysterious signs they show can only be understood by those who know the rules of the dance steps of the sky." To penetrate its mysteries. The destiny of mankind can be deciphered by the radiant light of the planets, and these lights blend with each other..."

As Professor Trelawney's ethereal voice sounded, everyone picked up quills and took notes on paper.

No one questioned the content of her lecture, only Harry was distracted. He didn't really disbelieve Professor Trelawney's prophecy, but the other party was so accurate that he feared and resisted. After all, every time he heard someone curse him, he would If something bad happens, no one will be happy.

Harry couldn't help touching the scar on his forehead with his hand. During this time, he would feel the pain from time to time. He would also see Wormtail and Voldemort who had escaped. Sometimes they were killing people, and sometimes they were plotting something. , but Harry couldn't see and hear clearly.

He wrote to his godfather Sirius Black, who was being treated at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries, to inquire, but the other party couldn't come back now, so he could only ask him to go to Professor Dumbledore, but Harry kept hesitating. He didn't want to tell Dumbledore about his situation.

He himself doesn't know why!? Obviously, he should be the one who trusts the other party the most. That kind old man is so reliable.

After the divination class, everyone went downstairs to the auditorium to prepare for dinner.

Many students are still obsessed with Professor Trelawney's astrological divination. Of course, some people are whispering about what Professor Trelawney said to Harry in class, even Lavender Brown and Pava Ti Patil was no exception, and they also hoped that Qing Zhang could give them some answers.

In this regard, Qing Zhang was so annoyed that he could only reveal a little bit. To be honest, he didn't really want to make himself a genius of the divination department, which would cause countless troubles, just like Professor Trelawney , if it wasn't for the protection of Hogwarts, she might not even have personal freedom.

Some want her to disappear forever, while others want her to reveal something about the future.

"It's related to the Triwizard Tournament, that's all I can say." Qing Zhang sighed.

I have to say that Professor Trelawney is really not afraid of being punished by God, she is so accurate every time, Qing Zhang is a little worried for her, for fear that a thunder will fall the next moment and take her away

Isn't it difficult? For Harry, a fourth grader, the process of three rounds of competition was like leapfrogging and fighting monsters. In the end, he even met Voldemort, which was miserable.

Of course, it was even worse for Cedric, who lost his life. If the other party didn't take the divination class, he might be the one who was predicted to die this year.

After getting the answers they wanted, these little witches who were obsessed with divination left contentedly. Although Qing Zhang only mentioned something related to the Triwizard Tournament, it was enough for them to use their imagination. It's so much better in the fog.

"Dude, is Harry really going to be this year's..." Ernie and the others asked in a low voice after the girls left, but they looked at Harry who was walking in front, a little unbelievable.

Justin was also a little surprised, "How did Harry do it? Isn't it said that it is very difficult to deceive!?"

Hannah and the others were a little unbelievable, but Qing Zhang's prediction would not go wrong, and it had been confirmed several times. If it weren't for Qing Zhang's divination, there would be a long line of people to inquire every day.

Qing Zhang didn't answer the question, "Okay, hurry up, aren't you hungry!?"

With Barty Crouch Jr., the fake Mad-Eye Moody, Harry can't help but participate. After all, this is a stage prepared by others. Luna's father is right at all. The Triwizard Tournament The sudden recovery itself was a conspiracy, but unlike what he thought, it was aimed at Dumbledore and Harry.

In fact, Qing Zhang also thought about whether to expose the opponent's identity early like he did with Peter Pettigrew, but in the end he gave up temporarily. Thinking about the events of the previous year, you can see how inertial the plot is, or This is not a truth that can be changed. Just as Cornelius Fudge did not want to reverse the case for his own position, people pay more attention to their own interests than the truth.

And the matter of Barty Jr. is different from that of Peter Pettigrew. Exposing the other party will not really cancel the Triwizard Tournament. Even if it is cancelled, Voldemort will only find another way to catch Harry. Fighting for hegemony, rushing into the unknown is the most uncontrollable thing. Who knows how many Death Eaters are being used by Voldemort now!?

To expose the opponent is to let the theater run amok and then get out of control. Will Qing Zhang be the savior at that time? He is not interested in playing house games with the noseless Tom cat, let alone being the savior of the Brit.

During the meal, Luna and Hermione still dined with Qing Zhang, but they all had a cold face, while Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Malfoy were on the other side of the hall. Qing Zhang and the others have long since lost interest in watching the drama.

Probably because I got tired of watching it, unlike some Ravenclaw girls who watched it with gusto every time, as if they were particularly fond of eating.

But this time there seemed to be something different, even Hermione and the others couldn't help but wait and see.

Because the new Professor Moody actually intervened in the children's slapstick, turned Malfoy into a ferret, and repeatedly lifted him up and dropped him to the ground, which shocked everyone present all students.

Finally, Professor McGonagall came to stop the hapless Draco Malfoy and survived.

Hermione and the others were all terrified, probably they had never seen such a cruel professor, and they couldn't help worrying about their next Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"I knew that it would be troublesome for a teacher who can come to this subject every year..."

Hermione's lips trembled, and she complained with a pale face.

Regarding Dumbledore's eyes, she began to doubt again. After all, even though Professor Lupine last semester seemed the most reliable one, he was also a werewolf.

This is tantamount to putting the child and the tiger in a cage.

To be honest, when Hermione found out the truth, she was anxious for a long time.

If Qing Zhang hadn't comforted her, she would have gone crazy.

It's even better now, here comes a teacher who doesn't mind corporal punishment at will and casts curses on students, which is much more dangerous than a werewolf. .

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