Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1064 The Wolf Who Successfully Blended Into The Flock!

Hermione's hunch proved to be right.

The next two days were uneventful and there were no accidents. Of course, this is for Hufflepuff students, because Hufflepuff students are already mediocre. Most people, including themselves, will not treat themselves Nothing is too much to ask for.

Of course, except for Qing Zhang, Professor Snape seems to have studied hard after the summer vacation, and learned how to make things difficult for outstanding fourth graders like Qing Zhang and Hermione. Hermione puffed her cheeks several times and clenched her small fists.

In order to deal with this guy's troubles, Hermione had to spend part of her time in the library to dig out more in-depth knowledge about potions. Browsing, especially for the original formula and improved ideas, but you can trace back from some stories and then rely on your own knowledge to deduce.

This tests the firmness of the foundation and the activeness of thinking even more.

This process was very painful, but I have to say that I really learned a lot afterwards, and of course not all the gains were in potions.

It has to be admitted here that Snape is a qualified teacher, but he is not a good teacher.

Fortunately, Hermione didn't get along with Harry and became an iron triangle, so Snape's making things difficult is actually nothing, but Hermione is too serious, every time she encounters injustice, As far as confronting the other party head-on, it can be said that Qing Zhang suffered an unreasonable disaster.

Of course, in turn, Hermione is also affected by Qing Zhang, because Qing Zhang is a true genius, he has mastered the ancient medicine principles of Xia Guo, and many concepts are similar to those of the current British wizarding world. The other set is different. Under the collision of the two ideas, there will naturally be different sparks. Some improvement plans even Snape has to be surprised and pay attention to. Zhang had a good exchange.

It can be said that a student like Hermione who became an excellent student only by rote memorization and good memory is really innocent. As the only second outstanding student in the entire fourth grade, Snape also raised her requirements.

But that's good too, at least Hermione who is busy enough won't think about freeing slaves, although she doesn't seem to have such thoughts now, and she hasn't even been to the kitchen near Hufflepuff like the original book, but Who knows if there will be a time when you will be bored and have a headache, but you will send out extra love!?

Of course, if Qing Zhang asked Hermione if she thought the house elves were pitiful, Hermione would definitely wonder if Qing Zhang had a fever, and why would she ask such a stupid question.

Of course not pitiful, would you feel pitiful for the machine, and then liberate the other party and even give it the same treatment as a human!?

Isn't this stupid!?

Perhaps because of the different experiences, the Hermione here is quite different from the original Hermione in some aspects of thinking. Even because she has not become friends with Harry, she has never seen a domesticated person who would want to be free. Poppy the elf (the Malfoy one).

All the house elves she saw loved their current life, and she had no reason to let them lose this "happiness" just because she felt sorry for them, and these non-human races were born to be able to use magic, even their own Racial talent is much stronger than most people. When the time comes, they will be free, but it will be the turn of human wizards to fight them again. This is all recorded in history. At that time, in order to win this war, human wizards You have paid a very high price, and now you say "poor" and let your efforts go to waste, aren't you an idiot!?

Mad-Eye Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class arrived as scheduled.

It was carried out under the mood of many people who were nervous and even resisted. This new professor, who seemed to have some mental problems, used a big black spider to demonstrate the three unforgivable curses, making it the first time to face the legendary The students of the black arts are both frightened and slightly excited.

The Three Unforgivable Curses are: Avada Kedavra, Imperius Curse and Cruciatus Curse.

Any one of these three spells, as long as they are used on people, is a crime! It can be said that most Hogwarts students may not have the opportunity to come into contact with them from the time of enrollment to graduation, and many of them may not even have the chance to have them after graduation. Opportunity to see, of course, this must exclude you from going to some not-so-legal places and engaging in some not-so-legal businesses.

Just like Muggle society, many people have heard of purse bombs, but who has ever parented!?

"Neville is terrified." This is what Hermione said to her friends after class.

Because Defense Against the Dark Arts classes were not held together, everyone in Hufflepuff didn't know what happened to Hermione and her class at that time, but Neville didn't show up in the auditorium at dinner time, which made everyone Many people started whispering, and there were all kinds of guesses.

Seeing that everyone was curious, Hermione also told everyone about the situation at that time, and Neville seemed to be called into the office by Professor Moody after class.

"Poor Longbottom." Hannah and the others had heard about Neville's parents to some extent, and they didn't laugh at Neville's fear at the time. If it were them, they would also have overreacted to the Three Unforgivables.

"Hey, let's talk about something pleasant, guys." Justin saw everyone fell silent at this time, and he said, "For example, "Malfoy was trembling with a white face the whole time!



I don't know who laughed first, everyone also came out of the dull atmosphere and smiled.

I have to say that compared to Neville, the young master of Neville's Malfoy family is really not very popular. He is obviously a victim, but he just can't feel sympathy.

Because of being severely punished by Professor Moody before turning into a ferret, Draco Malfoy hid at the end of Professor Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class without speaking, and Professor Moody's alternative The teaching method obviously frightened the other party, maybe Professor Moody, who Draco was worried about at that time, would suddenly use the three unforgivables on him.

Maybe it wasn't because of the person involved, and others couldn't feel it, but Draco Malfoy clearly felt that Alastor Moody, the retired old Auror who turned him into a ferret, really wanted to kill him Yes, that kind of hatred, disgust and murderous intent cannot be faked.

That's why Draco was so scared. Of course, it's not that he didn't tell other people about it. Even Professor Snape and his parents didn't believe it. Killing a student at Hogwarts is still a little wizard who has never had any grievances before.

But Ching Chang knows it's true, because at this moment posing as Moody is Barty Crouch Jr., a real Death Eater with an extreme, insane, and fanatical allegiance to Voldemort.

What's more, he has a tendency to regard Voldemort as his true father.

As for the Malfoy family, perhaps in the eyes of this fanatic, the other party is more worthy of his hatred than Harry Potter. After all, Malfoy, who immediately broke away from the relationship after Voldemort disappeared and refused to admit that he was a follower of Voldemort, is a traitor. .

Traitors are more annoying than enemies.

Because of this, Professor Moody, who rashly intervened in the verbal quarrels of a few young wizards, and even used violence to punish him, really wanted to torture and kill Draco for a moment.

If he hadn't been sane and his mission hadn't been completed, Draco might have died at that time.

Also, maybe other people didn't notice it, but because Slytherin and Hufflepuff were taking Defense Against the Dark Arts class together at that time, Qing Zhang noticed that every time the fake Moody professor cast a spell on the big black spider , would stare maliciously at Malfoy who was at the end of the crowd, as if silently telling Malfoy that it will be your turn later.

That's why Draco Malfoy was so unbearable, even Qing Zhang felt that he might have peed at that time.

"Is there a problem with that person!?" Just as the others changed the subject because Neville finally showed up belatedly, Luna, who had been sitting quietly all this time, "suddenly leaned into Qing Zhang's ear and whispered.

Qing Zhang was startled, turned around and saw the little girl's crescent-shaped eyes, a little dazed, and nodded after a long time, "Maybe."

Luna waved her little hands over Qing Zhang's head a few times: "Now I will drive away the disturbing horseflies around you."

Qing Zhang felt a little amused, "Thank you very much."

0 for flowers...

This little witch is always so sensitive. Although most of the time she has a low sense of presence and is quiet, she may also be the most careful one. If Qing Zhang does not have a good plot, she may not necessarily find that Moody is fake. It seems to know.

Sigh... I really don't know if this sharpness is a good thing or a bad thing!?

Looking over there, he was still as happy as everyone else because Neville got a copy of "Mediterranean Miraculous Aquatic Plants and Their Properties" from Professor Moody, and even Hermione, Qing Zhang, who was eager to borrow it. Can't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, Hermione's nerves were as expected, obviously she said before that there are problems with the guy who comes to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts every year, but in the end she just kept talking about it It seems that he has not thought deeply about what kind of problems this new teacher has this time!?

It seems that she is more concerned about study and homework than curious about this.

The same is the case with Professor McGonagall, who she really wanted, and she didn't find any abnormalities, like Snape [•Zhang already felt that the poisonous potions professor sometimes looked at Moody with scrutiny in his eyes. up.

The only thing that made Snape unsure was that the other party's attitude towards Harry Potter seemed quite "friendly".

"It seems that Professor Sprout told Professor Moody that I am very good at herbal medicine." Neville saw that everyone surrounded him with concern and curiosity, holding up the book in his hand and said——in his voice With a touch of pride, which is rarely heard before, "Professor Moody thinks I'm going to like this book."


"Do you think that Professor McGonagall will also tell Professor Moody that I am great, and then give me a book!?" Hermione looked back and asked the friends present with some expectation. I think it will, I think But I heard Professor McGonagall say I was the best student she ever had. "

"She's said that to a lot of people," Hannah said coldly, "I've heard from others that even the Weasley twins have been told that.

"I'm not like them," Hermione insisted.

Qing Zhang was suddenly stared at by the other party, turned his head away from the other party's eyes, "He probably doesn't have so many books to give you, you know that you have good grades in other subjects except divination class

Ha ha………"

Although Hermione was a little surprised by Qing Zhang's reaction, her mind was more about books at the moment. After listening to Qing Zhang's words, she thought about it for a while, and finally got entangled, "Actually... a book That's enough, I'm not picky, I don't need that much, it would be better if it had something to do with Transfiguration.

Are you saying that you are not demanding!? You must know that books related to transfiguration are family heirlooms, and even Professor McGonagall may not have a few. She can become the master of transfiguration under Dumbledore, all because of her As a Hogwarts teacher, it is convenient to go in and out of the library at will, otherwise there is no accumulation of family background, it will not work at all

Transfiguration is a rather esoteric subject, and the accumulation of knowledge is more necessary at the later stage, rather than waving a magic wand and chanting spells foolishly.

In fact, basically every subject in Hogwarts is the same, if not so, those pure-blood families would not be willing to send their children to school, just because Hogwarts has far more books than all pure-blood families Thousands of years of accumulation.

It is not a joke in the wizarding world that a book is hard to find, but it is true. Unless what you want is a novel like Lockhart, or a textbook, any book is extremely precious.

To be honest, Professor Sprout praised Neville for being great in herbal medicine, but she didn't send a book, so it can be seen. And Professor Moody actually gave Neville a book. This kind of behavior, I have to say, has successfully reversed many people's prejudice against him.

After experiencing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in different grades, many people actually complained about it. After all, the teaching method of the other party is too rough and dangerous.

But now this move made many people start to change their minds. Some professors who were going to join forces to put Dumbledore in charge also temporarily returned to the wait-and-see stage. As for Snape, he even doubted whether his feelings were wrong.

It has to be said that Barty Crouch Jr. is cunning and smart enough. .

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