Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1065 Qing Zhang: Why Do You Want To Die! ? Isn't It Good To Live! ?

Days passed, and some people even began to forget about the Triwizard Tournament. It seems that because next year is the fifth grade, everyone needs to take the O.W.L. exam, and the current fourth grade teachers of all subjects have started to assign a lot of homework in unison.

Of course, this kind of behavior of starting to prepare for the O.W.L. exam next year in the fourth grade is really confusing.

Even Hermione was a little surprised, let alone the others.

However, if everyone pays attention to the younger students in the lower grades at this time, you will find that although the amount of homework is not as good as theirs, it has increased compared to before. The teachers and students of the two colleges in Durmstrang mentioned the quality of the students before their arrival, so as not to be ashamed at that time.

Also, as everyone's homework became more and more difficult, the requirements became higher and higher, especially Moody's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

To everyone's surprise, Professor Moody went so far as to announce that he was going to cast the Imperius Curse on each of his classmates in turn, to demonstrate the spell's power "to see if they could resist his influence.

It terrified the already haggard Draco Malfoy, who literally passed out screaming.

In fact, the others weren't much better.

However, Draco, who did not faint, still repeated "tell dad" and "017" with trembling lips, waiting for the trial with tears in his eyes.

This is what Qing Zhang and the others heard from their fourth-grade Ravenclaw friend Padma Patil afterwards. Padma has a twin sister in Gryffindor and is Hermione’s roommate, but the relationship Very general, because the little lion of Gryffindor is not close to Hermione, the mutant lion, except when looking for homework and copying.

Once it was Ravenclaw's turn to do Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherin, and Hufflepuff with Gryffindor.

The madness of this professor Moody is real, just look at Padma's lingering fear in the last class, and you will know it.


To be honest, Qing Zhang felt that this guy was looking for death, so don't ask why.

When Moody began to call the students to take turns to come forward and chant the Imperius Curse to them, Qing Zhang stood at the back of the line, not because he was afraid, but because he was worried that the fake Moody would be backlashed to death on the spot. In terms of magic power, Qing Zhang Ke has more than most adult wizards. If not for this, he would not have been sent to a mental hospital when his magic power went berserk. This is not simply because of the influence of some memory fragments from other worlds.

Qing Zhang can guarantee that if he really blows up at that time, the whole of Europe may have to follow suit.

Do you think Barty Crouch Jr. will end well if he casts the Imperius Curse on him!? It will definitely be backlashed. After all, the Three Unforgivables are double-edged swords. If it is too large, the caster will suffer severe backlash.

Fortunately, this is the Imperius Curse. If it was the Cruciatus Curse or the Varda Killing Curse, Barty Crouch Jr. might have died suddenly on the spot.

Under the influence of the spell, the students made the most abnormal behavior one after another. Dean Thomas bounced around the classroom three times, singing the national anthem. Lavender Brown imitates a squirrel. That one even performed a series of astonishing gymnastic moves, which he would never be able to do under normal conditions.

On Hufflepuff's side, Justin was also dancing ballet on tiptoe, and Ernie, the poor brother, was doing somersaults continuously. As for Hannah and Susan, they began to sing like birds, chirping, and from time to time the agitator's arms wanted to fly.

Hermione...Hermione she was cuckoo hen crowing, very good Qing Zhang took out the camera and took a picture. "

This is the consequence of letting her stay in the back and refuse to listen. The society is dead now.

Finally it was Qing Zhang's turn, and the fake Professor Moody casually raised his wand, just like he did to other students before, and said, "The soul is out of the body!"

Hermione was staring at Qing Zhang's camera with gritted teeth, ready to press the shutter.

As a result, the next moment, the wand in Professor Moody's hand dropped to the ground, making one, no, two different sounds, the former was clear and crisp, the sound of the wooden stick colliding with the floor, and the latter was the muffled sound of the body falling to the ground.

Under the gaze of dozens of pairs of eyes in the entire classroom, Professor Moody spit out bubbles while splashing water like a carp jade.


After a burst of flashes, everyone saw Hermione pressing the camera shutter subconsciously. Even Hermione was a little taken aback by her actions. After she realized it, she knew that she had done something stupid. Fortunately, Professor Moody At this time, she didn't seem to be awake and noticed her actions, which made her relieved.

"You haven't seen Gu, you know!?" She looked threateningly at the students around her, "Otherwise, I won't agree to Gu if anyone asks me to look for homework references in the future."

The students of Hufflepuff and Gryffindor gave in unanimously. There is no way, this is a boss who must not be offended, especially now that there are so many homework in various subjects, let alone offend.

Seeing everyone's understanding, Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, and then came to Qing Zhang and asked, "Professor, what's wrong with him!?"

At this time, she was still suffering from the aftereffects of the Imperius Curse, and she would unconsciously end every sentence with "goo", which made Qing Zhang couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, Qing Zhang held back under Hermione's death eyes, and he explained, "Perhaps I couldn't stand this multi-person chanting at once, so I retaliated when it was my turn.

When the others heard the words, they all understood. At this time, they all felt a little sympathetic to Professor Moody. What do you think you are trying to do? There are dozens of people here, and you come here one by one to find fault!?

"Then what do we do now!?" Justin, who was unable to get off the ground on tiptoe, asked weakly.

"How about..." Qing Zhang glanced at the students around him, but none of them dared to look at him. They either looked up at the sky or bowed their heads to count the ants. On Harry behind him, "I can't help it, now you are the only one left, Harry, you haven't taken the Imperius Curse, I'll leave it to you, whether it's calling other professors or something."

Harry Potter's eyes widened, and he pointed at himself, "Me!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, "No way, look at other people, do they seem to be able to move freely!?"

Harry looked around and found that even his good friend Ron was jumping step by step, so he couldn't help being a little silent, "But aren't you all right!?"

He really didn't want to take on this troublesome job.

Qing Zhang sighed "sincerely" and said, "Although Professor Moody suffered backlash due to the lack of magic power, I am not without any adverse effects, you see!"

Talking about Qing Zhang pretending to be doing zombie jumps, "I also have limited mobility, I don't know when I will recover, although it may be a little faster than other students, if you are willing to wait.

Harry suddenly had a bitter face, "Well, I hope Professor McGonagall is in her office..."

As a member of the mischievous group, Harry really didn't want to face Professor McGonagall alone, it reminded him every time he was pulled into a conversation.

"Perhaps, you can try the Muggle method—artificial respiration!?" Qing Zhang suggested.

Harry looked at the bubbly Moody Salted Fish and rolled his eyes, "No, I think he needs Professor McGonagall more..0"

Saying that, Harry walked out of the classroom without looking back.

After Harry left, Qing Zhang looked at the bouncing Moody Fish again, and sincerely hoped that he drank enough compound soup (transformation medicine), otherwise it would be a big problem when the time limit expired and he would return to his original shape In other words, if he is exposed, Voldemort will have to find another way, and I am afraid that more things will be caused by that time.

At this time, Hannah's friends were a little worried about whether Qing Zhang would be targeted by Professor Moody after encountering such an unfortunate incident.

Even Hermione couldn't care less about the fact that Qing Zhang took the opportunity to take a picture of her death before she got angry, "Why don't we apologize afterwards!?"

Qing Zhang rubbed his chin, "How about giving Professor Moody a shot and a taboo now!?"

"Not much, I hope it's just a joke." At this moment, Professor McGonagall just came over. The old witch walked very quickly, and Harry trotted behind so as not to be left behind.

Of course, Professor McGonagall knew that Qing Zhang was joking, but he still gave this good student a look. Is it appropriate to make such a joke at this time!?

But looking at the students with different postures in the classroom, although Professor McGonagall was mentally prepared, the corners of his mouth twitched. He felt that Moody was really too much, and at the same time complained about Dumbledore, how could he allow the other party to do this? , Those are the three unforgivables.

This time it's the Imperius Curse, what's the next time!? Is Varda eating a big melon!?

With anger, Professor McGonagall squatted down and checked Moody, who was still bouncing around and flicking his tail, "Indeed, it was backlash.

"I will take him to Madam Pomfrey. But I have to warn everyone that the Imperius Curse must not be used lightly. This is the end. Even the caster is not safe, so don't take chances."

After leaving the words, the old witch took the floating Moody away in a hurry, and the floating Professor Moody was more like a swimming fish, you see how comfortable he is!?

Harry, who was standing at the door, got out of the way and waited for Professor McGonagall to walk away before entering the classroom, "Um... how are you all!?"

Ron had a black thread, "Come on, how are we doing now!? No wonder they are so eager to kick him out of the Ministry of Magic. 0.2. Did you hear him tell Seamus that a witch had a drink behind him on April Fool's Day?" Boo, how did he deal with that witch!? We have so many things to do, how can we have time to study how to resist the Imperius Curse!?

"Damn it, does post-crash really go away during lunch!?"

Ron was jumping every step he took now, and he felt that he was about to collapse. At this time, Harry, who looked at nothing, was really envious.

"I really don't know what's the use of experiencing this!? We obviously can't resist!"

Harry took this very seriously, but he still said: "Maybe this can make us somewhat resistant...You know, Professor Moody said this was Dumbledore's suggestion."

"Then hope that the big greasy bat will understand us in the Potions class later, right?" Ron stopped holding on when he heard that it was Dumbledore's proposal, but he was still a little worried. lesson.

It just so happened that it was Snape's turn to be in Potions, which was a double whammy.

Harry felt a little sympathetic to everyone, but he couldn't help it.

Gryffindor students are particularly sad at the moment, like eggplants beaten by frost.

The Hufflepuff students were relieved, because their next class was Charms, and Professor Flitwick was much easier to talk to. .

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