For the next week, no matter where they went, people seemed to talk about only one topic: the Triwizard Tournament.

Rumors spread quickly among the students like highly contagious germs: who would be vying to be Hogwarts champions, what events the Tournament would have, what the students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang had to do with them Different and so on.

In addition, the castle is also undergoing a thorough cleaning. Several grimy portraits were scrubbed clean, and those who were scrubbed were very displeased. They sat huddled in the picture frame, muttering sullenly, grinning in pain every time they touched the new pink tender flesh on their faces. The armor suddenly became shiny, and it no longer creaked when it moved.

The administrator, Argus Filch, threw a vicious tantrum at the sight of a student who forgot to wipe his shoes, driving two first-year girls into hysterics.

Other faculty members also seemed extremely nervous.

"Longbottom, please do me a favor. Don't show your secrets in front of Durmstrang's people. Let them see that you don't even know how to convert a simple conversion spell!" Professor McGonagall snarled as the class was about to end. Dao, her voice could be heard clearly on several floors.

That class didn't go so well, and Neville accidentally grafted his ear onto a cactus.

Although the other professors were not so irritable, they all became serious and unsmiling, which made the students feel uneasy and did not dare to distract themselves in class.

As for Snape's Potions class, let's not talk about it, the venom sprayed by that greasy old bat almost drowned the students who attended the class back then.

As for Hagrid, a little accident happened to him, and he didn't have time to give the students a sense of presence, because the number of fried-tailed snails he raised dropped a lot, and he once mistakenly thought that these fried-tailed snails would be cannibalistic. It made him dare not close his eyes at night, for fear that the number would decrease again the next day.

For the Hufflepuff students who had tasted it, it was a pity, because those snails tasted really good, the only pity was that Hagrid stared too closely, and there were too few of them, and the slightly grown snails were too The more dangerous it is, the lower grade students are no longer competent for the job of picking up a few in class.

You must know that these snails can even injure Hagrid, which shows how bad-tempered and dangerous they are.

If it is not too dangerous, the little badgers are still planning to raise them. When they grow up, they will have more meat. It is estimated that the fried-tailed snails can grow to the size of watermelons, not smaller than some big lobsters in the sea. .

Charcoal-grilled fried-tail snails are definitely okay.

As for why Hagrid was injured but the senior Hufflepuff was not injured, this is not a strange thing, after all, one regards these fried-tailed snails as a treasure, and the other regards fried-tailed snails as a top-level ingredient. How to hunt dangerous magical animals quickly without giving them a chance to harm themselves, believe me Hufflepuff is a professional.

On the morning of October 30th, everyone found that the auditorium had been decorated overnight.

Huge silk banners hung on the walls, each representing a Hogwarts house: Gryffindor on a red background with a golden lion, Ravenclaw on a blue background with a bronze eagle, and a golden lion on a yellow background. The one with a black badger is Hufflepuff, and the one with a green background and a silver python is Slytherin.

Behind the desks of the staff, there is the largest banner with the crest of Hogwarts: lion, eagle, badger and snake together, surrounded by a capital letter H

Qing Zhang and the others came to sit down at the Hufflepuff table very early, because the Hufflepuff lounge is the closest to the auditorium, so they are also the college with the highest number of people.

Looking at the new image of the auditorium, the little badgers couldn't care less about ordering food. Not long after, Hermione and Luna also came, and they sat on the vacant seats on the left and right sides of Qing Zhang. Everyone has long been used to this Already, no one even has any objections to that.

Hufflepuff welcomes any friend, any time.

After Hermione ordered the meal, she also looked at the layout of the scene. She was a little curious, "Does any of you know how the warriors are selected!? I keep hearing other people arguing, but none of them are accurate. I also secretly asked Professor McGonagall, but she didn't tell me, she just knew it when she said it, she was mysterious."

"By the way." Hermione suddenly lowered her voice and looked at Cedric Diggory, who was having a good discussion with Ravenclaw student Qiu Zhang, "Does Diggory have any grievances with Ron? Why do I feel that Ron is not very friendly to him, and he also said that student Digory is a little boy or something. 17

It's not that Hermione wants to speak ill of Ron and the others behind his back, but he is really curious. It stands to reason that Cedric and Ron are so different in age, and they are in two different colleges, so there should be no intersection. Why? How could the hostility be so great!? And it was unilateral.

Ernie was also a little confused when he heard the words, "I don't know, but Ron would be upset every time we mentioned Cedric, maybe because Gryffindor lost to us in the Quidditch game last school year Hufflepuff, you know Ron's two older brothers were batsmen for the Gryffindor school team, and it was Cedric who beat them up."

Hannah swallowed the potato in her mouth, "Ah!? I thought Ron liked Senior Sister Zhang too!?"

"Why do you have such an idea!?" Hermione looked at Hannah in surprise. She admitted that Qiu Zhang was good-looking, and because she was of Chinese descent, she had a temperament different from that of European and American women, but she did not have Such a great charm!? "Although I haven't played with Ron and the others much, I don't think he likes it. Instead, Harry...I saw him secretly looking at Qiu Zhang many times."

"Harry!?" It was Hannah's turn to startle this time, "but he doesn't have that..."

Hannah looked at Ginny, who was sitting shyly next to Harry, and couldn't believe it. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Ron's sister loved Harry terribly. Didn't Harry know that!?

Hearing these girls gossip about love in a low voice, Qing Zhang and the other boys suddenly looked at each other in dismay, saying that they were talking about the Triwizard Tournament and the upcoming two schools at the beginning!?

Don't open your head, it's crooked!

Today, there is a joyous mood of anticipation in the air. In the classroom, no one was paying attention to the lectures. Everyone was thinking that the people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were coming tonight. Even Potions class was less unbearable than usual, as it ended half an hour earlier.

When the bell rang early, everyone couldn't wait to return to their dormitory as soon as possible, put away their schoolbags and textbooks, then sorted out their appearance, put on their cloaks, and arrived at the hall.

The deans of the colleges are ordering their respective students to line up.

Among them, Professor McGonagall, the deputy dean, was the most worried and busy. After all, Dumbledore was unreliable, and the students of her own college always made her worry.

No, after the cubs arrived, "Her shoulders never eased.

"Weasley, put your hat on straight," Professor McGonagall said sternly to Ron, "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing off your head."

Parvati frowned unhappily, and let a large butterfly headdress come down from the end of her braid.

"Please come with me." After finding no other questions, Professor McGonagall said, "The first-year students are in front...don't squeeze, don't squeeze

Everyone filed down the steps and stood in line in front of the castle. It was a cold, fresh evening, night was falling, and a white, translucent moon had already hung over the Forbidden Forest.

The end of October in England was already a bit cold, and Qing Zhang stood in the middle of the excited student team, exhaling white breath, watching the gradually setting sun, a little lost in thought.

In fact, the plot characters in this world look the same as the actors in the movies in the previous life. As far as the more controversial Qiu Zhang, a senior from Ravenclaw, even with Qing Zhang's aesthetics, he is still a long time ago. Well done, although not top-notch beauty, but definitely not ugly.

Similarly, Hermione is not Emma Watson, let alone black for some politics.

The characters here are more in line with the description in the original book, so Qing Zhang is also a little curious about what the people in the two upcoming schools look like.

Of course, unless Viktor Kemlu of Durmstrang is a Seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team, he can be regarded as a Quidditch star, and he even appeared in a newspaper during the summer vacation. Subscribe to the Daily Prophet, so you've already seen what the other person looks like.

There are two people he is curious about. One is Fleur Delacour, a girl with a quarter of Veela blood. Qing Zhang has never seen what a Veela in this world looks like.

So I want to see if it is really beautiful.

The other is Bubaston's headmaster, Olim Maxim, who has never seen a female half-breed giant. After all, Hagrid is a male, who looks big and thick and has a big beard, which makes Qing Zhang sometimes Will the half-giants that look like women also have beards or something.

Well, he is actually a little curious. How did the combination produce the hybrid giant? That little match is really useful, it can break the defense of the female giant!? Or are there really human females who can withstand the tossing of the male giant? , won't be pierced through!?

Just when Qing Zhang was thinking about something full of mosaics, a huge monster, much bigger than a broomstick—or a hundred broomsticks—was Skillfully skimming the dark blue sky, flying towards the castle, as it became bigger and bigger in the field of vision, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's a fire dragon!" screamed a freshman, too excited to know what to do.

"Don't be's a house flying!" retorted Gryffindor's Dennis Creevey.

Dennis's guess was a little closer... When the black giant flew over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and was illuminated by the light from the castle window, everyone saw that it was a huge car The powder blue carriage, oh my god, it's flying towards everyone.

It was as big as a house, and the huge carriage pulled by twelve winged horses swooped down towards where everyone was, as if there was no intention of slowing down.

The students standing in the first three rows backed away hurriedly—then, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, which made Neville jump back, guessing the feet of a fifth-year Slytherin student, and then turned into dominoes behind him. A row of people asked Professor McGonagall to hold their foreheads, regretting that Neville should not have participated.

The twelve silver-maned horses were about the size of elephants, and their hooves fell to the ground with a bang. Each of them was as big as a vegetable plate, and it put a lot of pressure on the junior students to face them.

In the blink of an eye, the carriage also landed on the ground, vibrating on the huge wheels, and at the same time those golden horses shook their huge heads, and their big fiery eyes rolled around

Not long after, the door of the carriage with a crossed wand and a crest with three stars emerging from each opened, and a boy in a light blue robe jumped out of the carriage, bent down, and groped on the floor of the carriage. What, and then opened a golden spiral staircase.

Having done this, he jumped back respectfully.

Immediately after, a shiny black high-heeled shoe stretched out from the carriage—there was a shoe for children


As big as a small sled.

The second one came out was a woman, she was so big that an adult could barely reach her waist when standing in front of her. when she stepped into the light that leaked from the hall

Everyone found that she had a very handsome olive face, a pair of black and big watery eyes, and a pointed nose. Her hair is combed back at the base of her neck

Tie up into a shiny bun. She was wrapped from head to toe in black satin, and her neck and thick fingers gleamed with rich opals.

This mixed-race giantess is not as rough as Qing Zhang imagined. On the contrary, if she is a few decades younger, she might still be a little beauty. Of course, this small word is used a bit

It's not appropriate, but since the other party looks like this, it's no wonder that the parents were so fearless in pursuing love back then.

Of course, the appearance of the mixed-race giant is definitely not because of bullshit love, but one after another QJ, there is no doubt about this, after all, most of the non-human races in this world are long

It's very embarrassing, and giants are no exception, so it is impossible for normal humans to have love for giants, unless there is something wrong with their eyes.

Therefore, most mixed-race giants will not admit that they have giant blood, because this is not a good thing.

Dumbledore started to applaud, and the students also clapped their hands. Many stood on tiptoes, trying to get a better view of the tall woman.

Her face relaxed into an elegant smile, she held out a gleaming hand, and walked towards Dumbledore. Although Dumbledore is also tall, but kissing this hand

hardly bent over.

`Dear Ms. Maxim, welcome to Hogwarts. ’ he said.

"Dumbledore." Ms. Maxim said in a low voice, "I hope you (good Li Zhao) are all well."

"Very good, thank you." Dumbledore responded with a smile.

"My student." Ms. Maxim said, raising a huge hand and waving it carelessly behind her.

Immediately, about a dozen or thirteen men and women got off the carriage at some point and obediently came to stand behind Ms. Maxim without saying a word. These people are about the age of

Around the age of eighteen or nineteen, even though he was standing up straight at this moment, his body was trembling slightly. This is not surprising, since their robes seem to be of forbidden silk, and

No one wears a cloak, which in England in October is, to put it bluntly, on the typical list of not being beautiful.

"Is Karkaroff here!?" Ms. Maxim also noticed the strangeness of the students behind her, but she still asked Dumbledore without changing her expression.

"He will come at any time." Dumbledore also understood what Maxim meant, and asked tactfully, "By the way, would you like to wait here to greet him, or would you like to meet him first?"

Get in and get warm!?"

"Let's keep warm." Madam Maxim was very satisfied with Dumbledore's reaction, "But those horses—"

Our Care of Fantastic Creatures teachers will be happy to take care of them. said Dumbledore, "he'll be back when he's done with a little mess, and it's his - well - he's going to take care of something else besides the mess. "

The Hufflepuff students, including their headmaster, all turned their eyes away from Dumbledore after hearing the words. That's right, everyone was involved. Of course, the trouble this time was not due to the lack of snails.

Instead, they really went berserk. After all, they were stared at by the little badgers for a long time. It is normal for these fried-tailed snails to blow up their minds.

Dumbledore and the others didn't seem to care about some people's guilty conscience. Ms. Maxim took the lead and led Bubaston's students into the castle after getting the guarantee, leaving

All the teachers and students of Lower Hogwarts continued to wait outside with the cold wind blowing for the arrival of the next batch of guests.

The Hufflepuffs were all relieved they didn't appear to have been exposed, and the Headmaster wasn't angry. .

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