Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1068 Our Liking Angles Are Different!

Maybe it was an appointment in advance.

Not long after Beauxbaton's people entered the castle, there was a change in the black lake in front of the castle's large lawn. First, there was a turmoil in the water in the middle of the lake, and huge splashes were created on the water surface, and the waves crashed against the wet lake shore——————————————————————————— In the middle of the lake, a huge vortex appeared, like a huge The plug was suddenly pulled from the bottom of the lake

Finally, a long black pole-like thing slowly rises from the center of the vortex. It is a mast, a kind of pole that usually appears on a ship to hang sails and flags, install antennas or support observation platforms.

The little wizards living in the inland areas had never seen such things before, and all of them widened their eyes, wanting to take a closer look so that they could go back and brag.

Slowly and majestically, the great ship emerged from the water, shining brightly in the moonlight.

It had an eerie, skeletal appearance, as if it were the wreck of a shipwreck that had just been salvaged, and the portholes shone with dim, misty lights that "looked like ghostly eyes.

At last, with a splash and splash, the ship came out completely, and, bouncing on the choppy water, began to sail towards the shore. After a while, with a "plop", the iron anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and then with another "snap", the long plank was removed and placed on the lake shore, and the other end was placed on the deck.

The people on the boat were going ashore, and Qing Zhang and the others could see the silhouettes of these people passing by the lights of the portholes. Their stature seems to be about the same as big fat guys like Crabbe and Gore, and they are not short, making one wonder if they are also like Ms. Maxim,

Fortunately, when they got closer and walked along the lawn into the light cast by the hall, everyone realized that the reason why they looked huge was that they were all wearing a kind of fur cloak with matted and tangled fur. There are lights shining, even if you get close, you may be mistaken for some legendary savage.

But the man who led them to the castle wore a different kind of fur: silvery white, soft and smooth, much like his hair.

"Dumbledore!" the man shouted enthusiastically, spreading his hands as he walked up the slope, "My dear old chap, what's the matter with you!?"

"Great, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore also smiled and opened his hands to give the visitor a hug.

This Karkaroff's voice is mellow and sweet. When he walked into the light from the castle's main entrance, he was seen to be tall and thin like Dumbledore, but his white hair was short and his goatee (tipped in curls) was not fully covered His thin jaw.

The two briefly hugged and separated.

"Dear old man Hogwarts..." Karkaroff looked up at the castle and said with a smile, showing his yellow teeth, but it is worth noting that although he was smiling at the moment, But there was no smile in his eyes, only indifference and sharpness, "It's so good to be here, it's so good...Victor, come here and warm don't mind, do you?" Dumbledore!? Viktor has a bit of a cold...."

Karkaroff beckoned one of his students to come forward. Compared to Ms. Maxim, who was reserved and waited for the invitation from Hogwarts as the host, the headmaster of Durmstrang seemed not at all polite. What is it, cut it first and then play it before asking the owner if he minds.

Qing Zhang could see that the smiles on the faces of the Hogwarts teachers and staff were a little unnatural at the moment. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, they might all frown. However, many young wizards in Hogwarts didn't pay attention at all. Seeing the change in the atmosphere, they looked at the tall boy called by Karkaroff with great excitement.

This is a boy with an eye-catching aquiline nose and two thick and black eyebrows. Of course, it’s hard to say how handsome he is, but because he is tall and strong, with three-dimensional facial features, it is indeed impressive to look at. A tall and handsome feeling. Of course, the reason why so many little wizards whispered and paid attention was because of the identity of the other party - a rising star of the stadium, Viktor Krum, Seeker of the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team.

In fact, many young wizards from Muggle families were not interested in Quidditch at the beginning. After living in Hogwarts for a long time, they gradually began to be assimilated. Most of them will also follow the young wizards in the wizarding world to be keen on Quidditch, and to pursue the stars in it. Perhaps this is the appeal of the general environment.

Seeing that many little wizards around were looking for paper and pens on their bodies, they seemed to want to take the opportunity to go forward to ask for autographs, completely ignoring the low pressure and death eyes on Professor McGonagall and the others at the moment, Qing Zhang sighed in his heart, fortunately here It's England, if it's Xia Guo, these students may not have a good time when they go back, then Principal Karkaroff seems to be very satisfied with the commotion of the little wizards at Hogwarts at the moment, and doesn't care about Dumbledore's fading smile .

"You are wizards, can't you change yourself without paper and pen!?" Qing Zhang seems to be really regarded by these guys as a Doraemon with a four-dimensional pocket. typical.

The little wizards suddenly realized, but before they really took out their wands, they were stopped by their respective heads, so that Hogwarts was not really ashamed.

Hermione stood in the Gryffindor team and glanced at Qing Zhang, both of them sighed, these guys are really used to doing things regardless of the occasion, or are groupies just so irrational of!?

After the riot was suppressed, the students of Hogwarts followed Durmstrang and his party, climbed up the stone steps in line, and walked slowly towards the castle with the wide open door. But when they reached the door, Durmstrang's students all stopped. Instead, Hogwarts students entered the auditorium under the urging of their respective deans, and got ready at the long tables of their respective houses.

Beauxbaton's classmates had already chosen their seats at the Ravenclaw table. After they sat down, they looked around the auditorium with sullen expressions on their faces, and three of them still covered their heads with scarves and headscarves.

"Is it that cold!?" said Hermione disapprovingly, "Why don't they wear cloaks!?"

It's a pity that no one answered her question. It's not that Hermione was excluded by everyone. In the past few years, Hermione's popularity in Gryffindor is actually pretty good. It's true that everyone is unfriendly to her, but it doesn't matter how friendly they are, at most they can be regarded as wine and meat friends.

At this moment, they didn't respond to her words, just because the cubs were all looking around for themselves, trying to see the flowers from the people from the two schools (cafi) and had no time to pay attention to Hermione.

"Here! Come and sit here!" Ron yelled hoarsely. "Here! Hermione, you move over a bit to make room for-!"

The girls on Hermione's side were taken aback, "What!?"

"Oh, it's too late!" said Ron regretfully.

Viktor Krum and his Durmstrang schoolmates were already seated at the Slytherin table. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were elated because of this, seeing Ron envious and jealous, and even resenting the unresponsive girls like Hermione.

It made Hermione roll her eyes, ignore the psychosis, and at the same time, she became more and more convinced that Ron was a gay man, and he was much more friendly to boys than girls.

"Ah, yes, Malfoy is trying to fawn on him." Ron ignored Hermione's eyes, he had been staring at Krum, and then said sharply, "I bet Krum would be right at a glance." Seeing through what he is.... I dare say that Krum has people fawning over him and flattering him everywhere he goes... Where do you think they will sleep!? We can provide him with one in our dormitory Beds, Harry.....I'll give him my bed, I'll sleep on a camp bed.

Hermione listened to Ron's chatter and snorted and ignored it. Lavender Brown next to her was very sad. She also thought that Ron might like men, but she wanted to become a man to cater to her. In that case , she couldn't dress up beautifully, and another roommate, Padma Patil, comforted her and made her feel at ease. There is no good end for men and women, and Ron will understand sooner or later.

"They look much happier than Beauxbatons and the others." Harry wasn't as blind as Ron.

Durmstrang's students looked up with interest at the dark, star-studded ceiling as they shed their heavy fur cloaks. Two of the students also picked up the golden plates and goblets and looked at them carefully, obviously very interested.

It is indeed different from the students over there who are Beauxbatons who are like needles.

At this time, at the staff table over there, the administrator Filch was adding some chairs, which attracted a lot of people's attention. For today's grand occasion, he put on the musty old tuxedo, Of course it wasn't this that caught the eye, but that he added four chairs, two on either side of Dumbledore.

"Don't forget that the Triwizard Tournament is organized by the Ministry of Magic's International Magic Cooperation Department and Magic Sports Department. They will definitely send representatives to host this event. Seeing that the friends are so curious, Qing Zhang directly gave Answer.

The little badgers all showed suddenly enlightened expressions, and almost forgot that the two departments belonged to the Ministry of Magic.

"Being able to sit on both sides of Professor Dumbledore, the person who will come must not be of low status. There is a certain chance that they will be senior officials at the director level, so wait and never do anything rude. The scene in front of the foyer before , It is estimated that the professors will settle their accounts after the fall."

The little badgers were stunned for a moment, and then began to recall whether they had made any mistakes before, and suddenly their necks flinched, "It shouldn't be serious, after all, so many people are $£$£a..."

Qing Zhang said directly, "What do you think, at that time, the professors were probably so ashamed that they wanted to find a hole to get in."

So, pray for luck! I don't know what you are excited about, even if you want to sign, you can wait later, Durmstrang didn't just stay for one night!"

Ernie grimaced, "Dude, you won't understand, it's Krum, I'm sure our parents will be so excited when they see it [Quidditch is something that everyone in the wizarding world wants to see]

Hot and rainy. "

"No, I don't think my parents will." Qing Zhang said without thinking.

"Okay, let me use another example, how about Muggle football!?" Ernie also learned about the situation of the Muggle world through Justin and Qing Zhang during this time, and he felt like wizards couldn't appreciate it. Football, Muggles don't appreciate Quidditch, but it's okay to switch.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "But my parents don't like football either. I heard that you have to eat sea cucumber before playing football. If you eat too much, it will become soft."

Ernie was at a loss for words, and after a long time, he finally managed to say, "Ah, ah...then what do your family like..."

"Eating melons." Qing Zhang thought for a while and nodded vigorously, "So in fact, maybe they also like Quidditch, but it's not from the same angle as you.

The little friends suddenly had question marks all over their heads, what is different, how did eating melon have something to do with Quidditch!?.

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