The moonlight is like frost, and the night is as cool as water.

Cedric Diggory felt a little hot, he tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep at all, he seemed to have insomnia.

No, it should be said that he was a little confused.

He looked at the roommates in the same dormitory who were soundly sleeping and snoring rhythmically, walked carefully to the desk in the dark, lit the magic oil lamp above it, spread out a piece of parchment on the writing, picked up the quill After dipping in ink, I was about to write my name, but stopped again.

Finally, he wrote the words "Qing Zhang, Hogwarts" on it.

Picking up the parchment with the name written on it, he looked at the silver moon outside the window, feeling a little complicated, and seemed to be relieved.

In fact, he has been very entangled in these days, not that he was duplicity, not that he sincerely hoped that Qing Zhang, an outstanding junior, would participate in the competition, but that he kept having nightmares, every night he dreamed that he would die tragically In a game where many people chanted his name, his father seemed to be covering his face and weeping. He wanted to reach out to wipe his father's tears, but his hand went through.

He also saw the face of the beautiful oriental girl who promised to try to date him, her lips were trembling, and she seemed to faint in the next moment.

These are just nightmares, right!? Must be!?

It’s all because of thinking day by day and dreaming at night, because of the expectations of everyone in the academy, so there is pressure!?

But no matter how he makes excuses, he can't make himself completely at ease, because the wizard's dream, especially the nightmare about "610" and himself, is often a kind of omen

This is almost the consensus of the wizarding world, and you don't need to be a fortuneteller or prophet.

So, he does die... not on the Quidditch pitch, but at the Triwizard Tournament!?

Maybe he should ask Professor Trelawney for advice, maybe she can clear up his doubts, and everyone said that she is very accurate in divination, and it is not just nonsense.

But in this way, everyone knows, and Cedric doesn't want this to be known by others. He is afraid that he will fail everyone's expectations, and he is afraid that everyone will forgive him.

Gently opening the door, Cedric tiptoed out of the dormitory and went up to the hall. He looked at the rough goblet burning with blue and white flames, gritted his teeth and finally crumpled the parchment into a ball and pushed it hard vote.

"It's done."

He pulled out a weird smile that seemed to be crying and smiling, and then he sat on the ground as if he had lost his strength, feeling the coldness of the ground, which made the fire in his heart seem to be no longer so scorching, "Hahaha... .”

He suddenly covered his face and let out a low, low laugh, "Cedric, you are such a coward—!"

After an unknown amount of time, Cedric had disappeared, and under the moonlight, a group of little badgers ushered in. They cheered each other up around the Goblet of Fire, and then someone shouted, "Start!"

Immediately, dozens of balls of parchment were forcefully thrown into the cup that was emitting blue and white flames.

Seeing that all the balls of paper fell into the flames smoothly, everyone was a little bit astonished, and looked at each other a little at a loss, because it seemed a little different from what they had originally thought

The age line set by Dumbledore does not seem to be in effect.

Or are those flames responsible for the inspection work, as long as the age is not enough, the parchment will be burned to ashes!?

The little badgers, who were a little worried, finally pushed a few seniors who had turned 17 to check over the age line to see if the thrown paper balls were still there.

A few minutes later, those seniors turned their heads and made an "OK" gesture to everyone, indicating that the ball of paper inside was intact, and they were still in good condition. Suddenly, everyone was a little excited, which meant that Qing Zhang had participated in the election eligibility for admission.

Regardless of whether you can become a warrior in the end, at least you have participated in it.

"But why didn't the age line take effect!? Did Principal Dumbledore scare us!?" Hannah was a little puzzled.

"Don't worry about it, we'll do it anyway, maybe it's just a sudden failure and we hit it." Justin said indifferently, he couldn't help but want to share the good news with Qing Zhang, But after thinking about it, Qing Zhang was already sound asleep before going out, so Justin had to endure it and not disturb him anymore.

"Hey, it will definitely surprise other people." Ernie was also a little excited, his face was flushed, and he was afraid that he would not be able to sleep when he went back.

"Wait, someone over there is coming this way, let's leave quickly."

Suddenly, someone noticed a figure approaching from not far away, and immediately lowered his voice to remind everyone who was still excited, "It's either the professor, or Filch, we have to leave quickly, or the matter will be exposed."

"Yes, it can't be exposed now, otherwise the professors will definitely take out the paper ball."

After the little badgers came to their senses, they all ran to the dormitory below in a panic, not realizing that the people who came were not professors or Filch and his cat, but students from the other two schools.

Fleur Delacour was walking towards the Goblet of Fire with her classmates. Seeing the figure swaying, there seemed to be quite a few people there, and she was a little puzzled, "Could it be those guys from Durmstrang!?"

Then they took out their wands one after another, preparing to prevent possible conflicts.

It's not that the students of Beauxbatons make too much fuss, but that Durmstrang School's reputation has not been very good. The teaching philosophy here allows it to produce black wizards. For some black magic, it is not easy to teach directly in the classroom. It doesn't matter whether the students will be affected, become psychologically twisted or not.

Their headmaster, Ms. Maxim, reminded them to be careful of Durmstrang's students before they left, saying that they might not be so well-mannered and polite, "especially after Karkaroff became the headmaster.

Compared with the Hogwarts students who grew up in the greenhouse, Durmstrang is what they need to be vigilant about.

It's not that Ms. Maxim underestimated Hogwarts, but that Hogwarts has not produced world-renowned wizards since a long time ago. Especially after experiencing the ravages of Voldemort, the British wizarding world seems to be a bit sluggish these years. If Without Dumbledore, who is recognized as the strongest, I am afraid that Hogwarts' ranking among wizarding schools in the world will have to decline.

Seeing the figure around the Goblet of Fire disappear, Fu Rong and the others stopped at the spot and watched from a distance for a long time, then approached carefully, checked the surroundings with their wands and found that there were no curses or the like left behind. I also feel relieved.

After dropping their respective balls of paper, Beauxbaton's students also left in a hurry.

What they didn't know was that when they took out their wands to check carefully, Durmstrang's students were also lying in the grass and saw this scene. Krum and others also felt that Beauxbaton's students When setting up the trap, they immediately gritted their teeth, cursing the other party's shamelessness in their hearts.

Sure enough, the Frenchman is saying one thing on the surface and another on the other side, saying that the Nordics are barbaric, brutal and insidious, which is obviously you.

"Kumlu, what should we do!? Do you want to rush out now and expose the hypocrisy of these bitches!?"

"No, wait, now is not the time to conflict with them, and these little tricks are trying to confuse us, I will let them see how powerful Durmstrang is."

Under the moonlight, Viktor Krum's eyes were cold, like a white bear that chooses to eat someone.

The next day was Saturday. Generally speaking, the students went to breakfast very late, but today everyone got up very fast.

Qing Zhang was a little surprised that there was no change in the students. He saw Justin and the others safely returned to the dormitory last night, and thought that these guys had given up. Maybe someone had tried it before and was frightened by punishment, but Qing Zhang It was then discovered that none of the Hufflepuff students in Years 1 through 7 had white beards.

So, they just talked yesterday, didn't they take any action!?

Then hope, wait for the lesson of the Weasley twins to let them dismiss this attention.

In fact, Qing Zhang had planned to participate a long time ago, but he didn't think about secretly going to the paper ball at night, because he was not old enough, if he did that, he would end up with Harry in the end, even if he was not questioned, Maybe Dumbledore would make one of them give up the competition because two juniors were selected..0

That old bee will definitely not let Harry abstain, he is the savior he has cultivated quietly, and he will never let go of any chance to make Harry famous, which is why in the original book, each school can only have one warrior , then there is an extra Harry at Hogwarts, who is still not suitable for his age, but it is still the reason why he was saved by Dumbledore.

To be honest, this kind of thing itself is unreasonable, no matter what the reason is, it will damage the fairness of the game.

Therefore, if Qing Zhang doesn't want to be that poor guy who was forced to abstain, then he can only throw his name into the Goblet of Fire under the witness of everyone.

Otherwise, given the character and style of those little lions of Gryffindor who have always been sympathetic and unreasonable, favoring their own people, I am afraid that they will definitely keep Harry and conform to Dumbledore's decision.

On the way to the auditorium, Qing Zhang threw in the parchment he had prepared a long time ago. In order to be able to enter smoothly, he also added some materials on it to ensure that nothing would go wrong.

It's just that Qing Zhang was a little surprised that he threw the ball of paper seemed to be very smooth, without any resistance.

This made Qing Zhang frown involuntarily.

Justin and the others opened their mouths wide, looking at Qing Zhang, they were all ready to claim credit, but they didn't expect Qing Zhang to do it by themselves, which made them all stunned.

" you going to participate!?"

Qing Zhang nodded, "I don't want to miss this opportunity, isn't everyone the same!?"

He was referring to those who were about to make a move, but were preempted by the Weasley twins and now hesitated after seeing the dire consequences.

"No, brother! When we asked you before, why didn't you tell me!?" Ernie still had a hard time accepting it. He thought Qing Zhang, a Chinese, still didn't like the limelight as before, so he refused!

So why did they do so much!?

"I'm just thinking about how to get past the restriction set by Dumbledore, mean you really went there last night and voted for it!?" Qing Zhang couldn't react at this time , Some people can't believe it, looking at the appearance of a few people who haven't changed at all.

Seeing a few people nodding abruptly, and looking at the twin brothers who were carried away and sent to the school hospital with some lingering fear, Qing Zhang was a little confused. Could it be that he misunderstood Dumbledore!?

In fact, Qing Zhang forgot a piece of common sense, and of course many wizards sometimes ignore this common sense—that is, the names of powerful wizards actually have magical powers.

In fact, there is such a saying, but the vast majority of adult wizards can’t reach the point of being powerful. In the entire wizarding world, there are very few wizards who have magical powers even in their names. Among them, a certain noseless Tom cat is counted. He senses when someone mentions his name.

And although Qing Zhang usually seals most of his own strength, and seals up some powers that do not belong to this world as much as possible, only retaining a small part of the basic attributes that are much higher than ordinary people.

Now he is also one of the most powerful wizards in today's world. Naturally, his name also has magical powers, but it is different from Voldemort who actively manipulates his name. Qing Zhang

The species is completely passive.

As there are more and more Zhang Qing in the foggy space, and the level of power becomes higher, one day the name Zhang Qing will become an existence similar to the "name of god", and by then it will only be

It doesn't work even if you meditate in your heart.

Therefore, the small Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore's age line cannot resist this paper ball that contains the power of detachment.

Of course, if Qing Zhang didn't take the initiative to receive it, it would be impossible for other people's voices to reach his ears. .

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