"How dare you!?"

Hermione, who arrived late, seemed to have learned about Qing Zhang's audacity from other people at this time. The reason why she got up at this time as usual on Saturdays was of course because she was not interested in the Triwizard Tournament at all. .

Anyway, Dumbledore has said many times that only those who reach the age of 17 can participate. Does she have to be so excited about this matter!?

No need!

But because she didn't become friends with Ron and Harry, she didn't get in touch with those excellent seniors in Gryffindor (basically they all became Quidditch players), so the only one who was considered acquainted A senior student, or the senior sister of Hufflepuff.

Of course, the relationship is not that close, so naturally there is nothing to worry about.

But she never expected that the guy who was the least likely to worry her would betray her trust, and would be like those little Gryffindor monsters, not taking the professor's words seriously and not saying anything. Knowing the danger, he rushed there.

Hermione was so pissed off that she came directly to Hufflepuff's dining table, and slapped the table with both hands vigorously, causing the dishes on top to fly up, and finally spilled onto the tablecloth, causing a mess. a mess.

But the little witch didn't care about these anymore, she stared angrily at Qing Zhang who was chatting and laughing with her classmates, "Hurry up, it's still too late to get the note back from the professor."

Justin and Hannah were startled by Hermione. Seeing that Hermione really wanted to drag Qing Zhang to the professors, they immediately stopped them, "That Hermione, since there is no problem with the Goblet of Fire, then It shows that Qing Zhang is qualified, and the reason why the age is actually set is only because most young wizards have insufficient magic power and their magic level is not good enough, but Zhang is different."

"That's right, Hermione, Qing Zhang and you are the two best students in the fourth grade, and even many students in the fifth and sixth grades may not be as good as you." Susan also persuaded, "And Qing Zhang It's just to put the name in, there are so many people in Hogwarts, it may not be possible to choose him in the end, the most important thing is to participate."

Hermione looked helplessly at these lobbyists, "But...it's very dangerous, if..."

Qing Zhang smiled wryly in his heart. He didn't reveal his thoughts before because he thought that Hermione would definitely stop her. You must know that the little girl in the original book would rather not sleep at night than stare at Harry and the others to prevent them from running to a duel with Malfoy. Yes, if Qing Zhang revealed his thoughts before, it is conceivable that this guy might have stayed vigil in front of the Goblet of Fire at night.

He knew Hermione all too well.

"Okay, Hermione, what they said is right, anyway, it is not certain whether they will be selected in the end, so you don't need to worry too much, and if you ask Dumbledore and the others now

How do you make the teachers and students of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang think of our Hogwarts!?"

Qing Zhang also wanted to save Cedric. After all, although this senior is sometimes annoying, he is indeed a very good person. If it is not for saving the other party, Qing Zhang is really not interested in participating in this kind of play. In the game, he is not on the same level as the others at all, and he is a bit too bullying the opponent.

"So, why did you participate all of a sudden!?" Hermione seemed to be convinced, but she was still somewhat unwilling to sulk.

"Well..." Qing Zhang decided to lie after thinking about it, "After all, this is the Triwizard Tournament, maybe this will be the only time in the future, it would be a pity if I missed it, I don't want to leave any regrets "."

Qing Zhang's reason not only convinced Hermione, but also made many little wizards from other colleges who pricked up their ears to eavesdrop secretly nod. They also thought the same way. To hold it, you must know that there has been a window period of hundreds of years for the three powers to compete for hegemony. This time it can be held this time because of the unremitting efforts of many people.

Perhaps because of Qing Zhang's reason, many students who were hesitant before didn't hesitate anymore, and threw the parchment they had prepared into the Goblet of Fire. It's not that I haven't thought about asking Qing Zhang for advice, but the other party may not tell me, after all, everyone is now a competitor, and of course the fewer people, the better.

"Oh..." Hermione stopped talking completely.

She hoped that senior Cedric would be more competitive, and it would be best if Qing Zhang failed in the final selection, and they would all be able to sit in the auditorium and watch the game safely.

Sure enough, boys will get angry if they don't pay close attention to some things. Mom is right.

Thinking of this, Hermione secretly cheered Cedric up again.

And Cedric, whom Hermione placed high hopes on, also came late to the auditorium at this time, but he looked a little haggard. Seeing his appearance, Qiu Zhang walked over with some concern, asking if he was sick. But Cedric shook his head, saying that he was too excited to sleep last night.

"Come on!" After his girlfriend Qiu Zhang felt relieved, she cheered Cedric up with a smile.

Cedric smiled and nodded reluctantly, "I will, but I don't know if I can be selected. After all, everyone is great, aren't they!?"

"Honey, you will always be the best in my mind." Qiu Zhang liked Cedric's humility very much, but he also hoped that he would not be so humble sometimes, and could be more ostentatious.

......that, if, I said, if I am not selected in the end, you....."

Cho Chang interrupted Cedric, "Fool, do you think I will blame you for despising you for this kind of thing!? What do you think of me!? And when Cedric Diggory become so insecure!?"

"In short, no matter what the result is, you are my warrior"

Cedric looked deeply into Qiu Zhang's eyes, causing Qiu Zhang's face to turn hot and red. He suddenly grabbed Qiu Zhang's little hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed it, "I will always be you The 'Warriors'.....I promise!"

So I absolutely cannot die here.

Sorry everyone, forgive my selfishness and cowardice! I promise this is the only time.

The time soon came to half past five in the afternoon, and the sky gradually darkened.

The crowd has returned to the castle for tonight's Hallow's Eve feast - and more importantly, the announcement of the school's warriors. (If you read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu novels MI

Hermione was a little nervous, and she looked at Qing Zhang with a little resentment. It was all thanks to this big idiot, otherwise she would have been in a relaxed mood and waiting for the banquet, instead of being like a executioner who is about to be sentenced as she is now commit.

Feeling the resentful gaze of the little witch beside him, Qing Zhang could only touch his nose with a wry smile.

In fact, he can also use other methods, such as following invisibly, and then killing Voldemort and the others, but the Goblet of Fire, which is used as the door key, will definitely be under the control of Wormtail and Voldemort at that time, and it may not be possible to teleport one more person at all, and it will still be one A powerful wizard, this kind of price is simply not something that the half-disabled Voldemort and Pettigrew Peter can pay.

Yes, even if you use the door key to move in space, there is a price, but generally this price is within the acceptable range, but if you want to transfer a powerful existence, then not to mention the magic power that needs to be consumed. How much is there, even Peter Pettigrew's general mental power is not enough to support the whole process of teleportation, and Harry and Cedric will definitely be strangled by the power of space.

It was precisely because of the risk that Qing Zhang chose to replace Cedric the Warrior. With him involved, it would be impossible for Harry to win first. At that time, regardless of whether the Goblet of Fire would still work as a door lock, Voldemort's plots will all end in failure, and Qing Zhang may still be able to send some "gifts" to surprise and surprise the other party.

The Halloween dinner party seems to be taking a lot longer than usual. Perhaps because this was the second consecutive day of the banquet, everyone seemed less excited and absent-minded, even though the dinner at the banquet was still very sumptuous.

People in the auditorium kept looking up, with anxious expressions on every face. Everyone fidgeted and stood up from time to time to see if Dumbledore had finished eating. They all wanted to finish the plate quickly and find out who was chosen as the warrior.

Finally, the golden plate was restored to its original spotless state, and the voice in the auditorium suddenly increased a lot. Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent.

Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim on both sides of Dumbledore also seemed to be as nervous and expectant as everyone else. Ludo Bagman was smiling and winking at the students from various schools, while Mr. Crouch looked uninterested, almost bored.

‘Okay, the goblet is about to make a decision, I guess it will take another minute. Look, once the names of the warriors are announced, I want them to go to the top of the auditorium, walk past the staff desks, and into the next room where they will get their initial orientation. "Dumbledore pointed to the door behind the teacher's desk, and then he ① wand, bumped it slightly.

Immediately, except for those candles in the jack-o-lantern, the rest of the candles were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a semi-dark state. At this time, the Goblet of Fire emitted a dazzling light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames bursting out with sparks were almost dazzling.

Everyone watched and waited. A few people kept looking at their watches.

Finally, after a minute. The flame in the goblet suddenly turned red again, and crackling sparks burst out. Immediately afterwards, a tongue of flame shot into the air, and a piece of charred parchment flew out from it.

Seeing this, everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore took the parchment and held it far away so that he could read the words on it by the light of the flames. The flames were now blue and white again.

Dumbledore seemed to be surprised for a moment after reading the above words clearly, but he quickly returned to normal.

"The champion of Hogwarts is Qing Zhang!"

Professor Sprout at the staff desk was a little suspicious of her ears, but seeing Professor McGonagall next to them also looked dumbfounded, she knew that she was not alone in hearing hallucinations.

"This, this...he's only 14 years old..."

Although she admits that Qing Zhang is very good, perhaps the best student she has been teaching for so many years, but he is only 14 years old now. If the occasion is not right, she can't help but step forward and snatch the (No. Good Zhao) parchment, let’s see if the principal made a joke on everyone by making Halloween an April Fool’s Day.

Of course Dumbledore wasn't joking. Although he was unreliable sometimes, he would never joke on this occasion.

After the scene was silent for a moment, cheers like a tsunami came from Hufflepuff's side. Every Hufflepuff was jumping and jumping, screaming and stomping, when Qing Zhang stood up and walked past them, with a small smile on his face, towards the room behind the staff desk .

The other three colleges are still in a daze, "No, isn't this underage!?"

They hoped that Dumbledore could give an explanation, but unfortunately Dumbledore did not

Not doing so, Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim also put away their astonishment, put on smiles, and clapped their hands to cheer for this little warrior.

After Ludo Bagman and Mr. Crouch reacted, they also clapped dully.

Next, the warriors of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were also—announced as Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour, respectively, without any change.

But when Dumbledore was about to announce the end, the Goblet of Fire changed again, spit out the fourth parchment, which stunned everyone, and Dumbledore almost bit his tongue.

Dumbledore stretched out a slender hand as if subconsciously, and grabbed the parchment. He held it far away, staring at the name written on it. long silence, deng

Bullido stared at the note in his hand, and everyone in the Great Hall stared at Dumbledore. Then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read aloud—

"Harry Potter!".

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