Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1073 Hermione: Are You Sure You Want To Talk About School Rules With Me, A Gryffindor! ?

In the end, maybe it was because Qing Zhang and Harry Potter were really too young, or maybe Mad-Eye Moody broke in and convinced the two principals with some conspiracy theories.

It seems that this is the plan.

Regarding this, Qing Zhang secretly looked at Professor Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim. It is really hard for people to think deeply about how easy these two people compromised. Forget about Professor Karkaroff, his own purpose is not pure. But this Beauxbaton's half-blood giantess headmaster made Qing Zhang a little confused.

Doesn't she want her students to win the Triwizard Tournament!? If she wants to win, it stands to reason that she shouldn't give up fighting for more interests so easily. Even if Hogwarts can't reduce one warrior, she still has to demand The school should make up one more student.

Obviously, this is not in line with the thinking of maximizing interests.

Didn't you notice that Miss Fleur Delacour is depressed at the moment, with a look of hesitation!? She must also be a little bit ignorant of her principal's actions.

Just when everyone was thinking differently, Mr. Crouch walked into the light circle of the fire and broke the silence.

"Since there are no opinions, then I will give guidance to the warriors next!?"

He looked very haggard, with two deep shadows under his eyes, his wrinkled skin was as white and transparent as paper, and there were many bloodshot eyes in his eyes, which made people feel very uncomfortable to look at.

After everyone nodded, he didn't delay, and said straightforwardly~:

"The first project is to test your guts, so we're not going to tell you what it is. Facing the unknown is an important element of being a wizard."

"I want to emphasize that the first event will be held on November 20th and must be completed in front of other students and the referee team. At the same time, when completing the event, the warrior must not request or accept any instructions from his teacher. Help. The only weapon the warrior has in his first challenge is his wand.

"After the first project is over, you will learn about the second project. Due to the high requirements of the competition and the long duration, the warriors will not participate in the school year exam. Do you have any comments!?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his attention to Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim and Professor Karkaroff. Seeing that none of them raised any different opinions, he finally spoke to Qing Zhang.

"That's all I want to say, do you have any other questions now!? If not, you can go back.

Ms. Maxim nodded coldly, then put her arm around Fleur's shoulders, and led her out of the room quickly. Qing Zhang and the others could hear the two of them communicating quickly in French as they walked towards the auditorium, and their voices could also be lowered so that people could not easily hear them.

But the general meaning is not difficult to guess, one is to discuss the strategy, and the other is to solve the confusion for Furong.

Karkaroff was even more direct, saying hello to Krum, and he left without saying a word.

Professor McGonagall looked at Qing Zhang and Harry, and said, "You guys go back to rest earlier, we still have something to talk about, um, let's talk about it.

After finishing speaking, Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, who was caressing the long white beard, with some serious eyes.

Qing Zhang and Harry looked at each other without stopping, walked out of the room side by side, and obediently closed the door for the professors.

However, he still vaguely heard Professor McGonagall's scolding voice that shook the room like a lion's roar from the east of the river.

"Uh...that, I really don't know what's going on!? I can swear, I'm not lying." On the way to the auditorium, Harry hesitated for a long time before explaining to Zhang.

In fact, he and Qing Zhang didn't have any enmity. If Ron and Hermione didn't deal with each other, and even didn't like Qing Zhang who had a good relationship with Hermione, Harry felt that they didn't need to be hostile to each other. .

Of course, Harry sometimes envies Qing Zhang, even a little jealous, not because he has a good relationship with Hermione, but because Qing Zhang is so good, which makes Harry feel very inferior, and even gave birth to Ruo Qing Zhang. If it's Harry Potter, then won't it shame the halo of the savior!?

Perhaps even Aunt Petunia and the others would like it, but he had never seen anyone who disliked Qing Zhang, including the professors, and even Filch greeted Qing Zhang with a smile when he saw him (Qing Zhang and Fei Erqi shared the experience of raising cats with each other).

Qing Zhang looked at Harry strangely, wondering why the other party wanted to explain to him. After all, they rarely talked, and they were similar to ordinary classmates, and they only stopped at the point of acquaintance.

But he still said, "You don't need to feel guilty or uneasy. In fact, Mr. Bagman is right. No matter what the reason, since you have been selected by the Goblet of Fire, you are a recognized warrior. I hope you can Take it seriously, after all, it's about the face of the school."

"Ah...that's it." Harry didn't expect that Qing Zhang would react like this. He thought that the other party would feel that he had robbed him of half of his light, and he would be dissatisfied. He didn't expect the reaction to be so bland.

"You also think I'm insignificant and weak!?" He remembered the contempt of Furong and the others before.

Qing Zhang shrugged, "It depends on what you think. Sorry, I'm not very good at comforting people."

"However, I think that if you say [I can't do anything] at this time, maybe you will become stronger." After Qing Zhang patted the sensitive savior on the shoulder, he hurried away Yes, he had already seen Hermione and the others.

Looking at Qing Zhang's figure going away, Harry opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't catch up. He was still thinking about the meaning of Qing Zhang's last sentence, why he said "I will change my mind if I can't do anything! ?

When Harry came to the auditorium, Ron, who had been waiting there early, grabbed his arm, "Harry, you are really amazing, when you get back to the dormitory, you have to tell me how you did it." of!?"

"They don't even believe that you did it by yourself, don't they all think that only Hermione's little boyfriend can be a warrior!? My God, it's the turn of the brave, is there anyone like us Gryffindors!?"

Harry listened to Ron's chatter in his ear, and he felt very irritated.

"As I said, I did not put my name into the Goblet of Fire."

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, it's not suitable to say yes here, then let's go back soon." Ron didn't seem to listen at all.

This made Harry so sulky that he didn't bother to explain.

On the other side, Qing Zhang was congratulated by many students along the way, even Cedric was no exception, but Hermione stared back at them forcefully, the little witch felt that these people didn't understand the situation at all, it was a triwizard struggle for hegemony Sai, it's very dangerous, how come no one realizes this.

0 for flowers...

To be honest, when Dumbledore pronounced Harry's name, Hermione was full of anticipation, and kept praying that Qing Zhang would be brushed off and not need to participate in this dangerous competition.

You see, there is only one warrior in other schools. "They Hogwarts can't do something special as a figure, right!?

Besides, Qing Zhang, who is of an oriental race, is thinner and smaller than Harry, so anyone with a discerning eye knows how to choose it!? Not to mention that Harry is still a Gryffindor Seeker, and has a wealth of contestants Experience, to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, the mentality will be very stable.

It's a pity that Merlin is an unreliable old man, and Hermione's prayers are useless.

Luna patted the back of Qing Zhang's hand, making Qing Zhang, who was talking about the previous situation in the room with other friends, notice Hermione who was in a wrong mood. Headache.

How did it make him look like a scumbag who joined the army privately and was about to go to the front line to die and leave his fiancée behind!?

"Well... Hermione, you don't need to be so worried. I can assure you that it is not dangerous at all, otherwise the Ministry of Magic would not approve the holding. If there are real casualties, the Minister of Magic may have to step down.

Hermione stared at Qing Zhang with tears in her eyes, "But I'm still worried, why do you have to participate!? And..."

Speaking of which, Hermione glared at Cedric, who hadn't gone far. It was in vain that she trusted him so much, but Cedric, a senior, turned out to be so useless.

You said that if you were more aggressive, how could there be so many things!?

Hannah and the others saw this scene, looked at each other, and prepared to leave with interest, leaving a space for the two of them to be alone, and took away Luna, the light bulb junior, by the way.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't cry, or Professor McGonagall will think I'm bullying you when they see it!" Qing Zhang coaxed Hermione, hugging Hermione after the others left.

Hermione raised her foot and stomped on one of Qing Zhang's feet fiercely, "You also said that you just bullied me and asked you to make your own opinions without consulting with me. Do you believe that I told my uncles and aunts!?"

This time it was Hermione's turn to threaten Qing Zhang. The last time was last school year, when Qing Zhang was in the school hospital, it was Hermione who filled in too many subjects and threatened Hermione to tell her parents if she was not good.

This can be described as a turn of events.

Seeing that Qing Zhang was in pain, Hermione felt better. After wiping away her tears, she dragged Qing Zhang Wang towards the library, "While there is still time, I have to learn more magic groups!"

Qing Zhang let him be dragged away without struggling and resisting, but he still reminded, "At this time... I... think the library is closed..."

Hearing this, Hermione stopped her pace, turned her head and glared at Qing Zhang viciously, "Don't you know the invisibility spell!?"

"This night excursion violates school rules..."

"Shut up! What school rules are you talking about with a Gryffindor!?"

Qing·Zhang: "... Zhang".

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