On Sunday morning, Qing Zhang habitually wanted to stay in bed, but was pulled up early by Ernie and Justin, who were in the same dormitory. They seemed to plan to talk more about the Triwizard Tournament, and they couldn't wait any longer.

In fact, when he came to the auditorium, Qing Zhang found that the Hufflepuff students all got up very early today, and they were eating breakfast very slowly. It was a lift of spirits.

Oh, he forgot that besides Yi, the ones who love to eat melons the most are the little badgers.

But Ravenclaw's eaglets will pay special attention to some conspiracy theories, fatalism and various in-depth issues-for example, who is the third party in the triangle of Malfoy, Potter and Weasley! ?

As for Gryffindor and Slytherin, you need to be cautious when interacting with students from these two colleges. The former may be out of their wits to hurt you, and the latter may deliberately use you to betray you.

After Qing Zhang sat down, he knocked on the dining table with his hand and signaled to order food, when the Hufflepuff classmates rushed over, all wanting to get first-hand information from Qing Zhang.

However, some students, such as Hannah, looked at the Gryffindor long dining table strangely. At this time, Ron Weasley, who usually sleeps until he wakes up naturally on Sundays, woke up early. The strange thing is, Harry Potter, who was inseparable from him, saw no one.

Ron was talking to everyone in Gryffindor, with a look of righteous indignation, and Hannah even felt that Ron might stand up on the chair with his feet on "zero one zero" in the next moment.

However, the reason why Hannah looked at Gryffindor was not to see Ron and the others, because before Qing Zhang arrived, they had already heard how Ron told Harry that he was dishonest, and even the best He is unwilling to share with his friends, but to give sincerity, Ron said that he misunderstood Harry, and Harry didn't regard him as a good friend at all.

In short, it was just that the two had an awkward situation.

Didn’t you see Ravenclaw whispering!? Because a Ravenclaw table is very close to Hufflepuff, Hannah still heard some key words, such as “Malfoy

"Take advantage of the void" and "the ultimate winner" and so on, seem to be some very profound questions, which make people blush.

As for Slytherin, just ignore them, these little snakes will only sneer from time to time, looking at people with evil intentions, as if they are paying attention to something "bad" all the time.

What is strange to Hannah is that she usually wakes up early even on Sundays, and Hermione, who is recognized as the most hardworking in Hogwarts, has not come today.

"Hermione, is she sick!?" Hannah wanted to ask the girl in Gryffindor who shared the bed with Hermione, but she glanced at Lavender Brown and the others who were surrounding Ron who was giving a passionate speech , Surrounded by a group of Gryffindor students, Hannah looked at her small body and hesitated.

She was afraid that she would be squeezed into a slice of ham in a sandwich in the past.

After answering the little badgers who wanted to know what happened in the small room behind the staff desk after he left the long Hufflepuff table last night, Qing Zhang thought that he could finally have a good breakfast, but he didn't expect Hermione to say this. Time will hurry up with a newspaper.

It seems that his complexion is not just ugly because he went back to sleep very late last night!

"Why don't you sleep a little longer!?" Qingzhang felt helpless for the little witch who was about to give birth to hot wheels at her feet. Is it necessary to work so hard on Sunday!? Can't you sleep well until you wake up naturally!? Wouldn't the world be ruined if you were lazy for a day? Doomsday fails!?

It was difficult for him to understand Hermione's "stubbornness" in this regard.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, something big has happened!" Hermione and Hannah greeted briefly, then spread out a copy of the "Daily Prophet" that was delivered early this morning, and took pictures of the white meal in front of Qing Zhang. On the tablecloth, let the teacups shake once or twice.

"How could they!? Isn't this nonsense!?" Hermione seemed very angry.

"What's the matter!?" Hannah and the others also leaned over and asked, Hermione's expression was so gloomy that she was about to squeeze out the water, which was a little scary.

What's more, she doesn't seem to have even taken care of her hair well before going out.

The fluffy hair, with many small forks exposed, looks messy. What's more, Hermione still has dark circles under her eyes that cannot be concealed today, making her look very haggard.

"Look for yourselves!" Hermione said hoarsely, pinning her drooping hair behind her ears, and pointing to the front page of the newspaper.

Qing Zhang raised his eyebrows. Although he also subscribes to the "Daily Prophet", he doesn't read the newspaper as soon as it is delivered. He usually only picks it up to read when he is free. Today, it is even more so. I was dragged out by Ernie and the others, and I don’t know if the poor owl is still knocking on the window glass persistently!?

"Let me have a look!?" Qing Zhang picked up the newspaper and read it after three seconds of silence for the poor newspaper owl.

I saw it at the first glance, the big headline title "Triwizard Tournament, two Hogwarts warriors, who is the despicable one!?".

Good guy, I don't know who wrote it. This content, between the lines, says that compared to the famous "Boy Who Lived", Qing Zhang, the unknown "clown", is a dirty trick. , who sent himself to the position of a warrior, also appealed to everyone to let the despicable people down, and not to try to snatch the glory that belongs to Harry Potter.

The general meaning is that, as a baby, Harry was able to defeat the mysterious man and save the hero of the wizarding world. He deserved his name as one of the warriors in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry has this strength, but he cannot Treat him as an ordinary little wizard, and there is no need to doubt that he can cross the age line set by Dumbledore. This is the strength that the "Boy Who Lived" should have.

As for Qing Zhang, an unknown little wizard from a Muggle family who doesn’t know where he came from, how can he become a Hogwarts warrior with Harry Potter!? According to his parents Is it a Muggle!? Or because he's a Hufflepuff!?

Some disgraceful means must have been used.

After Hannah and the others squeezed their heads and finished reading, everyone was dumbfounded, what is this all about!?

And when it comes to disgraceful methods, you are always talking about what methods are used to be disgraceful!? Compared with Qing Zhang, who threw a note in front of everyone, it is really shameful, not sneaky Harry Potter who signed up before anyone finds out!?

And afterward, Harry still refused to admit that he had done it.

To be honest, there is really no need to deny that being able to cross the age line set by Dumbledore and succeed in signing up is a very powerful thing worth showing off. You must know that Dumbledore is known as "the greatest white wizard of this century" He was a legendary wizard who once defeated two generations of Dark Lords. Although Voldemort was not defeated by him himself, it was also because of the Order of the Phoenix led by him that the safety of many people at that time was protected.

And it is undeniable that even in the peak period of Voldemort, he did not dare to face Dumbledore, he was afraid of the legendary white wizard.

Therefore, being able to successfully overcome the restriction set by Dumbledore is definitely a matter of glory.

Why are people in Gryffindor willing to listen to Ron telling Harry that he is dishonest and not enough friends? It is entirely because they simply cannot figure out why Harry still denies it now!?

I don't think Harry is Gryffindor at all.

"This.....this...........isn't that too much!?"

"I also think it's too much, it's simply a confuse of black and white, and it's a nonsense fabrication." Hermione said angrily.

Susan Burns noticed the reporter's name, and suddenly realized, "Look, this is reported by Rita Skeeter, no wonder, that woman did such a thing, it's not surprising at all."

"She likes to fabricate some false information to attract people's attention, so everyone doesn't like her very much, and my aunt also annoys her. Do you know that this woman also wrote "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" In the book, she fabricated a lot of false information about Principal Dumbledore. The most absurd thing in it was that she believed that the mysterious man was one of Dumbledore's vests, in order to direct and act on her own so that she could become a person who could not offend anyone. Big shot..0°

Justin Fenriely was a little anxious, "It doesn't matter what happened to her, what is more important now is what we should do!? It is obvious that with the spread of the "Daily Prophet", Zhang is afraid that he will attract many Please, should we go to the professor!?"

In fact, in the 1990s, the Internet had not yet been fully popularized, and the wizarding community was a small closed society that wanted to deal with backwardness and relied on newspapers to disseminate and receive information. Once this report came out, it was the same as the modern Internet violence caused by official rumors. Children in school are just as serious, no, maybe a little more serious.

Not to mention Rita Skeeter's character, but Harry Potter, the other party involved in the report, is enough to make this matter from small to big, even though four years have passed, but Harry Potter's name Heads are still talked about by many wizards for many years, even more traffic stars than traffic stars.

As for Qing Zhang, he spent four years letting the teachers and students of Hogwarts know his "talent", and won the unanimous approval of most people. But this is useless, because this only stays within a small campus, and Qing Zhang is still a nobody outside, so the instigation of Rita Skeeter's false remarks may really give Qing Zhang Zhang brought a lot of trouble.

This did not appear in the original book. At that time, it was Harry Potter who was bullied by the Internet. It was not because of Cedric Diggory's wealth and background, but as a person who was in line with the Sangqiang Tournament in every way. The legitimacy and legitimacy of Cedric, a warrior who participated in the competition conditions, cannot be questioned at all. On the contrary, the appearance of Harry Potter has some unknown flavor in it.

Moreover, people will sympathize with the weak. At that time, Cedric, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were the weak ones. They were obviously treated unfairly. In addition, Harry had always denied that he signed up for this school. This incident caused people to question Harry's character, so there was an uproar.

Now one of the protagonists is changed from Cedric to Qing Zhang, and all this has changed again, but Qing Zhang is the first to be questioned.

"You don't need to do anything." Qing Zhang put down the newspaper, without any emotion on his face, and even had the leisure and elegance to enjoy the already cold 5.0 breakfast.

It is really irrational to find a teacher at this time, and it will make many people laugh at me, especially in the two schools of outsiders, the Hogwarts warrior is actually a little boy who knows how to cry for a teacher when something happens Baby, that's definitely not a good thing.

And even if he didn't go to the professors, wouldn't the professors know about it!? Would they just let it go!?

At this time, the more calm you are, the less you will take it seriously. On the contrary, it is the best way, and it can make other people look up to you.

As for whether he is qualified to be a Hogwarts warrior, everything will be known after the competition officially starts, and it's enough to slap him with facts. Anyway, it's only a month, so there's no need to be impatient.

As for Rita Skeeter, Qing Zhang, who has always had a big heart, will let her know that some people cannot be offended. Draco Malfoy has the most say in this point. He fainted because of picky eaters and hunger last school year. became the biggest joke of the year, listen

Said that his parents had to cover their faces when they went out, for fear that they would be recognized by acquaintances as the rumored weird parents.

Draco Malfoy almost died completely. Even Ron could laugh at him. Every time he met him, he would pretend to faint from hunger, and he also learned Draco's catchphrase "Dad, I

Want to eat candy..."

In short, Qing Zhang is definitely a broad-minded person, and there is no one who says no, just like those who buy parachutes and never have negative reviews. .

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