Comprehensive Manga: Reincarnated In Countless Worlds

1076 Bagman: Take A Sip And Be As Happy As A Fairy!

"Detect wand!?"

Harry, who had just arrived, was a little confused and walked into the queue. After hearing Bagman's words, he showed a puzzled expression.

What's so good about the magic wand? Can the magic wand cheat!?

"Yes, it is to test the wand. Bagman seems to be particularly friendly and patient with Harry, "We must check that your wands are fully functional and in good condition, because in the future competitions, wands are the most important thing for you equipment. "

"By the way, the expert is already upstairs. Together with Dumbledore, you can just hand over the wand to him later. Then we will take a few photos, and you have seen the photographer. And this is Rita Skeeter, she's writing a little article about the Contest for the Daily Prophet. …"

After Bagman patiently said a few words to Harry, he turned to Qing Zhang and the three of them introduced the man with a big belly and the witch in a magenta robe.

"Maybe it won't be that small, Ludo," Rita Skeeter said, keeping her eyes on Harry.

Her hair was done in delicate, stiff, curly curls, which looked particularly awkward with her big-jawed face. She wore bejeweled glasses, clutched an alligator bag in her fat fingers, and had two-inch nails painted red.

"Before we start, can I have a few words with Harry!?" She asked Bagman again, but her eyes were still firmly on Harry, "Just a few words, don't delay the matter Yes. It's the Boy Who Lived, you know . . . to spice up the article."

"No problem!" Bagman didn't seem to care about the feelings of Harry and the four warriors, Qing and Zhang. Harry asked with a smile, "So......Harry, would you object!?"

"Uh——" Harry looked at the other three warriors at a loss, and then at Bagman and Rita Skeeter who were staring at him, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Great." But just after he uttered such a simple syllable, Rita Skeeter seemed to really think that he had agreed, and she grabbed it with her bright red claws in the blink of an eye. Harry's arm, pulled it out of the room, opened a door next to it, and entered a small storage room where the broom was kept.

Seeing this, Fleur and Krum couldn't help frowning, but Bagman smiled and didn't care.

Qing Zhang was sneering, he moved his finger slightly, and secretly cast a curse on the reporter witch, causing the other party to be unlucky for a long time. He didn't forget that this guy had been fanning the flames in the "Daily Prophet" before, pointing the finger at him in order to gain attention. He could imagine that once he performed poorly, when he left Hogwarts on vacation, maybe There are really a few Harry Potter fans who want to teach him a lesson under the banner of defending Harry and defending the injustice.

It's not that Qing Zhang is over-guessing, but that not all wizards in the wizarding world are sane, otherwise they wouldn't have been fooled by Lockhart at the time, and Lockhart was awarded the Merlin Second Class Medal. This is a result that has not been verified by the official department. Sanity is really a rare treasure for most wizards.

Don’t talk about the far ones, let’s talk about the near ones. Sirius Black is the most irrational representative. Believe it or not, this guy’s first reaction after reading the "Daily Prophet" was that his godson was being bullied, instead of going to Wonder if this is true!?

After Harry was taken away by Rita Skeeter, she was dazed for a long time before she came back to her senses, and then said to Bagman who let him go with righteous indignation, "Mr. Ludo Bagman, I think this Isn't it a bit too much, the time of the three of us is very precious, when you promise each other, shouldn't you also ask for our opinions! 々々?"

When she was questioning, she also pulled Qing Zhang to make her look not alone. As for Viktor Krum, he was sneering gloomyly, and he had no intention of taking a step forward. , ignore Furong's small eyes, and act as a transparent person the whole time.

This made Fleur Delacour secretly scold "idiots". If she doesn't protest at this time, there will be more unfair treatment later. She knows these officials too well. Know how to watch people download.

Especially when the respective principals are not present, these guys don’t care about the opinions of these little shrimps. Didn’t they ask a question without seeing the other party’s question at the time!? At this time, they went forward to protest together, and it can make the other party realize that they are not That kind of soft bastard whose character has been ruined is better now, and there is one who doesn't cooperate at all.

Durmstrang guy, it really is unreasonable.

"Oh!? Sorry, but I don't think it will take too long. Reporter Rita Skeeter assured me that it would only be a few words. Bagman glanced at Fu Rong and Qing Zhang, and then Looking at the indifferent Krum over there, he said with a smile still on his face.

"Otherwise, if she really wastes too much time, I will stop it."

Furong heard that, although she was still a little dissatisfied, she could only agree, after all, she would not hit the smiling face, and if she continued, she would appear to be making trouble for no reason.

"Okay, okay...hope you can do it."

As she spoke, she also pulled Qing Zhang back, but her eyes were fixed on the direction of the storage room that Harry and the others had entered.

One minute...

two minutes………………

...Thirty minutes have passed.....

The three of Qing and Zhang stared at Bagman expressionlessly, but unfortunately the old man seemed to have a thick skin, and he continued to smile and comfort him, "Be patient, child, we should be tolerant, this time is really not enough That's too long..."

"No, I think that's enough." Before Bagman finished speaking, Dumbledore led an acquaintance Ollivander, Professor Karkaroff, and Ms. Maxim into the classroom with great strides. Looking in the direction of the storage room, "We've all been waiting impatiently, haven't we!?"

His voice was a little cold, and seemed a little angry.

Bagman finally changed his expression, "You're right, Albus, it's been a while."

After Dumbledore glanced at him, he walked directly to the door of the storage room, and he pushed it open, letting the sound of being locked come out.

"I don't have tears in my eyes!" Harry's angry and irritable voice reached the ears of everyone outside.

Fu Rong sneered when she heard the words, and looked at the old thing Bagman, but to Fu Rong's disappointment, the old thing seemed to have not heard the grievances and anger of the little boy inside, and still wore the same hypocritical smile as before.

"I would turn down her one-on-one interview, I don't think there is anything worse than being alone with someone.

After leaving a strange sentence, Fu Rong stopped looking at that old thing. To be honest, she regretted participating in the Laoshizi Triwizard Tournament. So many injustices happened before her eyes. , can you still watch this game after it starts!?

"Dumbledore!" Rita Skeeter didn't seem to be unhappy because of being disturbed by the uninvited guests, but it seemed that the visitors who entered the door looked very happy.

Her quill and parchment disappeared from the box of magic stain remover the instant she turned her head, and her claws hurriedly buttoned her crocodile handbag, all so naturally and quickly, but of course it couldn't be hidden The eyes of Dumbledore, the legendary wizard.

Dumbledore didn't look at her, but glanced at Harry, whose face was red and the veins on his forehead hadn't disappeared. After seeing that he was fine, he turned his head to look at Rita Skeeter, and said with burning eyes; it's really great, " I especially loved reading the part where you made me look like a petrified old madman."

Rita Skeeter showed no sign of shyness, "I just want to say that some of your views are a bit outdated, Dumbledore, many wizards out there

"I'd like to hear your frank reasoning, Rita." Dumbledore interrupted the other party's sophistry, bowed politely with a smile, and then continued, "But I'm afraid we have to talk about this issue later. Now. The wand-testing ceremony is about to begin, and if one of our brave men hides in the broom closet, the ceremony cannot take place."

When Dumbledore entered, Ms. Maxim had already seated the three warriors outside. Her complexion was not much better than that of Fleur Delacour, and she was obviously very angry.

After Harry came out and sat in the other vacant seat of Qing Zhang, Dumbledore took his seat on the referee's seat. As for Rita Skeeter, he found a corner and sat down, and then took out the Her quill and parchment.

Allow me to introduce Mr. Ollivander. He's going to check your wands to make sure they're in good shape before the game. "

An old wizard with two big pale eyes stepped forward while Dumbledore was speaking, nodding to the four warriors.

This old wizard who runs a dilapidated and small wand shop in Diagon Alley obviously has extraordinary skills. He can basically analyze the materials added to the production of the wand as soon as he gets started. Part of the information of the author and so on.

I have to say that the fact that the shop has been open for so long is not because the business is monopolized by their family, but because they really have extraordinary skills, and making magic wands is not an easy task, Qing Zhang I noticed that Ollivander's hands had been corroded by something.

You must know that there is no way to completely heal the injury in the wizarding world. It is definitely super serious. It seems that the craftsmanship of making wands is not absolutely safe. Many materials have different magical powers. An accident is definitely not as good as being hit by a black wizard. The jinx is poor.

Olivando's detection work did not take too long, and his professionalism also made the warriors who were able to watch how to detect the wand up close for the first time enjoy watching it with great interest, and it was over before they knew it. Some ideas are still unfinished.

"Thank you all. Now you can go back to class - (Li Qian's) maybe it's more convenient to go straight to dinner, anyway, they will be over soon. Dumbledore will return the wand in due time after Ollivander returned it. He stood up and planned to announce the dismissal of Qin.

But Bagman stopped everyone, "Wait, take a photo, Dumbledore, take a photo! The referee and the warrior need to take a group photo."

The greasy man with a big belly and a black camera also coughed at this time, reminding everyone of his existence.

It took a long time to take pictures. Ms. Maxim blocked others no matter where she stood, and the room was too small for the photographer to stand far enough to get her into the shot; she ended up sitting down while the others stood around her.

Karkaroff kept running his fingers around his goatee, trying to make it into a curl. Krum is dodging behind everyone. This time, Furong stood in a conspicuous position generously, and took out a small mirror to check her current appearance before taking pictures.

Qing Zhang and Harry, because they are the youngest and the shortest, stood at the front. When they took pictures, they both had expressionless faces.

Dumbledore was smiling, as if he had forgotten the previous unhappiness.

Oh, by the way, maybe Qing Zhang's bad luck curse took effect. During the photo shoot, Rita Skeeter sneezed big and let out a long, smelly fart at the same time, and she just stood there. Beside Bagman, so... Mr. Bagman's expression was ecstasy at the time.

When everyone was finally able to leave, the others had already finished class and had already eaten in the auditorium. .

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